Advances in Autism : 2017 – Issue 3 : Improving access to healthcare

Revues de sommaires

1. Tanja S, Whitney B, Susan H. Guest editorial. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):113-114.

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2. Christine P. Autism and healthcare. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):115-124.

This paper provides information about the shortcomings of the healthcare system for autistic people, problems and barriers to access the healthcare system for assessment and treatment and offers various suggestions to overcome these restrictions.

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3. Michael S. Quality of health and health services in people with fragile X syndrome : perspective of their parents. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):125-130.

This study examines the quality of health and health services in people with fragile X syndrome from the family members perspective revealing that the satisfaction with health-related demands by family doctors is rated in the average to above average range.

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4. Marji EW, K. CM, Martha NA, Julie OB, A. KK. Transition tools and access to adult primary care. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):131-141.

This paper rates existing health care transition tools to identify the tools ready for use in adult primary care clinics and suggests that a greater collaboration is warranted between providers and researchers doing work on transition for specific groups.

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5. Mark H, Rudi D, Rebecca M. Systemic-attachment formulation for families of children with autism. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):142-153.

This paper proposes the systemic-attachment formulation approach for families of children with autism and reveals that autistic spectrum disorders are found to have a high level of co-morbidity with other difficulties, such as anxiety and insecure attachment.

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6. Priscilla BR, Andrea G, Barbara M. An online ASD learning module for pediatric health care professionals. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):154-162.

This paper develops, implements and evaluates an online autism spectrum disorder training module revealing that the online module is a valuable training opportunity for pediatric health care professionals.

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7. Peter M. Pain in Rett syndrome : peculiarities in pain processing and expression, liability to pain causing disorders and diseases, and specific aspects of pain assessment. Advances in Autism ;2017 ;3(3):163-182.

This paper delineates possible peculiarities in pain perception, characterizing a syndrome-specific spectrum of pain causing diseases and particular features of pain expression in Rett syndrome (RTT) revealing that individuals with RTT are specifically prone to numerous pathological states.

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