Articles parus en mai 2021 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

1. Aaronson B, Glick SN, Kirk CJ, McCloud WAt, Sasser TR, Zerr DM, Englund JA. Assessment of Feasibility of Face Covering in School-Aged Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. JAMA Netw Open;2021 (May 3);4(5):e2110281.

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2. Abbasi DA, Nguyen TTA, Hall DA, Robertson-Dick E, Berry-Kravis E, Cologna SM. Characterization of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Proteome in Patients with Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome. Cerebellum;2022 (Feb);21(1):86-98.

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3. Abdul F, Sreenivas N, Kommu JVS, Banerjee M, Berk M, Maes M, Leboyer M, Debnath M. Disruption of circadian rhythm and risk of autism spectrum disorder: role of immune-inflammatory, oxidative stress, metabolic and neurotransmitter pathways. Rev Neurosci;2022 (Jan 27);33(1):93-109.

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4. Abe K, Kibe R, David K, Reddy V, Allard B, Fakaosita M. Reversible right-sided heart failure and pulmonary hypertension caused by scurvy in a 7-year-old boy with autism spectrum disorder and a review of the literature. Paediatr Int Child Health;2021 (May 25):1-5.

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5. Adachi S, Torio M, Okuzono S, Motomura Y, Ichimiya Y, Sonoda Y, Nagata J, Okamoto M, Notomi S, Sanefuji M, Sakai Y, Ohga S. Vitamin A deficiency-associated corneal perforation in a boy with autism spectrum disorder: A case report and literature review. Nutrition;2021 (Oct);90:111275.

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6. Afsharnejad B, Falkmer M, Black MH, Alach T, Lenhard F, Fridell A, Coco C, Milne K, Bölte S, Girdler S. KONTAKT® social skills group training for Australian adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry;2021 (May 30)

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7. Afsharnejad B, Falkmer M, Picen T, Black MH, Alach T, Fridell A, Coco C, Milne K, Perry J, Bölte S, Girdler S. « I Met Someone Like Me! »: Autistic Adolescents and Their Parents’ Experience of the KONTAKT® Social Skills Group Training. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Apr);52(4):1458-1477.

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8. Agelink van Rentergem JA, Deserno MK, Geurts HM. Validation strategies for subtypes in psychiatry: A systematic review of research on autism spectrum disorder. Clin Psychol Rev;2021 (Jul);87:102033.

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9. Agrawal N, Mandal K. Rare case of dual diagnosis in consanguineous family: a case report. Clin Dysmorphol;2021 (Jul 1);30(3):164-166.

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10. Albajara Sáenz A, Villemonteix T, Van Schuerbeek P, Baijot S, Septier M, Defresne P, Delvenne V, Passeri G, Raeymaekers H, Victoor L, Willaye E, Peigneux P, Deconinck N, Massat I. Motor Abnormalities in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder Are Associated With Regional Grey Matter Volumes. Front Neurol;2021;12:666980.

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11. Al-Beltagi M. Autism medical comorbidities. World J Clin Pediatr;2021 (May 9);10(3):15-28.

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12. Alemany S, Avella-García C, Liew Z, García-Esteban R, Inoue K, Cadman T, López-Vicente M, González L, Riaño Galán I, Andiarena A, Casas M, Margetaki K, Strandberg-Larsen K, Lawlor DA, El Marroun H, Tiemeier H, Iñiguez C, Tardón A, Santa-Marina L, Júlvez J, Porta D, Chatzi L, Sunyer J. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to acetaminophen in relation to autism spectrum and attention-deficit and hyperactivity symptoms in childhood: Meta-analysis in six European population-based cohorts. Eur J Epidemiol;2021 (Oct);36(10):993-1004.

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13. Alho J, Bharadwaj H, Khan S, Mamashli F, Perrachione TK, Losh A, McGuiggan NM, Joseph RM, Hämäläinen MS, Kenet T. Altered maturation and atypical cortical processing of spoken sentences in autism spectrum disorder. Prog Neurobiol;2021 (Aug);203:102077.

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14. Allen EG, Charen K, Hipp HS, Shubeck L, Amin A, He W, Nolin SL, Glicksman A, Tortora N, McKinnon B, Shelly KE, Sherman SL. Refining the risk for fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) by FMR1 CGG repeat size. Genet Med;2021 (Sep);23(9):1648-1655.

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15. Alostaz J, Baker JK, Fenning RM, Neece CL, Zeedyk S. Parental coping as a buffer between child factors and emotion-related parenting in families of children with autism spectrum disorder. J Fam Psychol;2022 (Feb);36(1):153-158.

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16. Alsayouf HA, Talo H, Biddappa ML, De Los Reyes E. Risperidone or Aripiprazole Can Resolve Autism Core Signs and Symptoms in Young Children: Case Study. Children (Basel);2021 (Apr 22);8(5)

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17. Alshahrani MS, Algashmari H. The moderating effect of financial stress and autism severity on development of depression among parents and caregivers of Autistic children in Taif, Saudi Arabia. J Family Med Prim Care;2021 (Mar);10(3):1227-1233.

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18. Altschuler MR, Faja S. Brief Report: Test-Retest Reliability of Cognitive, Affective, and Spontaneous Theory of Mind Tasks Among School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Apr);52(4):1890-1895.

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19. Alvari G, Furlanello C, Venuti P. Is Smiling the Key? Machine Learning Analytics Detect Subtle Patterns in Micro-Expressions of Infants with ASD. J Clin Med;2021 (Apr 19);10(8)

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20. An KM, Ikeda T, Hirosawa T, Yaoi K, Yoshimura Y, Hasegawa C, Tanaka S, Saito DN, Kikuchi M. Decreased grey matter volumes in unaffected mothers of individuals with autism spectrum disorder reflect the broader autism endophenotype. Sci Rep;2021 (May 11);11(1):10001.

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21. Andreo-Martínez P, Rubio-Aparicio M, Sánchez-Meca J, Veas A, Martínez-González AE. A Meta-analysis of Gut Microbiota in Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Mar);52(3):1374-1387.

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22. Annesley SJ, Fisher PR. Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines as Models to Study Mitochondrial Function in Neurological Disorders. Int J Mol Sci;2021 (Apr 26);22(9)

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23. Ansari AMA, Janahi MI, AlTourah AJ, Jahrami HA, Rajab MB. Self-reported psychological disorders among the mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder, type 1 diabetes mellitus, and typically developed children. J Neurodev Disord;2021 (May 22);13(1):21.

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24. Appelgren M, Persson K, Bahtsevani C, Borglin G. Swedish registered nurses’ perceptions of caring for patients with intellectual and developmental disability: A qualitative descriptive study. Health Soc Care Community;2022 (May);30(3):1064-1076.

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25. Arias AA, Rea MM, Adler EJ, Haendel AD, Van Hecke AV. Utilizing the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) as an Autism Spectrum Disorder Preliminary Screener and Outcome Measure for the PEERS® Intervention for Autistic Adolescents. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (May);52(5):2061-2074.

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26. Arteche-López A, Gómez Rodríguez MJ, Sánchez Calvin MT, Quesada-Espinosa JF, Lezana Rosales JM, Palma Milla C, Gómez-Manjón I, Hidalgo Mayoral I, Pérez de la Fuente R, Díaz de Bustamante A, Darnaude MT, Gil-Fournier B, Ramiro León S, Ramos Gómez P, Sierra Tomillo O, Juárez Rufián A, Arranz Cano MI, Villares Alonso R, Morales-Pérez P, Segura-Tudela A, Camacho A, Nuñez N, Simón R, Moreno-García M, Alvarez-Mora MI. Towards a Change in the Diagnostic Algorithm of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence Supporting Whole Exome Sequencing as a First-Tier Test. Genes (Basel);2021 (Apr 12);12(4)

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27. Ash RT, Buffington SA, Park J, Suter B, Costa-Mattioli M, Zoghbi HY, Smirnakis SM. Inhibition of Elevated Ras-MAPK Signaling Normalizes Enhanced Motor Learning and Excessive Clustered Dendritic Spine Stabilization in the MECP2-Duplication Syndrome Mouse Model of Autism. eNeuro;2021 (Jul-Aug);8(4)

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28. Aziz MC, Schneider PN, Carvill GL. Targeting Poison Exons to Treat Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy. Dev Neurosci;2021;43(3-4):241-246.

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29. Baig U, Mehdi SM, Imtiaz Afzal HM. Sleep disturbances in children with autism spectrum disorder in Lahore, Pakistan; a cross-sectional study. J Pak Med Assoc;2021 (Jan);71(1(B)):783-785.

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30. Ballen K, Kurtzberg J. Exploring new therapies for children with autism: « Do no harm » does not mean do not try. Stem Cells Transl Med;2021 (Jun);10(6):823-825.

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31. Banday S, Pandita RK, Mushtaq A, Bacolla A, Mir US, Singh DK, Jan S, Bhat KP, Hunt CR, Rao G, Charaka VK, Tainer JA, Pandita TK, Altaf M. Autism-Associated Vigilin Depletion Impairs DNA Damage Repair. Mol Cell Biol;2021 (Jun 23);41(7):e0008221.

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32. Barbaro J, Masi A, Gilbert M, Nair R, Abdullahi I, Descallar J, Dissanayake C, Eastwood J, Hasan I, Jalaludin B, Karlov L, Khan F, Kohlhoff J, Liaw ST, Lingam R, Mendoza Diaz A, Ong N, Tam CWM, Unwin K, Woolfenden S, Eapen V. A Multistate Trial of an Early Surveillance Program for Autism Within General Practices in Australia. Front Pediatr;2021;9:640359.

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33. Barnhart AJ, Dierickx K. Cultures and cures: neurodiversity and brain organoids. BMC Med Ethics;2021 (May 17);22(1):61.

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34. Bassuk AG. Gene therapy for Rett syndrome. Genes Brain Behav;2022 (Jan);21(1):e12754.

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35. Bast N, Boxhoorn S, Supér H, Helfer B, Polzer L, Klein C, Cholemkery H, Freitag CM. Atypical Arousal Regulation in Children With Autism but Not With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as Indicated by Pupillometric Measures of Locus Coeruleus Activity. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging;2021 (Apr 27)

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36. Begum-Ali J, Kolesnik-Taylor A, Quiroz I, Mason L, Garg S, Green J, Johnson MH, Jones EJH. Early differences in auditory processing relate to Autism Spectrum Disorder traits in infants with Neurofibromatosis Type I. J Neurodev Disord;2021 (May 28);13(1):22.

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37. Bejarano-Martín Á, Canal-Bedia R, Magán-Maganto M, Hernández Fabián A, Calvarro Castañeda AL, Manso de Dios S, Malmierca García P, Díez Villoria E, Jenaro Río C, Posada de la Paz M. Effect of a Focused Social and Communication Intervention on Preterm Children with ASD: A Pilot Study. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Apr);52(4):1725-1740.

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38. Bekkers S, Pruijn IMJ, van der Burg JJW, van Hulst K, Kok SE, Delsing CP, Scheffer ART, van den Hoogen FJA. Surgery versus botulinum neurotoxin A to reduce drooling and improve daily life for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities: a randomized controlled trial. Dev Med Child Neurol;2021 (Nov);63(11):1351-1359.

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39. Bellone C, Lüscher C. Bugs R Us: Restoring sociability with microbiota in autism. Cell Rep Med;2021 (Apr 20);2(4):100256.

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40. Benevides TW, Carretta HJ, Rust G, Shea L. Racial and ethnic disparities in benefits eligibility and spending among adults on the autism spectrum: A cohort study using the Medicare Medicaid Linked Enrollees Analytic Data Source. PLoS One;2021;16(5):e0251353.

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41. Berry-Kravis EM, Harnett MD, Reines SA, Reese MA, Ethridge LE, Outterson AH, Michalak C, Furman J, Gurney ME. Inhibition of phosphodiesterase-4D in adults with fragile X syndrome: a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2 clinical trial. Nat Med;2021 (May);27(5):862-870.

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42. Bertelsen N, Landi I, Bethlehem RAI, Seidlitz J, Busuoli EM, Mandelli V, Satta E, Trakoshis S, Auyeung B, Kundu P, Loth E, Dumas G, Baumeister S, Beckmann CF, Bölte S, Bourgeron T, Charman T, Durston S, Ecker C, Holt RJ, Johnson MH, Jones EJH, Mason L, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Moessnang C, Oldehinkel M, Persico AM, Tillmann J, Williams SCR, Spooren W, Murphy DGM, Buitelaar JK, Baron-Cohen S, Lai MC, Lombardo MV. Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes of autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitry. Commun Biol;2021 (May 14);4(1):574.

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43. Bhavnani S, Lockwood Estrin G, Arora R, Kumar D, Kakra M, Vajaratkar V, Juneja M, Gulati S, Patel V, Green J, Divan G. « I was Confused … and Still am » Barriers Impacting the Help-Seeking Pathway for an Autism Diagnosis in Urban North India: A Mixed Methods Study. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Apr);52(4):1778-1788.

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44. Billeiter KB, Froiland JM, Allen JP, Hajovsky DB. Neurodiversity and Intelligence: Evaluating the Flynn Effect in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev;2021 (May 3)

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45. Bishop J, Zhou C, Antolovic K, Grebe L, Hwang KH, Imaezue G, Kistanova E, Lee KE, Paulino K, Zhang S. Brief Report: Autistic Traits Predict Spectral Correlates of Vowel Intelligibility for Female Speakers. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (May);52(5):2344-2349.

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46. Blowers AP, Luczynski KC, McKeown CA. Effects of differential observing responses on observational learning across multiple contingencies. J Appl Behav Anal;2021 (Sep);54(4):1385-1404.

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47. Boksha IS, Prokhorova TA, Tereshkina EB, Savushkina OK, Burbaeva GS. Protein Phosphorylation Signaling Cascades in Autism: The Role of mTOR Pathway. Biochemistry (Mosc);2021 (May);86(5):577-596.

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48. Bolbocean C, Andújar FN, McCormack M, Suter B, Holder JL, Jr. Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Patients with Syndromic Autism and their Caregivers. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Mar);52(3):1334-1345.

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49. Bolgar R, Mercier L, Gramond J, Renoux C, Pinault M, Bouchard JP. [Place and role of caregivers of young people with autism spectrum disorders]. Rev Infirm;2021 (May);70(271):38-40.

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50. Bonsu NEM, Mire SS, Sahni LC, Berry LN, Dowell LR, Minard CG, Cunningham RM, Boom JA, Voigt RG, Goin-Kochel RP. Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy Among Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Parents of Children With Non-Autism Developmental Delays. J Child Neurol;2021 (Sep);36(10):911-918.

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51. Boretti A. Reviewing the association between aluminum adjuvants in the vaccines and autism spectrum disorder. J Trace Elem Med Biol;2021 (Jul);66:126764.

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52. Bottema-Beutel K, Crowley S. Pervasive Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in Applied Behavior Analysis Autism Literature. Front Psychol;2021;12:676303.

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53. Bourke EM, Say DF, Carison A, Hill A, Craig S, Hiscock H, Babl FE, O’Donnell SM. Emergency mental health presentations in children with autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Paediatr Child Health;2021 (Oct);57(10):1572-1579.

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54. Brehm B, Schill J, Rauh R, Fleischhaker C, Biscaldi M. Preliminary Evaluation of the FETASS Training for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study. Front Psychol;2021;12:604851.

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55. Brett JD, Maybery MT. Understanding Oneself to Understand Others: The Role of Alexithymia and Anxiety in the Relationships Between Autistic Trait Dimensions and Empathy. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (May);52(5):1971-1983.

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56. Brighi C, Salaris F, Soloperto A, Cordella F, Ghirga S, de Turris V, Rosito M, Porceddu PF, D’Antoni C, Reggiani A, Rosa A, Di Angelantonio S. Novel fragile X syndrome 2D and 3D brain models based on human isogenic FMRP-KO iPSCs. Cell Death Dis;2021 (May 15);12(5):498.

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57. Briot K, Pizano A, Bouvard M, Amestoy A. New Technologies as Promising Tools for Assessing Facial Emotion Expressions Impairments in ASD: A Systematic Review. Front Psychiatry;2021;12:634756.

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58. Brown CO, Uy J, Singh KK. A mini-review: Bridging the gap between autism spectrum disorder and pain comorbidities. Can J Pain;2020 (Dec 30);4(4):37-44.

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59. Brown KA, Sarkar IN, Chen ES. Mental Health Comorbidity Analysis in Pediatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Rhode Island Medical Claims Data. AMIA Annu Symp Proc;2020;2020:263-272.

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60. Brown M, Marsh L, McCann E. Experiences of fathers regarding the diagnosis of their child with autism spectrum disorder: A narrative review of the international research. J Clin Nurs;2021 (Oct);30(19-20):2758-2768.

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61. Brunetti S, Malerba L, Giordano L, Parrini E, Guerrini R, Palumbo G, Parazzini C, Bestetti I, Accorsi P. Cerebral folate transporter deficiency syndrome in three siblings: Why genetic testing for developmental and epileptic encephalopathies should be performed early and include the FOLR1 gene. Am J Med Genet A;2021 (Aug);185(8):2526-2531.

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62. Bucher M, Niebling S, Han Y, Molodenskiy D, Hassani Nia F, Kreienkamp HJ, Svergun D, Kim E, Kostyukova AS, Kreutz MR, Mikhaylova M. Autism-associated SHANK3 missense point mutations impact conformational fluctuations and protein turnover at synapses. Elife;2021 (May 4);10

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63. Burack JA, Evans DW, Napoleon JS, Weva VK, Russo N, Iarocci G. The science of humanity and the humanity of science: Perspectives on Ed Zigler’s contributions to developmental psychopathology and the study of all children. Dev Psychopathol;2021 (May);33(2):441-452.

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64. Burak Gürbüz M, Rekik I. MGN-Net: A multi-view graph normalizer for integrating heterogeneous biological network populations. Med Image Anal;2021 (Jul);71:102059.

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65. Burke MM, Rossetti Z, Aleman-Tovar J, Rios K. Examining the relation between empowerment and civic engagement among parents of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil;2021 (Nov);34(6):1569-1581.

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66. Burns NK, Grissett K, Macaluso M, Raza M, Gracious B. Excited Catatonia in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Series. Front Psychiatry;2021;12:674335.

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67. Burns W, Bird LM, Heron D, Keren B, Ramachandra D, Thiffault I, Del Viso F, Amudhavalli S, Engleman K, Parenti I, Kaiser FJ, Wierzba J, Riedhammer KM, Liptay S, Zadeh N, Porrmann J, Fischer A, Gößwein S, McLaughlin HM, Telegrafi A, Langley KG, Steet R, Louie RJ, Lyons MJ. Syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder associated with de novo variants in DDX23. Am J Med Genet A;2021 (Oct);185(10):2863-2872.

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68. Burrows CA, Bodfish JW, Wolff JJ, Vollman EP, Altschuler MR, Botteron KN, Dager SR, Estes AM, Hazlett HC, Pruett JR, Jr., Schultz RT, Zwaigenbaum L, Piven J, Elison JT. Cataloguing and characterizing interests in typically developing toddlers and toddlers who develop ASD. Autism Res;2021 (Aug);14(8):1710-1723.

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69. Callanan J, Signal T, McAdie T. What is my child telling me? Reducing stress, increasing competence and improving psychological well-being in parents of children with a developmental disability. Res Dev Disabil;2021 (Jul);114:103984.

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70. Campbell K, Cunningham S, Neeley A, Young PC, Stoddard G, Stone B, Carbone PS. Ratings of Physician Communication by Caregivers of Hospitalized Children With and Without Autism. Hosp Pediatr;2021 (Jun);11(6):547-553.

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71. Cao Q, Mu W, Sun D, Zhu J, Ge J, Peng Y, Zhang J. [Significance and case analysis of FMR1 mutation screening during early and middle pregnancy]. Zhonghua Yi Xue Yi Chuan Xue Za Zhi;2021 (May 10);38(5):450-453.

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72. Carotti S, Zingariello M, Francesconi M, D’Andrea L, Latasa MU, Colyn L, Fernandez-Barrena MG, Flammia RS, Falchi M, Righi D, Pedini G, Pantano F, Bagni C, Perrone G, Rana RA, Avila MA, Morini S, Zalfa F. Fragile X mental retardation protein in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: regulating the cancer cell behavior plasticity at the leading edge. Oncogene;2021 (Jun);40(23):4033-4049.

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73. Casseus M, Cheng J. Children with Cerebral Palsy and Unmet Need for Care Coordination. J Dev Behav Pediatr;2021 (Oct-Nov 01);42(8):605-612.

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74. Catusi I, Garzo M, Capra AP, Briuglia S, Baldo C, Canevini MP, Cantone R, Elia F, Forzano F, Galesi O, Grosso E, Malacarne M, Peron A, Romano C, Saccani M, Larizza L, Recalcati MP. 8p23.2-pter Microdeletions: Seven New Cases Narrowing the Candidate Region and Review of the Literature. Genes (Basel);2021 (Apr 27);12(5)

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75. Cavus N, Lawan AA, Ibrahim Z, Dahiru A, Tahir S, Abdulrazak UI, Hussaini A. A Systematic Literature Review on the Application of Machine-Learning Models in Behavioral Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Pers Med;2021 (Apr 14);11(4)

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76. Cederlund M. Parent Questionnaires in the Evaluation of Pre-School Children Referred for Neuropsychiatric Assessment. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Apr);52(4):1742-1751.

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77. Chakrabarty M, Atsumi T, Kaneko A, Fukatsu R, Ide M. State anxiety modulates the effect of emotion cues on visual temporal sensitivity in autism spectrum disorder. Eur J Neurosci;2021 (Jul);54(2):4682-4694.

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78. Chang CL, Liu TL, Hsiao RC, Yang P, Chen YL, Yen CF. Callous-Unemotional Traits among Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or Typical Development: Differences between Adolescents’ and Parents’ Views. Int J Environ Res Public Health;2021 (Apr 9);18(8)

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79. Chaplin E, McCarthy J, Allely CS, Forrester A, Underwood L, Hayward H, Sabet J, Young S, Mills R, Asherson P, Murphy D. Self-harm and Mental Health Characteristics of Prisoners with elevated rates of autistic traits. Res Dev Disabil;2021 (Jul);114:103987.

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80. Charman T, Palmer M, Stringer D, Hallett V, Mueller J, Romeo R, Tarver J, Paris Perez J, Breese L, Hollett M, Cawthorne T, Boadu J, Salazar F, O’Leary M, Beresford B, Knapp M, Slonims V, Pickles A, Scott S, Simonoff E. A Novel Group Parenting Intervention for Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in Young Autistic Children: Autism Spectrum Treatment and Resilience (ASTAR): A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry;2021 (Nov);60(11):1404-1418.

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