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1 recherche sur le mot-clé 'Computer-based instruction'
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Use of computer-based interventions to improve literacy skills in students with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review / Sathiyaprakash RAMDOSS in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5-4 (October-December 2011)
Titre : Use of computer-based interventions to improve literacy skills in students with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Sathiyaprakash RAMDOSS, Auteur ; Austin MULLOY, Auteur ; Russell B. LANG, Auteur ; Mark O'REILLY, Auteur ; Jeff SIGAFOOS, Auteur ; Giulio E. LANCIONI, Auteur ; Robert DIDDEN, Auteur ; Farah EL ZEIN, Auteur Année de publication : 2011 Article en page(s) : p.1306-1318 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Autism spectrum disorders Computer-based instruction Literacy Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : The purpose of this review is to provide a systematic analysis of studies investigating computer-based interventions (CBI) to improve literacy skills (e.g., reading, writing, and vocabulary) in students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This review synthesizes intervention outcomes, appraises the certainty of evidence, and describes software features and system requirements for each CBI. Across studies, CBI's effect on literacy skills was inconsistent. Some studies reported significant results and large effect sizes and other studies reported no improvements. Given the heterogeneity of the participants and the wide variety of literacy skills targeted for instruction, it is not possible from the existing literature to determine the variables most likely to be associated with effective CBI. Future research addressing this area as well as the relative effectiveness of CBI versus person delivered literacy instruction is warranted. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2011.03.004 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=125
in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders > 5-4 (October-December 2011) . - p.1306-1318[article] Use of computer-based interventions to improve literacy skills in students with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Sathiyaprakash RAMDOSS, Auteur ; Austin MULLOY, Auteur ; Russell B. LANG, Auteur ; Mark O'REILLY, Auteur ; Jeff SIGAFOOS, Auteur ; Giulio E. LANCIONI, Auteur ; Robert DIDDEN, Auteur ; Farah EL ZEIN, Auteur . - 2011 . - p.1306-1318.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders > 5-4 (October-December 2011) . - p.1306-1318
Mots-clés : Autism spectrum disorders Computer-based instruction Literacy Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : The purpose of this review is to provide a systematic analysis of studies investigating computer-based interventions (CBI) to improve literacy skills (e.g., reading, writing, and vocabulary) in students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This review synthesizes intervention outcomes, appraises the certainty of evidence, and describes software features and system requirements for each CBI. Across studies, CBI's effect on literacy skills was inconsistent. Some studies reported significant results and large effect sizes and other studies reported no improvements. Given the heterogeneity of the participants and the wide variety of literacy skills targeted for instruction, it is not possible from the existing literature to determine the variables most likely to be associated with effective CBI. Future research addressing this area as well as the relative effectiveness of CBI versus person delivered literacy instruction is warranted. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2011.03.004 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=125