5443 Résultats de recherche pour Pubmed


Pubmed du 25/02/21

1. Bauminger-Zviely N, Shefer A. Naturalistic evaluation of preschoolers’ spontaneous interactions : The Autism Peer Interaction Observation Scale. Autism. 2021…


Pubmed du 16/01/21

1. Behzadpoor S, Pouretemad H. Some comments on cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism. Asian J Psychiatr…


Pubmed du 27/02/21

1. Bennett HJ, Ringleb SI, Bobzien J, Haegele JA. Walking lower extremity biomechanics of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal…


Pubmed du 21/11/21

1. Pro-social hormones for autism?. Archives of disease in childhood. 2021; 106(12): 1170. T, p.T419M, g 0.147026507C>T). A sporadic genetic…