Articles parus en Février 2011 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Psychanalyse
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Schizophrénie
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

- ABA, approches comportementales

68. Hoch J, Moore T, McComas J, Symons FJ. Arousal and activity choice in autism : A single case assessment integrating autonomic and behavioral analysis. J Appl Biobehav Res ;2010 (Sep) ;15(3):119-133. Résumé

- Adultes avec autisme

10. Baker JK, Smith LE, Greenberg JS, Seltzer MM, Taylor JL. Change in maternal criticism and behavior problems in adolescents and adults with autism across a 7-year period. J Abnorm Psychol ;2011 (Jan 10)Résumé

96. Liptak GS, Kennedy JA, Dosa NP. Social Participation in a Nationally Representative Sample of Older Youth and Young Adults With Autism. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2011 (Feb 1)Résumé

105. Mathewson KJ, Drmic IE, Jetha MK, Bryson SE, Goldberg JO, Hall GB, Santesso DL, Segalowitz SJ, Schmidt LA. Behavioral and cardiac responses to emotional stroop in adults with autism spectrum disorders : influence of medication. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb 28)Résumé

166. Trepagnier CY, Olsen DE, Boteler L, Bell CA. Virtual conversation partner for adults with autism. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw ;2011 (Jan-Feb) ;14(1-2):21-27. Résumé

- Alimentation, nutrition

78. Kaluzna-Czaplinska J. Noninvasive urinary organic acids test to assess biochemical and nutritional individuality in autistic children. Clin Biochem ;2011 (Feb 12)Résumé

103. Martirosian G, Ekiel A, Aptekorz M, Wiechula B, Kazek B, Jankowska-Steifer E, Jozwiak J, Moskalewski S. Fecal lactoferrin and Clostridium spp. in stools of autistic children. Anaerobe ;2011 (Feb) ;17(1):43-45. Résumé

122. Oldershaw A, Treasure J, Hambrook D, Tchanturia K, Schmidt U. Is anorexia nervosa a version of autism spectrum disorders ?. Eur Eat Disord Rev ;2011 (Jan 30)Résumé

164. Tang B, Piazza CC, Dolezal D, Stein MT. Severe Feeding Disorder and Malnutrition in 2 Children With Autism. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2011 (Feb 24)Résumé

- Biomarqueurs

5. Altieri L, Neri C, Sacco R, Curatolo P, Benvenuto A, Muratori F, Santocchi E, Bravaccio C, Lenti C, Saccani M, Rigardetto R, Gandione M, Urbani A, Persico AM. Urinary p-cresol is elevated in small children with severe autism spectrum disorder. Biomarkers ;2011 (Feb 18)Résumé

23. Bosl W, Tierney A, Tager-Flusberg H, Nelson C. EEG complexity as a biomarker for autism spectrum disorder risk. BMC Med ;2011 ;9:18. Résumé

138. Ratajczak HV. Theoretical aspects of autism : biomarkers—a review. J Immunotoxicol ;2011 (Jan-Mar) ;8(1):80-94. Résumé

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

24. Bradley EA, Ames CS, Bolton PF. Psychiatric conditions and behavioural problems in adolescents with intellectual disabilities : correlates with autism. Can J Psychiatry ;2011 (Feb) ;56(2):102-109. Résumé

39. Constantino JN. The Quantitative Nature of Autistic Social Impairment. Pediatr Res ;2011 (Feb 1)Résumé

44. De Pauw SS, Mervielde I, Van Leeuwen KG, De Clercq BJ. How temperament and personality contribute to the maladjustment of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb) ;41(2):196-212. Résumé

49. Ey E, Leblond CS, Bourgeron T. Behavioral profiles of mouse models for autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb) ;4(1):5-16. Résumé

53. Gastgeb HZ, Wilkinson DA, Minshew NJ, Strauss MS. Can Individuals with Autism Abstract Prototypes of Natural Faces ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 12)Résumé

67. Hileman CM, Henderson H, Mundy P, Newell L, Jaime M. Developmental and Individual Differences on the P1 and N170 ERP Components in Children With and Without Autism. Dev Neuropsychol ;2011 (Feb) ;36(2):214-236. Résumé

71. Jaarsma P, Welin S. Autism as a Natural Human Variation : Reflections on the Claims of the Neurodiversity Movement. Health Care Anal ;2011 (Feb 11)Résumé

81. Khetrapal N. Overlap of autism and seizures : understanding cognitive comorbidity. Mens Sana Monogr ;2010 (Jan) ;8(1):122-128. Résumé

84. Kohls G, Peltzer J, Schulte-Ruther M, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K. Atypical Brain Responses to Reward Cues in Autism as Revealed by Event-Related Potentials. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 3)Résumé

93. Li AS, Kelley EA, Evans AD, Lee K. Exploring the ability to deceive in children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb) ;41(2):185-195. Résumé

99. Maes JH, Eling PA, Wezenberg E, Vissers CT, Kan CC. Attentional set shifting in autism spectrum disorder : differentiating between the role of perseveration, learned irrelevance, and novelty processing. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol ;2011 (Feb) ;33(2):210-217. Résumé

116. Moruzzi S, Ogliari A, Ronald A, Happe F, Battaglia M. The Nature of Covariation Between Autistic Traits and Clumsiness : A Twin Study in a General Population Sample. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 23)Résumé

136. Poirier M, Martin JS, Gaigg SB, Bowler DM. Short-term memory in autism spectrum disorder. J Abnorm Psychol ;2011 (Feb) ;120(1):247-252. Résumé

149. Samson F, Hyde KL, Bertone A, Soulieres I, Mendrek A, Ahad P, Mottron L, Zeffiro TA. Atypical processing of auditory temporal complexity in autistics. Neuropsychologia ;2011 (Feb) ;49(3):546-555. Résumé

151. Sasson NJ, Elison JT, Turner-Brown LM, Dichter GS, Bodfish JW. Brief report : Circumscribed attention in young children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb) ;41(2):242-247. Résumé

159. Soulieres I, Mottron L, Giguere G, Larochelle S. Category induction in autism : Slower, perhaps different, but certainly possible. Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester) ;2011 (Feb) ;64(2):311-327. Résumé

168. Tsatsanis KD, Noens IL, Illmann CL, Pauls DL, Volkmar FR, Schultz RT, Klin A. Managing complexity : impact of organization and processing style on nonverbal memory in autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb) ;41(2):135-147. Résumé

178. Woodard CR, Van Reet J. Object identification and imagination : an alternative to the meta-representational explanation of autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb) ;41(2):213-226. Résumé

182. Yang M, Perry K, Weber MD, Katz AM, Crawley JN. Social peers rescue autism-relevant sociability deficits in adolescent mice. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb) ;4(1):17-27. Résumé

- Communication, langage

87. Lake JK, Humphreys KR, Cardy S. Listener vs. speaker-oriented aspects of speech : Studying the disfluencies of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Psychon Bull Rev ;2011 (Feb) ;18(1):135-140. Résumé

126. Patten E, Watson LR. Interventions targeting attention in young children with autism. Am J Speech Lang Pathol ;2011 (Feb) ;20(1):60-69. Résumé

155. Schoen E, Paul R, Chawarska K. Phonology and vocal behavior in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb 9)Résumé

167. Trottier N, Kamp L, Mirenda P. Effects of peer-mediated instruction to teach use of speech-generating devices to students with autism in social game routines. Augment Altern Commun ;2011 (Mar) ;27(1):26-39. Résumé

- Education

3. Akmanoglu N, Tekin-Iftar E. Teaching children with autism how to respond to the lures of strangers. Autism ;2011 (Feb 21)Résumé

120. Nevill RE, White SW. College Students’ Openness Toward Autism Spectrum Disorders : Improving Peer Acceptance. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 12)Résumé

157. Shattuck PT, Wagner M, Narendorf S, Sterzing P, Hensley M. Post-high school service use among young adults with an autism spectrum disorder. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med ;2011 (Feb) ;165(2):141-146. Résumé

- Epilepsie

57. Ghanizadeh A. May lovastatin target both autism and epilepsy ? A novel hypothesized treatment. Epilepsy Behav ;2011 (Feb) ;20(2):422. Résumé

58. Ghanizadeh A. Ghrelin as a promising therapeutic target for co-occurring autism and epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav ;2011 (Feb) ;20(2):420-421. Résumé

106. Matsuo M, Maeda T, Ishii K, Tajima D, Koga M, Hamasaki Y. Characterization of childhood-onset complex partial seizures associated with autism spectrum disorder. Epilepsy Behav ;2011 (Feb 8)Résumé

108. Meidenbauer JJ, Mantis JG, Seyfried TN. The EL mouse : a natural model of autism and epilepsy. Epilepsia ;2011 (Feb) ;52(2):347-357. Résumé

- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

4. Alter MD, Kharkar R, Ramsey KE, Craig DW, Melmed RD, Grebe TA, Bay RC, Ober-Reynolds S, Kirwan J, Jones JJ, Turner JB, Hen R, Stephan DA. Autism and increased paternal age related changes in global levels of gene expression regulation. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(2):e16715. Résumé

35. Cheslack-Postava K, Liu K, Bearman PS. Closely spaced pregnancies are associated with increased odds of autism in California sibling births. Pediatrics ;2011 (Feb) ;127(2):246-253. Résumé

70. Iseri E, Guney E, Ceylan MF, Yucel A, Aral A, Bodur S, Sener S. Increased serum levels of epidermal growth factor in children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb) ;41(2):237-241. Résumé

88. Lakshmi Priya MD, Geetha A. A biochemical study on the level of proteins and their percentage of nitration in the hair and nail of autistic children. Clin Chim Acta ;2011 (Feb 19)Résumé

130. Persico AM. Polyomaviruses and autism : more than simple association ?. J Neurovirol ;2010 (Jul) ;16(4):332-333. Résumé

139. Ratajczak HV. Theoretical aspects of autism : causes—a review. J Immunotoxicol ;2011 (Jan-Mar) ;8(1):68-79. Résumé

144. Robinson EB, Munir K, McCormick MC, Koenen KC, Santangelo SL. Brief Report : No Association Between Parental Age and Extreme Social-Communicative Autistic Traits in the General Population. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 25)Résumé

145. Rodier P, Miller RK, Brent RL. Does treatment of premature labor with terbutaline increase the risk of autism spectrum disorders ?. Am J Obstet Gynecol ;2011 (Feb) ;204(2):91-94. Résumé

169. Tsuchiya KJ, Matsumoto K, Takei N. [Recent progress of epidemiological research in search of the aetiology of autism]. Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakurigaku Zasshi ;2011 (Feb) ;31(1):29-34. Résumé

- Génétique, biochimie

8. Aziz A, Harrop SP, Bishop NE. Characterization of the deleted in autism 1 protein family : implications for studying cognitive disorders. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(1):e14547. Résumé

22. Bonnet-Brilhault F. [Genotype/phenotype correlation in autism : Genetic models and phenotypic characterization.]. Encephale ;2011 (Feb) ;37(1):68-74. Résumé

25. Bremer A, Giacobini M, Eriksson M, Gustavsson P, Nordin V, Fernell E, Gillberg C, Nordgren A, Uppstromer A, Anderlid BM, Nordenskjold M, Schoumans J. Copy number variation characteristics in subpopulations of patients with autism spectrum disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2011 (Mar) ;156(2):115-124. Résumé

31. Chang SC, Pauls DL, Lange C, Sasanfar R, Santangelo SL. Common genetic variation in the GAD1 gene and the entire family of DLX homeobox genes and autism spectrum disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2011 (Mar) ;156(2):233-239. Résumé

41. Cottrell CE, Bir N, Varga E, Alvarez CE, Bouyain S, Zernzach R, Thrush DL, Evans J, Trimarchi M, Butter EM, Cunningham D, Gastier-Foster JM, McBride KL, Herman GE. Contactin 4 as an autism susceptibility locus. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb 9)Résumé

42. Crepel A, Steyaert J, De la Marche W, De Wolf V, Fryns JP, Noens I, Devriendt K, Peeters H. Narrowing the critical deletion region for autism spectrum disorders on 16p11.2. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2011 (Mar) ;156(2):243-245. Résumé

46. Eagleson KL, Campbell DB, Thompson BL, Bergman MY, Levitt P. The autism risk genes MET and PLAUR differentially impact cortical development. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb) ;4(1):68-83. Résumé

61. Griswold AJ, Ma D, Sacharow SJ, Robinson JL, Jaworski JM, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Lybaek H, Oyen N, Cuccaro ML, Gilbert JR, Pericak-Vance MA. A de Novo 1.5 Mb microdeletion on chromosome 14q23.2-23.3 in a patient with autism and spherocytosis. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb 28)Résumé

77. Kantojarvi K, Kotala I, Rehnstrom K, Ylisaukko-Oja T, Vanhala R, von Wendt TN, von Wendt L, Jarvela I. Fine mapping of Xq11.1-q21.33 and mutation screening of RPS6KA6, ZNF711, ACSL4, DLG3, and IL1RAPL2 for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Autism Res ;2011 (Feb 22)Résumé

83. Kistner-Griffin E, Brune CW, Davis LK, Sutcliffe JS, Cox NJ, Cook EH, Jr. Parent-of-origin effects of the serotonin transporter gene associated with autism. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2011 (Mar) ;156(2):139-144. Résumé

94. Lintas C, Guidi F, Manzi B, Mancini A, Curatolo P, Persico AM. Lack of Infection with XMRV or Other MLV-Related Viruses in Blood, Post-Mortem Brains and Paternal Gametes of Autistic Individuals. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(2):e16609. Résumé

104. Marui T, Funatogawa I, Koishi S, Yamamoto K, Matsumoto H, Hashimoto O, Jinde S, Nishida H, Sugiyama T, Kasai K, Watanabe K, Kano Y, Kato N. The NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 1 alpha subcomplex 5 (NDUFA5) gene variants are associated with autism. Acta Psychiatr Scand ;2011 (Feb) ;123(2):118-124. Résumé

111. Miles JH. Autism spectrum disorders-A genetics review. Genet Med ;2011 (Feb 24)Résumé

134. Pietropaolo S, Guilleminot A, Martin B, D’Amato FR, Crusio WE. Genetic-background modulation of core and variable autistic-like symptoms in FMR1 knock-out mice. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(2):e17073. Résumé

141. Reiersen AM, Todorov AA. Association between DRD4 genotype and Autistic Symptoms in DSM-IV ADHD. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2011 (Feb) ;20(1):15-21. Résumé

150. Sarachana T, Xu M, Wu RC, Hu VW. Sex Hormones in Autism : Androgens and Estrogens Differentially and Reciprocally Regulate RORA, a Novel Candidate Gene for Autism. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(2):e17116. Résumé

152. Scheuerle A, Wilson K. PARK2 copy number aberrations in two children presenting with autism spectrum disorder : Further support of an association and possible evidence for a new microdeletion/microduplication syndrome. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2011 (Feb 25)Résumé

160. Spencer CM, Alekseyenko O, Hamilton SM, Thomas AM, Serysheva E, Yuva-Paylor LA, Paylor R. Modifying behavioral phenotypes in Fmr1KO mice : genetic background differences reveal autistic-like responses. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb) ;4(1):40-56. Résumé

165. Toma C, Hervas A, Balmana N, Vilella E, Aguilera F, Cusco I, del Campo M, Caballero R, De Diego-Otero Y, Ribases M, Cormand B, Bayes M. Association study of six candidate genes asymmetrically expressed in the two cerebral hemispheres suggests the involvement of BAIAP2 in autism. J Psychiatr Res ;2011 (Feb) ;45(2):280-282. Résumé

171. Villafuerte S. Suggestive evidence on the genetic link between mitochondria dysfunction and autism. Acta Psychiatr Scand ;2011 (Feb) ;123(2):95. Résumé

173. Walsh KM, Bracken MB. Copy number variation in the dosage-sensitive 16p11.2 interval accounts for only a small proportion of autism incidence : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Genet Med ;2011 (Feb 1)Résumé

180. Wohr M, Roullet FI, Crawley JN. Reduced scent marking and ultrasonic vocalizations in the BTBR T+tf/J mouse model of autism. Genes Brain Behav ;2011 (Feb) ;10(1):35-43. Résumé

- Imagerie

11. Bara BG, Ciaramidaro A, Walter H, Adenzato M. Intentional Minds : A Philosophical Analysis of Intention Tested through fMRI Experiments Involving People with Schizophrenia, People with Autism, and Healthy Individuals. Front Hum Neurosci ;2011 ;5:7. Résumé

30. Catarino A, Luke L, Waldman S, Andrade A, Fletcher PC, Ring H. An fMRI investigation of detection of semantic incongruities in autistic spectrum conditions. Eur J Neurosci ;2011 (Feb) ;33(3):558-567. Résumé

34. Chen R, Jiao Y, Herskovits EH. Structural MRI in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatr Res ;2011 (Feb 1)Résumé

75. Jou RJ, Jackowski AP, Papademetris X, Rajeevan N, Staib LH, Volkmar FR. Diffusion tensor imaging in autism spectrum disorders : preliminary evidence of abnormal neural connectivity. Aust N Z J Psychiatry ;2011 (Feb) ;45(2):153-162. Résumé

97. Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S. Specialization of right temporo-parietal junction for mentalizing and its relation to social impairments in autism. Neuroimage ;2011 (Feb 26)Résumé

109. Mengotti P, D’Agostini S, Terlevic R, De Colle C, Biasizzo E, Londero D, Ferro A, Rambaldelli G, Balestrieri M, Zanini S, Fabbro F, Molteni M, Brambilla P. Altered white matter integrity and development in children with autism : a combined voxel-based morphometry and diffusion imaging study. Brain Res Bull ;2011 (Feb 1) ;84(2):189-195. Résumé

156. Schulte-Ruther M, Greimel E, Markowitsch HJ, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Fink GR, Piefke M. Dysfunctions in brain networks supporting empathy : an fMRI study in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Soc Neurosci ;2011 (Feb) ;6(1):1-21. Résumé

- Immunologie

9. Azmitia EC, Singh JS, Whitaker-Azmitia PM. Increased serotonin axons (immunoreactive to 5-HT transporter) in postmortem brains from young autism donors. Neuropharmacology ;2011 (Feb 15)Résumé

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

32. Chen B, Girgis S, Elmasry M, El-Matary W. Abnormal Gastrointestinal Histopathology in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr ;2011 (Feb 2)Résumé

51. Frye RE, Rossignol DA. Mitochondrial dysfunction can connect the diverse medical symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatr Res ;2011 (Feb 1)Résumé

62. Guevara-Campos J, Gonzalez-Guevara L, Briones P, Lopez-Gallardo E, Bulan N, Ruiz-Pesini E, Ramnarine D, Montoya J. Autism associated to a deficiency of complexes III and IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Invest Clin ;2010 (Sep) ;51(3):423-431. Résumé

98. MacFabe DF, Cain NE, Boon F, Ossenkopp KP, Cain DP. Effects of the enteric bacterial metabolic product propionic acid on object-directed behavior, social behavior, cognition, and neuroinflammation in adolescent rats : Relevance to autism spectrum disorder. Behav Brain Res ;2011 (Feb 2) ;217(1):47-54. Résumé

154. Schnohr CW. [The gastrointestinal system’s association with autism.]. Ugeskr Laeger ;2011 (Feb 21) ;173(8):581-583. Résumé

- Neurologie, neurosciences

12. Barnard-Brak L, Sulak T, Hatz JK. Macrocephaly in children with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatr Neurol ;2011 (Feb) ;44(2):97-100. Résumé

14. Barrow WJ, Jaworski M, Accardo PJ. Persistent Toewalking in Autism. J Child Neurol ;2011 (Jan 31)Résumé

16. Bastiaansen JA, Thioux M, Nanetti L, van der Gaag C, Ketelaars C, Minderaa R, Keysers C. Age-Related Increase in Inferior Frontal Gyrus Activity and Social Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Biol Psychiatry ;2011 (Feb 9)Résumé

60. Greene DJ, Colich N, Iacoboni M, Zaidel E, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M. Atypical neural networks for social orienting in autism spectrum disorders. Neuroimage ;2011 (Feb 18)Résumé

74. Jeste SS. The neurology of autism spectrum disorders. Curr Opin Neurol ;2011 (Apr) ;24(2):132-139. Résumé

76. Jou RJ, Mateljevic N, Minshew NJ, Keshavan MS, Hardan AY. Reduced central white matter volume in autism : implications for long-range connectivity. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci ;2011 (Feb) ;65(1):98-101. Résumé

102. Marsh LE, Hamilton AF. Dissociation of mirroring and mentalising systems in autism. Neuroimage ;2011 (Feb 17)Résumé

121. Oblak AL, Rosene DL, Kemper TL, Bauman ML, Blatt GJ. Altered posterior cingulate cortical cyctoarchitecture, but normal density of neurons and interneurons in the posterior cingulate cortex and fusiform gyrus in autism. Autism Res ;2011 (Feb 28)Résumé

129. Perlman SB, Hudac CM, Pegors T, Minshew NJ, Pelphrey KA. Experimental manipulation of face-evoked activity in the fusiform gyrus of individuals with autism. Soc Neurosci ;2011 (Feb) ;6(1):22-30. Résumé

153. Schipul SE, Keller TA, Just MA. Inter-regional brain communication and its disturbance in autism. Front Syst Neurosci ;2011 ;5:10. Résumé

158. Shukla DK, Keehn B, Smylie DM, Muller RA. Microstructural abnormalities of short-distance white matter fiber tracts in autism spectrum disorder. Neuropsychologia ;2011 (Feb 17)Résumé

163. Tamiji J, Crawford DA. The neurobiology of lipid metabolism in autism spectrum disorders. Neurosignals ;2010 ;18(2):98-112. Résumé

174. Wass S. Distortions and disconnections : disrupted brain connectivity in autism. Brain Cogn ;2011 (Feb) ;75(1):18-28. Résumé

- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

6. Andersen LM, Naswall K, Manouilenko I, Nylander L, Edgar J, Ritvo RA, Ritvo E, Bejerot S. The Swedish Version of the Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale : Revised (RAADS-R). A Validation Study of a Rating Scale for Adults. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 16)Résumé

18. Bellando J, Fussell J. Part 2 : Components of a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation for autism spectrum disorders. J Ark Med Soc ;2011 (Feb) ;107(9):180-182. Résumé

33. Chen KL, Chiang FM, Tseng MH, Fu CP, Hsieh CL. Responsiveness of the Psychoeducational Profile-third Edition for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 19)Résumé

52. Fugard AJ, Stewart ME, Stenning K. Visual/verbal-analytic reasoning bias as a function of self-reported autistic-like traits : A study of typically developing individuals solving Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices. Autism ;2011 (Feb 16)Résumé

100. Malhi P, Singhi P. Follow up of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : Stability and Change in Diagnosis. Indian J Pediatr ;2011 (Feb 12)Résumé

114. Molloy CA, Murray DS, Akers R, Mitchell T, Manning-Courtney P. Use of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) in a clinical setting. Autism ;2011 (Feb 21)Résumé

117. Murray MJ, Mayes SD, Smith LA. Brief Report : Excellent Agreement Between Two Brief Autism Scales (Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social Responsiveness Scale) Completed Independently by Parents and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 8)Résumé

123. Papavasiliou AS, Nikaina I, Rizou J, Alexandrou S. The effect of a psycho-educational program on CARS scores and short sensory profile in autistic children. Eur J Paediatr Neurol ;2011 (Feb 25)Résumé

140. Ratto AB, Turner-Brown L, Rupp BM, Mesibov GB, Penn DL. Development of the Contextual Assessment of Social Skills (CASS) : A Role Play Measure of Social Skill for Individuals with High-Functioning Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2010 (Dec 14)Résumé

176. White SJ, Saldana D. Performance of Children with Autism on the Embedded Figures Test : A Closer Look at a Popular Task. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 25)Résumé

- Parents

63. Hall HR, Graff JC. The relationships among adaptive behaviors of children with autism, family support, parenting stress, and coping. Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs ;2011 ;34(1):4-25. Résumé

66. Hartley SL, Barker ET, Seltzer MM, Greenberg JS, Floyd FJ. Marital satisfaction and parenting experiences of mothers and fathers of adolescents and adults with autism. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2011 (Jan) ;116(1):81-95. Résumé

91. Lee AR, Hong SW, Kim JS, Ju SJ. [Life Transition of Mothers of Children with Autism.]. J Korean Acad Nurs ;2010 (Dec) ;40(6):808-819. Résumé

161. Steiner AM, Koegel LK, Koegel RL, Ence WA. Issues and Theoretical Constructs Regarding Parent Education for Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Feb 20)Résumé

- Pharmacologie

19. Benton TD. Aripiprazole to Treat Irritability Associated With Autism : A Placebo-Controlled, Fixed-Dose Trial. Curr Psychiatry Rep ;2011 (Feb 1)Résumé

28. Carlson GC. Glutamate receptor dysfunction and drug targets across models of autism spectrum disorders. Pharmacol Biochem Behav ;2011 (Feb 15)Résumé

47. Ehninger D, Silva AJ. Rapamycin for treating Tuberous sclerosis and Autism spectrum disorders. Trends Mol Med ;2011 (Feb) ;17(2):78-87. Résumé

50. Farmer CA, Aman MG. Aripiprazole for the treatment of irritability associated with autism. Expert Opin Pharmacother ;2011 (Mar) ;12(4):635-640. Résumé

54. Ghanizadeh A. A novel hypothesized clinical implication of zonisamide for autism. Ann Neurol ;2011 (Feb) ;69(2):426. Résumé

56. Ghanizadeh A. Gold implants and increased expression of metallothionein-I/II as a novel hypothesized therapeutic approach for autism. Toxicology ;2011 (Feb 16)Résumé

64. Hampson DR, Adusei DC, Pacey LK. The neurochemical basis for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders and Fragile X Syndrome. Biochem Pharmacol ;2011 (Feb 17)Résumé

65. Handen BL, Johnson CR, McAuliffe-Bellin S, Murray PJ, Hardan AY. Safety and efficacy of donepezil in children and adolescents with autism : neuropsychological measures. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol ;2011 (Feb) ;21(1):43-50. Résumé

85. Kuehn BM. Scientists probe oxytocin therapy for social deficits in autism, schizophrenia. JAMA ;2011 (Feb 16) ;305(7):659-661. Résumé

119. Nazeer A. Psychopharmacology of autistic spectrum disorders in children and adolescents. Pediatr Clin North Am ;2011 (Feb) ;58(1):85-97, x. Résumé

148. Sala M, Braida D, Lentini D, Busnelli M, Bulgheroni E, Capurro V, Finardi A, Donzelli A, Pattini L, Rubino T, Parolaro D, Nishimori K, Parenti M, Chini B. Pharmacologic Rescue of Impaired Cognitive Flexibility, Social Deficits, Increased Aggression, and Seizure Susceptibility in Oxytocin Receptor Null Mice : A Neurobehavioral Model of Autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2011 (Feb 21)Résumé

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- Prévalence, épidémiologie

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- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

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- Psychanalyse

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- Santé Bucco-Dentaire

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- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

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- Syndrome de Rett

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- Théorie de l’esprit

36. Chevallier C, Noveck I, Happe F, Wilson D. What’s in a voice ? Prosody as a test case for the Theory of Mind account of autism. Neuropsychologia ;2011 (Feb) ;49(3):507-517. Résumé

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- Vaccins

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- Vision

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