Articles parus en octobre 2010 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

- Adultes avec autisme

21. Billstedt E, Gillberg IC, Gillberg C. Aspects of quality of life in adults diagnosed with autism in childhood : A population-based study. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

82. Kamp-Becker I, Schroder J, Remschmidt H, Bachmann CJ. Health-related quality of life in adolescents and young adults with high functioning autism-spectrum disorder. Psychosoc Med ;7 Résumé

122. Murphy DG, Beecham J, Craig M, Ecker C. Autism in adults. New biologicial findings and their translational implications to the cost of clinical services. Brain Res (Oct 19) Résumé

154. Salamanca AA. Psychotherapy treatment program in a group of adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Actas Esp Psiquiatr (Mar) ;38(2):94-100. Résumé

177. Totsika V, Felce D, Kerr M, Hastings RP. Behavior problems, psychiatric symptoms, and quality of life for older adults with intellectual disability with and without autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1171-1178. Résumé

- Alimentation, nutrition

27. Brown CM, Austin DW. Autistic disorder and phospholipids : A review. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids (Oct 21) Résumé

137. Pineles SL, Avery RA, Liu GT. Vitamin B12 optic neuropathy in autism. Pediatrics (Oct) ;126(4):e967-970. Résumé

195. Xia W, Zhou Y, Sun C, Wang J, Wu L. A preliminary study on nutritional status and intake in Chinese children with autism. Eur J Pediatr (Oct) ;169(10):1201-1206. Résumé

- Biomarqueurs

60. Gadow KD, DeVincent CJ, Pisarevskaya V, Olvet DM, Xu W, Mendell NR, Finch SJ, Hatchwell E. Parent-child DRD4 genotype as a potential biomarker for oppositional, anxiety, and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (Oct 1) ;34(7):1208-1214. Résumé

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

16. Begeer S, Meerum Terwogt M, Rieffe C, Stegge H, Olthof T, Koot HM. Brief report : Understanding emotional transfer in children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

20. Bhatara A, Quintin EM, Levy B, Bellugi U, Fombonne E, Levitin DJ. Perception of emotion in musical performance in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):214-225. Résumé

30. Calhoun M, Longworth M, Chester VL. Gait patterns in children with autism. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) (Oct 7) Résumé

32. Charman T, Jones CR, Pickles A, Simonoff E, Baird G, Happe F. Defining the cognitive phenotype of autism. Brain Res (Oct 25) Résumé

66. Greenaway R, Howlin P. Dysfunctional attitudes and perfectionism and their relationship to anxious and depressive symptoms in boys with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1179-1187. Résumé

80. Jones CR, Pickles A, Falcaro M, Marsden AJ, Happe F, Scott SK, Sauter D, Tregay J, Phillips RJ, Baird G, Simonoff E, Charman T. A multimodal approach to emotion recognition ability in autism spectrum disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (Oct 18) Résumé

84. Karkhaneh M, Clark B, Ospina MB, Seida JC, Smith V, Hartling L. Social StoriesTM to improve social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder : A systematic review. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

88. Kleinhans NM, Richards T, Weaver K, Johnson LC, Greenson J, Dawson G, Aylward E. Association between amygdala response to emotional faces and social anxiety in autism spectrum disorders. Neuropsychologia (Oct) ;48(12):3665-3670. Résumé

89. Koenig K, White SW, Pachler M, Lau M, Lewis M, Klin A, Scahill L. Promoting social skill development in children with pervasive developmental disorders : a feasibility and efficacy study. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1209-1218. Résumé

96. Laine F, Rauzy S, Tardif C, Gepner B. Slowing Down the Presentation of Facial and Body Movements Enhances Imitation Performance in Children with Severe Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 21) Résumé

100. Leonard HC, Annaz D, Karmiloff-Smith A, Johnson MH. Brief Report : Developing Spatial Frequency Biases for Face Recognition in Autism and Williams Syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 14) Résumé

105. Lombardo MV, Baron-Cohen S. The role of the self in mindblindness in autism. Conscious Cogn (Oct 5) Résumé

116. Mavropoulou S, Papadopoulou E, Kakana D. Effects of Task Organization on the Independent Play of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 20) Résumé

121. Mundy P, Gwaltney M, Henderson H. Self-referenced processing, neurodevelopment and joint attention in autism. Autism (Sep) ;14(5):408-429. Résumé

127. Norbury CF, Griffiths H, Nation K. Sound before meaning : Word learning in autistic disorders. Neuropsychologia (Oct 15) Résumé

141. Pring L, Ryder N, Crane L, Hermelin B. Local and global processing in savant artists with autism. Perception ;39(8):1094-1103. Résumé

145. Ramachandran R, Mitchell P, Ropar D. Recognizing faces based on inferred traits in autism spectrum disorders. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

158. Saygin AP, Cook J, Blakemore SJ. Unaffected perceptual thresholds for biological and non-biological form-from-motion perception in autism spectrum conditions. PLoS One ;5(10):e13491. Résumé

161. Seskin L, Feliciano E, Tippy G, Yedloutschnig R, Sossin KM, Yasik A. Attachment and autism : parental attachment representations and relational behaviors in the parent-child dyad. J Abnorm Child Psychol (Oct) ;38(7):949-960. Résumé

169. Soulieres I, Hubert B, Rouleau N, Gagnon L, Tremblay P, Seron X, Mottron L. Superior estimation abilities in two autistic spectrum children. Cogn Neuropsychol (Oct 12):1-16. Résumé

173. Tager-Flusberg H. The origins of social impairments in autism spectrum disorder : studies of infants at risk. Neural Netw (Oct-Nov) ;23(8-9):1072-1076. Résumé

191. Wilson CE, Brock J, Palermo R. Attention to social stimuli and facial identity recognition skills in autism spectrum disorder. J Intellect Disabil Res (Oct 26) Résumé

196. Yang M, Perry K, Weber MD, Katz AM, Crawley JN. Social peers rescue autism-relevant sociability deficits in adolescent mice. Autism Res (Oct 6) Résumé

200. Zwickel J, White SJ, Coniston D, Senju A, Frith U. Exploring the building blocks of social cognition : spontaneous agency perception and visual perspective taking in autism. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci (Oct 7) Résumé

- Communication, langage

28. Burgess S, Turkstra LS. Quality of communication life in adolescents with high-functioning autism and Asperger syndrome : a feasibility study. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch (Oct) ;41(4):474-487. Résumé

48. Ellis Weismer S, Lord C, Esler A. Early language patterns of toddlers on the autism spectrum compared to toddlers with developmental delay. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1259-1273. Résumé

75. Horovitz M, Matson JL. Communication deficits in babies and infants with autism and pervasive developmental disorder&#x2013 ;not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Dev Neurorehabil (Oct 1) Résumé

126. Niemi J, Otsa L, Evtyukova A, Lehtoaro L, Niemi J. Linguistic reflections of social engagement in Asperger discourse and narratives : A quantitative analysis of two cases. Clin Linguist Phon (Nov) ;24(11):928-940. Résumé

164. Shriberg LD, Paul R, Black LM, van Santen JP. The Hypothesis of Apraxia of Speech in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 23) Résumé

- Education

46. Dunst CJ, Trivette CM, Masiello T. Influence of the interests of children with autism on everyday learning opportunities. Psychol Rep (Aug) ;107(1):281-288. Résumé

197. Yokotani K. Educational level signals unobserved abilities of people with high functioning autism spectrum disorders. Psychol Rep (Aug) ;107(1):227-235. Résumé

- Epilepsie

26. Brooks-Kayal A. Epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders : are there common developmental mechanisms ?. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):731-738. Résumé

41. Deonna T, Roulet-Perez E. Early-onset acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome, LKS) and regressive autistic disorders with epileptic EEG abnormalities : the continuing debate. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):746-752. Résumé

85. Kawasaki Y, Shinomiya M, Takayanagi M, Niwa S. Paroxysmal EEG abnormalities and epilepsy in pervasive developmental disorders : follow-up study until adolescence and beyond. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):769-775. Résumé

115. Matsuo M, Maeda T, Sasaki K, Ishii K, Hamasaki Y. Frequent association of autism spectrum disorder in patients with childhood onset epilepsy. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):759-763. Résumé

133. Parmeggiani A, Barcia G, Posar A, Raimondi E, Santucci M, Scaduto MC. Epilepsy and EEG paroxysmal abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):783-789. Résumé

178. Tuchman R, Alessandri M, Cuccaro M. Autism spectrum disorders and epilepsy : moving towards a comprehensive approach to treatment. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):719-730. Résumé

179. Tuchman R, Cuccaro M, Alessandri M. Autism and epilepsy : historical perspective. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):709-718. Résumé

184. Waltereit R, Japs B, Schneider M, de Vries PJ, Bartsch D. Epilepsy and Tsc2 Haploinsufficiency Lead to Autistic-Like Social Deficit Behaviors in Rats. Behav Genet (Oct 7) Résumé

- Étiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

18. Bertone A, Hanck J, Kogan C, Chaudhuri A, Cornish K. Using Perceptual Signatures to Define and Dissociate Condition-Specific Neural Etiology : Autism and Fragile X Syndrome as Model Conditions. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 1) Résumé

37. Courchesne E, Campbell K, Solso S. Brain growth across the life span in autism : Age-specific changes in anatomical pathology. Brain Res (Oct 1) Résumé

44. Dodds L, Fell DB, Shea S, Armson BA, Allen AC, Bryson S. The Role of Prenatal, Obstetric and Neonatal Factors in the Development of Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 5) Résumé

57. Fox NS, Roman AS. Beta 2 adrenergic agents and autism. Am J Obstet Gynecol (Oct) ;203(4):e15 ; author reply e15-16. Résumé

58. Fukumoto A, Hashimoto T, Mori K, Tsuda Y, Arisawa K, Kagami S. Head circumference and body growth in autism spectrum disorders. Brain Dev (Oct 8) Résumé

59. Gabis L, Raz R, Kesner-Baruch Y. Paternal age in autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. Pediatr Neurol (Oct) ;43(4):300-302. Résumé

61. Ghanizadeh A. A novel explanation for potential toxic effects of valproic acid on creatine : implications for autism. Mol Genet Metab (Oct-Nov) ;101(2-3):304. Résumé

69. Haglund NG, Kallen KB. Risk factors for autism and Asperger syndrome : Perinatal factors and migration. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

113. Maimburg RD, Bech BH, Vaeth M, Moller-Madsen B, Olsen J. Neonatal Jaundice, Autism, and Other Disorders of Psychological Development. Pediatrics (Oct 11) Résumé

125. Nickl-Jockschat T, Michel TM. The role of neurotrophic factors in autism. Mol Psychiatry (Oct 12) Résumé

152. Sacco R, Curatolo P, Manzi B, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Frolli A, Lenti C, Saccani M, Elia M, Reichelt KL, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Persico AM. Principal pathogenetic components and biological endophenotypes in autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):237-252. Résumé

163. Shen C, Zhao XL, Ju W, Zou XB, Huo LR, Yan W, Zou JH, Yan GD, Jenkins EC, Brown WT, Zhong N. A Proteomic Investigation of B Lymphocytes in an Autistic Family : A Pilot Study of Exposure to Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) May Lead to Autism. J Mol Neurosci (Oct 19) Résumé

- Génétique, biochimie

5. Allen-Brady K, Robison R, Cannon D, Varvil T, Villalobos M, Pingree C, Leppert MF, Miller J, McMahon WM, Coon H. Genome-wide linkage in Utah autism pedigrees. Mol Psychiatry (Oct) ;15(10):1006-1015. Résumé

10. Anney R, Klei L, Pinto D, Regan R, Conroy J, Magalhaes TR, Correia C, Abrahams BS, Sykes N, Pagnamenta AT, Almeida J, Bacchelli E, Bailey AJ, Baird G, Battaglia A, Berney T, Bolshakova N, Bolte S, Bolton PF, Bourgeron T, Brennan S, Brian J, Carson AR, Casallo G, Casey J, Chu SH, Cochrane L, Corsello C, Crawford EL, Crossett A, Dawson G, de Jonge M, Delorme R, Drmic I, Duketis E, Duque F, Estes A, Farrar P, Fernandez BA, Folstein SE, Fombonne E, Freitag CM, Gilbert J, Gillberg C, Glessner JT, Goldberg J, Green J, Guter SJ, Hakonarson H, Heron EA, Hill M, Holt R, Howe JL, Hughes G, Hus V, Igliozzi R, Kim C, Klauck SM, Kolevzon A, Korvatska O, Kustanovich V, Lajonchere CM, Lamb JA, Laskawiec M, Leboyer M, Le Couteur A, Leventhal BL, Lionel AC, Liu XQ, Lord C, Lotspeich L, Lund SC, Maestrini E, Mahoney W, Mantoulan C, Marshall CR, McConachie H, McDougle CJ, McGrath J, McMahon WM, Melhem NM, Merikangas A, Migita O, Minshew NJ, Mirza GK, Munson J, Nelson SF, Noakes C, Noor A, Nygren G, Oliveira G, Papanikolaou K, Parr JR, Parrini B, Paton T, Pickles A, Piven J, Posey DJ, Poustka A, Poustka F, Prasad A, Ragoussis J, Renshaw K, Rickaby J, Roberts W, Roeder K, Roge B, Rutter ML, Bierut LJ, Rice JP, Salt J, Sansom K, Sato D, Segurado R, Senman L, Shah N, Sheffield VC, Soorya L, Sousa I, Stoppioni V, Strawbridge C, Tancredi R, Tansey K, Thiruvahindrapduram B, Thompson AP, Thomson S, Tryfon A, Tsiantis J, Van Engeland H, Vincent JB, Volkmar F, Wallace S, Wang K, Wang Z, Wassink TH, Wing K, Wittemeyer K, Wood S, Yaspan BL, Zurawiecki D, Zwaigenbaum L, Betancur C, Buxbaum JD, Cantor RM, Cook EH, Coon H, Cuccaro ML, Gallagher L, Geschwind DH, Gill M, Haines JL, Miller J, Monaco AP, Nurnberger JI, Jr., Paterson AD, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, Vicente AM, Vieland VJ, Wijsman EM, Devlin B, Ennis S, Hallmayer J. A genome-wide scan for common alleles affecting risk for autism. Hum Mol Genet (Oct 15) ;19(20):4072-4082. Résumé

31. Chapman NH, Estes A, Munson J, Bernier R, Webb SJ, Rothstein JH, Minshew NJ, Dawson G, Schellenberg GD, Wijsman EM. Genome-scan for IQ discrepancy in autism : evidence for loci on chromosomes 10 and 16. Hum Genet (Oct 21) Résumé

34. Connolly BS, Feigenbaum AS, Robinson BH, Dipchand AI, Simon DK, Tarnopolsky MA. MELAS syndrome, cardiomyopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and autism associated with the A3260G mitochondrial DNA mutation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun (Oct 20) Résumé

50. Ezugha H, Goldenthal M, Valencia I, Anderson CE, Legido A, Marks H. 5q14.3 deletion manifesting as mitochondrial disease and autism : case report. J Child Neurol (Oct) ;25(10):1232-1235. Résumé

53. Feyder M, Karlsson RM, Mathur P, Lyman M, Bock R, Momenan R, Munasinghe J, Scattoni ML, Ihne J, Camp M, Graybeal C, Strathdee D, Begg A, Alvarez VA, Kirsch P, Rietschel M, Cichon S, Walter H, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Grant SG, Holmes A. Association of Mouse Dlg4 (PSD-95) Gene Deletion and Human DLG4 Gene Variation With Phenotypes Relevant to Autism Spectrum Disorders and Williams’ Syndrome. Am J Psychiatry (Oct 15) Résumé

54. Fischbach GD, Lord C. The Simons Simplex Collection : a resource for identification of autism genetic risk factors. Neuron (Oct 21) ;68(2):192-195. Résumé

70. Hamdan FF, Daoud H, Rochefort D, Piton A, Gauthier J, Langlois M, Foomani G, Dobrzeniecka S, Krebs MO, Joober R, Lafreniere RG, Lacaille JC, Mottron L, Drapeau P, Beauchamp MH, Phillips MS, Fombonne E, Rouleau GA, Michaud JL. De Novo Mutations in FOXP1 in Cases with Intellectual Disability, Autism, and Language Impairment. Am J Hum Genet (Oct 13) Résumé

79. Johnson SB, Whitney G, McAuliffe M, Wang H, McCreedy E, Rozenblit L, Evans CC. Using global unique identifiers to link autism collections. J Am Med Inform Assoc (Nov 1) ;17(6):689-695. Résumé

91. Kotulska K, Jozwiak S. Autism in monogenic disorders. Eur J Paediatr Neurol (Oct 1) Résumé

94. Kumar R. SHANK2 redemption : another synaptic protein for mental retardation and autism. Clin Genet (Aug 30) Résumé

98. Lajonchere CM. Changing the landscape of autism research : the autism genetic resource exchange. Neuron (Oct 21) ;68(2):187-191.AGRE Consortium Résumé

102. Lewis MJ, Dictenberg JB. Genes, brain, and behavior : development gone awry in autism ? A report on the 23rd Annual International Symposium of the Center for the Study of Gene Structure and Function. Ann N Y Acad Sci (Sep) ;1205 Suppl 1:E21-36. Résumé

104. Loirat C, Bellanne-Chantelot C, Husson I, Deschenes G, Guigonis V, Chabane N. Autism in three patients with cystic or hyperechogenic kidneys and chromosome 17q12 deletion. Nephrol Dial Transplant (Oct) ;25(10):3430-3433. Résumé

120. Miller DT. Genetic testing for autism : recent advances and clinical implications. Expert Rev Mol Diagn (Oct) ;10(7):837-840. Résumé

131. Pagnamenta AT, Khan H, Walker S, Gerrelli D, Wing K, Bonaglia MC, Giorda R, Berney T, Mani E, Molteni M, Pinto D, Le Couteur A, Hallmayer J, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, Paterson AD, Scherer SW, Vieland VJ, Monaco AP. Rare familial 16q21 microdeletions under a linkage peak implicate cadherin 8 (CDH8) in susceptibility to autism and learning disability. J Med Genet (Oct 23) Résumé

134. Perche O, Laumonnier F, Baala L, Ardourel MY, Menuet A, Robin V, Mortaud S, Montecot-Dubourg C, Richard O, Pichon J, Briault S. [Autism, genetics and synaptic function alterations]. Pathol Biol (Paris) (Oct) ;58(5):381-386.Autisme, genetique et anomalies de la fonction synaptique. Résumé

138. Pivac N, Knezevic A, Gornik O, Pucic M, Igl W, Peeters H, Crepel A, Steyaert J, Novokmet M, Redzic I, Nikolac M, Novkovic Hercigonja V, Dodig-Curkovic K, Cacute Urkovic M, Nedic G, Muck-Seler D, Borovecki F, Rudan I, Lauc G. Human plasma glycome in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders. Mol Cell Proteomics (Oct 25) Résumé

143. Quintero-Rivera F, Sharifi-Hannauer P, Martinez-Agosto JA. Autistic and psychiatric findings associated with the 3q29 microdeletion syndrome : case report and review. Am J Med Genet A (Oct) ;152A(10):2459-2467. Résumé

146. Redfern RE, Daou MC, Li L, Munson M, Gericke A, Ross AH. A mutant form of PTEN linked to autism. Protein Sci (Oct) ;19(10):1948-1956. Résumé

157. Satterfield BC, Garcia RA, Gurrieri F, Schwartz CE. PCR and serology find no association between xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and autism. Mol Autism ;1(1):14. Résumé

159. Sbacchi S, Acquadro F, Calo I, Cali F, Romano V. Functional annotation of genes overlapping copy number variants in autistic patients : focus on axon pathfinding. Curr Genomics (Apr) ;11(2):136-145. Résumé

171. State MW. The genetics of child psychiatric disorders : focus on autism and Tourette syndrome. Neuron (Oct 21) ;68(2):254-269. Résumé

172. Strom SP, Stone JL, Ten Bosch JR, Merriman B, Cantor RM, Geschwind DH, Nelson SF. High-density SNP association study of the 17q21 chromosomal region linked to autism identifies CACNA1G as a novel candidate gene. Mol Psychiatry (Oct) ;15(10):996-1005. Résumé

176. Toma C, Hervas A, Balmana N, Vilella E, Aguilera F, Cusco I, Del Campo M, Caballero R, De Diego-Otero Y, Ribases M, Cormand B, Bayes M. Association study of six candidate genes asymmetrically expressed in the two cerebral hemispheres suggests the involvement of BAIAP2 in autism. J Psychiatr Res (Sep 30) Résumé

- Imagerie

3. Ahmadlou M, Adeli H, Adeli A. Fractality and a wavelet-chaos-neural network methodology for EEG-based diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. J Clin Neurophysiol (Oct) ;27(5):328-333. Résumé

11. Assaf M, Jagannathan K, Calhoun VD, Miller L, Stevens MC, Sahl R, O’Boyle JG, Schultz RT, Pearlson GD. Abnormal functional connectivity of default mode sub-networks in autism spectrum disorder patients. Neuroimage (Oct 15) ;53(1):247-256. Résumé

12. Barnea-Goraly N, Lotspeich LJ, Reiss AL. Similar white matter aberrations in children with autism and their unaffected siblings : a diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics. Arch Gen Psychiatry (Oct) ;67(10):1052-1060. Résumé

22. Bloemen OJ, Deeley Q, Sundram F, Daly EM, Barker GJ, Jones DK, van Amelsvoort TA, Schmitz N, Robertson D, Murphy KC, Murphy DG. White matter integrity in Asperger syndrome : a preliminary diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging study in adults. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):203-213. Résumé

39. D’Auria JP. Autism on the web : « oh, the places you’ll go ! ». J Pediatr Health Care (Nov-Dec) ;24(6):e11-15. Résumé

51. Falck-Ytter T, Fernell E, Gillberg C, Von Hofsten C. Face scanning distinguishes social from communication impairments in autism. Dev Sci (Nov) ;13(6):864-875. Résumé

67. Groen WB, Buitelaar JK, van der Gaag RJ, Zwiers MP. Pervasive microstructural abnormalities in autism : a DTI study. J Psychiatry Neurosci (Nov 1) Résumé

109. Leveille C, Barbeau EB, Bolduc C, Limoges E, Berthiaume C, Chevrier E, Mottron L, Godbout R. Enhanced connectivity between visual cortex and other regions of the brain in autism : a REM sleep EEG coherence study. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):280-285. Résumé

139. Pop-Jordanova N, Zorcec T, Demerdzieva A, Gucev Z. QEEG characteristics and spectrum weighted frequency for children diagnosed as autistic spectrum disorder. Nonlinear Biomed Phys ;4(1):4. Résumé

150. Russo N, Foxe JJ, Brandwein AB, Altschuler T, Gomes H, Molholm S. Multisensory processing in children with autism : high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):253-267. Résumé

156. Sasaki M, Nakagawa E, Sugai K, Shimizu Y, Hattori A, Nonoda Y, Sato N. Brain perfusion SPECT and EEG findings in children with autism spectrum disorders and medically intractable epilepsy. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):776-782. Résumé

160. Schulte-Ruther M, Greimel E, Markowitsch HJ, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Fink GR, Piefke M. Dysfunctions in brain networks supporting empathy : An fMRI study in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Soc Neurosci (Oct 13):1-21. Résumé

167. Sivaswamy L, Kumar A, Rajan D, Behen M, Muzik O, Chugani D, Chugani H. A diffusion tensor imaging study of the cerebellar pathways in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Child Neurol (Oct) ;25(10):1223-1231. Résumé

- Immunologie

65. Gonzalez-Gronow M, Cuchacovich M, Francos R, Cuchacovich S, Fernandez Mdel P, Blanco A, Bowers EV, Kaczowka S, Pizzo SV. Antibodies against the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and its protective ligand hexokinase-I in children with autism. J Neuroimmunol (Oct 8) ;227(1-2):153-161. Résumé

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

40. de Magistris L, Familiari V, Pascotto A, Sapone A, Frolli A, Iardino P, Carteni M, De Rosa M, Francavilla R, Riegler G, Militerni R, Bravaccio C. Alterations of the intestinal barrier in patients with autism spectrum disorders and in their first-degree relatives. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr (Oct) ;51(4):418-424. Résumé

- Neurologie, neurosciences

8. Anderson JS, Druzgal TJ, Froehlich A, Dubray MB, Lange N, Alexander AL, Abildskov T, Nielsen JA, Cariello AN, Cooperrider JR, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE. Decreased Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity in Autism. Cereb Cortex (Oct 12) Résumé

83. Kana RK, Wadsworth HM, Travers BG. A Systems Level Analysis of the Mirror Neuron Hypothesis and Imitation Impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neurosci Biobehav Rev (Oct 22) Résumé

93. Kulesza RJ, Jr., Lukose R, Stevens LV. Malformation of the human superior olive in autistic spectrum disorders. Brain Res (Oct 11) Résumé

110. Macfabe DF, Cain NE, Boon F, Ossenkopp KP, Cain DP. Effects of the enteric bacterial metabolic product propionic acid on object-directed behavior, social behavior, cognition, and neuroinflammation in adolescent rats : Relevance to autism spectrum disorder. Behav Brain Res (Oct 16) Résumé

132. Parker-Athill EC, Tan J. Maternal Immune Activation and Autism Spectrum Disorder : Interleukin-6 Signaling as a Key Mechanistic Pathway. Neurosignals (Oct 2) Résumé

135. Perkins T, Stokes M, McGillivray J, Bittar R. Mirror neuron dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders. J Clin Neurosci (Oct) ;17(10):1239-1243. Résumé

142. Qiu Z, Cheng J. The Role of Calcium-Dependent Gene Expression in Autism Spectrum Disorders : Lessons from MeCP2, Ube3a and Beyond. Neurosignals (Oct 19) Résumé

153. Sajdel-Sulkowska EM, Xu M, McGinnis W, Koibuchi N. Brain Region-Specific Changes in Oxidative Stress and Neurotrophin Levels in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Cerebellum (Oct 22) Résumé

166. Silverman JL, Yang M, Turner SM, Katz AM, Bell DB, Koenig JI, Crawley JN. Low stress reactivity and neuroendocrine factors in the BTBR T(+)tf/J mouse model of autism. Neuroscience (Oct 1) Résumé

174. Takumi T. A humanoid mouse model of autism. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):753-758. Résumé

175. Thanseem I, Nakamura K, Miyachi T, Toyota T, Yamada S, Tsujii M, Tsuchiya KJ, Anitha A, Iwayama Y, Yamada K, Hattori E, Matsuzaki H, Matsumoto K, Iwata Y, Suzuki K, Suda S, Kawai M, Sugihara G, Takebayashi K, Takei N, Ichikawa H, Sugiyama T, Yoshikawa T, Mori N. Further evidence for the role of MET in autism susceptibility. Neurosci Res (Oct) ;68(2):137-141. Résumé

183. Wallace GL, Dankner N, Kenworthy L, Giedd JN, Martin A. Age-related temporal and parietal cortical thinning in autism spectrum disorders. Brain (Oct 5) Résumé

199. Zappella M. Autistic regression with and without EEG abnormalities followed by favourable outcome. Brain Dev (Oct) ;32(9):739-745. Résumé

- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

1. Autism spectrum disorders. Diagnosis and management involve time and patience. Harv Ment Health Lett (Sep) ;27(3):4-5. Résumé

19. Bharti B, Bharti S. Clinical-statistical gap in evaluating outcome of stool patterns in young children with autistic spectrum disorder. Arch Dis Child (Nov) ;95(11):953-954. Résumé

42. Dereu M, Warreyn P, Raymaekers R, Meirsschaut M, Pattyn G, Schietecatte I, Roeyers H. Screening for autism spectrum disorders in flemish day-care centres with the checklist for early signs of developmental disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1247-1258. Résumé

68. Haag G, Botbol M, Graignic R, Perez-Diaz F, Bronsard G, Kermarrec S, Clement MC, Cukierman A, Druon C, Duprat A, Jardin F, Chatellier AM, Tricaud J, Urwand S, Guile JM, Cohen D, Tordjman S. The Autism Psychodynamic Evaluation of Changes (APEC) scale : A reliability and validity study on a newly developed standardized psychodynamic assessment for youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders. J Physiol Paris (Oct 19) Résumé

76. Janson S, Blennow M. [Mass screening for autism can be a reality in the 2,5-year check ups. Child health services have a key position in early diagnosis—if the studies are correct]. Lakartidningen (Sep 29-Oct 5) ;107(39):2308-2309.Allman screening for autism kan bli realitet vid 2,5-arsbesoket. BVC i nyckelposition for tidig diagnos—om studierna haller. Résumé

78. Johnson S, Hollis C, Hennessy E, Kochhar P, Wolke D, Marlow N. Screening for autism in preterm children : diagnostic utility of the Social Communication Questionnaire. Arch Dis Child (Oct 27) Résumé

106. Lowenthal R, Mercadante MT, Belisario Filho JF, Pilotto RF, de Paula CS. Autism spectrum disorder in Down syndrome : definition of the cutoff point for the autism screening questionnaire screening instrument. J Dev Behav Pediatr (Oct) ;31(8):684. Résumé

118. McClure I, Mackay T, Mamdani H, McCaughey R. A comparison of a specialist autism spectrum disorder assessment team with local assessment teams. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

128. Noterdaeme M, Hutzelmeyer-Nickels A. Early symptoms and recognition of pervasive developmental disorders in Germany. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

185. Wang L, Angley MT, Sorich MJ, Young RL, McKinnon RA, Gerber JP. Is there a role for routinely screening children with autism spectrum disorder for creatine deficiency syndrome ?. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):268-272. Résumé

187. Ward-King J, Cohen IL, Penning H, Holden JJ. Brief report : telephone administration of the autism diagnostic interview—revised : reliability and suitability for use in research. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1285-1290. Résumé

188. Weissman L, Sices L, Augustyn M. « He is just a little shy like me » : screening for autism in a young child. J Dev Behav Pediatr (Oct) ;31(8):675-677. Résumé

189. Whitehouse AJ, Coon H, Miller J, Salisbury B, Bishop D. Narrowing the broader autism phenotype : A study using the Communication Checklist – Adult Version (CC-A). Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

- Parents

29. Burstyn I, Sithole F, Zwaigenbaum L. Autism spectrum disorders, maternal characteristics and obstetric complications among singletons born in Alberta, Canada. Chronic Dis Can (Sep) ;30(4):125-134. Résumé

47. Ekas NV, Lickenbrock DM, Whitman TL. Optimism, social support, and well-being in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1274-1284. Résumé

103. Lin LY. Factors associated with caregiving burden and maternal pessimism in mothers of adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder in Taiwan. Occup Ther Int (Oct 6) Résumé

119. Meirsschaut M, Roeyers H, Warreyn P. The social interactive behaviour of young children with autism spectrum disorder and their mothers : Is there an effect of familiarity of the interaction partner ?. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

- Pharmacologie

7. Aman MG, Kasper W, Manos G, Mathew S, Marcus R, Owen R, Mankoski R. Line-item analysis of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist : results from two studies of aripiprazole in the treatment of irritability associated with autistic disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol (Oct) ;20(5):415-422. Résumé

36. Correia CT, Almeida JP, Santos PE, Sequeira AF, Marques CE, Miguel TS, Abreu RL, Oliveira GG, Vicente AM. Pharmacogenetics of risperidone therapy in autism : association analysis of eight candidate genes with drug efficacy and adverse drug reactions. Pharmacogenomics J (Oct) ;10(5):418-430. Résumé

87. Kim Y, Cho SC, Shin MS, Kim JW, Lee SH, Kim BN. Retrospective case series of aripiprazole augmentation in pervasive developmental disorders. Psychiatry Investig (Sep) ;7(3):220-223. Résumé

99. Lemmon ME, Gregas M, Jeste SS. Risperidone Use in Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Retrospective Review of a Clinic-Referred Patient Population. J Child Neurol (Oct 6) Résumé

147. Rezaei V, Mohammadi MR, Ghanizadeh A, Sahraian A, Tabrizi M, Rezazadeh SA, Akhondzadeh S. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of risperidone plus topiramate in children with autistic disorder. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (Oct 1) ;34(7):1269-1272. Résumé

181. Villagonzalo KA, Dodd S, Dean O, Gray K, Tonge B, Berk M. Oxidative pathways as a drug target for the treatment of autism. Expert Opin Ther Targets (Oct 18) Résumé

- Prévalence, épidémiologie

14. Barnevik-Olsson M, Gillberg C, Fernell E. Prevalence of autism in children of Somali origin living in Stockholm : brief report of an at-risk population. Dev Med Child Neurol (Oct 21) Résumé

35. Constantino JN, Zhang Y, Frazier T, Abbacchi AM, Law P. Sibling Recurrence and the Genetic Epidemiology of Autism. Am J Psychiatry (Oct 1) Résumé

55. Fountain C, King MD, Bearman PS. Age of diagnosis for autism : individual and community factors across 10 birth cohorts. J Epidemiol Community Health (Oct 25) Résumé

72. Harrington JW. The Actual Prevalence of Autism : Are We There Yet ?. Pediatrics (Oct 25) Résumé

112. Maenner MJ, Durkin MS. Trends in the Prevalence of Autism on the Basis of Special Education Data. Pediatrics (Oct 25) Résumé

114. Mandell DS, Morales KH, Xie M, Polsky D, Stahmer A, Marcus SC. County-level variation in the prevalence of medicaid-enrolled children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1241-1246. Résumé

149. Russell G, Steer C, Golding J. Social and demographic factors that influence the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorders. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (Oct 12) Résumé

- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

23. Boisvert M, Lang R, Andrianopoulos M, Boscardin ML. Telepractice in the assessment and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders : A systematic review. Dev Neurorehabil (Oct 1) Résumé

25. Brookman-Frazee LI, Taylor R, Garland AF. Characterizing community-based mental health services for children with autism spectrum disorders and disruptive behavior problems. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1188-1201. Résumé

49. Enticott PG, Kennedy HA, Zangen A, Fitzgerald PB. Deep Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Associated With Improved Social Functioning in a Young Woman With an Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Ect (Oct 1) Résumé

62. Ghanizadeh A. Transplantation of GABAergic cell line as a novel hypothesized treatment for autism. Epilepsy Behav (Oct 8) Résumé

63. Ghanizadeh A. Targeting neurotensin as a potential novel approach for the treatment of autism. J Neuroinflammation ;7:58. Résumé

74. Holland CD. Autism, insurance, and the idea : providing a comprehensive legal framework. Cornell Law Rev (Sep) ;95(6):1253-1282. Résumé

108. Lynch E. Making sense of autism. Nurs Stand (Sep 15-21) ;25(2):18-19. Résumé

129. Nygren G, Sandberg E, Arvidsson T, Gillberg C. [The unique role of child health services—early recognition of autism. Experiences with new routines in child health care in Gothenburg]. Lakartidningen (Sep 29-Oct 5) ;107(39):2314-2318.BVC:s unika roll—att fanga upp autism tidigt. Erfarenheter av nya rutiner i barnhalsovarden i Goteborg. . Résumé

144. Radhakrishna S. Application of integrated yoga therapy to increase imitation skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. Int J Yoga (Jan) ;3(1):26-30. Résumé

148. Robb AS. Managing irritability and aggression in autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents. Dev Disabil Res Rev (00) ;16(3):258-264. Résumé

168. Smith IM, Koegel RL, Koegel LK, Openden DA, Fossum KL, Bryson SE. Effectiveness of a novel community-based early intervention model for children with autistic spectrum disorder. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil (Nov) ;115(6):504-523. Résumé

186. Wang L, Leslie DL. Health care expenditures for children with autism spectrum disorders in Medicaid. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry (Nov) ;49(11):1165-1171. Résumé

- Santé bucco-dentaire

107. Luppanapornlarp S, Leelataweewud P, Putongkam P, Ketanont S. Periodontal status and orthodontic treatment need of autistic children. World J Orthod (Fall) ;11(3):256-261. Résumé

- Sensori-moteur / Audition

9. Annaz D, Remington A, Milne E, Coleman M, Campbell R, Thomas MS, Swettenham J. Development of motion processing in children with autism. Dev Sci (Nov) ;13(6):826-838. Résumé

56. Fournier KA, Hass CJ, Naik SK, Lodha N, Cauraugh JH. Motor coordination in autism spectrum disorders : a synthesis and meta-analysis. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1227-1240. Résumé

90. Koh HC, Milne E, Dobkins K. Contrast sensitivity for motion detection and direction discrimination in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and their siblings. Neuropsychologia (Oct 18) Résumé

151. Russo NM, Hornickel J, Nicol T, Zecker S, Kraus N. Biological changes in auditory function following training in children with autism spectrum disorders. Behav Brain Funct ;6:60. Résumé

- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

24. Borremans E, Rintala P, McCubbin JA. Physical fitness and physical activity in adolescents with asperger syndrome : a comparative study. Adapt Phys Activ Q (Oct) ;27(4):308-320. Résumé

43. Dissanayake C, Shembrey J, Suddendorf T. Delayed video self-recognition in children with high functioning autism and Asperger’s disorder. Autism (Sep) ;14(5):495-508. Résumé

81. Kalyva E. Multirater congruence on the social skills assessment of children with asperger syndrome : self, mother, father, and teacher ratings. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct) ;40(10):1202-1208. Résumé

101. Lerner MD, Mikami AY, Levine K. Socio-Dramatic Affective-Relational Intervention for Adolescents With Asperger Syndrome & High Functioning Autism : Pilot Study. Autism (Oct 5) Résumé

111. Mack H, Fullana MA, Russell AJ, Mataix-Cols D, Nakatani E, Heyman I. Obsessions and compulsions in children with Asperger’s syndrome or high-functioning autism : a case-control study. Aust N Z J Psychiatry (Oct 25) Résumé

117. Mayoral M, Merchan-Naranjo J, Rapado M, Leiva M, Moreno C, Giraldez M, Arango C, Parellada M. Neurological soft signs in juvenile patients with Asperger syndrome, early-onset psychosis, and healthy controls. Early Interv Psychiatry (Nov) ;4(4):283-290. Résumé

130. O’Brien FM, Page L, O’Gorman RL, Bolton P, Sharma A, Baird G, Daly E, Hallahan B, Conroy RM, Foy C, Curran S, Robertson D, Murphy KC, Murphy DG. Maturation of limbic regions in Asperger syndrome : A preliminary study using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and structural magnetic resonance imaging. Psychiatry Res (Nov 30) ;184(2):77-85. Résumé

162. Sevik AE, Cengel Kultur E, Demirel H, Karli Oguz K, Akca O, Lay Ergun E, Demir B. [Asperger syndrome with highly exceptional calendar memory : a case report.]. Turk Psikiyatri Derg (Fall) ;21(3):249-256.Gelismis Takvim Bellegi Becerisi Sergileyen Bir Asperger Sendromu Olgusu. Résumé

170. South M, Larson MJ, Krauskopf E, Clawson A. Error processing in high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. Biol Psychol (Oct) ;85(2):242-251. Résumé

182. Vladusich T, Olu-Lafe O, Kim DS, Tager-Flusberg H, Grossberg S. Prototypical category learning in high-functioning autism. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):226-236. Résumé

198. Zalla T, Daprati E, Sav AM, Chaste P, Nico D, Leboyer M. Memory for self-performed actions in individuals with Asperger syndrome. PLoS One ;5(10):e13370. Résumé

- Syndrome de Rett

2. Abdala AP, Dutschmann M, Bissonnette JM, Paton JF. Correction of respiratory disorders in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (Oct 19) ;107(42):18208-18213. Résumé

17. Ben-Zeev B, Aharoni R, Nissenkorn A, Arnon R. Glatiramer acetate (GA, Copolymer-1) an hypothetical treatment option for Rett syndrome. Med Hypotheses (Oct 14) Résumé

33. Colak D, Al-Dhalaan H, Nester M, Albakheet A, Al-Younes B, Al-Hassnan Z, Al-Dosari M, Chedrawi A, Al-Owain M, Abudheim N, Al-Alwan L, Al-Odaib A, Ozand P, Inan MS, Kaya N. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses distinguish classic Rett and Rett-like syndrome and reveals shared altered pathways. Genomics (Oct 8) Résumé

45. Downs J, Bebbington A, Kaufmann WE, Leonard H. Longitudinal Hand Function in Rett Syndrome. J Child Neurol (Oct 4) Résumé

52. Fehr S, Downs J, Bebbington A, Leonard H. Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in diagnosis in females with Rett syndrome. Am J Med Genet A (Oct) ;152A(10):2535-2542. Résumé

71. Hansen JC, Ghosh RP, Woodcock CL. Binding of the Rett syndrome protein, MeCP2, to methylated and unmethylated DNA and chromatin. IUBMB Life (Oct) ;62(10):732-738. Résumé

136. Pieras JI, Munoz-Cabello B, Borrego S, Marcos I, Sanchez J, Madruga M, Antinolo G. Somatic mosaicism for Y120X mutation in the MECP2 gene causes atypical Rett syndrome in a male. Brain Dev (Oct 21) Résumé

155. Santos M, Summavielle T, Teixeira-Castro A, Silva-Fernandes A, Duarte-Silva S, Marques F, Martins L, Dierssen M, Oliveira P, Sousa N, Maciel P. Monoamine deficits in the brain of methyl-CpG binding protein 2 null mice suggest the involvement of the cerebral cortex in early stages of Rett syndrome. Neuroscience (Oct 13) ;170(2):453-467. Résumé

180. Urdinguio RG, Fernandez AF, Lopez-Nieva P, Rossi S, Huertas D, Kulis M, Liu CG, Croce C, Calin GA, Esteller M. Disrupted microRNA expression caused by Mecp2 loss in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Epigenetics (Oct 18) ;5(7) Résumé

193. Wu H, Tao J, Chen PJ, Shahab A, Ge W, Hart RP, Ruan X, Ruan Y, Sun YE. Genome-wide analysis reveals methyl-CpG-binding protein 2-dependent regulation of microRNAs in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (Oct 19) ;107(42):18161-18166. Résumé

- Théorie de l’esprit

15. Begeer S, Gevers C, Clifford P, Verhoeve M, Kat K, Hoddenbach E, Boer F. Theory of Mind Training in Children with Autism : A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Autism Dev Disord (Oct 26) Résumé

190. Williams D. Theory of own mind in autism : Evidence of a specific deficit in self-awareness ?. Autism (Sep) ;14(5):474-494. Résumé

- Vaccins

4. Allan GM, Ivers N. The autism-vaccine story : fiction and deception ?. Can Fam Physician (Oct) ;56(10):1013. Résumé

140. Price CS, Thompson WW, Goodson B, Weintraub ES, Croen LA, Hinrichsen VL, Marcy M, Robertson A, Eriksen E, Lewis E, Bernal P, Shay D, Davis RL, DeStefano F. Prenatal and infant exposure to thimerosal from vaccines and immunoglobulins and risk of autism. Pediatrics (Oct) ;126(4):656-664. Résumé

- Vision

6. Almeida RA, Dickinson JE, Maybery MT, Badcock JC, Badcock DR. Visual search performance in the autism spectrum II : The radial frequency search task with additional segmentation cues. Neuropsychologia (Oct 12) Résumé

77. Jemel B, Mimeault D, Saint-Amour D, Hosein A, Mottron L. VEP contrast sensitivity responses reveal reduced functional segregation of mid and high filters of visual channels in autism. J Vis ;10(6):13. Résumé

95. Keita L, Mottron L, Bertone A. Far visual acuity is unremarkable in autism : Do we need to focus on crowding ?. Autism Res (Oct 6) Résumé

124. Nakano T, Tanaka K, Endo Y, Yamane Y, Yamamoto T, Nakano Y, Ohta H, Kato N, Kitazawa S. Atypical gaze patterns in children and adults with autism spectrum disorders dissociated from developmental changes in gaze behaviour. Proc Biol Sci (Oct 7) ;277(1696):2935-2943. Résumé

- Divers

13. Barneveld PS, Pieterse J, de Sonneville L, van Rijn S, Lahuis B, van Engeland H, Swaab H. Overlap of autistic and schizotypal traits in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Schizophr Res (Oct 6) Résumé

38. Damarla SR, Keller TA, Kana RK, Cherkassky VL, Williams DL, Minshew NJ, Just MA. Cortical underconnectivity coupled with preserved visuospatial cognition in autism : Evidence from an fMRI study of an embedded figures task. Autism Res (Oct) ;3(5):273-279. http://www.ncbi.nlm.