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Auteur Lisa D. WIGGINS |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (37)
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ASD Screening with the Child Behavior Checklist/1.5-5 in the Study to Explore Early Development / S. E. LEVY in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49-6 (June 2019)
Titre : ASD Screening with the Child Behavior Checklist/1.5-5 in the Study to Explore Early Development Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : S. E. LEVY, Auteur ; L. A. RESCORLA, Auteur ; J. L. CHITTAMS, Auteur ; T. J. KRAL, Auteur ; E. J. MOODY, Auteur ; J. PANDEY, Auteur ; J. A. PINTO-MARTIN, Auteur ; A. T. POMYKACZ, Auteur ; A. RAMIREZ, Auteur ; N. REYES, Auteur ; C. R. ROSENBERG, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; A. THOMPSON, Auteur ; Larry J. YOUNG, Auteur ; J. ZHANG, Auteur ; Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.2348-2357 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Developmental delay (DD) Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : We analyzed CBCL/1(1/2)-5 Pervasive Developmental Problems (DSM-PDP) scores in 3- to 5-year-olds from the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), a multi-site case control study, with the objective to discriminate children with ASD (N = 656) from children with Developmental Delay (DD) (N = 646), children with Developmental Delay (DD) plus ASD features (DD-AF) (N = 284), and population controls (POP) (N = 827). ASD diagnosis was confirmed with the ADOS and ADI-R. With a cut-point of T >/= 65, sensitivity was 80% for ASD, with specificity varying across groups: POP (0.93), DD-noAF (0.85), and DD-AF (0.50). One-way ANOVA yielded a large group effect (eta(2) = 0.50). Our results support the CBCL/1(1/2)-5's as a time-efficient ASD screener for identifying preschoolers needing further evaluation. En ligne : https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-03895-4 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=400
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 49-6 (June 2019) . - p.2348-2357[article] ASD Screening with the Child Behavior Checklist/1.5-5 in the Study to Explore Early Development [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / S. E. LEVY, Auteur ; L. A. RESCORLA, Auteur ; J. L. CHITTAMS, Auteur ; T. J. KRAL, Auteur ; E. J. MOODY, Auteur ; J. PANDEY, Auteur ; J. A. PINTO-MARTIN, Auteur ; A. T. POMYKACZ, Auteur ; A. RAMIREZ, Auteur ; N. REYES, Auteur ; C. R. ROSENBERG, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; A. THOMPSON, Auteur ; Larry J. YOUNG, Auteur ; J. ZHANG, Auteur ; Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur . - p.2348-2357.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 49-6 (June 2019) . - p.2348-2357
Mots-clés : Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Developmental delay (DD) Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : We analyzed CBCL/1(1/2)-5 Pervasive Developmental Problems (DSM-PDP) scores in 3- to 5-year-olds from the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), a multi-site case control study, with the objective to discriminate children with ASD (N = 656) from children with Developmental Delay (DD) (N = 646), children with Developmental Delay (DD) plus ASD features (DD-AF) (N = 284), and population controls (POP) (N = 827). ASD diagnosis was confirmed with the ADOS and ADI-R. With a cut-point of T >/= 65, sensitivity was 80% for ASD, with specificity varying across groups: POP (0.93), DD-noAF (0.85), and DD-AF (0.50). One-way ANOVA yielded a large group effect (eta(2) = 0.50). Our results support the CBCL/1(1/2)-5's as a time-efficient ASD screener for identifying preschoolers needing further evaluation. En ligne : https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-019-03895-4 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=400 Associations between parental broader autism phenotype and child autism spectrum disorder phenotype in the Study to Explore Early Development / E. RUBENSTEIN in Autism, 23-2 (February 2019)
Titre : Associations between parental broader autism phenotype and child autism spectrum disorder phenotype in the Study to Explore Early Development Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : E. RUBENSTEIN, Auteur ; Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; C. BRADLEY, Auteur ; Carolyn G. DIGUISEPPI, Auteur ; E. MOODY, Auteur ; J. PANDEY, Auteur ; R. E. PRETZEL, Auteur ; A. G. HOWARD, Auteur ; A. F. OLSHAN, Auteur ; B. W. PENCE, Auteur ; J. DANIELS, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.436-448 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : autism spectrum disorder broader autism phenotype endophenotypes subgrouping Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : The autism spectrum disorder phenotype varies by social and communication ability and co-occurring developmental, behavioral, and medical conditions. Etiology is also diverse, with myriad potential genetic origins and environmental risk factors. Examining the influence of parental broader autism phenotype-a set of sub-clinical characteristics of autism spectrum disorder-on child autism spectrum disorder phenotypes may help reduce heterogeneity in potential genetic predisposition for autism spectrum disorder. We assessed the associations between parental broader autism phenotype and child phenotype among children of age 30-68 months enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development (N = 707). Child autism spectrum disorder phenotype was defined by a replication of latent classes derived from multiple developmental and behavioral measures: Mild Language Delay with Cognitive Rigidity, Mild Language and Motor Delay with Dysregulation (e.g. anxiety/depression), General Developmental Delay, and Significant Developmental Delay with Repetitive Motor Behaviors. Scores on the Social Responsiveness Scale-Adult measured parent broader autism phenotype. Broader autism phenotype in at least one parent was associated with a child having increased odds of being classified as mild language and motor delay with dysregulation compared to significant developmental delay with repetitive motor behaviors (odds ratio: 2.44; 95% confidence interval: 1.16, 5.09). Children of parents with broader autism phenotype were more likely to have a phenotype qualitatively similar to broader autism phenotype presentation; this may have implications for etiologic research. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362361317753563 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=383
in Autism > 23-2 (February 2019) . - p.436-448[article] Associations between parental broader autism phenotype and child autism spectrum disorder phenotype in the Study to Explore Early Development [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / E. RUBENSTEIN, Auteur ; Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; C. BRADLEY, Auteur ; Carolyn G. DIGUISEPPI, Auteur ; E. MOODY, Auteur ; J. PANDEY, Auteur ; R. E. PRETZEL, Auteur ; A. G. HOWARD, Auteur ; A. F. OLSHAN, Auteur ; B. W. PENCE, Auteur ; J. DANIELS, Auteur . - p.436-448.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Autism > 23-2 (February 2019) . - p.436-448
Mots-clés : autism spectrum disorder broader autism phenotype endophenotypes subgrouping Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : The autism spectrum disorder phenotype varies by social and communication ability and co-occurring developmental, behavioral, and medical conditions. Etiology is also diverse, with myriad potential genetic origins and environmental risk factors. Examining the influence of parental broader autism phenotype-a set of sub-clinical characteristics of autism spectrum disorder-on child autism spectrum disorder phenotypes may help reduce heterogeneity in potential genetic predisposition for autism spectrum disorder. We assessed the associations between parental broader autism phenotype and child phenotype among children of age 30-68 months enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development (N = 707). Child autism spectrum disorder phenotype was defined by a replication of latent classes derived from multiple developmental and behavioral measures: Mild Language Delay with Cognitive Rigidity, Mild Language and Motor Delay with Dysregulation (e.g. anxiety/depression), General Developmental Delay, and Significant Developmental Delay with Repetitive Motor Behaviors. Scores on the Social Responsiveness Scale-Adult measured parent broader autism phenotype. Broader autism phenotype in at least one parent was associated with a child having increased odds of being classified as mild language and motor delay with dysregulation compared to significant developmental delay with repetitive motor behaviors (odds ratio: 2.44; 95% confidence interval: 1.16, 5.09). Children of parents with broader autism phenotype were more likely to have a phenotype qualitatively similar to broader autism phenotype presentation; this may have implications for etiologic research. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362361317753563 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=383 Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Among Children Enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45-10 (October 2015)
Titre : Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Among Children Enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; Susan E. LEVY, Auteur ; Julie L. DANIELS, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; Lisa A. CROEN, Auteur ; Carolyn G. DIGUISEPPI, Auteur ; Lisa BLASKEY, Auteur ; Ellen GIARELLI, Auteur ; Li-Ching LEE, Auteur ; Jennifer PINTO-MARTIN, Auteur ; Ann REYNOLDS, Auteur ; Catherine RICE, Auteur ; Cordelia ROBINSON ROSENBERG, Auteur ; Patrick THOMPSON, Auteur ; Marshalyn YEARGIN-ALLSOPP, Auteur ; Lisa YOUNG, Auteur ; Diana SCHENDEL, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.3183-3194 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Autism Etiology Symptoms Phenotype Study to Explore Early Development Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : This study examined the phenotypic profiles of children aged 30–68 months in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). Children classified as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental delay (DD) with ASD symptoms, DD without ASD symptoms, and population comparison (POP) differed significantly from each other on cognitive, adaptive, behavioral, and social functioning and the presence of parent-reported conditions. Children with ASD and DD with ASD symptoms had mild to severe ASD risk on several measures compared to children with other DD and POP who had little ASD risk across measures. We conclude that children in SEED have varying degrees of ASD impairment and associated deficits. SEED thus provides a valuable sample to explore ASD phenotypes and inform risk factor analyses. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-015-2476-8 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=267
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 45-10 (October 2015) . - p.3183-3194[article] Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Among Children Enrolled in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED) [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; Susan E. LEVY, Auteur ; Julie L. DANIELS, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; Lisa A. CROEN, Auteur ; Carolyn G. DIGUISEPPI, Auteur ; Lisa BLASKEY, Auteur ; Ellen GIARELLI, Auteur ; Li-Ching LEE, Auteur ; Jennifer PINTO-MARTIN, Auteur ; Ann REYNOLDS, Auteur ; Catherine RICE, Auteur ; Cordelia ROBINSON ROSENBERG, Auteur ; Patrick THOMPSON, Auteur ; Marshalyn YEARGIN-ALLSOPP, Auteur ; Lisa YOUNG, Auteur ; Diana SCHENDEL, Auteur . - p.3183-3194.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 45-10 (October 2015) . - p.3183-3194
Mots-clés : Autism Etiology Symptoms Phenotype Study to Explore Early Development Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : This study examined the phenotypic profiles of children aged 30–68 months in the Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). Children classified as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental delay (DD) with ASD symptoms, DD without ASD symptoms, and population comparison (POP) differed significantly from each other on cognitive, adaptive, behavioral, and social functioning and the presence of parent-reported conditions. Children with ASD and DD with ASD symptoms had mild to severe ASD risk on several measures compared to children with other DD and POP who had little ASD risk across measures. We conclude that children in SEED have varying degrees of ASD impairment and associated deficits. SEED thus provides a valuable sample to explore ASD phenotypes and inform risk factor analyses. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-015-2476-8 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=267 Brief Report: Excluding the ADI-R Behavioral Domain Improves Diagnostic Agreement in Toddlers / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38-5 (May 2008)
Titre : Brief Report: Excluding the ADI-R Behavioral Domain Improves Diagnostic Agreement in Toddlers Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; Diana L. ROBINS, Auteur Année de publication : 2008 Article en page(s) : p.972-976 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Assessment Diagnosis Toddlers ADI-R Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Past research shows poor agreement between the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and other diagnostic measures in toddlers. Our goal was to examine whether exclusion of the ADI-R behavioral domain results in improved diagnostic agreement. Toddlers aged 16–37 months (M = 26 months) received an evaluation because they failed the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (n = 142). Evaluations included the ADI-R, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and clinical judgment. Results found poor to fair agreement between the ADI-R and other measures; agreement improved when the ADI-R behavioral domain was excluded. These findings suggest that stereotyped interests and behaviors are not as relevant to the ADI-R as other diagnostic criteria when evaluating toddlers for autism spectrum disorders. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-007-0456-3 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=417
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 38-5 (May 2008) . - p.972-976[article] Brief Report: Excluding the ADI-R Behavioral Domain Improves Diagnostic Agreement in Toddlers [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; Diana L. ROBINS, Auteur . - 2008 . - p.972-976.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 38-5 (May 2008) . - p.972-976
Mots-clés : Assessment Diagnosis Toddlers ADI-R Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Past research shows poor agreement between the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) and other diagnostic measures in toddlers. Our goal was to examine whether exclusion of the ADI-R behavioral domain results in improved diagnostic agreement. Toddlers aged 16–37 months (M = 26 months) received an evaluation because they failed the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (n = 142). Evaluations included the ADI-R, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Childhood Autism Rating Scale, and clinical judgment. Results found poor to fair agreement between the ADI-R and other measures; agreement improved when the ADI-R behavioral domain was excluded. These findings suggest that stereotyped interests and behaviors are not as relevant to the ADI-R as other diagnostic criteria when evaluating toddlers for autism spectrum disorders. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-007-0456-3 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=417 Brief Report: Maternal Opioid Prescription from Preconception Through Pregnancy and the Odds of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autism Features in Children / E. RUBENSTEIN in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49-1 (January 2019)
Titre : Brief Report: Maternal Opioid Prescription from Preconception Through Pregnancy and the Odds of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autism Features in Children Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : E. RUBENSTEIN, Auteur ; J. C. YOUNG, Auteur ; Lisa A. CROEN, Auteur ; Carolyn G. DIGUISEPPI, Auteur ; N. F. DOWLING, Auteur ; L. C. LEE, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; J. DANIELS, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.376-382 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Asd Developmental disorder Opioid Pregnancy Risk factor Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Opioid use during pregnancy is associated with suboptimal pregnancy outcomes. Little is known about child neurodevelopmental outcomes. We examined associations between maternal opioid prescriptions preconception to delivery (peri-pregnancy) and child's risk of ASD, developmental delay/disorder (DD) with no ASD features, or ASD/DD with autism features in the Study to Explore Early Development, a case-control study of neurodevelopment. Preconception opioid prescription was associated with 2.43 times the odds of ASD [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.99, 6.02] and 2.64 times the odds of ASD/DD with autism features (95% CI 1.10, 6.31) compared to mothers without prescriptions. Odds for ASD and ASD/DD were non-significantly elevated for first trimester prescriptions. Work exploring mechanisms and timing between peri-pregnancy opioid use and child neurodevelopment is needed. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-018-3721-8 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=377
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 49-1 (January 2019) . - p.376-382[article] Brief Report: Maternal Opioid Prescription from Preconception Through Pregnancy and the Odds of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autism Features in Children [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / E. RUBENSTEIN, Auteur ; J. C. YOUNG, Auteur ; Lisa A. CROEN, Auteur ; Carolyn G. DIGUISEPPI, Auteur ; N. F. DOWLING, Auteur ; L. C. LEE, Auteur ; Laura A. SCHIEVE, Auteur ; Lisa D. WIGGINS, Auteur ; J. DANIELS, Auteur . - p.376-382.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 49-1 (January 2019) . - p.376-382
Mots-clés : Asd Developmental disorder Opioid Pregnancy Risk factor Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Opioid use during pregnancy is associated with suboptimal pregnancy outcomes. Little is known about child neurodevelopmental outcomes. We examined associations between maternal opioid prescriptions preconception to delivery (peri-pregnancy) and child's risk of ASD, developmental delay/disorder (DD) with no ASD features, or ASD/DD with autism features in the Study to Explore Early Development, a case-control study of neurodevelopment. Preconception opioid prescription was associated with 2.43 times the odds of ASD [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.99, 6.02] and 2.64 times the odds of ASD/DD with autism features (95% CI 1.10, 6.31) compared to mothers without prescriptions. Odds for ASD and ASD/DD were non-significantly elevated for first trimester prescriptions. Work exploring mechanisms and timing between peri-pregnancy opioid use and child neurodevelopment is needed. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-018-3721-8 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=377 Brief Report: Prevalence of Self-injurious Behaviors among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder—A Population-Based Study / Gnakub N. SOKE in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46-11 (November 2016)
PermalinkBrief Report: Sensory Abnormalities as Distinguishing Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39-7 (July 2009)
PermalinkBrief Report: The ADOS Calibrated Severity Score Best Measures Autism Diagnostic Symptom Severity in Pre-School Children / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49-7 (July 2019)
PermalinkCommunity-based service use in preschool children with autism spectrum disorder and associations with insurance status / Eric RUBENSTEIN in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 66 (October 2019)
PermalinkComparison of a broad-based screen versus disorder-specific screen in detecting young children with an autism spectrum disorder / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Autism, 18-2 (February 2014)
PermalinkCorrection to: Brief Report: Maternal Opioid Prescription from Preconception Through Pregnancy and the Odds of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Autism Features in Children / E. RUBENSTEIN in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49-1 (January 2019)
PermalinkCorrection to: Defining in Detail and Evaluating Reliability of DSM-5 Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Among Children / C. E. RICE in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52-12 (December 2022)
PermalinkDefining in Detail and Evaluating Reliability of DSM-5 Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Among Children / C. E. RICE in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52-12 (December 2022)
PermalinkDevelopmental regression in children with an autism spectrum disorder identified by a population-based surveillance system / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Autism, 13-4 (July 2009)
PermalinkDisparities in Documented Diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Demographic, Individual, and Service Factors / Lisa D. WIGGINS in Autism Research, 13-3 (March 2020)