4537 Résultats de recherche pour CRA

2011-12-30 12:03:50

Pubmed du 30/12/11

1. Cornew L, Roberts TP, Blaskey L, Edgar JC. {{Resting-State Oscillatory Activity in Autism Spectrum Disorders}}. {J Autism Dev Disord}.…

2016-10-10 12:03:50

Pubmed du 10/10/16

1. Conallen K, Reed P. {{Children with autism spectrum disorder: teaching conversation involving feelings about events}}. {J Intellect Disabil Res};2016…

2013-02-05 12:03:50

Pubmed du 05/02/13

1. Al-Ayadhi L, Halepoto DM. {{Role of proteomics in the discovery of autism biomarkers}}. {J Coll Physicians Surg Pak};2013 (Feb);23(2):137-143.…

2014-03-01 12:03:50

Pubmed du 01/03/14

1. {{Highlighting the potential benefits of dogs to families living with autism}}. {The Veterinary record}. 2014 Mar 1;174(9):214. Lien vers…