Articles parus en août 2009 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, Thérapies comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Épidémiologie
- Épilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Sensori-moteur
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

- ABA, Thérapies comportementales

15. Broderick AA. Autism, « Recovery (to Normalcy), » and the Politics of Hope. Intellect Dev Disabil ;2009 (Aug) ;47(4):263-281. Résumé

18. Callahan K, Shukla-Mehta S, Magee S, Wie M. ABA Versus TEACCH : The Case for Defining and Validating Comprehensive Treatment Models in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 1) Résumé

- Adultes avec autisme

12. Bowler DM, Gaigg SB, Gardiner JM. Multiple List Learning in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Parallels with Frontal Lobe Damage or Further Evidence of Diminished Relational Processing ? J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 13) Résumé

30. Di Martino A, Shehzad Z, Kelly C, Roy AK, Gee DG, Uddin LQ, Gotimer K, Klein DF, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. Relationship between cingulo-insular functional connectivity and autistic traits in neurotypical adults. Am J Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug) ;166(8):891-899. Résumé

94. Murphy P, Brady N, Fitzgerald M, Troje NF. No evidence for impaired perception of biological motion in adults with autistic spectrum disorders. Neuropsychologia ;2009 (Aug 8) Résumé

- Alimentation, nutrition

8. Bent S, Bertoglio K, Hendren RL. Omega-3 fatty acids for autistic spectrum disorder : a systematic review. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1145-1154. Résumé

57. Hsu CL, Lin CY, Chen CL, Wang CM, Wong MK. The Effects of A Gluten and Casein-free Diet in Children with Autism : A Case Report. Chang Gung Med J ;2009 (Jul-Aug) ;32(4):459-465. Résumé

82. Meiri G, Bichovsky Y, Belmaker RH. Omega 3 fatty acid treatment in autism. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol ;2009 (Aug) ;19(4):449-451. Résumé

- Biomarqueurs

107. Russo AJ, Neville L, Wroge C. Low Serum Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) in Family Members of Individuals with Autism Correlates with PiMZ Genotype. Biomark Insights ;2009 ;4:45-56. Résumé

132. Wang L, Angley MT, Gerber JP, Young RL, Abarno DV, McKinnon RA, Sorich MJ. Is urinary indolyl-3-acryloylglycine a biomarker for autism with gastrointestinal symptoms ? Biomarkers ;2009 (Aug 21) Résumé

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

1. Adams NC, Jarrold C. Inhibition and the validity of the Stroop task for children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1112-1121. Résumé

2. Allen R, Hill E, Heaton P. The subjective experience of music in autism spectrum disorder. Ann N Y Acad Sci ;2009 (Jul) ;1169:326-331. Résumé

11. Boso M, Comelli M, Vecchi T, Barale F, Politi P. Exploring musical taste in severely autistic subjects : preliminary data. Ann N Y Acad Sci ;2009 (Jul) ;1169:332-335. Résumé

24. Corbett BA, Carmean V, Ravizza S, Wendelken C, Henry ML, Carter C, Rivera SM. A functional and structural study of emotion and face processing in children with autism. Psychiatry Res ;2009 (Sep 30) ;173(3):196-205. Résumé

26. D’Cruz AM, Mosconi MW, Steele S, Rubin LH, Luna B, Minshew N, Sweeney JA. Lateralized response timing deficits in autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 15) ;66(4):393-397. Résumé

39. Franken TE, Lewis C, Malone SA. Brief Report : Are Children with Autism Proficient Word Learners ? J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 18) Résumé

41. Gaigg SB, Bowler DM. Brief report : Attenuated emotional suppression of the attentional blink in Autism Spectrum Disorder : another non-social abnormality ? J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1211-1217. Résumé

42. Gamliel I, Yirmiya N, Jaffe DH, Manor O, Sigman M. Developmental trajectories in siblings of children with autism : cognition and language from 4 months to 7 years. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1131-1144. Résumé

49. Hagberg BS, Miniscalco C, Gillberg C. Clinic attenders with autism or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : cognitive profile at school age and its relationship to preschool indicators of language delay. Res Dev Disabil ;2009 (Aug 25) Résumé

55. Heaton P, Allen R. « With concord of sweet sounds… » : new perspectives on the diversity of musical experience in autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions. Ann N Y Acad Sci ;2009 (Jul) ;1169:318-325. Résumé

95. New JJ, Schultz RT, Wolf J, Niehaus JL, Klin A, German TC, Scholl BJ. The scope of social attention deficits in autism : Prioritized orienting to people and animals in static natural scenes. Neuropsychologia ;2009 (Aug 15) Résumé

108. Russo N, Zecker S, Trommer B, Chen J, Kraus N. Effects of background noise on cortical encoding of speech in autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1185-1196. Résumé

129. van Roekel E, Scholte RH, Didden R. Bullying Among Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders : Prevalence and Perception. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 8) Résumé

135. Williams EL, Casanova MF. Autism and dyslexia : A spectrum of cognitive styles as defined by minicolumnar morphometry. Med Hypotheses ;2009 (Aug 25) Résumé

140. Young GS, Merin N, Rogers SJ, Ozonoff S. Gaze behavior and affect at 6 months : predicting clinical outcomes and language development in typically developing infants and infants at risk for autism. Dev Sci ;2009 (Sep) ;12(5):798-814. Résumé

- Communication, langage

77. Lidstone JS, Fernyhough C, Meins E, Whitehouse AJ. Brief report : Inner speech impairment in children with autism is associated with greater nonverbal than verbal skills. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1222-1225. Résumé

122. Stribling P, Rae J, Dickerson P. Using conversation analysis to explore the recurrence of a topic in the talk of a boy with an autism spectrum disorder. Clin Linguist Phon ;2009 (Aug) ;23(8):555-582. Résumé

- Épidémiologie

35. Dworzynski K, Happe F, Bolton P, Ronald A. Relationship between symptom domains in autism spectrum disorders : a population based twin study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1197-1210. Résumé

- Épilepsie

125. Tuchman R. CSWS-related autistic regression versus autistic regression without CSWS. Epilepsia ;2009 (Aug) ;50 Suppl 7:18-20. Résumé

- Étiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

4. Atladottir HO, Pedersen MG, Thorsen P, Mortensen PB, Deleuran B, Eaton WW, Parner ET. Association of family history of autoimmune diseases and autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics ;2009 (Aug) ;124(2):687-694. Résumé

9. Benvenuto A, Moavero R, Alessandrelli R, Manzi B, Curatolo P. Syndromic autism : causes and pathogenetic pathways. World J Pediatr ;2009 (Aug) ;5(3):169-176. Résumé

51. Hamilton AF, Brindley R, Frith U. Visual perspective taking impairment in children with autistic spectrum disorder. Cognition ;2009 (Aug 12) Résumé

68. Kinney DK, Barch DH, Chayka B, Napoleon S, Munir KM. Environmental risk factors for autism : Do they help cause de novo genetic mutations that contribute to the disorder ? Med Hypotheses ;2009 (Aug 20) Résumé

80. Magen JG. Does prenatal ultrasound increase risk of autism ? J Am Osteopath Assoc ;2009 (Jul) ;109(7):383-384 ; author reply 386. Résumé

121. Strathearn L. The elusive etiology of autism : nature and nurture ? Front Behav Neurosci ;2009 ;3:11. Résumé

- Génétique, biochimie

19. Carreira IM, Melo JB, Rodrigues C, Backx L, Vermeesch J, Weise A, Kosyakova N, Oliveira G, Matoso E. Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of a mosaic add(12)(p13.3) with an inv dup(3)(q26.31 —> qter) detected in an autistic boy. Mol Cytogenet ;2009 ;2:16. Résumé

21. Cho SC, Yim SH, Yoo HK, Kim MY, Jung GY, Shin GW, Kim BN, Hwang JW, Kang JJ, Kim TM, Chung YJ. Copy number variations associated with idiopathic autism identified by whole-genome microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization. Psychiatr Genet ;2009 (Aug) ;19(4):177-185. Résumé

28. Depienne C, Moreno-De-Luca D, Heron D, Bouteiller D, Gennetier A, Delorme R, Chaste P, Siffroi JP, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Benyahia B, Trouillard O, Nygren G, Kopp S, Johansson M, Rastam M, Burglen L, Leguern E, Verloes A, Leboyer M, Brice A, Gillberg C, Betancur C. Screening for genomic rearrangements and methylation abnormalities of the 15q11-q13 region in autism spectrum disorders. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 15) ;66(4):349-359. Résumé

46. Guhathakurta S, Singh AS, Sinha S, Chatterjee A, Ahmed S, Ghosh S, Usha R. Analysis of serotonin receptor 2A gene (HTR2A) : Association study with autism spectrum disorder in the Indian population and investigation of the gene expression in peripheral blood leukocytes. Neurochem Int ;2009 (Jul 30) Résumé

59. Jackson PB, Boccuto L, Skinner C, Collins JS, Neri G, Gurrieri F, Schwartz CE. Further evidence that the rs1858830 C variant in the promoter region of the MET gene is associated with Autistic disorder. Autism Res ;2009 (Aug 13) Résumé

60. James SJ, Rose S, Melnyk S, Jernigan S, Blossom S, Pavliv O, Gaylor DW. Cellular and mitochondrial glutathione redox imbalance in lymphoblastoid cells derived from children with autism. Faseb J ;2009 (Aug) ;23(8):2374-2383. Résumé

67. Kilpinen H, Ylisaukko-oja T, Rehnstrom K, Gaal E, Turunen JA, Kempas E, von Wendt L, Varilo T, Peltonen L. Linkage and linkage disequilibrium scan for autism loci in an extended pedigree from Finland. Hum Mol Genet ;2009 (Aug 1) ;18(15):2912-2921. Résumé

90. Moss J, Howlin P. Autism spectrum disorders in genetic syndromes : implications for diagnosis, intervention and understanding the wider autism spectrum disorder population. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2009 (Aug 25) Résumé

99. Pampanos A, Volaki K, Kanavakis E, Papandreou O, Youroukos S, Thomaidis L, Karkelis S, Tzetis M, Kitsiou-Tzeli S. A Substitution Involving the NLGN4 Gene Associated with Autistic Behavior in the Greek Population. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers ;2009 (Aug 2) Résumé

112. Schnetz-Boutaud NC, Anderson BM, Brown KD, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Cuccaro ML, Gilbert JR, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL. Examination of tetrahydrobiopterin pathway genes in autism. Genes Brain Behav ;2009 (Jul 14) Résumé

124. Tordjman S, Anderson GM, Botbol M, Brailly-Tabard S, Perez-Diaz F, Graignic R, Carlier M, Schmit G, Rolland AC, Bonnot O, Trabado S, Roubertoux P, Bronsard G. Pain reactivity and plasma beta-endorphin in children and adolescents with autistic disorder. PLoS One ;2009 ;4(8):e5289. Résumé

136. Williams JM, Beck TF, Pearson DM, Proud MB, Cheung SW, Scott DA. A 1q42 deletion involving DISC1, DISC2, and TSNAX in an autism spectrum disorder. Am J Med Genet A ;2009 (Aug) ;149A(8):1758-1762. Résumé

141. [Cytogenetic, molecular cytogenetic, clinical and genealogical study of mothers of children with autism : a search for family genetic markers of autistic disorders]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova ;2009 ;109(6):54-64. Résumé

- Imagerie

36. Ecker C, Rocha-Rego V, Johnston P, Mourao-Miranda J, Marquand A, Daly EM, Brammer MJ, Murphy C, Murphy DG and the AIMS Consortium. Investigating the predictive value of whole-brain structural MR scans in autism : A pattern classification approach. Neuroimage ;2009 (Aug 14) Résumé

45. Greimel E, Schulte-Ruther M, Kircher T, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Fink GR, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K. Neural mechanisms of empathy in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and their fathers. Neuroimage ;2009 (Jul 30) Résumé

52. Hardan AY, Libove RA, Keshavan MS, Melhem NM, Minshew NJ. A preliminary longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study of brain volume and cortical thickness in autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 15) ;66(4):320-326. Résumé

53. Hasson U, Avidan G, Gelbard H, Vallines I, Harel M, Minshew N, Behrmann M. Shared and idiosyncratic cortical activation patterns in autism revealed under continuous real-life viewing conditions. Autism Res ;2009 (Aug 25) Résumé

62. Jones TB, Bandettini PA, Kenworthy L, Case LK, Milleville SC, Martin A, Birn RM. Sources of group differences in functional connectivity : An investigation applied to autism spectrum disorder. Neuroimage ;2009 (Jul 29) Résumé

76. Lee PS, Yerys BE, Della Rosa A, Foss-Feig J, Barnes KA, James JD, VanMeter J, Vaidya CJ, Gaillard WD, Kenworthy LE. Functional connectivity of the inferior frontal cortex changes with age in children with autism spectrum disorders : a fcMRI study of response inhibition. Cereb Cortex ;2009 (Aug) ;19(8):1787-1794. Résumé

88. Monk CS, Peltier SJ, Wiggins JL, Weng SJ, Carrasco M, Risi S, Lord C. Abnormalities of intrinsic functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroimage ;2009 (Aug 15) ;47(2):764-772. Résumé

100. Pugliese L, Catani M, Ameis S, Dell’Acqua F, de Schotten MT, Murphy C, Robertson D, Deeley Q, Daly E, Murphy DG. The anatomy of extended limbic pathways in Asperger syndrome : a preliminary diffusion tensor imaging tractography study. Neuroimage ;2009 (Aug 15) ;47(2):427-434. Résumé

109. Sahyoun CP, Belliveau JW, Soulieres I, Schwartz S, Mody M. Neuroimaging of the functional and structural networks underlying visuospatial vs. linguistic reasoning in high-functioning autism. Neuropsychologia ;2009 (Aug 19) Résumé

126. Unal O, Ozcan O, Oner O, Akcakin M, Aysev A, Deda G. EEG and MRI findings and their relation with intellectual disability in pervasive developmental disorders. World J Pediatr ;2009 (Aug) ;5(3):196-200. Résumé

- Immunologie

37. Enstrom AM, Onore CE, Van de Water JA, Ashwood P. Differential monocyte responses to TLR ligands in children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain Behav Immun ;2009 (Aug 8) Résumé

110. Saresella M, Marventano I, Guerini FR, Mancuso R, Ceresa L, Zanzottera M, Rusconi B, Maggioni E, Tinelli C, Clerici M. An Autistic Endophenotype Results in Complex Immune Dysfunction in Healthy Siblings of Autistic Children. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 21) Résumé

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

58. Ibrahim SH, Voigt RG, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Barbaresi WJ. Incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism : a population-based study. Pediatrics ;2009 (Aug) ;124(2):680-686. Résumé

87. Mohammad NS, Jain JM, Chintakindi KP, Singh RP, Naik U, Akella RR. Aberrations in folate metabolic pathway and altered susceptibility to autism. Psychiatr Genet ;2009 (Aug) ;19(4):171-176. Résumé

133. Wasilewska J, Jarocka-Cyrta E, Kaczmarski M. [Gastrointestinal abnormalities in children with autism]. Pol Merkur Lekarski ;2009 (Jul) ;27(157):40-43.Patogeneza zaburzen przewodu pokarmowego u dzieci z autyzmem. Résumé

- Neurologie, neurosciences

6. Ben Shalom D. The Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Integration in Autism. Neuroscientist ;2009 (Aug 17) Résumé

40. Freitag CM, Luders E, Hulst HE, Narr KL, Thompson PM, Toga AW, Krick C, Konrad C. Total brain volume and corpus callosum size in medication-naive adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 15) ;66(4):316-319. Résumé

48. Gutierrez RC, Hung J, Zhang Y, Kertesz AC, Espina FJ, Colicos MA. Altered synchrony and connectivity in neuronal networks expressing an autism-related mutation of neuroligin 3. Neuroscience ;2009 (Aug 4) ;162(1):208-221. Résumé

54. Haswell CC, Izawa J, L RD, S HM, Shadmehr R. Representation of internal models of action in the autistic brain. Nat Neurosci ;2009 (Aug) ;12(8):970-972. Résumé

63. Jou RJ, Minshew NJ, Melhem NM, Keshavan MS, Hardan AY. Brainstem volumetric alterations in children with autism. Psychol Med ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1347-1354. Résumé

66. Kennedy DP. Neural correlates of autistic traits in the general population : insights into autism. Am J Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug) ;166(8):849-851. Résumé

74. Langen M, Schnack HG, Nederveen H, Bos D, Lahuis BE, de Jonge MV, van Engeland H, Durston S. Changes in the developmental trajectories of striatum in autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 15) ;66(4):327-333. Résumé

84. Minagawa-Kawai Y, Naoi N, Kikuchi N, Yamamoto J, Nakamura K, Kojima S. Cerebral laterality for phonemic and prosodic cue decoding in children with autism. Neuroreport ;2009 (Aug 26) ;20(13):1219-1224. Résumé

91. Mostafa GA, Shehab AA, Fouad NR. Frequency of CD4+CD25high Regulatory T Cells in Peripheral Blood of Egyptian Children With Autism. J Child Neurol ;2009 (Aug 27) Résumé

98. Oblak A, Gibbs TT, Blatt GJ. Decreased GABA(A) receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites in the anterior cingulate cortex in autism. Autism Res ;2009 (Jul 31) Résumé

127. Vaccarino FM, Smith KM. Increased brain size in autism—what it will take to solve a mystery. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug 15) ;66(4):313-315. Résumé

134. Whitney ER, Kemper TL, Rosene DL, Bauman ML, Blatt GJ. Density of cerebellar basket and stellate cells in autism : evidence for a late developmental loss of Purkinje cells. J Neurosci Res ;2009 (Aug 1) ;87(10):2245-2254. Résumé

137. Wittling RA, Schweiger E, Rizhova L, Vershinina EA, Starup LB. A simple method for measuring brain asymmetry in children : application to autism. Behav Res Methods ;2009 (Aug) ;41(3):812-819. Résumé

- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

56. Honda H, Shimizu Y, Nitto Y, Imai M, Ozawa T, Iwasa M, Shiga K, Hira T. Extraction and Refinement Strategy for detection of autism in 18-month-olds : a guarantee of higher sensitivity and specificity in the process of mass screening. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug) ;50(8):972-981. Résumé

61. Johansson M, Gillberg C, Rastam M. Autism spectrum conditions in individuals with Mobius sequence, CHARGE syndrome and oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum : Diagnostic aspects. Res Dev Disabil ;2009 (Aug 24) Résumé

81. Mattila ML, Jussila K, Kuusikko S, Kielinen M, Linna SL, Ebeling H, Bloigu R, Joskitt L, Pauls D, Moilanen I. When does the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) predict autism spectrum disorders in primary school-aged children ? Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug) ;18(8):499-509. Résumé

- Parents

7. Benjak T, Vuletic Mavrinac G, Pavic Simetin I. Comparative study on self-perceived health of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and parents of non-disabled children in Croatia. Croat Med J ;2009 (Aug) ;50(4):403-409. Résumé

14. Brigham NB, Yoder PJ, Jarzynka MA, Tapp J. The Sequential Relationship Between Parent Attentional Cues and Sustained Attention to Objects in Young Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 15) Résumé

38. Farrugia D. Exploring stigma : medical knowledge and the stigmatisation of parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Sociol Health Illn ;2009 (Jul 29) Résumé

47. Gulsrud AC, Jahromi LB, Kasari C. The Co-Regulation of Emotions Between Mothers and their Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 28) Résumé

83. Milshtein S, Yirmiya N, Oppenheim D, Koren-Karie N, Levi S. Resolution of the Diagnosis Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Associations with Child and Parent Characteristics. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Jul 31) Résumé

119. Smith LE, Hong J, Seltzer MM, Greenberg JS, Almeida DM, Bishop SL. Daily Experiences Among Mothers of Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 5) Résumé

- Pharmacologie

78. Lubisch N, Roskos R, Berkenbosch JW. Dexmedetomidine for procedural sedation in children with autism and other behavior disorders. Pediatr Neurol ;2009 (Aug) ;41(2):88-94. Résumé

106. Rubin DM, Feudtner C, Localio R, Mandell DS. State variation in psychotropic medication use by foster care children with autism spectrum disorder. Pediatrics ;2009 (Aug) ;124(2):e305-312. Résumé

- Prévalence

65. Kawamura Y, Takahashi O, Ishii T. [Cumulative incidence of pervasive developmental disorders—re-evaluation following the establishment of a support system at Toyota City]. Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi ;2009 ;111(5):479-485. Résumé

111. Sasayama D, Masutani S, Imai J, Harada Y, Washizuka S, Amano N. High prevalence of pervasive developmental disorders in depressed children and adolescents. Child Care Health Dev ;2009 (Sep) ;35(5):746-747. Résumé

- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

23. Coben R, Myers TE. The Relative Efficacy of Connectivity Guided and Symptom Based EEG Biofeedback for Autistic Disorders. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback ;2009 (Aug 1) Résumé

70. Koenig K, De Los Reyes A, Cicchetti D, Scahill L, Klin A. Group intervention to promote social skills in school-age children with pervasive developmental disorders : reconsidering efficacy. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1163-1172. Résumé

75. Lasgaard M, Nielsen A, Eriksen ME, Goossens L. Loneliness and Social Support in Adolescent Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 15) Résumé

89. Moore TR, Symons FJ. Adherence to behavioral and medical treatment recommendations by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1173-1184. Résumé

104. Reichow B, Volkmar FR. Social Skills Interventions for Individuals with Autism : Evaluation for Evidence-Based Practices within a Best Evidence Synthesis Framework. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 5) Résumé

116. Silva LM, Schalock M, Ayres R, Bunse C, Budden S. Qigong massage treatment for sensory and self-regulation problems in young children with autism : a randomized controlled trial. Am J Occup Ther ;2009 (Jul-Aug) ;63(4):423-432. Résumé

128. Van Dyke EM, CSAC, The Clinical and Scientific Affairs Council of the AAPA . Autistic disorder : early interventions can improve outcomes. Jaapa ;2009 (Jul) ;22(7):18-19. Résumé

- Sensori-moteur

32. Dowell LR, Mahone EM, Mostofsky SH. Associations of postural knowledge and basic motor skill with dyspraxia in autism : Implication for abnormalities in distributed connectivity and motor learning. Neuropsychology ;2009 (Sep) ;23(5):563-570. Résumé

73. Lane AE, Young RL, Baker AE, Angley MT. Sensory Processing Subtypes in Autism : Association with Adaptive Behavior. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Jul 31) Résumé

120. Staples KL, Reid G. Fundamental Movement Skills and Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 15) Résumé

- Sommeil

44. Goodlin-Jones B, Schwichtenberg AJ, Iosif AM, Tang K, Liu J, Anders TF. Six-month persistence of sleep problems in young children with autism, developmental delay, and typical development. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2009 (Aug) ;48(8):847-854. Résumé

103. Reed HE, McGrew SG, Artibee K, Surdkya K, Goldman SE, Frank K, Wang L, Malow BA. Parent-based sleep education workshops in autism. J Child Neurol ;2009 (Aug) ;24(8):936-945. Résumé

- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

3. Areta JE. [Two main mistakes in classificatory and clinical function of DSM-IV, in the case of differential diagnosis between Asperger and Autistic Disorder.]. Vertex ;2009 (May-Jun) ;20(85):174-183.Dos errores basales en la funcion clasificatoria y clinica del DSM-IV respecto del diagnostico diferencial entre Trastorno Autista y Trastorno de Asperger. Résumé

5. Baker KF, Montgomery AA, Abramson R. Brief Report : Perception and Lateralization of Spoken Emotion by Youths with High-Functioning Forms of Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 4) Résumé

16. Brosnan M, Turner-Cobb J, Munro-Naan Z, Jessop D. Absence of a normal cortisol awakening response (CAR) in adolescent males with Asperger syndrome (AS). Psychoneuroendocrinology ;2009 (Aug) ;34(7):1095-1100. Résumé

25. Couture SM, Penn DL, Losh M, Adolphs R, Hurley R, Piven J. Comparison of social cognitive functioning in schizophrenia and high functioning autism : more convergence than divergence. Psychol Med ;2009 (Aug 12):1-11. Résumé

31. Dose M. Asperger Syndrome. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr ;2009 (Jul 30)Das Asperger-Syndrom. Résumé

34. Dubischar-Krivec AM, Neumann N, Poustka F, Braun C, Birbaumer N, Bolte S. Calendar calculating in savants with autism and healthy calendar calculators. Psychol Med ;2009 (Aug) ;39(8):1355-1363. Résumé

113. Schwartz C, Bente G, Gawronski A, Schilbach L, Vogeley K. Responses to Nonverbal Behaviour of Dynamic Virtual Characters in High-Functioning Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 4) Résumé

123. Szatmari P, Bryson S, Duku E, Vaccarella L, Zwaigenbaum L, Bennett T, Boyle MH. Similar developmental trajectories in autism and Asperger syndrome : from early childhood to adolescence. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Jul 22) Résumé

131. Volker MA, Lopata C, Smerbeck AM, Knoll VA, Thomeer ML, Toomey JA, Rodgers JD. BASC-2 PRS Profiles for Students with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Aug 25) Résumé

- Syndrome de Rett

10. Bilello G. [Functional and occlusion rehabilitation in a patient with Rett syndrome : a case report]. Recenti Prog Med ;2009 (Jun) ;100(6):304-306.Riequilibrio occluso-funzionale in un soggetto con sindrome di Rett : descrizione di un caso. Résumé

20. Chapleau CA, Calfa GD, Lane MC, Albertson AJ, Larimore JL, Kudo S, Armstrong DL, Percy AK, Pozzo-Miller L. Dendritic spine pathologies in hippocampal pyramidal neurons from Rett syndrome brain and after expression of Rett-associated MECP2 mutations. Neurobiol Dis ;2009 (Aug) ;35(2):219-233. Résumé

27. De Felice C, Ciccoli L, Leoncini S, Signorini C, Rossi M, Vannuccini L, Guazzi G, Latini G, Comporti M, Valacchi G, Hayek J. Systemic oxidative stress in classic Rett syndrome. Free Radic Biol Med ;2009 (Aug 15) ;47(4):440-448. Résumé

29. Devarakonda KM, Lowthian D, Raghavendra T. A case of Rett syndrome with reduced pain sensitivity. Paediatr Anaesth ;2009 (Jun) ;19(6):625-627. Résumé

33. Downs J, Bergman A, Carter P, Anderson A, Palmer GM, Roye D, van Bosse H, Bebbington A, Larsson EL, Smith BG, Baikie G, Fyfe S, Leonard H. Guidelines for management of scoliosis in Rett syndrome patients based on expert consensus and clinical evidence. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) ;2009 (Aug 1) ;34(17):E607-617. Résumé

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