Articles parus en décembre 2012 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Classifications
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Vision
- Divers

- Adultes avec autisme

41. Chiang HM, Cheung YK, Li H, Tsai LY. Factors Associated with Participation in Employment for High School Leavers with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 9) Lien vers Pubmed

70. Felce D, Perry J. Diagnostic grouping among adults with intellectual disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders in staffed housing. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2012 (Dec) ;56(12):1187-1193. Lien vers Pubmed

132. Maras KL, Memon A, Lambrechts A, Bowler DM. Recall of a live and personally experienced eyewitness event by adults with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 11) Lien vers Pubmed

151. Nylander L, Holmqvist M, Gustafson L, Gillberg C. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adult psychiatry. A 20-year register study. Nord J Psychiatry ;2012 (Dec 12) Lien vers Pubmed

162. Parmanto B, Pulantara IW, Schutte JL, Saptono A, McCue MP. An Integrated Telehealth System for Remote Administration of an Adult Autism Assessment. Telemed J E Health ;2012 (Dec 11) Lien vers Pubmed

171. Polderman TJ, Hoekstra RA, Vinkhuyzen AA, Sullivan PF, van der Sluis S, Posthuma D. Attentional switching forms a genetic link between attention problems and autistic traits in adults. Psychol Med ;2012 (Dec 21):1-12. Lien vers Pubmed

198. Smith LE, Greenberg JS, Mailick MR. Adults with autism : outcomes, family effects, and the multi-family group psychoeducation model. Curr Psychiatry Rep ;2012 (Dec) ;14(6):732-738. Lien vers Pubmed

212. Taylor JL, Seltzer MM. Developing a vocational index for adults with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2669-2679. Lien vers Pubmed

215. Ticha R, Lakin KC, Larson SA, Stancliffe RJ, Taub S, Engler J, Bershadsky J, Moseley C. Correlates of everyday choice and support-related choice for 8,892 randomly sampled adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 19 states. Intellect Dev Disabil ;2012 (Dec) ;50(6):486-504. Lien vers Pubmed

218. Tordjman S, Anderson GM, Bellissant E, Botbol M, Charbuy H, Camus F, Graignic R, Kermarrec S, Fougerou C, Cohen D, Touitou Y. Day and nighttime excretion of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in adolescents and young adults with autistic disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology ;2012 (Dec) ;37(12):1990-1997. Lien vers Pubmed

241. Wolff JJ, Symons FJ. An Evaluation of Multi-Component Exposure Treatment of Needle Phobia in an Adult with Autism and Intellectual Disability. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2012 (Dec 6) Lien vers Pubmed

- Alimentation, nutrition

8. Al-Farsi YM, Waly MI, Deth RC, Al-Sharbati MM, Al-Shafaee M, Al-Farsi O, Al-Khaduri MM, Gupta I, Ali A, Al-Khalili M, Al-Adawi S, Hodgson NW, Ouhtit A. Low folate and vitamin B12 nourishment is common in Omani children with newly diagnosed autism. Nutrition ;2012 (Dec 31) Lien vers Pubmed

40. Chater A, Stein S, Chowdhury U. Take note of the fuss : selective eating and autistic spectrum disorders. Community Pract ;2012 (Dec) ;85(12):37-39. Lien vers Pubmed

91. Harris C, Card B. A pilot study to evaluate nutritional influences on gastrointestinal symptoms and behavior patterns in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Complement Ther Med ;2012 (Dec) ;20(6):437-440. Lien vers Pubmed

216. Tin W, Brunskill G, Kelly T, Fritz S. 15-year follow-up of recurrent « hypoglycemia » in preterm infants. Pediatrics ;2012 (Dec) ;130(6):e1497-1503. Lien vers Pubmed

- Classifications

130. Mahjouri S, Lord CE. What the DSM-5 portends for research, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep ;2012 (Dec) ;14(6):739-747. Lien vers Pubmed

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

6. Adamson LB, Bakeman R, Deckner DF, Nelson PB. Rating parent-child interactions : joint engagement, communication dynamics, and shared topics in autism, Down syndrome, and typical development. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2622-2635. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Barttfeld P, Wicker B, Cukier S, Navarta S, Lew S, Leiguarda R, Sigman M. State-dependent changes of connectivity patterns and functional brain network topology in autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychologia ;2012 (Dec) ;50(14):3653-3662. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Begeer S, De Rosnay M, Lunenburg P, Stegge H, Meerum Terwogt M. Understanding of emotions based on counterfactual reasoning in children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism ;2012 (Dec 4) Lien vers Pubmed

21. Bennett E, Heaton P. Is talent in autism spectrum disorders associated with a specific cognitive and behavioural phenotype ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2739-2753. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Brock J. Alternative Bayesian accounts of autistic perception : comment on Pellicano and Burr. Trends Cogn Sci ;2012 (Dec) ;16(12):573-574 ; author reply 574-575. Lien vers Pubmed

46. Cornew L, Dobkins KR, Akshoomoff N, McCleery JP, Carver LJ. Atypical social referencing in infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2611-2621. Lien vers Pubmed

66. Ewing L, Pellicano E, Rhodes G. Atypical updating of face representations with experience in children with autism. Dev Sci ;2013 (Jan) ;16(1):116-123. Lien vers Pubmed

76. Gaigg SB. The Interplay between Emotion and Cognition in Autism Spectrum Disorder : Implications for Developmental Theory. Front Integr Neurosci ;2012 ;6:113. Lien vers Pubmed

83. Gotham K, Bishop SL, Hus V, Huerta M, Lund S, Buja A, Krieger A, Lord C. Exploring the Relationship Between Anxiety and Insistence on Sameness in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Res ;2012 (Dec 19) Lien vers Pubmed

84. Gowen E. Imitation in autism : why action kinematics matter. Front Integr Neurosci ;2012 ;6:117. Lien vers Pubmed

85. Greco B, Manago F, Tucci V, Kao HT, Valtorta F, Benfenati F. Autism-related behavioral abnormalities in synapsin knockout mice. Behav Brain Res ;2012 (Dec 29) Lien vers Pubmed

86. Greimel E, Nehrkorn B, Fink GR, Kukolja J, Kohls G, Muller K, Piefke M, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K, Schulte-Ruther M. Neural mechanisms of encoding social and non-social context information in autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychologia ;2012 (Dec) ;50(14):3440-3449. Lien vers Pubmed

90. Hall J, Philip RC, Marwick K, Whalley HC, Romaniuk L, McIntosh AM, Santos I, Sprengelmeyer R, Johnstone EC, Stanfield AC, Young AW, Lawrie SM. Social cognition, the male brain and the autism spectrum. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(12):e49033. Lien vers Pubmed

97. Hudson M, Nijboer TC, Jellema T. Implicit social learning in relation to autistic-like traits. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2534-2545. Lien vers Pubmed

105. Kaartinen M, Puura K, Helminen M, Salmelin R, Pelkonen E, Juujarvi P. Reactive aggression among children with and without autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 21) Lien vers Pubmed

107. Kang S, O’Reilly M, Rojeski L, Blenden K, Xu Z, Davis T, Sigafoos J, Lancioni G. Effects of tangible and social reinforcers on skill acquisition, stereotyped behavior, and task engagement in three children with autism spectrum disorders. Res Dev Disabil ;2013 (Feb) ;34(2):739-744. Lien vers Pubmed

108. Kasari C, Patterson S. Interventions addressing social impairment in autism. Curr Psychiatry Rep ;2012 (Dec) ;14(6):713-725. Lien vers Pubmed

109. Keehn B, Muller RA, Townsend J. Atypical attentional networks and the emergence of autism. Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2013 (Feb) ;37(2):164-183. Lien vers Pubmed

125. Lough CL, Rice MS, Lough LG. Choice as a strategy to enhance engagement in a colouring task in children with autism spectrum disorders. Occup Ther Int ;2012 (Dec) ;19(4):204-211. Lien vers Pubmed

129. Macari SL, Campbell D, Gengoux GW, Saulnier CA, Klin AJ, Chawarska K. Predicting developmental status from 12 to 24 months in infants at risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder : a preliminary report. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2636-2647. Lien vers Pubmed

138. McMorris CA, Brown SM, Bebko JM. An Examination of Iconic Memory in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 29) Lien vers Pubmed

145. Mottron L, Bouvet L, Bonnel A, Samson F, Burack JA, Dawson M, Heaton P. Veridical mapping in the development of exceptional autistic abilities. Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2013 (Feb) ;37(2):209-228. Lien vers Pubmed

156. Osada H, Tachimori H, Koyama T, Kurita H. Longitudinal developmental courses in Japanese children with autism spectrum disorder. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev ;2012 (Dec) ;43(6):895-908. Lien vers Pubmed

161. Park CJ, Yelland GW, Taffe JR, Gray KM. Brief report : The relationship between language skills, adaptive behavior, and emotional and behavior problems in pre-schoolers with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2761-2766. Lien vers Pubmed

201. South M, Newton T, Chamberlain PD. Delayed reversal learning and association with repetitive behavior in autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res ;2012 (Dec) ;5(6):398-406. Lien vers Pubmed

211. Tanaka JW, Wolf JM, Klaiman C, Koenig K, Cockburn J, Herlihy L, Brown C, Stahl SS, South M, McPartland JC, Kaiser MD, Schultz RT. The perception and identification of facial emotions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders using the Let’s Face It ! Emotion Skills Battery. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2012 (Dec) ;53(12):1259-1267. Lien vers Pubmed

229. Wallen M, Joosten A. Weighted vests did not improve competing behaviours or joint attention of 2 year olds with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Aust Occup Ther J ;2012 (Dec) ;59(6):468-470. Lien vers Pubmed

230. Wan MW, Green J, Elsabbagh M, Johnson M, Charman T, Plummer F. Quality of interaction between at-risk infants and caregiver at 12-15 months is associated with 3-year autism outcome. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2012 (Dec 11) Lien vers Pubmed

232. Wang SY, Parrila R, Cui Y. Meta-Analysis of Social Skills Interventions of Single-Case Research for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : Results from Three-Level HLM. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 5) Lien vers Pubmed

236. Williams BT, Gray KM, Tonge BJ. Teaching emotion recognition skills to young children with autism : a randomised controlled trial of an emotion training programme. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2012 (Dec) ;53(12):1268-1276. Lien vers Pubmed

238. Wilson KP. Teaching Social-Communication Skills to Preschoolers with Autism : Efficacy of Video Versus In Vivo Modeling in the Classroom. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 9) Lien vers Pubmed

- Communication, langage

38. Cashin A, Browne G, Bradbury J, Mulder A. The effectiveness of narrative therapy with young people with autism. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs ;2013 (Feb) ;26(1):32-41. Lien vers Pubmed

95. Hobson RP, Hobson JA, Garcia-Perez R, Du Bois J. Dialogic linkage and resonance in autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2718-2728. Lien vers Pubmed

99. Hutchins TL, Prelock PA. The social validity of Social Stories for supporting the behavioural and communicative functioning of children with autism spectrum disorder. Int J Speech Lang Pathol ;2012 (Dec 6) Lien vers Pubmed

164. Perryman TY, Carter AS, Messinger DS, Stone WL, Ivanescu AE, Yoder PJ. Brief Report : Parental Child-Directed Speech as a Predictor of Receptive Language in Children with Autism Symptomatology. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 1) Lien vers Pubmed

169. Plumb AM, Wetherby AM. Vocalization Development in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2012 (Dec 28) Lien vers Pubmed

239. Winder BM, Wozniak RH, Parlade MV, Iverson JM. Spontaneous Initiation of Communication in Infants at Low and Heightened Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Dev Psychol ;2012 (Dec 10) Lien vers Pubmed

- Education, Apprentissages

173. Post M, Haymes L, Storey K, Loughrey T, Campbell C. Understanding Stalking Behaviors by Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Recommended Prevention Strategies for School Settings. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec 4) Lien vers Pubmed

- Epilepsie

24. Berryer MH, Hamdan FF, Klitten LL, Moller RS, Carmant L, Schwartzentruber J, Patry L, Dobrzeniecka S, Rochefort D, Neugnot-Cerioli M, Lacaille JC, Niu Z, Eng CM, Yang Y, Palardy S, Belhumeur C, Rouleau GA, Tommerup N, Immken L, Beauchamp MH, Patel GS, Majewski J, Tarnopolsky MA, Scheffzek K, Hjalgrim H, Michaud JL, Di Cristo G. Mutations in SYNGAP1 Cause Intellectual Disability, Autism, and a Specific Form of Epilepsy by Inducing Haploinsufficiency. Hum Mutat ;2013 (Feb) ;34(2):385-394. Lien vers Pubmed

208. Struys EA, Nota B, Bakkali A, Al Shahwan S, Salomons GS, Tabarki B. Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy with elevated urinary alpha-amino adipic semialdehyde in molybdenum cofactor deficiency. Pediatrics ;2012 (Dec) ;130(6):e1716-1719. Lien vers Pubmed

222. van Eeghen AM, Pulsifer MB, Merker VL, Neumeyer AM, van Eeghen EE, Thibert RL, Cole AJ, Leigh FA, Plotkin SR, Thiele EA. Understanding relationships between autism, intelligence, and epilepsy : a cross-disorder approach. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2013 (Feb) ;55(2):146-153. Lien vers Pubmed

- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

3. Abdallah MW, Larsen N, Grove J, Bonefeld-Jorgensen EC, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Hougaard DM, Mortensen EL. Neonatal chemokine levels and risk of autism spectrum disorders : Findings from a Danish historic birth cohort follow-up study. Cytokine ;2013 (Feb) ;61(2):370-376. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Abdallah MW, Pearce BD, Larsen N, Greaves-Lord K, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Hougaard DM, Mortensen EL, Grove J. Amniotic fluid MMP-9 and neurotrophins in autism spectrum disorders : an exploratory study. Autism Res ;2012 (Dec) ;5(6):428-433. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Atladottir HO, Henriksen TB, Schendel DE, Parner ET. Autism after infection, febrile episodes, and antibiotic use during pregnancy : an exploratory study. Pediatrics ;2012 (Dec) ;130(6):e1447-1454. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Becerra TA, Wilhelm M, Olsen J, Cockburn M, Ritz B. Ambient Air Pollution and Autism in Los Angeles County, California. Environ Health Perspect ;2012 (Dec 18) Lien vers Pubmed

59. Dorea JG. Re : « prenatal exposure to mercury and infant neurodevelopment in a multicenter cohort in Spain : study of potential modifiers ». Am J Epidemiol ;2012 (Dec 15) ;176(12):1194-1195 ; author reply 1195-1196. Lien vers Pubmed

79. Geier DA, Kern JK, King PG, Sykes LK, Geier MR. Hair toxic metal concentrations and autism spectrum disorder severity in young children. Int J Environ Res Public Health ;2012 (Dec) ;9(12):4486-4497. Lien vers Pubmed

89. Hahn S. Environments and autistic spectrum conditions. Nurs Times ;2012 (Dec 4-10) ;108(49):23-25. Lien vers Pubmed

96. Hu VW. Is retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-alpha (RORA) a target for gene-environment interactions contributing to autism ?. Neurotoxicology ;2012 (Dec) ;33(6):1434-1435. Lien vers Pubmed

180. Roberts JR, Karr CJ. Pesticide exposure in children. Pediatrics ;2012 (Dec) ;130(6):e1765-1788. Lien vers Pubmed

207. Stoch YK, Williams CJ, Granich J, Hunt AM, Landau LI, Newnham JP, Whitehouse AJ. Are prenatal ultrasound scans associated with the autism phenotype ? Follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2693-2701. Lien vers Pubmed

- Génétique, biochimie

2. Two sides of the coin. Nat Genet ;2012 (Dec) ;44(12):1287. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Aldinger KA, Kogan J, Kimonis V, Fernandez B, Horn D, Klopocki E, Chung B, Toutain A, Weksberg R, Millen KJ, Barkovich AJ, Dobyns WB. Cerebellar and posterior fossa malformations in patients with autism-associated chromosome 22q13 terminal deletion. Am J Med Genet A ;2013 (Jan) ;161(1):131-136. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Bi C, Wu J, Jiang T, Liu Q, Cai W, Yu P, Cai T, Zhao M, Jiang YH, Sun ZS. Mutations of ANK3 identified by exome sequencing are associated with autism susceptibility. Hum Mutat ;2012 (Dec) ;33(12):1635-1638. Lien vers Pubmed

45. Corley MJ, Meyza KZ, Blanchard DC, Blanchard RJ. Reduced sulfate plasma concentrations in the BTBR T+tf/J mouse model of autism. Physiol Behav ;2012 (Dec 5) ;107(5):663-665. Lien vers Pubmed

51. Cukier HN, Lee JM, Ma D, Young JI, Mayo V, Butler BL, Ramsook SS, Rantus JA, Abrams AJ, Whitehead PL, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Haines JL, Cuccaro ML, Pericak-Vance MA, Gilbert JR. The expanding role of MBD genes in autism : identification of a MECP2 duplication and novel alterations in MBD5, MBD6, and SETDB1. Autism Res ;2012 (Dec) ;5(6):385-397. Lien vers Pubmed

60. Egawa J, Watanabe Y, Endo T, Tamura R, Masuzawa N, Someya T. Association between OXTR and clinical phenotypes of autism spectrum disorders. Psychiatry Res ;2012 (Dec 6) Lien vers Pubmed

71. Feliciano P. Autism candidate gene resequencing. Nat Genet ;2012 (Dec 16) ;45(1):11. Lien vers Pubmed

74. Fujita E, Tanabe Y, Imhof BA, Momoi MY, Momoi T. A complex of synaptic adhesion molecule CADM1, a molecule related to autism spectrum disorder, with MUPP1 in the cerebellum. J Neurochem ;2012 (Dec) ;123(5):886-894. Lien vers Pubmed

75. Fujita-Jimbo E, Yu ZL, Li H, Yamagata T, Mori M, Momoi T, Momoi MY. Mutation in Parkinson disease-associated, G-protein-coupled receptor 37 (GPR37/PaelR) is related to Autism spectrum disorder. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(12):e51155. Lien vers Pubmed

81. Gilman SR, Chang J, Xu B, Bawa TS, Gogos JA, Karayiorgou M, Vitkup D. Diverse types of genetic variation converge on functional gene networks involved in schizophrenia. Nat Neurosci ;2012 (Dec) ;15(12):1723-1728. Lien vers Pubmed

93. Hedrick A, Lee Y, Wallace GL, Greenstein D, Clasen L, Giedd JN, Raznahan A. Autism risk gene MET variation and cortical thickness in typically developing children and adolescents. Autism Res ;2012 (Dec) ;5(6):434-439. Lien vers Pubmed

100. Iourov IY, Vorsanova SG, Kurinnaia OS, Zelenova MA, Silvanovich AP, Yurov YB. Molecular karyotyping by array CGH in a Russian cohort of children with intellectual disability, autism, epilepsy and congenital anomalies. Mol Cytogenet ;2012 ;5(1):46. Lien vers Pubmed

113. Kidd SA, Corbett BA, Granger DA, Boyce WT, Anders TF, Tager IB. Daytime secretion of salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase in preschool-aged children with autism and typically developing children. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Dec) ;42(12):2648-2658. Lien vers Pubmed

116. Kong SW, Collins CD, Shimizu-Motohashi Y, Holm IA, Campbell MG, Lee IH, Brewster SJ, Hanson E, Harris HK, Lowe KR, Saada A, Mora A, Madison K, Hundley R, Egan J, McCarthy J, Eran A, Galdzicki M, Rappaport L, Kunkel LM, Kohane IS. Characteristics and predictive value of blood transcriptome signature in males with autism spectrum disorders. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(12):e49475. Lien vers Pubmed

126. Lu AT, Dai X, Martinez-Agosto JA, Cantor RM. Support for calcium channel gene defects in autism spectrum disorders. Mol Autism ;2012 ;3(1):18. Lien vers Pubmed

134. Maurer MH. Genomic and proteomic advances in autism research. Electrophoresis ;2012 (Dec) ;33(24):3653-3658. Lien vers Pubmed

139. Michaelson JJ, Shi Y, Gujral M, Zheng H, Malhotra D, Jin X, Jian M, Liu G, Greer D, Bhandari A, Wu W, Corominas R, Peoples A, Koren A, Gore A, Kang S, Lin GN, Estabillo J, Gadomski T, Singh B, Zhang K, Akshoomoff N, Corsello C, McCarroll S, Iakoucheva LM, Li Y, Wang J, Sebat J. Whole-genome sequencing in autism identifies hot spots for de novo germline mutation. Cell ;2012 (Dec 21) ;151(7):1431-1442. Lien vers Pubmed

144. Mosrati MA, Schrauwen I, Kamoun H, Charfeddine I, Fransen E, Ghorbel A, Van Camp G, Masmoudi S. Genome wide analysis in a family with sensorineural hearing loss, autism and mental retardation. Gene ;2012 (Dec 1) ;510(2):102-106. Lien vers Pubmed

152. Oberman LM. mGluR antagonists and GABA agonists as novel pharmacological agents for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Expert Opin Investig Drugs ;2012 (Dec) ;21(12):1819-1825. Lien vers Pubmed

155. O’Roak BJ, Vives L, Fu W, Egertson JD, Stanaway IB, Phelps IG, Carvill G, Kumar A, Lee C, Ankenman K, Munson J, Hiatt JB, Turner EH, Levy R, O’Day DR, Krumm N, Coe BP, Martin BK, Borenstein E, Nickerson DA, Mefford HC, Doherty D, Akey JM, Bernier R, Eichler EE, Shendure J. Multiplex targeted sequencing identifies recurrently mutated genes in autism spectrum disorders. Science ;2012 (Dec 21) ;338(6114):1619-1622. Lien vers Pubmed

159. Palumbo O, D’Agruma L, Minenna AF, Palumbo P, Stallone R, Palladino T, Zelante L, Carella M. 3p14.1 de novo microdeletion involving the FOXP1 gene in an adult patient with autism, severe speech delay and deficit of motor coordination. Gene ;2013 (Mar 1) ;516(1):107-113. Lien vers Pubmed

166. Petersen AK, Ahmad A, Shafiq M, Brown-Kipphut B, Fong CT, Anwar Iqbal M. Deletion 1q43 encompassing only CHRM3 in a patient with autistic disorder. Eur J Med Genet ;2013 (Feb) ;56(2):118-122. Lien vers Pubmed

175. Prasad A, Merico D, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Wei J, Lionel AC, Sato D, Rickaby J, Lu C, Szatmari P, Roberts W, Fernandez BA, Marshall CR, Hatchwell E, Eis PS, Scherer SW. A discovery resource of rare copy number variations in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. G3 (Bethesda) ;2012 (Dec) ;2(12):1665-1685. Lien vers Pubmed

177. Puffenberger EG, Jinks RN, Wang H, Xin B, Fiorentini C, Sherman EA, Degrazio D, Shaw C, Sougnez C, Cibulskis K, Gabriel S, Kelley RI, Morton DH, Strauss KA. A homozygous missense mutation in HERC2 associated with global developmental delay and autism spectrum disorder. Hum Mutat ;2012 (Dec) ;33(12):1639-1646. Lien vers Pubmed

195. Sharma JR, Arieff Z, Gameeldien H, Davids M, Kaur M, van der Merwe L. Association analysis of two single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the RELN gene with autism in the South african population. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers ;2013 (Feb) ;17(2):93-98. Lien vers Pubmed

199. Sokolowsky M, Fakra E, Azorin JM. [Endophenotypes and autism spectrum disorders]. Encephale ;2012 (Dec) ;38 Suppl 3:S67-69. Lien vers Pubmed

200. Sorte HS, Gjevik E, Sponheim E, Eiklid KL, Rodningen OK. Copy number variation findings among 50 children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatr Genet ;2012 (Dec 30) Lien vers Pubmed

202. Spencer MD, Chura LR, Holt RJ, Suckling J, Calder AJ, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S. Failure to deactivate the default mode network indicates a possible endophenotype of autism. Mol Autism ;2012 ;3(1):15. Lien vers Pubmed

217. Toma C, Hervas A, Torrico B, Balmana N, Salgado M, Maristany M, Vilella E, Martinez-Leal R, Planelles MI, Cusco I, Del Campo M, Perez-Jurado LA, Caballero-Andaluz R, de Diego-Otero Y, Perez-Costillas L, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Ribases M, Bayes M, Cormand B. Analysis of two language-related genes in autism : a case-control association study of FOXP2 and CNTNAP2. Psychiatr Genet ;2012 (Dec 30) Lien vers Pubmed

220. Tsai NP, Wilkerson JR, Guo W, Maksimova MA, Demartino GN, Cowan CW, Huber KM. Multiple Autism-Linked Genes Mediate Synapse Elimination via Proteasomal Degradation of a Synaptic Scaffold PSD-95. Cell ;2012 (Dec 21) ;151(7):1581-1594. Lien vers Pubmed

224. Vande Wydeven K, Kwan A, Hardan AY, Bernstein JA. Underutilization of genetics services for autism : the importance of parental awareness and provider recommendation. J Genet Couns ;2012 (Dec) ;21(6):803-813. Lien vers Pubmed

231. Wang IT, Allen M, Goffin D, Zhu X, Fairless AH, Brodkin ES, Siegel SJ, Marsh ED, Blendy JA, Zhou Z. Loss of CDKL5 disrupts kinome profile and event-related potentials leading to autistic-like phenotypes in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2012 (Dec 26) ;109(52):21516-21521. Lien vers Pubmed

243. Yim SV, Kim SK, Park HJ, Jeon HS, Jo BC, Kang WS, Lee SM, Kim JW, Chung JH. Assessment of the correlation between TIMP4 SNPs and schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. Mol Med Report ;2013 (Feb) ;7(2):489-494. Lien vers Pubmed

- Imagerie

57. Dilber C, Caliskan M, Sonmezoglu K, Nisli S, Mukaddes NM, Tatli B, Aydinli N, Ekici B, Ozmen M. Positron emission tomography findings in children with infantile spasms and autism. J Clin Neurosci ;2012 (Dec 6) Lien vers Pubmed

62. Ellegood J, Babineau BA, Henkelman RM, Lerch JP, Crawley JN. Neuroanatomical analysis of the BTBR mouse model of autism using magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. Neuroimage ;2012 (Dec 26) ;70C:288-300. Lien vers Pubmed

146. Mueller S, Keeser D, Reiser MF, Teipel S, Meindl T. Functional and structural MR imaging in neuropsychiatric disorders, part 2 : application in schizophrenia and autism. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol ;2012 (Dec) ;33(11):2033-2037. Lien vers Pubmed

228. Walker L, Gozzi M, Lenroot R, Thurm A, Behseta B, Swedo S, Pierpaoli C. Diffusion tensor imaging in young children with autism : biological effects and potential confounds. Biol Psychiatry ;2012 (Dec 15) ;72(12):1043-1051. Lien vers Pubmed

- Immunologie

190. Saxena V, Ramdas S, Ochoa CR, Wallace D, Bhide P, Kohane I. Structural, genetic, and functional signatures of disordered neuro-immunological development in autism spectrum disorder. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(12):e48835. Lien vers Pubmed

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

34. Burrus CJ. A biochemical rationale for the interaction between gastrointestinal yeast and autism. Med Hypotheses ;2012 (Dec) ;79(6):784-785. Lien vers Pubmed

82. Gondalia SV, Palombo EA, Knowles SR, Cox SB, Meyer D, Austin DW. Molecular characterisation of gastrointestinal microbiota of children with autism (with and without gastrointestinal dysfunction) and their neurotypical siblings. Autism Res ;2012 (Dec) ;5(6):419-427. Lien vers Pubmed

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