Adults with Autism Tend to Underestimate the Hidden Environmental Structure : Evidence from a Visual Associative Learning Task (Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders)


Le numéro de septembre 2018 du Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders propose un article de L.A. Sapey-Triomphe, S.Sonie, M.A. Henaff, J. Mattout et C. Schmitz sur le fonctionnement des tâches d’apprentissage chez les personnes adultes avec autisme.

1. Sapey-Triomphe LA, Sonie S, Henaff MA, Mattout J, Schmitz C. Adults with Autism Tend to Underestimate the Hidden Environmental Structure : Evidence from a Visual Associative Learning Task. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018 ; 48(9) : 3061-74.

The learning-style theory of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (Qian, Lipkin, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5:77, 2011) states that ASD individuals differ from neurotypics in the way they learn and store information about the environment and its structure. ASD would rather adopt a lookup-table strategy (LUT : memorizing each experience), while neurotypics would favor an interpolation style (INT : extracting regularities to generalize). In a series of visual behavioral tasks, we tested this hypothesis in 20 neurotypical and 20 ASD adults. ASD participants had difficulties using the INT style when instructions were hidden but not when instructions were revealed. Rather than an inability to use rules, ASD would be characterized by a disinclination to generalize and infer such rules.

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