1704 Résultats de recherche pour Diagnostic enfant et adolescent

2020-04-18 12:03:50

Pubmed du 18/04/20

1. Beauchamp MLH, Rezzonico S, MacLeod AAN. {{Bilingualism in School-Aged Children with ASD: A Pilot Study}}. {J Autism Dev Disord}.…


Pubmed du 19/07/23

1. Cerna-Luna R, Fernandez-Guzman D, Alvarado-Gamarra G, Taype-Rondan A. Developmental delay assessment in children < 5 years of age attended…

2017-08-05 12:03:50

Pubmed du 05/08/17

1. Ackerman S, Schoenrbun S, Hudac C, Bernier R. {{Interactive Effects of Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure and Likely Gene Disrupting Mutations…


Pubmed du 27/10/22

1. Nurse-Driven Interventions for Improving ELBW Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. The Journal of perinatal & neonatal nursing. 2022; 36(4): E14.

2014-08-06 12:03:50

Pubmed du 06/08/14

1. Aresti-Bartolome N, Garcia-Zapirain B. {{Technologies as support tools for persons with autistic spectrum disorder: a systematic review}}. {Int J…

2013-09-06 12:03:50

Pubmed du 06/09/13

1. {{Autism advice for better interaction}}. {Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)}. 2013 Sep 4;28(1):8. Adjusting…