Articles parus en novembre 2012 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Classifications
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Trouble associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

- ABA, approches comportementales

54. Dawson G, Jones EJ, Merkle K, Venema K, Lowy R, Faja S, Kamara D, Murias M, Greenson J, Winter J, Smith M, Rogers SJ, Webb SJ. Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with autism. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov) ;51(11):1150-1159. Lien vers Pubmed

181. Peters-Scheffer N, Didden R, Korzilius H, Matson J. Cost comparison of early intensive behavioral intervention and treatment as usual for children with autism spectrum disorder in The Netherlands. Res Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov-Dec) ;33(6):1763-1772. Lien vers Pubmed

202. Roxburgh CA, Carbone VJ. The Effect of Varying Teacher Presentation Rates on Responding During Discrete Trial Training for Two Children With Autism. Behav Modif ;2012 (Nov 8) Lien vers Pubmed

- Adultes avec autisme

28. Bishop SL, Seltzer MM. Self-reported autism symptoms in adults with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2354-2363. Lien vers Pubmed

40. Bruder MB, Kerins G, Mazzarella C, Sims J, Stein N. Brief report : the medical care of adults with autism spectrum disorders : identifying the needs. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2498-2504. Lien vers Pubmed

88. Heller T, Arnold CK, van Heumen L, McBride EL, Factor A. Self-directed Support : Impact of Hiring Practices on Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Families. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov) ;117(6):464-477. Lien vers Pubmed

107. Kato K, Mikami K, Akama F, Yamada K, Maehara M, Kimoto K, Sato R, Takahashi Y, Fukushima R, Ichimura A, Matsumoto H. Clinical features of suicide attempts in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Gen Hosp Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov 6) Lien vers Pubmed

130. Luke L, Clare IC, Ring H, Redley M, Watson P. Decision-making difficulties experienced by adults with autism spectrum conditions. Autism ;2012 (Nov) ;16(6):612-621. Lien vers Pubmed

177. Perkins EA, Berkman KA. Into the unknown : aging with autism spectrum disorders. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov) ;117(6):478-496. Lien vers Pubmed

253. Wentz E, Nyden A, Krevers B. Development of an internet-based support and coaching model for adolescents and young adults with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders : a pilot study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov) ;21(11):611-622. Lien vers Pubmed

- Alimentation, nutrition

60. El-Ansary A, Al-Ayadhi L. Lipid mediators in plasma of autism spectrum disorders. Lipids Health Dis ;2012 (Nov 21) ;11(1):160. Lien vers Pubmed

95. Hyman SL, Stewart PA, Schmidt B, Cain U, Lemcke N, Foley JT, Peck R, Clemons T, Reynolds A, Johnson C, Handen B, James SJ, Courtney PM, Molloy C, Ng PK. Nutrient intake from food in children with autism. Pediatrics ;2012 (Nov) ;130 Suppl 2:S145-153. Lien vers Pubmed

191. Reynolds A, Krebs NF, Stewart PA, Austin H, Johnson SL, Withrow N, Molloy C, James SJ, Johnson C, Clemons T, Schmidt B, Hyman SL. Iron status in children with autism spectrum disorder. Pediatrics ;2012 (Nov) ;130 Suppl 2:S154-159. Lien vers Pubmed

230. Tanoue K, Matsui K, Takamasu T. Fried-potato diet causes vitamin a deficiency in an autistic child. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr ;2012 (Nov) ;36(6):753-755. Lien vers Pubmed

235. Tu WJ, Chen H, He J. Application of LC-MS/MS analysis of plasma amino acids profiles in children with autism. J Clin Biochem Nutr ;2012 (Nov) ;51(3):248-249. Lien vers Pubmed

- Classifications

114. Kite DM, Gullifer J, Tyson GA. Views on the Diagnostic Labels of Autism and Asperger’s Disorder and the Proposed Changes in the DSM. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 11) Lien vers Pubmed

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

34. Brock J. Alternative Bayesian accounts of autistic perception : comment on Pellicano and Burr. Trends Cogn Sci ;2012 (Dec) ;16(12):573-574. Lien vers Pubmed

41. Calder L, Hill V, Pellicano E. ‘Sometimes I want to play by myself’ : Understanding what friendship means to children with autism in mainstream primary schools. Autism ;2012 (Nov 27) Lien vers Pubmed

44. Chevallier C, Huguet P, Happe F, George N, Conty L. Salient Social Cues are Prioritized in Autism Spectrum Disorders Despite Overall Decrease in Social Attention. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 9) Lien vers Pubmed

47. Corbett BA, Schupp CW, Lanni KE. Comparing biobehavioral profiles across two social stress paradigms in children with and without autism spectrum disorders. Mol Autism ;2012 (Nov 17) ;3(1):13. Lien vers Pubmed

69. Forgeot d’Arc B, Dawson M, Soulieres I, Mottron L. Self-injury in autism is largely unexplained : now what ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2513-2514 ; author reply 2515-2518. Lien vers Pubmed

79. Gil S, Chambres P, Hyvert C, Fanget M, Droit-Volet S. Children with autism spectrum disorders have « the working raw material » for time perception. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(11):e49116. Lien vers Pubmed

81. Gotham K, Pickles A, Lord C. Trajectories of Autism Severity in Children Using Standardized ADOS Scores. Pediatrics ;2012 (Nov) ;130(5):e1278-1284. Lien vers Pubmed

94. Hudenko WJ, Magenheimer MA. Listeners prefer the laughs of children with autism to those of typically developing children. Autism ;2012 (Nov) ;16(6):641-655. Lien vers Pubmed

116. Koterba E, Leezenbaum NB, Iverson JM. Object exploration at 6 and 9 months in infants with and without risk for autism. Autism ;2012 (Nov 22) Lien vers Pubmed

150. Morsanyi K, Handley SJ. Reasoning on the basis of fantasy content : two studies with high-functioning autistic adolescents. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2297-2311. Lien vers Pubmed

156. Nahmias AS, Kase C, Mandell DS. Comparing cognitive outcomes among children with autism spectrum disorders receiving community-based early intervention in one of three placements. Autism ;2012 (Nov 27) Lien vers Pubmed

176. Pellicano E, Burr D. Response to Brock : noise and autism. Trends Cogn Sci ;2012 (Dec) ;16(12):574-575. Lien vers Pubmed

192. Richmond LL, Thorpe M, Berryhill ME, Klugman J, Olson IR. Individual differences in autistic trait load in the general population predict visual working memory performance. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) ;2012 (Nov 5) Lien vers Pubmed

194. Robertson CE, Martin A, Baker CI, Baron-Cohen S. Atypical integration of motion signals in autism spectrum conditions. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(11):e48173. Lien vers Pubmed

196. Rodgers J, Glod M, Connolly B, McConachie H. The relationship between anxiety and repetitive behaviours in autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2404-2409. Lien vers Pubmed

197. Rojahn J, Zaja RH, Turygin N, Moore L, van Ingen DJ. Functions of maladaptive behavior in intellectual and developmental disabilities : behavior categories and topographies. Res Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov-Dec) ;33(6):2020-2027. Lien vers Pubmed

203. Russell G, Kelly SE, Ford T, Steer C. Diagnosis as a social determinant : the development of prosocial behaviour before and after an autism spectrum diagnosis. Soc Sci Med ;2012 (Nov) ;75(9):1642-1649. Lien vers Pubmed

204. Russell-Smith SN, Maybery MT, Bayliss DM, Sng AA. Support for a link between the local processing bias and social deficits in autism : an investigation of embedded figures test performance in non-clinical individuals. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2420-2430. Lien vers Pubmed

219. Sivaratnam CS, Cornish K, Gray KM, Howlin P, Rinehart NJ. Brief report : assessment of the social-emotional profile in children with autism spectrum disorders using a novel comic strip task. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2505-2512. Lien vers Pubmed

224. Strid K, Heimann M, Tjus T. Pretend play, deferred imitation and parent-child interaction in speaking and non-speaking children with autism. Scand J Psychol ;2012 (Nov 2) Lien vers Pubmed

225. Stronach S, Wetherby AM. Examining restricted and repetitive behaviors in young children with autism spectrum disorder during two observational contexts. Autism ;2012 (Nov 22) Lien vers Pubmed

226. Sucksmith E, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B, Hoekstra RA. Empathy and emotion recognition in people with autism, first-degree relatives, and controls. Neuropsychologia ;2012 (Nov 19) ;51(1):98-105. Lien vers Pubmed

227. Swettenham J, Remington A, Laing K, Fletcher R, Coleman M, Gomez JC. Perception of Pointing from Biological Motion Point-Light Displays in Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 3) Lien vers Pubmed

236. Uljarevic M, Hamilton A. Recognition of Emotions in Autism : A Formal Meta-Analysis. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 1) Lien vers Pubmed

237. van der Meer JM, Oerlemans AM, van Steijn DJ, Lappenschaar MG, de Sonneville LM, Buitelaar JK, Rommelse NN. Are autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder different manifestations of one overarching disorder ? Cognitive and symptom evidence from a clinical and population-based sample. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov) ;51(11):1160-1172 e1163. Lien vers Pubmed

240. Vanvuchelen M, Van Schuerbeeck L, Roeyers H, De Weerdt W. Understanding the mechanisms behind deficits in imitation : Do individuals with autism know ‘what’ to imitate and do they know ‘how’ to imitate ?. Res Dev Disabil ;2013 (Jan) ;34(1):538-545. Lien vers Pubmed

254. Williams BT, Gray K. Short report : The relationship between emotion recognition ability and social skills in young children with autism. Autism ;2012 (Nov 22) Lien vers Pubmed

257. Wojcik DZ, Moulin CJ, Souchay C. Metamemory in Children With Autism : Exploring « Feeling-of-Knowing » in Episodic and Semantic Memory. Neuropsychology ;2012 (Nov 12) Lien vers Pubmed

258. Wolff JJ, Hupp SC, Symons FJ. Brief Report : Avoidance Extinction as Treatment for Compulsive and Ritual Behavior in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 20) Lien vers Pubmed

261. Yerys BE, Ruiz E, Strang J, Sokoloff J, Kenworthy L, Vaidya CJ. Modulation of attentional blink with emotional faces in typical development and in autism spectrum disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov 26) Lien vers Pubmed

- Communication, langage

65. Fabricius T. On neural systems for speech and song in autism. Brain ;2012 (Nov) ;135(Pt 11):e222. Lien vers Pubmed

213. Shield A, Meier RP. Palm reversal errors in native-signing children with autism. J Commun Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;45(6):439-454. Lien vers Pubmed

- Education, Apprentissages

70. Foster EM, Pearson E. Is inclusivity an indicator of quality of care for children with autism in special education ?. Pediatrics ;2012 (Nov) ;130 Suppl 2:S179-185. Lien vers Pubmed

101. Jung S, Sainato DM. Teaching play skills to young children with autism. J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov 16) Lien vers Pubmed

113. King G, Zwaigenbaum L, Bates A, Baxter D, Rosenbaum P. Parent views of the positive contributions of elementary and high school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders and Down syndrome. Child Care Health Dev ;2012 (Nov) ;38(6):817-828. Lien vers Pubmed

140. Mayo J, Eigsti IM. Brief report : a comparison of statistical learning in school-aged children with high functioning autism and typically developing peers. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2476-2485. Lien vers Pubmed

250. Webster AA, Carter M. A descriptive examination of the types of relationships formed between children with developmental disability and their closest peers in inclusive school settings. J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov 27) Lien vers Pubmed

252. Wei X, Yu JW, Shattuck P, McCracken M, Blackorby J. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Participation Among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 1) Lien vers Pubmed

- Epilepsie

161. Nicholl J, Waters W, Suwalski S, Brown S, Hull Y, Harbord MG, Entwistle J, Thompson S, Clark D, Pridmore C, Haan E, Barnett C, McGregor L, Liebelt J, Thompson EM, Friend K, Bain SM, Yu S, Mulley JC. Epilepsy with cognitive deficit and autism spectrum disorders : Prospective diagnosis by array CGH. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2012 (Nov 26) Lien vers Pubmed

- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

4. Adams JB, Audhya T, McDonough-Means S, Rubin RA, Quig D, Geis E, Gehn E, Loresto M, Mitchell J, Atwood S, Barnhouse S, Lee W. Toxicological Status of Children with Autism vs. Neurotypical Children and the Association with Autism Severity. Biol Trace Elem Res ;2012 (Nov 29) Lien vers Pubmed

9. Al-Farsi YM, Waly MI, Al-Sharbati MM, Al-Shafaee MA, Al-Farsi OA, Al-Khaduri MM, Gupta I, Ouhtit A, Al-Adawi S, Al-Said MF, Deth RC. Levels of Heavy Metals and Essential Minerals in Hair Samples of Children with Autism in Oman : a Case-Control Study. Biol Trace Elem Res ;2012 (Nov 28) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Atladottir HO, Henriksen TB, Schendel DE, Parner ET. Autism after infection, febrile episodes, and antibiotic use during pregnancy : an exploratory study. Pediatrics ;2012 (Dec) ;130(6):e1447-1454. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Balestrieri E, Arpino C, Matteucci C, Sorrentino R, Pica F, Alessandrelli R, Coniglio A, Curatolo P, Rezza G, Macciardi F, Garaci E, Gaudi S, Sinibaldi-Vallebona P. HERVs Expression in Autism Spectrum Disorders. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(11):e48831. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Braun JM. Endocrine disrupting compounds, gonadal hormones, and autism. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2012 (Nov) ;54(11):1068. Lien vers Pubmed

85. Hamlyn J, Duhig M, McGrath J, Scott J. Modifiable risk factors for schizophrenia and autism – Shared risk factors impacting on brain development. Neurobiol Dis ;2012 (Nov 2) Lien vers Pubmed

121. Lampi KM, Lehtonen L, Tran PL, Suominen A, Lehti V, Banerjee PN, Gissler M, Brown AS, Sourander A. Risk of autism spectrum disorders in low birth weight and small for gestational age infants. J Pediatr ;2012 (Nov) ;161(5):830-836. Lien vers Pubmed

152. Movsas TZ, Paneth N. The effect of gestational age on symptom severity in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2431-2439. Lien vers Pubmed

- Génétique, biochimie

12. Anitha A, Nakamura K, Thanseem I, Yamada K, Iwayama Y, Toyota T, Matsuzaki H, Miyachi T, Yamada S, Tsujii M, Tsuchiya KJ, Matsumoto K, Iwata Y, Suzuki K, Ichikawa H, Sugiyama T, Yoshikawa T, Mori N. Brain region-specific altered expression and association of mitochondria-related genes in autism. Mol Autism ;2012 (Nov 1) ;3(1):12. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Anney R, Klei L, Pinto D, Almeida J, Bacchelli E, Baird G, Bolshakova N, Bolte S, Bolton PF, Bourgeron T, Brennan S, Brian J, Casey J, Conroy J, Correia C, Corsello C, Crawford EL, de Jonge M, Delorme R, Duketis E, Duque F, Estes A, Farrar P, Fernandez BA, Folstein SE, Fombonne E, Gilbert J, Gillberg C, Glessner JT, Green A, Green J, Guter SJ, Heron EA, Holt R, Howe JL, Hughes G, Hus V, Igliozzi R, Jacob S, Kenny GP, Kim C, Kolevzon A, Kustanovich V, Lajonchere CM, Lamb JA, Law-Smith M, Leboyer M, Le Couteur A, Leventhal BL, Liu XQ, Lombard F, Lord C, Lotspeich L, Lund SC, Magalhaes TR, Mantoulan C, McDougle CJ, Melhem NM, Merikangas A, Minshew NJ, Mirza GK, Munson J, Noakes C, Nygren G, Papanikolaou K, Pagnamenta AT, Parrini B, Paton T, Pickles A, Posey DJ, Poustka F, Ragoussis J, Regan R, Roberts W, Roeder K, Roge B, Rutter ML, Schlitt S, Shah N, Sheffield VC, Soorya L, Sousa I, Stoppioni V, Sykes N, Tancredi R, Thompson AP, Thomson S, Tryfon A, Tsiantis J, Van Engeland H, Vincent JB, Volkmar F, Vorstman JA, Wallace S, Wing K, Wittemeyer K, Wood S, Zurawiecki D, Zwaigenbaum L, Bailey AJ, Battaglia A, Cantor RM, Coon H, Cuccaro ML, Dawson G, Ennis S, Freitag CM, Geschwind DH, Haines JL, Klauck SM, McMahon WM, Maestrini E, Miller J, Monaco AP, Nelson SF, Nurnberger JI, Jr., Oliveira G, Parr JR, Pericak-Vance MA, Piven J, Schellenberg GD, Scherer SW, Vicente AM, Wassink TH, Wijsman EM, Betancur C, Buxbaum JD, Cook EH, Gallagher L, Gill M, Hallmayer J, Paterson AD, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, Vieland VJ, Hakonarson H, Devlin B. Individual common variants exert weak effects on the risk for autism spectrum disorderspi. Hum Mol Genet ;2012 (Nov 1) ;21(21):4781-4792. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Ben-David E, Shifman S. Combined analysis of exome sequencing points toward a major role for transcription regulation during brain development in autism. Mol Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov 13) Lien vers Pubmed

25. Berryer MH, Hamdan FF, Klitten LL, Moller RS, Carmant L, Schwartzentruber J, Patry L, Dobrzeniecka S, Rochefort D, Neugnot-Cerioli M, Lacaille JC, Niu Z, Eng CM, Yang Y, Palardy S, Belhumeur C, Rouleau GA, Tommerup N, Immken L, Beauchamp MH, Patel GS, Majewski J, Tarnopolsky MA, Scheffzek K, Hjalgrim H, Michaud JL, Di Cristo G. Mutations in SYNGAP1 Cause Intellectual Disability, Autism, and a Specific Form of Epilepsy by Inducing Haploinsufficiency. Hum Mutat ;2012 (Nov 15) Lien vers Pubmed

61. El-Kordi A, Winkler D, Hammerschmidt K, Kastner A, Krueger D, Ronnenberg A, Ritter C, Jatho J, Radyushkin K, Bourgeron T, Fischer J, Brose N, Ehrenreich H. Development of an autism severity score for mice using Nlgn4 null mutants as a construct-valid model of heritable monogenic autism. Behav Brain Res ;2012 (Nov 23) Lien vers Pubmed

66. Falivelli G, De Jaco A, Favaloro FL, Kim H, Wilson J, Dubi N, Ellisman MH, Abrahams BS, Taylor P, Comoletti D. Inherited genetic variants in autism-related CNTNAP2 show perturbed trafficking and ATF6 activation. Hum Mol Genet ;2012 (Nov 1) ;21(21):4761-4773. Lien vers Pubmed

78. Gerdts JA, Bernier R, Dawson G, Estes A. The Broader Autism Phenotype in Simplex and Multiplex Families. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov 2) Lien vers Pubmed

91. Holt R, Sykes NH, Conceicao IC, Cazier JB, Anney RJ, Oliveira G, Gallagher L, Vicente A, Monaco AP, Pagnamenta AT. CNVs leading to fusion transcripts in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Eur J Hum Genet ;2012 (Nov) ;20(11):1141-1147. Lien vers Pubmed

105. Kane MJ, Angoa-Perez M, Briggs DI, Sykes CE, Francescutti DM, Rosenberg DR, Kuhn DM. Mice genetically depleted of brain serotonin display social impairments, communication deficits and repetitive behaviors : possible relevance to autism. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(11):e48975. Lien vers Pubmed

115. Klusek J, Losh M, Martin GE. Sex differences and within-family associations in the broad autism phenotype. Autism ;2012 (Nov 27) Lien vers Pubmed

137. Martin LA, Horriat NL. The effects of birth order and birth interval on the phenotypic expression of autism spectrum disorder. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(11):e51049. Lien vers Pubmed

159. Nelson TH, Jung JY, Deluca TF, Hinebaugh BK, St Gabriel KC, Wall DP. Autworks : a cross-disease network biology application for Autism and related disorders. BMC Med Genomics ;2012 (Nov 28) ;5(1):56. Lien vers Pubmed

164. Nuytens K, Gantois I, Stijnen P, Iscru E, Laeremans A, Serneels L, Van Eylen L, Liebhaber SA, Devriendt K, Balschun D, Arckens L, Creemers JW, D’Hooge R. Haploinsufficiency of the autism candidate gene Neurobeachin induces autism-like behaviors and affects cellular and molecular processes of synaptic plasticity in mice. Neurobiol Dis ;2012 (Nov 12) Lien vers Pubmed

166. Okur S, Arikan M, Temel G, Temel V. BIS-Guided Total Intravenous Anesthesia for Orchiopexy and Circumcision in a Child with Severe Autism : A Case Report. Case Rep Anesthesiol ;2012 ;2012:718594. Lien vers Pubmed

180. Peters SU, Hundley RJ, Wilson AK, Warren Z, Vehorn A, Carvalho CM, Lupski JR, Ramocki MB. The Behavioral Phenotype in MECP2 Duplication Syndrome : A Comparison With Idiopathic Autism. Autism Res ;2012 (Nov 20) Lien vers Pubmed

182. Piton A, Jouan L, Rochefort D, Dobrzeniecka S, Lachapelle K, Dion PA, Gauthier J, Rouleau GA. Analysis of the effects of rare variants on splicing identifies alterations in GABA(A) receptor genes in autism spectrum disorder individuals. Eur J Hum Genet ;2012 (Nov 21) Lien vers Pubmed

188. Reith RM, McKenna J, Wu H, Hashmi SS, Cho SH, Dash PK, Gambello MJ. Loss of Tsc2 in Purkinje cells is associated with autistic-like behavior in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex. Neurobiol Dis ;2012 (Nov 1) Lien vers Pubmed

189. Ren CM, Liang Y, Wei F, Zhang YN, Zhong SQ, Gu H, Dong XS, Huang YY, Ke H, Son XM, Tang D, Chen Z. Balanced translocation t(3 ;18)(p13 ;q22.3) and points mutation in the ZNF407 gene detected in patients with both moderate non-syndromic intellectual disability and autism. Biochim Biophys Acta ;2012 (Nov 26) Lien vers Pubmed

206. Sadakata T, Shinoda Y, Oka M, Sekine Y, Furuichi T. Autistic-like behavioral phenotypes in a mouse model with copy number variation of the CAPS2/CADPS2 gene. FEBS Lett ;2012 (Nov 15) Lien vers Pubmed

210. Schmidt NL, Van Hulle CA, Brooker RJ, Meyer LR, Lemery-Chalfant K, Goldsmith HH. Wisconsin Twin Research : Early Development, Childhood Psychopathology, Autism, and Sensory Over-responsivity. Twin Res Hum Genet ;2012 (Nov 15):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

231. Taylor MJ, Charman T, Robinson EB, Plomin R, Happe F, Asherson P, Ronald A. Developmental associations between traits of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : a genetically informative, longitudinal twin study. Psychol Med ;2012 (Nov 16):1-12. Lien vers Pubmed

245. Vorstman JA, Anney RJ, Derks EM, Gallagher L, Gill M, de Jonge MV, van Engeland H, Kahn RS, Ophoff RA. No evidence that common genetic risk variation is shared between schizophrenia and autism. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2012 (Nov 28) Lien vers Pubmed

246. Vorstman JA, Breetvelt EJ, Thode KI, Chow EW, Bassett AS. Expression of autism spectrum and schizophrenia in patients with a 22q11.2 deletion. Schizophr Res ;2012 (Nov 12) Lien vers Pubmed

- Imagerie

71. Frazier TW, Keshavan MS, Minshew NJ, Hardan AY. A two-year longitudinal MRI study of the corpus callosum in autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2012 (Nov) ;42(11):2312-2322. Lien vers Pubmed

144. McFadden KL, Hepburn S, Winterrowd E, Schmidt GL, Rojas DC. Abnormalities in gamma-band responses to language stimuli in first-degree relatives of children with autism spectrum disorder : an MEG study. BMC Psychiatry ;2012 (Nov 29) ;12(1):213. Lien vers Pubmed

220. Spencer MD, Holt RJ, Chura LR, Calder AJ, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S. Atypical activation during the Embedded Figures Task as a functional magnetic resonance imaging endophenotype of autism. Brain ;2012 (Nov) ;135(Pt 11):3469-3480. Lien vers Pubmed

243. Venuti P, Caria A, Esposito G, De Pisapia N, Bornstein MH, de Falco S. Differential brain responses to cries of infants with autistic disorder and typical development : an fMRI study. Res Dev Disabil ;2012 (Nov-Dec) ;33(6):2255-2264. Lien vers Pubmed

262. Zielinski BA, Anderson JS, Froehlich AL, Prigge MB, Nielsen JA, Cooperrider JR, Cariello AN, Fletcher PT, Alexander AL, Lange N, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE. scMRI Reveals Large-Scale Brain Network Abnormalities in Autism. PLoS One ;2012 ;7(11):e49172. Lien vers Pubmed

- Immunologie

2. Abdallah MW, Larsen N, Mortensen EL, Atladottir HO, Norgaard-Pedersen B, Bonefeld-Jorgensen EC, Grove J, Hougaard DM. Neonatal levels of cytokines and risk of autism spectrum disorders : an exploratory register-based historic birth cohort study utilizing the Danish Newborn Screening Biobank. J Neuroimmunol ;2012 (Nov 15) ;252(1-2):75-82. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Braunschweig D, Golub MS, Koenig CM, Qi L, Pessah IN, Van de Water J, Berman RF. Maternal autism-associated IgG antibodies delay development and produce anxiety in a mouse gestational transfer model. J Neuroimmunol ;2012 (Nov 15) ;252(1-2):56-65. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Bressler JP, Gillin PK, O’Driscoll C, Kiihl S, Solomon M, Zimmerman AW. Maternal antibody reactivity to lymphocytes of offspring with autism. Pediatr Neurol ;2012 (Nov) ;47(5):337-340. Lien vers Pubmed

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

49. Coury DL, Ashwood P, Fasano A, Fuchs G, Geraghty M, Kaul A, Mawe G, Patterson P, Jones NE. Gastrointestinal conditions in children with autism spectrum disorder : developing a research agenda. Pediatrics ;2012 (Nov) ;130 Suppl 2:S160-168. Lien vers Pubmed

73. Furuta GT, Williams K, Kooros K, Kaul A, Panzer R, Coury DL, Fuchs G. Management of constipation in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics ;2012 (Nov) ;130 Suppl 2:S98-S105. Lien vers Pubmed

82. Hadjixenofontos A, Schmidt MA, Whitehead PL, Konidari I, Hedges DJ, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Menon R, Williams SM, Cuccaro ML, Haines JL, Gilbert JR, Pericak-Vance MA, Martin ER, McCauley JL. Evaluating Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Ann Hum Genet ;2012 (Nov 6) Lien vers Pubmed

148. Ming X, Stein TP, Barnes V, Rhodes N, Guo L. Metabolic perturbance in autism spectrum disorders : a metabolomics study. J Proteome Res ;2012 (Dec 7) ;11(12):5856-5862. Lien vers Pubmed

- Neurologie, neurosciences

6. Ahmadlou M, Adeli H, Adeli A. Fuzzy Synchronization Likelihood-wavelet methodology for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. J Neurosci Methods ;2012 (Nov 15) ;211(2):203-209. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Apicella F, Sicca F, Federico RR, Campatelli G, Muratori F. Fusiform Gyrus responses to neutral and emotional faces in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : a High Density ERP study. Behav Brain Res ;2012 (Nov 1) Lien vers Pubmed

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- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

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- Santé bucco-dentaire

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- Sensori-moteur / Audition

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- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

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- Syndrome de Rett

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