4448 Résultats de recherche pour CRA


Pubmed du 30/11/21

1. DuBay M, Watson LR, Méndez LI, Rojevic C. Psychometric Comparison of the English and Spanish Western-Hemisphere Versions of the…


Pubmed du 14/09/23

1. Abdulah DM, Abdulla BMO, Liamputtong P. Impact of short and intensive art-based intervention on symptomatology and social interactions among…

2019-01-27 12:03:50

Pubmed du 27/01/19

1. Alfonso-Alfonso M, Morales-Chacon LM, Gonzalez-Naranjo JE. {{Subjective Assessment of Sleep in Infantile Autism: A Comparative Study}}. {Behav Sci (Basel)}.…

2016-10-15 12:03:50

Pubmed du 15/10/16

1. Connolly AJ, Rinehart NJ, Johnson B, Papadopoulos N, Fielding J. {{Voluntary saccades in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Looking into the relationship…

2017-07-30 12:03:50

Pubmed du 30/07/17

1. Davidson D, Vanegas SB, Hilvert E. {{Proneness to Self-Conscious Emotions in Adults With and Without Autism Traits}}. {J Autism…