180 Résultats de recherche pour Collectif Douleur


Articles parus en mars 2014 (Pubmed)

ABA, approches comportementales Adultes avec autisme Alimentation, nutrition Biomarqueurs Classifications Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie Communication, langage Education, Apprentissages Epilepsie…

2013-04-01 12:03:50

Pubmed du 01/04/13

1. {{Genetic defects behind fragile X-related disorders more common: Researchers find the incidence of one type of FMR1 allele double…

2013-11-01 12:03:50

Pubmed du 01/11/13

1. Badia M, Orgaz MB, Verdugo MA, Ullan AM, Martinez M. {{Relationships between Leisure Participation and Quality of Life of…


Pubmed du 01/08/23

1. Açıkel SB, Kara A, Bağcı Z, Can Ü. Serum trimethylamine N-oxide and lipopolysaccharide binding protein levels among children diagnosed…


Pubmed du 01/11/22

1. Drugs to Treat Various Neurodevelopmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services. 2022; 60(11):…