6972 Résultats de recherche pour Autisme


Pubmed du 25/06/22

1. Borrmann D, Danzer A, Sadowski G. Predicting the Water Sorption in ASDs. Pharmaceutics;2022 (May 31);14(6) Water decreases the stability…

2013-02-16 12:03:50

Pubmed du 16/02/13

1. Das UN. {{Nutritional factors in the pathobiology of autism}}. {Nutrition};2013 (Feb 11) Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access…

2017-09-10 12:03:50

Pubmed du 10/09/17

1. Ackerman S, Schoenbrun S, Hudac C, Bernier R. {{Erratum to: Interactive Effects of Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure and Likely Gene…

2019-10-12 12:03:50

Pubmed du 12/10/19

1. Andoh M, Ikegaya Y, Koyama R. {{Microglia as possible therapeutic targets for autism spectrum disorders}}. {Prog Mol Biol Transl…

2019-06-23 12:03:50

Pubmed du 23/06/19

1. Chen CM, Yang P, Wu MT, Chuang TC, Huang TY. {{Deriving and validating biomarkers associated with autism spectrum disorders…

2017-02-15 12:03:50

Pubmed du 15/02/17

1. Abraham A, Milham MP, Di Martino A, Craddock RC, Samaras D, Thirion B, Varoquaux G. {{Deriving reproducible biomarkers from…