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1 recherche sur le mot-clé 'Asperger-syndrome High-functioning-autism Non-social-cognitive-tests Response-times'
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Disembedding performance in children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism / Nils KALAND in Autism, 11-1 (January 2007)
Titre : Disembedding performance in children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Nils KALAND, Auteur ; Erik Lykke MORTENSEN, Auteur ; Lars SMITH, Auteur Année de publication : 2007 Article en page(s) : p.81-92 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Asperger-syndrome High-functioning-autism Non-social-cognitive-tests Response-times Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : The aim of the present study was to assess the findings, reported in earlier studies, that individuals with autism spectrum disorders process visuo-spatial tasks faster than typically developing control persons. The participants in the present study were children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) (N = 13), and a matched group of typically developing children and adolescents (N = 13). The results showed that the participants in the clinical group performed marginally less well than those in the control group on both the Block Design Test and the Embedded Figures Test, but the differences were not statistically significant. Thus, earlier findings suggesting that individuals with autism spectrum disorders solve non-social cognitive tasks faster than typically developing control persons were not replicated. The results are discussed with special reference to the hypothesis of weak central coherence. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362361307070988 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=579
in Autism > 11-1 (January 2007) . - p.81-92[article] Disembedding performance in children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Nils KALAND, Auteur ; Erik Lykke MORTENSEN, Auteur ; Lars SMITH, Auteur . - 2007 . - p.81-92.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Autism > 11-1 (January 2007) . - p.81-92
Mots-clés : Asperger-syndrome High-functioning-autism Non-social-cognitive-tests Response-times Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : The aim of the present study was to assess the findings, reported in earlier studies, that individuals with autism spectrum disorders process visuo-spatial tasks faster than typically developing control persons. The participants in the present study were children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA) (N = 13), and a matched group of typically developing children and adolescents (N = 13). The results showed that the participants in the clinical group performed marginally less well than those in the control group on both the Block Design Test and the Embedded Figures Test, but the differences were not statistically significant. Thus, earlier findings suggesting that individuals with autism spectrum disorders solve non-social cognitive tasks faster than typically developing control persons were not replicated. The results are discussed with special reference to the hypothesis of weak central coherence. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362361307070988 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=579