Articles parus en Mars 2009 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Éducation
- Épilepsie
- Filles avec autisme
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales
- Médecines alternatives
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Neurones miroirs
- Outils d’évaluation
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Recherche de causes environnementales
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Sensori-moteur
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers


174. Special report : early intensive behavioral intervention based on applied behavior analysis among children with autism spectrum disorders. Technol Eval Cent Asses Program Exec Summ ;2009 (Feb) ;23(9):1-5. Résumé

- Alimentation, nutrition

96. Marcason W. What is the current status of research concerning use of a gluten-free, casein-free diet for children diagnosed with autism ? J Am Diet Assoc ;2009 (Mar) ;109(3):572. Résumé

- Biomarqueurs

2. Al-Gadani Y, El-Ansary A, Attas O, Al-Ayadhi L. Metabolic biomarkers related to oxidative stress and antioxidant status in Saudi autistic children. Clin Biochem ;2009 (Mar 21) Résumé

46. Faber S, Zinn GM, Kern JC, 2nd, Kingston HM. The plasma zinc/serum copper ratio as a biomarker in children with autism spectrum disorders. Biomarkers ;2009 (May) ;14(3):171-180. Résumé

71. James SJ, Rose S, Melnyk S, Jernigan S, Blossom S, Pavliv O, Gaylor DW. Cellular and mitochondrial glutathione redox imbalance in lymphoblastoid cells derived from children with autism. Faseb J ;2009 (Mar 23) Résumé

86. Leeming RJ, Lucock M. Autism : Is there a folate connection ? J Inherit Metab Dis ;2009 (Mar 16) Résumé

97. Martin BJ. Re : Biomarkers of environmental toxicity and susceptibility in autism. J Neurol Sci ;2009 (May 15) ;280(1-2):127-128 ; author reply 128-129 ; discussion 129-130. Résumé

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

1. Adams NC, Jarrold C. Inhibition and the Validity of the Stroop Task for Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 17) Résumé

4. Allen ML. Brief report : decoding representations : how children with autism understand drawings. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):539-543. Résumé

10. Baron-Cohen S. Autism : the empathizing-systemizing (E-S) theory. Ann N Y Acad Sci ;2009 (Mar) ;1156:68-80. Résumé

12. Bejerot S, Mortberg E. Do autistic traits play a role in the bullying of obsessive-compulsive disorder and social phobia sufferers ? Psychopathology ;2009 ;42(3):170-176. Résumé

15. Benson V, Piper J, Fletcher-Watson S. Atypical saccadic scanning in autistic spectrum disorder. Neuropsychologia ;2009 (Mar) ;47(4):1178-1182. Résumé

24. Burack JA, Joseph S, Russo N, Shore DI, Porporino M, Enns JT. Change detection in naturalistic pictures among children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):471-479. Résumé

29. Chen F. Inverse correlation between the conceptual and perceptual processing in children with autism may be due to processing bias differences in information recall. Autism ;2009 (Mar) ;13(2):193-194. Résumé

33. Corbett BA, Constantine LJ, Hendren R, Rocke D, Ozonoff S. Examining executive functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and typical development. Psychiatry Res ;2009 (Apr 30) ;166(2-3):210-222. Résumé

42. Dissanayake C, Bui Q, Bulhak-Paterson D, Huggins R, Loesch DZ. Behavioural and cognitive phenotypes in idiopathic autism versus autism associated with fragile X syndrome. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Mar) ;50(3):290-299. Résumé

43. Elsabbagh M, Volein A, Holmboe K, Tucker L, Csibra G, Baron-Cohen S, Bolton P, Charman T, Baird G, Johnson MH. Visual orienting in the early broader autism phenotype : disengagement and facilitation. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (May) ;50(5):637-642. Résumé

51. Gaigg SB, Bowler DM. Illusory Memories of Emotionally Charged Words in Autism Spectrum Disorder : Further Evidence for Atypical Emotion Processing Outside the Social Domain. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 19) Résumé

52. Gaigg SB, Bowler DM. Brief Report : Attenuated Emotional Suppression of the Attentional Blink in Autism Spectrum Disorder : Another Non-Social Abnormality ? J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 11) Résumé

53. Gamliel I, Yirmiya N, Jaffe DH, Manor O, Sigman M. Developmental Trajectories in Siblings of Children with Autism : Cognition and Language from 4 Months to 7 Years. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 27) Résumé

62. Hadjikhani N, Joseph RM, Manoach DS, Naik P, Snyder J, Dominick K, Hoge R, Van den Stock J, Tager Flusberg H, de Gelder B. Body expressions of emotion do not trigger fear contagion in autism spectrum disorder. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci ;2009 (Mar) ;4(1):70-78. Résumé

63. Henderson HA, Zahka NE, Kojkowski NM, Inge AP, Schwartz CB, Hileman CM, Coman DC, Mundy PC. Self-referenced memory, social cognition, and symptom presentation in autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 26) Résumé

65. Hernandez N, Metzger A, Magne R, Bonnet-Brilhault F, Roux S, Barthelemy C, Martineau J. Exploration of core features of a human face by healthy and autistic adults analyzed by visual scanning. Neuropsychologia ;2009 (Mar) ;47(4):1004-1012. Résumé

79. Klin A, Lin DJ, Gorrindo P, Ramsay G, Jones W. Two-year-olds with autism orient to non-social contingencies rather than biological motion. Nature ;2009 (May 14) ;459(7244):257-261. Résumé

80. Koenig K, De Los Reyes A, Cicchetti D, Scahill L, Klin A. Group Intervention to Promote Social Skills in School-age Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders : Reconsidering Efficacy. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 27) Résumé

82. Lacroix A, Guidetti M, Roge B, Reilly J. Recognition of emotional and nonemotional facial expressions : a comparison between Williams syndrome and autism. Res Dev Disabil ;2009 (Sep-Oct) ;30(5):976-985. Résumé

93. Ma HH. The effectiveness of intervention on the behavior of individuals with autism : a meta-analysis using percentage of data points exceeding the median of baseline phase (PEM). Behav Modif ;2009 (May) ;33(3):339-359. Résumé

127. Pickett E, Pullara O, O’Grady J, Gordon B. Speech acquisition in older nonverbal individuals with autism : a review of features, methods, and prognosis. Cogn Behav Neurol ;2009 (Mar) ;22(1):1-21. Résumé

131. Ramachandran R, Mitchell P, Ropar D. Do individuals with autism spectrum disorders infer traits from behavior ? J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 26) Résumé

141. Sahyoun CP, Soulieres I, Belliveau JW, Mottron L, Mody M. Cognitive Differences in Pictorial Reasoning Between High-Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 7) Résumé

146. Sheppard E, Ropar D, Mitchell P. Autism and Dimensionality : Differences Between Copying and Drawing Tasks. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 17) Résumé

147. Smith CJ, Lang CM, Kryzak L, Reichenberg A, Hollander E, Silverman JM. Familial associations of intense preoccupations, an empirical factor of the restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests domain of autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 26) Résumé

149. Sokhadze E, Baruth J, Tasman A, Sears L, Mathai G, El-Baz A, Casanova MF. Event-related potential study of novelty processing abnormalities in autism. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback ;2009 (Mar) ;34(1):37-51. Résumé

159. White SW, Roberson-Nay R. Anxiety, Social Deficits, and Loneliness in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 4) Résumé

166. Wood JJ, Drahota A, Sze K, Har K, Chiu A, Langer DA. Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorders : a randomized, controlled trial. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Mar) ;50(3):224-234. Résumé

- Communication, langage

32. Colombi C, Liebal K, Tomasello M, Young G, Warneken F, Rogers SJ. Examining correlates of cooperation in autism : Imitation, joint attention, and understanding intentions. Autism ;2009 (Mar) ;13(2):143-163. Résumé

88. Lidstone JS, Fernyhough C, Meins E, Whitehouse AJ. Brief Report : Inner Speech Impairment in Children with Autism is Associated with Greater Nonverbal than Verbal Skills. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 28) Résumé

105. Monfort I. [Communication and language : bidirectionality in interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S53-56.Comunicacion y lenguaje : bidireccionalidad en la intervencion en ninos con trastorno de espectro autista. Résumé

107. Mouridsen SE, Hauschild KM. A longitudinal study of autism spectrum disorders in individuals diagnosed with a developmental language disorder as children. Child Care Health Dev ;2009 (Mar 23) Résumé

115. Norbury CF, Brock J, Cragg L, Einav S, Griffiths H, Nation K. Eye-movement patterns are associated with communicative competence in autistic spectrum disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 27) Résumé

160. Whitehouse AJ, Watt HJ, Line EA, Bishop DV. Adult psychosocial outcomes of children with specific language impairment, pragmatic language impairment and autism. Int J Lang Commun Disord ;2009 (Mar 19):1-18. Résumé

- Éducation

31. Chiang HM. Naturalistic observations of elicited expressive communication of children with autism : an analysis of teacher instructions. Autism ;2009 (Mar) ;13(2):165-178. Résumé

89. Lindsley S. Autism and education. Newsweek ;2009 (Mar 9) ;153(10):18. Résumé

- Épilepsie

54. Garcia-Penas JJ. [Autism, epilepsy and temporal lobe pathology]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S35-45.Autismo, epilepsia y patologia del lobulo temporal. Résumé

- Filles avec autisme

75. Kalyva E. Comparison of eating attitudes between adolescent girls with and without Asperger syndrome : daughters’ and mothers’ reports. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):480-486. Résumé

92. Luder AS, Mamet R, Farbstein I, Schoenfeld N. Awareness is the name of the game : clinical and biochemical evaluation of a case of a girl diagnosed with acute intermittent porphyria associated with autism. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) ;2009 ;55(1):19-22. Résumé

164. Wijetilleke A, Sakran M, Kamat-Nerikar R. Vomiting in a girl with autism. Clin Pediatr (Phila) ;2009 (Mar) ;48(2):224-227. Résumé

- Génétique, biochimie

14. Ben-Shachar S, Lanpher B, German JR, Qasaymeh M, Potocki L, Nagamani S, Franco LM, Malphrus A, Bottenfield GW, Spence JE, Amato S, Rousseau JA, Moghaddam B, Skinner C, Skinner SA, Bernes S, Armstrong N, Shinawi M, Stankiewicz P, Patel A, Cheung SW, Lupski JR, Beaudet AL, Sahoo T. Microdeletion 15q13.3 : A locus with incomplete penetrance for autism, mental retardation, and psychiatric disorders. J Med Genet ;2009 (Mar 15) Résumé

18. Bijlsma EK, Gijsbers AC, Schuurs-Hoeijmakers JH, van Haeringen A, Fransen van de Putte DE, Anderlid BM, Lundin J, Lapunzina P, Perez Jurado LA, Delle Chiaie B, Loeys B, Menten B, Oostra A, Verhelst H, Amor DJ, Bruno DL, van Essen AJ, Hordijk R, Sikkema-Raddatz B, Verbruggen KT, Jongmans MC, Pfundt R, Reeser HM, Breuning MH, Ruivenkamp CA. Extending the phenotype of recurrent rearrangements of 16p11.2 : deletions in mentally retarded patients without autism and in normal individuals. Eur J Med Genet ;2009 (Mar-Jun) ;52(2-3):77-87. Résumé

21. Bremer A, Giacobini M, Nordenskjold M, Brondum-Nielsen K, Mansouri M, Dahl N, Anderlid B, Schoumans J. Screening for copy number alterations in loci associated with autism spectrum disorders by two-color multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2009 (Mar 24) Résumé

25. Buttenschon HN, Lauritsen MB, El Daoud A, Hollegaard M, Jorgensen M, Tvedegaard K, Hougaard D, Borglum A, Thorsen P, Mors O. A population-based association study of glutamate decarboxylase 1 as a candidate gene for autism. J Neural Transm ;2009 (Mar) ;116(3):381-388. Résumé

26. Campbell DB, Buie TM, Winter H, Bauman M, Sutcliffe JS, Perrin JM, Levitt P. Distinct genetic risk based on association of MET in families with co-occurring autism and gastrointestinal conditions. Pediatrics ;2009 (Mar) ;123(3):1018-1024. Résumé

27. Cantor RM. Molecular genetics of autism. Curr Psychiatry Rep ;2009 (Apr) ;11(2):137-142. Résumé

35. Correia C, Coutinho AM, Almeida J, Lontro R, Lobo C, Miguel TS, Martins M, Gallagher L, Conroy J, Gill M, Oliveira G, Vicente AM. Association of the alpha4 integrin subunit gene (ITGA4) with autism. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2009 (Mar 3) Résumé

38. Depienne C, Moreno-De-Luca D, Heron D, Bouteiller D, Gennetier A, Delorme R, Chaste P, Siffroi JP, Chantot-Bastaraud S, Benyahia B, Trouillard O, Nygren G, Kopp S, Johansson M, Rastam M, Burglen L, Leguern E, Verloes A, Leboyer M, Brice A, Gillberg C, Betancur C. Screening for Genomic Rearrangements and Methylation Abnormalities of the 15q11-q13 Region in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Biol Psychiatry ;2009 (Mar 17) Résumé

69. Jackman C, Horn ND, Molleston JP, Sokol DK. Gene associated with seizures, autism, and hepatomegaly in an Amish girl. Pediatr Neurol ;2009 (Apr) ;40(4):310-313. Résumé

78. Kim HW, Cho SC, Kim JW, Cho IH, Kim SA, Park M, Cho EJ, Yoo HJ. Family-based association study between NOS-I and -IIA polymorphisms and autism spectrum disorders in Korean trios. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2009 (Mar 5) ;150B(2):300-306. Résumé

81. Kusenda M, Sebat J. The role of rare structural variants in the genetics of autism spectrum disorders. Cytogenet Genome Res ;2008 ;123(1-4):36-43. Résumé

108. Moy SS, Nadler JJ, Young NB, Nonneman RJ, Grossman AW, Murphy DL, D’Ercole AJ, Crawley JN, Magnuson TR, Lauder JM. Social approach in genetically engineered mouse lines relevant to autism. Genes Brain Behav ;2009 (Mar) ;8(2):129-142. Résumé

109. Newbury DF, Warburton PC, Wilson N, Bacchelli E, Carone S, Lamb JA, Maestrini E, Volpi EV, Mohammed S, Baird G, Monaco AP, International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium. Mapping of partially overlapping de novo deletions across an autism susceptibility region (AUTS5) in two unrelated individuals affected by developmental delays with communication impairment. Am J Med Genet A ;2009 (Feb 15) ;149A(4):588-597. Résumé

113. Nishiyama T, Taniai H, Miyachi T, Ozaki K, Tomita M, Sumi S. Genetic correlation between autistic traits and IQ in a population-based sample of twins with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). J Hum Genet ;2009 ;54(3):191. Résumé

117. Omar AO, Ahmad AE, El Bashir H, Al Jaber MJ. Trisomy 13 in a 7-year-old girl with cerebellar tumor, eye abnormalities, and autistic features. Am J Med Genet A ;2009 (May) ;149A(5):1056-1057. Résumé

125. Pasca SP, Dronca E, Kaucsar T, Craciun EC, Endreffy E, Ferencz BK, Iftene F, Benga I, Cornean R, Banerjee R, Dronca M. One Carbon Metabolism Disturbances and the C667T MTHFR Gene Polymorphism in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Cell Mol Med ;2008 (Aug 9) Résumé

129. Qiao Y, Harvard C, Riendeau N, Fawcett C, Liu X, Holden JJ, Lewis ME, Rajcan-Separovic E. Putatively benign copy number variants in subjects with idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and/or intellectual disability. Cytogenet Genome Res ;2008 ;123(1-4):79-87. Résumé

134. Roohi J, Montagna C, Tegay DH, Palmer LE, DeVincent C, Pomeroy JC, Christian SL, Nowak N, Hatchwell E. Disruption of contactin 4 in three subjects with autism spectrum disorder. J Med Genet ;2009 (Mar) ;46(3):176-182. Résumé

156. Varga EA, Pastore M, Prior T, Herman GE, McBride KL. The prevalence of PTEN mutations in a clinical pediatric cohort with autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, and macrocephaly. Genet Med ;2009 (Feb) ;11(2):111-117. Résumé

- Imagerie

37. Deeley Q, Murphy D. Pathophysiology of autism : evidence from brain imaging. Br J Hosp Med (Lond) ;2009 (Mar) ;70(3):138-142. Résumé

118. Orekhova EV, Stroganova TA, Prokofiev AO, Nygren G, Gillberg C, Elam M. The right hemisphere fails to respond to temporal novelty in autism : evidence from an ERP study. Clin Neurophysiol ;2009 (Mar) ;120(3):520-529. Résumé

120. Ortiz T, Palau-Baduell M, Salvado-Salvado B, Valls-Santasusana A. [A study of autism spectrum disorders and language disorders using magnetoencephalography. The scientific contribution of Dr. Munoz Yunta]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S3-S12.Estudio de los trastornos del espectro autista y trastornos del lenguaje mediante magnetoencefalografia. Aportacion cientifica del Dr. Munoz Yunta. Résumé

- Immunologie

7. Ashwood P, Schauer J, Pessah IN, Van de Water J. Preliminary evidence of the in vitro effects of BDE-47 on innate immune responses in children with autism spectrum disorders. J Neuroimmunol ;2009 (Mar 31) ;208(1-2):130-135. Résumé

28. Castellani ML, Conti CM, Kempuraj DJ, Salini V, Vecchiet J, Tete S, Ciampoli C, Conti F, Cerulli G, Caraffa A, Antinolfi P, Galzio R, Shaik Y, Theoharides TC, De Amicis D, Perrella A, Cuccurullo C, Boscolo P, Felaco M, Doyle R, Verrocchio C, Fulcheri M. Autism and immunity : revisited study. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol ;2009 (Jan-Mar) ;22(1):15-19. Résumé

44. Enstrom A, Krakowiak P, Onore C, Pessah IN, Hertz-Picciotto I, Hansen RL, Van de Water JA, Ashwood P. Increased IgG4 levels in children with autism disorder. Brain Behav Immun ;2009 (Mar) ;23(3):389-395. Résumé

59. Guerini FR, Bolognesi E, Manca S, Sotgiu S, Zanzottera M, Agliardi C, Usai S, Clerici M. Family-based transmission analysis of HLA genetic markers in Sardinian children with autistic spectrum disorders. Hum Immunol ;2009 (Mar) ;70(3):184-190. Résumé

- Maladies gastro-intestinales

98. Martirosian G, Ekiel A, Aptekorz M, Kazek B, Marszal E, Jankowska-Steifer E, Moskalewski S. Intestinal anaerobic bacteria and autistic mind : is there some relations ? Comment to : the autistic mind : a case study. Katarzyna Markiewicz, Bruce Duncan MacQueen. Med Sci Monit, 2009 ; 15(1) : CS5-13. Med Sci Monit ;2009 (Mar) ;15(3):LE2-3. Résumé

112. Nikolov RN, Bearss KE, Lettinga J, Erickson C, Rodowski M, Aman MG, McCracken JT, McDougle CJ, Tierney E, Vitiello B, Arnold LE, Shah B, Posey DJ, Ritz L, Scahill L. Gastrointestinal symptoms in a sample of children with pervasive developmental disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):405-413. Résumé

- Médecines alternatives

16. Bent S, Bertoglio K, Hendren RL. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Autistic Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Review. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 31) Résumé

19. Blaylock RL. A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 3 : the role of excitotoxin food additives and the synergistic effects of other environmental toxins. Altern Ther Health Med ;2009 (Mar-Apr) ;15(2):56-60. Résumé

55. Ghanizadeh A. Autism : is it all in the head ? Altern Ther Health Med ;2009 (Mar-Apr) ;15(2):8 ; author reply 8. Résumé

58. Golnik AE, Ireland M. Complementary Alternative Medicine for Children with Autism : A Physician Survey. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 11) Résumé

110. Niederhofer H. First preliminary results of an observation of Ginkgo Biloba treating patients with autistic disorder. Phytother Res ;2009 (Mar 9) Résumé

111. Niederhofer H. St John’s Wort treating patients with autistic disorder. Phytother Res ;2009 (Mar 9) Résumé

165. Wong VC. Use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) : comparison of Chinese and western culture (Part A). J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):454-463. Résumé

169. Yuan Q, Wang RC, Wu ZF, Zhao Y, Bao XJ, Jin R. [Observation on clinical therapeutic effect of Jin’s 3-needling therapy on severe autism]. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu ;2009 (Mar) ;29(3):177-180. Résumé

- Neurologie, neurosciences

8. Barakova E, Gillessen J, Feijs L. Social training of autistic children with interactive intelligent agents. J Integr Neurosci ;2009 (Mar) ;8(1):23-34. Résumé

39. DeSoto MC. Ockham’s Razor and autism : the case for developmental neurotoxins contributing to a disease of neurodevelopment. Neurotoxicology ;2009 (May) ;30(3):331-337. Résumé

48. Fatemi SH, Folsom TD, Reutiman TJ, Thuras PD. Expression of GABA(B) receptors is altered in brains of subjects with autism. Cerebellum ;2009 (Mar) ;8(1):64-69. Résumé

61. Gomez JC. Embodying meaning : insights from primates, autism, and Brentano. Neural Netw ;2009 (Mar) ;22(2):190-196. Résumé

90. Longo D, Schuler-Faccini L, Brandalize AP, dos Santos Riesgo R, Bau CH. Influence of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and environmental risk factors in a Brazilian sample of patients with autism spectrum disorders. Brain Res ;2009 (Apr 24) ;1267:9-17. Résumé

101. Mehler MF, Purpura DP. Autism, fever, epigenetics and the locus coeruleus. Brain Res Rev ;2009 (Mar) ;59(2):388-392. Résumé

114. Noonan SK, Haist F, Muller RA. Aberrant functional connectivity in autism : evidence from low-frequency BOLD signal fluctuations. Brain Res ;2009 (Mar 25) ;1262:48-63. Résumé

138. Rout UK, Clausen P. Common increase of GATA-3 level in PC-12 cells by three teratogens causing autism spectrum disorders. Neurosci Res ;2009 (Jun) ;64(2):162-169. Résumé

155. Vaccarino FM, Grigorenko EL, Smith KM, Stevens HE. Regulation of cerebral cortical size and neuron number by fibroblast growth factors : implications for autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):511-520. Résumé

161. Whitney ER, Kemper TL, Rosene DL, Bauman ML, Blatt GJ. Density of cerebellar basket and stellate cells in autism : Evidence for a late developmental loss of Purkinje cells. J Neurosci Res ;2009 (Mar 19) Résumé

167. Yoo HJ, Lee SK, Park M, Cho IH, Hyun SH, Lee JC, Yang SY, Kim SA. Family- and population-based association studies of monoamine oxidase A and autism spectrum disorders in Korean. Neurosci Res ;2009 (Mar) ;63(3):172-176. Résumé

171. Zecavati N, Spence SJ. Neurometabolic disorders and dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep ;2009 (Mar) ;9(2):129-136. Résumé

- Neurones miroirs

34. Cornelio-Nieto JO. [Infantile autism and mirror neurons]. Rev Neurol ;2009 (Feb 27) ;48 Suppl 2:S27-29.Autismo infantil y neuronas en espejo. Résumé

- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

67. Honda H, Shimizu Y, Nitto Y, Imai M, Ozawa T, Iwasa M, Shiga K, Hira T. Extraction and Refinement Strategy for detection of autism in 18-month-olds : a guarantee of higher sensitivity and specificity in the process of mass screening. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2009 (Feb 27) Résumé

91. Lord C, Bishop SL. The autism spectrum : definitions, assessment and diagnoses. Br J Hosp Med (Lond) ;2009 (Mar) ;70(3):132-135. Résumé

122. Pandolfi V, Magyar CI, Dill CA. Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Child Behavior Checklist 1.5-5 in a Sample of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 5) Résumé

123. Papanikolaou K, Paliokosta E, Houliaras G, Vgenopoulou S, Giouroukou E, Pehlivanidis A, Tomaras V, Tsiantis I. Using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in a Greek sample with a wide range of intellectual abilities. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):414-420. Résumé

128. Portoghese C, Buttiglione M, Pavone F, Lozito V, De Giacomo A, Martinelli D, Margari L. The usefulness of the Revised Psychoeducational Profile for the assessment of preschool children with pervasive developmental disorders. Autism ;2009 (Mar) ;13(2):179-191. Résumé

135. Rosenberg RE, Daniels AM, Law JK, Law PA, Kaufmann WE. Trends in Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses : 1994-2007. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar 18) Résumé

145. Shattuck PT, Durkin M, Maenner M, Newschaffer C, Mandell DS, Wiggins L, Lee LC, Rice C, Giarelli E, Kirby R, Baio J, Pinto-Martin J, Cuniff C. Timing of identification among children with an autism spectrum disorder : findings from a population-based surveillance study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2009 (May) ;48(5):474-483. Résumé

154. Towle PO, Visintainer PF, O’Sullivan C, Bryant NE, Busby S. Detecting autism spectrum disorder from early intervention charts : methodology and preliminary findings. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):444-452. Résumé

- Parents

85. Leach A, Collins M. Is my child autistic ? Helping parents understand a difficult diagnosis. Jaapa ;2009 (Jan) ;22(1):40-43. Résumé

- Pharmacologie

70. Jahromi LB, Kasari CL, McCracken JT, Lee LS, Aman MG, McDougle CJ, Scahill L, Tierney E, Arnold LE, Vitiello B, Ritz L, Witwer A, Kustan E, Ghuman J, Posey DJ. Positive effects of methylphenidate on social communication and self-regulation in children with pervasive developmental disorders and hyperactivity. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):395-404. Résumé

136. Roser P, Haussleiter IS, Juckel G, Brune M. Paliperidone in an adult patient with asperger syndrome : case report. Pharmacopsychiatry ;2009 (Mar) ;42(2):78-79. Résumé

158. West L, Waldrop J, Brunssen S. Pharmacologic treatment for the core deficits and associated symptoms of autism in children. J Pediatr Health Care ;2009 (Mar-Apr) ;23(2):75-89. Résumé

- Prévalence

9. Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. The incidence of clinically diagnosed versus research-identified autism in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1976-1997 : results from a retrospective, population-based study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2009 (Mar) ;39(3):464-470. Résumé

87. Lenoir P, Bodier C, Desombre H, Malvy J, Abert B, Ould Taleb M, Sauvage D. [Prevalence of pervasive developmental disorders. A review]. Encephale ;2009 (Feb) ;35(1):36-42.Sur la prevalence de l’autisme et des troubles envahissants du developpement (TED). Résumé

100. McCarthy M, Hendren RL. Autism spectrum disorders have increased dramatically in prevalence in recent years. Preface. Psychiatr Clin North Am ;2009 (Mar) ;32(1):xiii-xv. Résumé

143. Schendel DE, Autry A, Wines R, Moore C. The co-occurrence of autism and birth defects : prevalence and risk in a population-based cohort. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2009 (Mar 30) Résumé

- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

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- Santé bucco-dentaire

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- Sensori-moteur

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- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

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