Articles parus en février 2009 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- Alimentation, nutrition
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Éducation
- Épidémiologie
- Épilepsie
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Neurones miroirs
- Outils d’évaluation
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Phénotypes
- Prévalence
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Recherche de causes environnementales
- Revue de littérature
- Sensori-moteur
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers


168. Special report : early intensive behavioral intervention based on applied behavior analysis among children with autism spectrum disorders. Technol Eval Cent Asses Program Exec Summ ;2009 (Feb) ;23(9):1-5. Résumé

- Alimentation, nutrition

55. Herndon AC, DiGuiseppi C, Johnson SL, Leiferman J, Reynolds A. Does nutritional intake differ between children with autism spectrum disorders and children with typical development ? J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):212-222. Résumé

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

3. Annaz D, Karmiloff-Smith A, Johnson MH, Thomas MS. A cross-syndrome study of the development of holistic face recognition in children with autism, Down syndrome, and Williams syndrome. J Exp Child Psychol ;2009 (Apr) ;102(4):456-486. Résumé

4. Arnold JE, Bennetto L, Diehl JJ. Reference production in young speakers with and without autism : effects of discourse status and processing constraints. Cognition ;2009 (Feb) ;110(2):131-146. Résumé

9. Barbeau EB, Mendrek A, Mottron L. Are autistic traits autistic ? Br J Psychol ;2009 (Feb) ;100(Pt 1):23-28. Résumé

27. D’Cruz AM, Mosconi MW, Steele S, Rubin LH, Luna B, Minshew N, Sweeney JA. Lateralized Response Timing Deficits in Autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 19) Résumé

28. de Jonge M, Kemner C, Naber F, van Engeland H. Block design reconstruction skills : not a good candidate for an endophenotypic marker in autism research. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2009 (Apr) ;18(4):197-205. Résumé

34. Esposito G, Venuti P, Maestro S, Muratori F. An exploration of symmetry in early autism spectrum disorders : analysis of lying. Brain Dev ;2009 (Feb) ;31(2):131-138. Résumé

45. Geurts HM, Corbett B, Solomon M. The paradox of cognitive flexibility in autism. Trends Cogn Sci ;2009 (Feb) ;13(2):74-82. Résumé

51. Gunji A, Inagaki M, Inoue Y, Takeshima Y, Kaga M. Event-related potentials of self-face recognition in children with pervasive developmental disorders. Brain Dev ;2009 (Feb) ;31(2):139-147. Résumé

76. Kuusikko S, Haapsamo H, Jansson-Verkasalo E, Hurtig T, Mattila ML, Ebeling H, Jussila K, Bolte S, Moilanen I. Emotion Recognition in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb 10) Résumé

88. Magnee MJ, Oranje B, van Engeland H, Kahn RS, Kemner C. Cross-sensory gating in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder : EEG evidence for impaired brain connectivity ? Neuropsychologia ;2009 (Jun) ;47(7):1728-1732. Résumé

104. Mundy P, Sullivan L, Mastergeorge AM. A parallel and distributed-processing model of joint attention, social cognition and autism. Autism Res ;2009 (Feb) ;2(1):2-21. Résumé

122. Quirmbach LM, Lincoln AJ, Feinberg-Gizzo MJ, Ingersoll BR, Andrews SM. Social stories : mechanisms of effectiveness in increasing game play skills in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder using a pretest posttest repeated measures randomized control group design. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):299-321. Résumé

124. Ramachandran R, Mitchell P, Ropar D. Do individuals with autism spectrum disorders infer traits from behavior ? J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 26) Résumé

139. Sokhadze E, Baruth J, Tasman A, Sears L, Mathai G, El-Baz A, Casanova MF. Event-related potential study of novelty processing abnormalities in autism. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback ;2009 (Mar) ;34(1):37-51. Résumé

159. White SW, Oswald D, Ollendick T, Scahill L. Anxiety in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Clin Psychol Rev ;2009 (Apr) ;29(3):216-229. Résumé

160. Williams D, Happe F. Pre-conceptual aspects of self-awareness in autism spectrum disorder : the case of action-monitoring. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):251-259. Résumé

- Communication, langage

32. Eigsti IM, Bennetto L. Grammaticality judgments in autism : Deviance or delay. J Child Lang ;2009 (Feb 19):1-23. Résumé

39. Frye RE, Beauchamp MS. Receptive language organization in high-functioning autism. J Child Neurol ;2009 (Feb) ;24(2):231-236. Résumé

50. Grossman RB, Schneps MH, Tager-Flusberg H. Slipped lips : onset asynchrony detection of auditory-visual language in autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Apr) ;50(4):491-497. Résumé

84. Lindgren KA, Folstein SE, Tomblin JB, Tager-Flusberg H. Language and reading abilities of children with autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairment and their first-degree relatives. Autism Res ;2009 (Feb) ;2(1):22-38. Résumé

93. Meilleur AA, Fombonne E. Regression of language and non-language skills in pervasive developmental disorders. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2009 (Feb) ;53(2):115-124. Résumé

100. Monfort I. [Communication and language : bidirectionality in interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S53-56.Comunicacion y lenguaje : bidireccionalidad en la intervencion en ninos con trastorno de espectro autista. Résumé

150. Volden J, Coolican J, Garon N, White J, Bryson S. Brief report : pragmatic language in autism spectrum disorder : relationships to measures of ability and disability. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):388-393. Résumé

- Éducation

23. Chuthapisith J, diMambro B, Doody G. Effectiveness of a computer assisted learning (CAL) package to raise awareness of autism. BMC Med Educ ;2009 ;9:12. Résumé

63. Jackson JN, Campbell JM. Teachers’ peer buddy selections for children with autism : social characteristics and relationship with peer nominations. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):269-277. Résumé

143. Stichter JP, Randolph JK, Kay D, Gage N. The Use of Structural Analysis to Develop Antecedent-based Interventions for Students with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb 4) Résumé

- Épidémiologie

38. Fombonne E. Epidemiology of pervasive developmental disorders. Pediatr Res ;2009 (Feb 11) Résumé

56. Hertz-Picciotto I, Delwiche L. The rise in autism and the role of age at diagnosis. Epidemiology ;2009 (Jan) ;20(1):84-90. Résumé

- Épilepsie

12. Besag FM. The relationship between epilepsy and autism : a continuing debate. Acta Paediatr ;2009 (Apr) ;98(4):618-620. Résumé

42. Garcia-Penas JJ. [Autism, epilepsy and temporal lobe pathology]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S35-45.Autismo, epilepsia y patologia del lobulo temporal. Résumé

94. Mikati MA, El-Bitar MK, Najjar MW, Rbeiz JJ, Barada WH, Najjar VF, Yaktin U, Tourjuman O. A child with refractory complex partial seizures, right temporal ganglioglioma, contralateral continuous electrical status epilepticus, and a secondary Landau-Kleffner autistic syndrome. Epilepsy Behav ;2009 (Feb) ;14(2):411-417. Résumé

141. Spence SJ, Schneider MT. The Role of Epilepsy and Epileptiform EEGs in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatr Res ;2009 (Feb 11) Résumé

- Génétique, biochimie

2. Anderson BM, Schnetz-Boutaud NC, Bartlett J, Wotawa AM, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Cuccaro ML, Gilbert JR, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL. Examination of association of genes in the serotonin system to autism. Neurogenetics ;2009 (Jan 28) Résumé

6. Auyeung B, Baron-Cohen S, Ashwin E, Knickmeyer R, Taylor K, Hackett G. Fetal testosterone and autistic traits. Br J Psychol ;2009 (Feb) ;100(Pt 1):1-22. Résumé

10. Baron-Cohen S, Auyeung B, Ashwin E, Knickmeyer R. Fetal testosterone and autistic traits : a response to three fascinating commentaries. Br J Psychol ;2009 (Feb) ;100(Pt 1):39-47. Résumé

11. Bayou N, M’Rad R, Ahlem B, Bechir Helayem M, Chaabouni H. Autism : an overview of genetic aetiology. Tunis Med ;2008 (Jun) ;86(6):573-578. Résumé

20. Buyske S. Comment on the article « Heterogeneous dysregulation of microRNAs across the autism spectrum » by Abu-Elneel et al. Neurogenetics ;2009 (Apr) ;10(2):167. Résumé

26. Cusco I, Medrano A, Gener B, Vilardell M, Gallastegui F, Villa O, Gonzalez E, Rodriguez-Santiago B, Vilella E, Del Campo M, Perez-Jurado LA. Autism-specific copy number variants further implicate the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway and the glutamatergic synapse in the etiology of the disorder. Hum Mol Genet ;2009 (May 15) ;18(10):1795-1804. Résumé

29. Derwinska K, Bernaciak J, Wisniowiecka-Kowalnik B, Obersztyn E, Bocian E, Stankiewicz P. Autistic features with speech delay in a girl with an approximately 1.5-Mb deletion in 6q16.1, including GPR63 and FUT9. Clin Genet ;2009 (Feb) ;75(2):199-202. Résumé

35. Fatemi SH, Reutiman TJ, Folsom TD, Thuras PD. GABA(A) receptor downregulation in brains of subjects with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):223-230. Résumé

67. Judson MC, Bergman MY, Campbell DB, Eagleson KL, Levitt P. Dynamic gene and protein expression patterns of the autism-associated met receptor tyrosine kinase in the developing mouse forebrain. J Comp Neurol ;2009 (Apr 10) ;513(5):511-531. Résumé

75. Kumar RA, Marshall CR, Badner JA, Babatz TD, Mukamel Z, Aldinger KA, Sudi J, Brune CW, Goh G, Karamohamed S, Sutcliffe JS, Cook EH, Geschwind DH, Dobyns WB, Scherer SW, Christian SL. Association and mutation analyses of 16p11.2 autism candidate genes. PLoS ONE ;2009 ;4(2):e4582. Résumé

78. Laumonnier F, Shoubridge C, Antar C, Nguyen LS, Van Esch H, Kleefstra T, Briault S, Fryns JP, Hamel B, Chelly J, Ropers HH, Ronce N, Blesson S, Moraine C, Gecz J, Raynaud M. Mutations of the UPF3B gene, which encodes a protein widely expressed in neurons, are associated with nonspecific mental retardation with or without autism. Mol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 24) Résumé

85. Liu X, Novosedlik N, Wang A, Hudson ML, Cohen IL, Chudley AE, Forster-Gibson CJ, Lewis SM, Holden JJ. The DLX1and DLX2 genes and susceptibility to autism spectrum disorders. Eur J Hum Genet ;2009 (Feb) ;17(2):228-235. Résumé

97. Ming X, Johnson WG, Stenroos ES, Mars A, Lambert GH, Buyske S. Genetic variant of glutathione peroxidase 1 in autism. Brain Dev ;2009 (Feb 3) Résumé

106. Nakashima N, Yamagata T, Mori M, Kuwajima M, Suwa K, Momoi MY. Expression analysis and mutation detection of DLX5 and DLX6 in autism. Brain Dev ;2009 (Feb 3) Résumé

108. Newbury DF, Warburton PC, Wilson N, Bacchelli E, Carone S, Lamb JA, Maestrini E, Volpi EV, Mohammed S, Baird G, Monaco AP, International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium. Mapping of partially overlapping de novo deletions across an autism susceptibility region (AUTS5) in two unrelated individuals affected by developmental delays with communication impairment. Am J Med Genet A ;2009 (Feb 15) ;149A(4):588-597. Résumé

113. Ozgen HM, Staal WG, Barber JC, de Jonge MV, Eleveld MJ, Beemer FA, Hochstenbach R, Poot M. A novel 6.14 Mb duplication of chromosome 8p21 in a patient with autism and self mutilation. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):322-329. Résumé

123. Radyushkin K, Hammerschmidt K, Boretius S, Varoqueaux F, El-Kordi A, Ronnenberg A, Winter D, Frahm J, Fischer J, Brose N, Ehrenreich H. Neuroligin-3 deficient mice : Model of a monogenic heritable form of autism with an olfactory deficit. Genes Brain Behav ;2009 (Feb 11) Résumé

128. Sadakata T, Furuichi T. Developmentally Regulated Ca(2+)-Dependent Activator Protein for Secretion 2 (CAPS2) is Involved in BDNF Secretion and is Associated with Autism Susceptibility. Cerebellum ;2009 (Feb 24) Résumé

144. Swanberg SE, Nagarajan RP, Peddada S, Yasui DH, LaSalle JM. Reciprocal co-regulation of EGR2 and MECP2 is disrupted in Rett syndrome and autism. Hum Mol Genet ;2009 (Feb 1) ;18(3):525-534. Résumé

145. Tabares-Seisdedos R, Rubenstein JL. Chromosome 8p as a potential hub for developmental neuropsychiatric disorders : implications for schizophrenia, autism and cancer. Mol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 10) Résumé

149. Varga EA, Pastore M, Prior T, Herman GE, McBride KL. The prevalence of PTEN mutations in a clinical pediatric cohort with autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, and macrocephaly. Genet Med ;2009 (Feb) ;11(2):111-117. Résumé

153. Wall DP, Esteban FJ, Deluca TF, Huyck M, Monaghan T, Velez de Mendizabal N, Goni J, Kohane IS. Comparative analysis of neurological disorders focuses genome-wide search for autism genes. Genomics ;2009 (Feb) ;93(2):120-129. Résumé

162. Yip J, Soghomonian JJ, Blatt GJ. Decreased GAD65 mRNA levels in select subpopulations of neurons in the cerebellar dentate nuclei in autism : an in situ hybridization study. Autism Res ;2009 (Feb) ;2(1):50-59. Résumé

166. Zhang A, Shen CH, Ma SY, Ke Y, El Idrissi A. Altered expression of Autism-associated genes in the brain of Fragile X mouse model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun ;2009 (Feb 20) ;379(4):920-923. Résumé

- Imagerie

13. Boddaert N, Zilbovicius M, Philipe A, Robel L, Bourgeois M, Barthelemy C, Seidenwurm D, Meresse I, Laurier L, Desguerre I, Bahi-Buisson N, Brunelle F, Munnich A, Samson Y, Mouren MC, Chabane N. MRI findings in 77 children with non-syndromic autistic disorder. PLoS ONE ;2009 ;4(2):e4415. Résumé

53. Hallahan B, Daly EM, McAlonan G, Loth E, Toal F, O’Brien F, Robertson D, Hales S, Murphy C, Murphy KC, Murphy DG. Brain morphometry volume in autistic spectrum disorder : a magnetic resonance imaging study of adults. Psychol Med ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):337-346. Résumé

69. Ke X, Tang T, Hong S, Hang Y, Zou B, Li H, Zhou Z, Ruan Z, Lu Z, Tao G, Liu Y. White matter impairments in autism, evidence from voxel-based morphometry and diffusion tensor imaging. Brain Res ;2009 (Apr 10) ;1265:171-177. Résumé

79. Lazarev VV, Pontes A, deAzevedo LC. EEG photic driving : right-hemisphere reactivity deficit in childhood autism. A pilot study. Int J Psychophysiol ;2009 (Feb) ;71(2):177-183. Résumé

112. Ortiz T, Palau-Baduell M, Salvado-Salvado B, Valls-Santasusana A. [A study of autism spectrum disorders and language disorders using magnetoencephalography. The scientific contribution of Dr. Munoz Yunta]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S3-S12.Estudio de los trastornos del espectro autista y trastornos del lenguaje mediante magnetoencefalografia. Aportacion cientifica del Dr. Munoz Yunta. Résumé

- Immunologie

5. Ashwood P, Schauer J, Pessah IN, de Water JV. Preliminary evidence of the in vitro effects of BDE-47 on innate immune responses in children with autism spectrum disorders. J Neuroimmunol ;2009 (Mar 31) ;208(1-2):130-135. Résumé

82. Li X, Chauhan A, Sheikh AM, Patil S, Chauhan V, Li XM, Ji L, Brown T, Malik M. Elevated immune response in the brain of autistic patients. J Neuroimmunol ;2009 (Feb 15) ;207(1-2):111-116. Résumé

102. Mostafa GA, Kitchener N. Serum anti-nuclear antibodies as a marker of autoimmunity in Egyptian autistic children. Pediatr Neurol ;2009 (Feb) ;40(2):107-112. Résumé

- Maladies gastro-intestinales

41. Galiatsatos P, Gologan A, Lamoureux E. Autistic enterocolitis : fact or fiction ? Can J Gastroenterol ;2009 (Feb) ;23(2):95-98. Résumé

91. Martirosian G, Ekiel A, Aptekorz M, Kazek B, Marszal E, Jankowska-Steifer E, Moskalewski S. Intestinal anaerobic bacteria and autistic mind : is there some relations ? Comment to : the autistic mind : a case study. Katarzyna Markiewicz, Bruce Duncan MacQueen. Med Sci Monit, 2009 ; 15(1) : CS5-13. Med Sci Monit ;2009 (Mar) ;15(3):LE2-3. Résumé

132. Serour F, Witzling M, Frenkel-Laufer D, Gorenstein A. Intestinal obstruction in an autistic adolescent. Pediatr Emerg Care ;2008 (Oct) ;24(10):688-690. Résumé

- Neurologie, neurosciences

17. Burbach JP, van der Zwaag B. Contact in the genetics of autism and schizophrenia. Trends Neurosci ;2009 (Feb) ;32(2):69-72. Résumé

44. Geier DA, Kern JK, Garver CR, Adams JB, Audhya T, Geier MR. A prospective study of transsulfuration biomarkers in autistic disorders. Neurochem Res ;2009 (Feb) ;34(2):386-393. Résumé

60. Hranilovic D, Bujas-Petkovic Z, Tomicic M, Bordukalo-Niksic T, Blazevic S, Cicin-Sain L. Hyperserotonemia in autism : activity of 5HT-associated platelet proteins. J Neural Transm ;2009 (Apr) ;116(4):493-501. Résumé

70. Kleinhans NM, Johnson LC, Richards T, Mahurin R, Greenson J, Dawson G, Aylward E. Reduced neural habituation in the amygdala and social impairments in autism spectrum disorders. Am J Psychiatry ;2009 (Apr) ;166(4):467-475. Résumé

92. Marui T, Funatogawa I, Koishi S, Yamamoto K, Matsumoto H, Hashimoto O, Nanba E, Nishida H, Sugiyama T, Kasai K, Watanabe K, Kano Y, Kato N. Association of the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NRCAM) gene variants with autism. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol ;2009 (Feb) ;12(1):1-10. Résumé

148. Tuchman R, Moshe SL, Rapin I. Convulsing toward the pathophysiology of autism. Brain Dev ;2009 (Feb) ;31(2):95-103. Résumé

155. Webb SJ, Sparks BF, Friedman SD, Shaw DW, Giedd J, Dawson G, Dager SR. Cerebellar vermal volumes and behavioral correlates in children with autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Res ;2009 (Apr 30) ;172(1):61-67. Résumé

169. [Neuroanatomical basis of pervasive developmental disorders and its pathogenesis]. Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi ;2008 ;110(10):893-8990. Résumé

- Neurones miroirs

25. Cornelio-Nieto JO. [Infantile autism and mirror neurons]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S27-29.Autismo infantil y neuronas en espejo. Résumé

- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

15. Bowler DM, Limoges E, Mottron L. Different Verbal Learning Strategies in Autism Spectrum Disorder : Evidence from the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb 10) Résumé

31. Duby JC, Johnson CP. Universal screening for autism spectrum disorders : a snapshot within the big picture. Pediatr Ann ;2009 (Jan) ;38(1):36-41. Résumé

58. Honda H, Shimizu Y, Nitto Y, Imai M, Ozawa T, Iwasa M, Shiga K, Hira T. Extraction and Refinement Strategy for detection of autism in 18-month-olds : a guarantee of higher sensitivity and specificity in the process of mass screening. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 27) Résumé

61. Inglese MD. Caring for children with autism spectrum disorder. Part II : screening, diagnosis, and management. J Pediatr Nurs ;2009 (Feb) ;24(1):49-59. Résumé

66. Johnson S, Marlow N. Positive screening results on the modified checklist for autism in toddlers : implications for very preterm populations. J Pediatr ;2009 (Apr) ;154(4):478-480. Résumé

74. Kuban KC, O’Shea TM, Allred EN, Tager-Flusberg H, Goldstein DJ, Leviton A. Positive screening on the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) in extremely low gestational age newborns. J Pediatr ;2009 (Apr) ;154(4):535-540 e531. Résumé

86. Love JR, Carr JE, Leblanc LA. Functional assessment of problem behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders : a summary of 32 outpatient cases. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):363-372. Résumé

111. Oosterling IJ, Swinkels SH, van der Gaag RJ, Visser JC, Dietz C, Buitelaar JK. Comparative Analysis of Three Screening Instruments for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Toddlers at High Risk. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb 10) Résumé

117. Perry A, Flanagan HE, Dunn Geier J, Freeman NL. Brief Report : The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders at Different Cognitive Levels. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb 21) Résumé

120. Pickler L, Elias E. Genetic evaluation of the child with an autism spectrum disorder. Pediatr Ann ;2009 (Jan) ;38(1):26-29. Résumé

138. Snow AV, Lecavalier L, Houts C. The structure of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised : diagnostic and phenotypic implications. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2008 (Dec 9) Résumé

151. Volkmar FR, State M, Klin A. Autism and autism spectrum disorders : diagnostic issues for the coming decade. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Jan) ;50(1-2):108-115. Résumé

- Parents

73. Koren-Karie N, Oppenheim D, Dolev S, Yirmiya N. Mothers of securely attached children with autism spectrum disorder are more sensitive than mothers of insecurely attached children. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Jan 12) Résumé

137. Smith CJ, Lang CM, Kryzak L, Reichenberg A, Hollander E, Silverman JM. Familial associations of intense preoccupations, an empirical factor of the restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests domain of autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 26) Résumé

- Pharmacologie

46. Ghanizadeh A. Does risperidone improve hyperacusia in children with autism ? Psychopharmacol Bull ;2009 ;42(1):108-110. Résumé

133. Shah S, Shah S, Apuya J, Gopalakrishnan S, Martin T. Combination of oral ketamine and midazolam as a premedication for a severely autistic and combative patient. J Anesth ;2009 ;23(1):126-128. Résumé

- Phénotypes

33. Elsabbagh M, Volein A, Holmboe K, Tucker L, Csibra G, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Charman T, Baird G, Johnson MH. Visual orienting in the early broader autism phenotype : Disengagement and facilitation. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 27) Résumé

81. Lenoir P, Bodier C, Desombre H, Malvy J, Abert B, Ould Taleb M, Sauvage D. [Prevalence of pervasive developmental disorders. A review.]. Encephale ;2009 (Feb) ;35(1):36-42.Sur la prevalence de l’autisme et des troubles envahissants du developpement (TED). Résumé

- Prévalence

62. Inglese MD, Elder JH. Caring for children with autism spectrum disorder. Part I : prevalence, etiology, and core features. J Pediatr Nurs ;2009 (Feb) ;24(1):41-48. Résumé

115. Peacock G, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Autism spectrum disorders : prevalence and vaccines. Pediatr Ann ;2009 (Jan) ;38(1):22-25. Résumé

- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

7. Bakare MO, Ebigbo PO, Agomoh AO, Eaton J, Onyeama GM, Okonkwo KO, Onwukwe JU, Igwe MN, Orovwigho AO, Aguocha CM. Knowledge about childhood autism and opinion among healthcare workers on availability of facilities and law caring for the needs and rights of children with childhood autism and other developmental disorders in Nigeria. BMC Pediatr ;2009 ;9:12. Résumé

8. Bakare MO, Agomoh AO, Ebigbo PO, Eaton J, Okonkwo KO, Onwukwe JU, Onyeama GM. Etiological explanation, treatability and preventability of childhood autism : a survey of Nigerian healthcare workers’ opinion. Ann Gen Psychiatry ;2009 ;8:6. Résumé

14. Bouder JN, Spielman S, Mandell DS. Brief Report : Quantifying the Impact of Autism Coverage on Private Insurance Premiums. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb 13) Résumé

19. Burrows KE, Adams CL. Challenges of service-dog ownership for families with autistic children : lessons for veterinary practitioners. J Vet Med Educ ;2008 (Winter) ;35(4):559-566. Résumé

30. Dhossche DM, Reti IM, Wachtel LE. Catatonia and autism : a historical review, with implications for electroconvulsive therapy. J Ect ;2009 (Mar) ;25(1):19-22. Résumé

95. Milla MG, Mulas F. [Early attention and specific intervention programs with autism spectrum disorders]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S47-52.Atencion temprana y programas de intervencion especifica en el trastorno del espectro autista. Résumé

105. Myers SM. Management of autism spectrum disorders in primary care. Pediatr Ann ;2009 (Jan) ;38(1):42-49. Résumé

107. Nelson D, Amplo K. Care of the autistic patient in the perioperative area. Aorn J ;2009 (Feb) ;89(2):391-392, 395-397. Résumé

119. Phelps KW, Hodgson JL, McCammon SL, Lamson AL. Caring for an individual with autism disorder : a qualitative analysis. J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2009 (Mar) ;34(1):27-35. Résumé

152. Wachtel LE, Contrucci-Kuhn SA, Griffin M, Thompson A, Dhossche DM, Reti IM. ECT for self-injury in an autistic boy. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2009 (Jul) ;18(7):458-463. Résumé

156. Wegner LM, Macias MM. Services for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders : payment issues. Pediatr Ann ;2009 (Jan) ;38(1):57-61. Résumé

158. West L, Waldrop J, Brunssen S. Pharmacologic treatment for the core deficits and associated symptoms of autism in children. J Pediatr Health Care ;2009 (Mar-Apr) ;23(2):75-89. Résumé

- Recherche de causes environnementales

110. Olson CD. Does prenatal ultrasound increase risk of autism ? J Am Osteopath Assoc ;2009 (Feb) ;109(2):71-72. Résumé

130. Scahill L, Bearss K. The rise in autism and the mercury myth. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs ;2009 (Feb) ;22(1):51-53. Résumé

- Revue de littérature

131. Seida JK, Ospina MB, Karkhaneh M, Hartling L, Smith V, Clark B. Systematic reviews of psychosocial interventions for autism : an umbrella review. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2009 (Feb) ;51(2):95-104. Résumé

- Sensori-moteur

24. Corbett BA, Schupp CW, Levine S, Mendoza S. Comparing cortisol, stress, and sensory sensitivity in children with autism. Autism Res ;2009 (Feb) ;2(1):39-49. Résumé

49. Green D, Charman T, Pickles A, Chandler S, Loucas T, Simonoff E, Baird G. Impairment in movement skills of children with autistic spectrum disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2009 (Apr) ;51(4):311-316. Résumé

64. Jasmin E, Couture M, McKinley P, Reid G, Fombonne E, Gisel E. Sensori-motor and daily living skills of preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Feb) ;39(2):231-241. Résumé

157. Wei BY, Wei YY, Huang F. [Influential factors for the sensory integration training effects in children with autism.]. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi ;2009 (Feb) ;11(2):124-127. Résumé

- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

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