Articles parus en octobre 2011 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Filles avec autisme
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Troubles associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

- ABA, approches comportementales

61. Dawson G, Burner K. Behavioral interventions in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder : a review of recent findings. Curr Opin Pediatr ;2011 (Oct 27) Lien vers Pubmed

80. Gale CM, Eikeseth S, Rudrud E. Functional assessment and behavioural intervention for eating difficulties in children with autism : a study conducted in the natural environment using parents and ABA tutors as therapists. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct) ;41(10):1383-1396. Lien vers Pubmed

92. Grow LL, Carr JE, Kodak TM, Jostad CM, Kisamore AN. A comparison of methods for teaching receptive labeling to children with autism spectrum disorders. J Appl Behav Anal ;2011 (Fall) ;44(3):475-498. Lien vers Pubmed

109. Ingvarsson ET, Hollobaugh T. A comparison of prompting tactics to establish intraverbals in children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2011 (Fall) ;44(3):659-664. Lien vers Pubmed

128. Lanovaz MJ, Sladeczek IE, Rapp JT. Effects of music on vocal stereotypy in children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2011 (Fall) ;44(3):647-651. Lien vers Pubmed

172. Patricia H. Review : possible benefits from early intensive behavioural and developmental interventions in children with autism spectrum disorders, but more research needed. Evid Based Ment Health ;2011 (Nov) ;14(4):102. Lien vers Pubmed

- Adultes avec autisme

17. Badia M, Orgaz BM, Verdugo MA, Ullan AM, Martinez MM. Personal factors and perceived barriers to participation in leisure activities for young and adults with developmental disabilities. Res Dev Disabil ;2011 (Nov) ;32(6):2055-2063. Lien vers Pubmed

177. Pinborough-Zimmerman J, Bakian AV. Just under 1% of adults living in the community in England are estimated to have autism spectrum disorders. Evid Based Ment Health ;2011 (Nov) ;14(4):89. Lien vers Pubmed

215. Senechal C, Fontaine C, Larivee S, Legault F. [Integration in workforce of Quebec adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger Syndrome]. Sante Ment Que ;2011 (Spring) ;36(1):181-199. Lien vers Pubmed

221. Tavassoli T, Baron-Cohen S. Taste Identification in Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct 18) Lien vers Pubmed

254. Zalla T, Barlassina L, Buon M, Leboyer M. Moral judgment in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Cognition ;2011 (Oct) ;121(1):115-126. Lien vers Pubmed

- Biomarqueurs

26. Blatt GJ, Fatemi SH. Alterations in GABAergic biomarkers in the autism brain : research findings and clinical implications. Anat Rec (Hoboken) ;2011 (Oct) ;294(10):1646-1652. Lien vers Pubmed

59. Damodaran LP, Arumugam G. Urinary oxidative stress markers in children with autism. Redox Rep ;2011 ;16(5):216-222. Lien vers Pubmed

67. El-Ansary AK, Ben Bacha AG, Al-Ayadhi LY. Proinflammatory and proapoptotic markers in relation to mono and di-cations in plasma of autistic patients from Saudi Arabia. J Neuroinflammation ;2011 (Oct 15) ;8(1):142. Lien vers Pubmed

153. Meguid NA, Dardir AA, Abdel-Raouf ER, Hashish A. Evaluation of oxidative stress in autism : defective antioxidant enzymes and increased lipid peroxidation. Biol Trace Elem Res ;2011 (Oct) ;143(1):58-65. Lien vers Pubmed

243. Wang L, Angley MT, Gerber JP, Sorich MJ. A review of candidate urinary biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder. Biomarkers ;2011 (Nov) ;16(7):537-552. Lien vers Pubmed

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

30. Boyd BA, McDonough SG, Rupp B, Khan F, Bodfish JW. Effects of a family-implemented treatment on the repetitive behaviors of children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct) ;41(10):1330-1341. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Boyd BA, Woodard CR, Bodfish JW. Feasibility of exposure response prevention to treat repetitive behaviors of children with autism and an intellectual disability : a brief report. Autism ;2011 (Oct 5) Lien vers Pubmed

32. Bradshaw J, Shic F, Chawarska K. Brief report : face-specific recognition deficits in young children with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct) ;41(10):1429-1435. Lien vers Pubmed

42. Carmody DP, Lewis M. Self Representation in Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorders. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev ;2011 (Oct 20) Lien vers Pubmed

57. Cukier SH, Wahlberg E. [Autism spectrum disorders. Functional-emotional development hypotheses and their relationship with therapeutic interventions]. Vertex ;2011 (Mar-Apr) ;22(96):135-146. Lien vers Pubmed

63. Dempsey AG, Llorens A, Brewton C, Mulchandani S, Goin-Kochel RP. Emotional and Behavioral Adjustment in Typically Developing Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct 8) Lien vers Pubmed

71. Fairless AH, Shah RY, Guthrie AJ, Li H, Brodkin ES. Deconstructing sociability, an autism-relevant phenotype, in mouse models. Anat Rec (Hoboken) ;2011 (Oct) ;294(10):1713-1725. Lien vers Pubmed

90. Gomot M, Wicker B. A challenging, unpredictable world for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Int J Psychophysiol ;2011 (Oct 1) Lien vers Pubmed

98. Harris CD, Lindell AK. The influence of autism-like traits on cheek biases for the expression and perception of happiness. Brain Cogn ;2011 (Oct) ;77(1):11-16. Lien vers Pubmed

113. Izuma K, Matsumoto K, Camerer CF, Adolphs R. Insensitivity to social reputation in autism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2011 (Oct 18) ;108(42):17302-17307. Lien vers Pubmed

141. Maister L, Plaisted-Grant KC. Time perception and its relationship to memory in Autism Spectrum Conditions. Dev Sci ;2011 (Nov) ;14(6):1311-1322. Lien vers Pubmed

150. McHugh L, Bobarnac A, Reed P. Brief report : teaching situation-based emotions to children with autistic spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct) ;41(10):1423-1428. Lien vers Pubmed

152. Meaux E, Gillet P, Bonnet-Brilhault F, Barthelemy C, Batty M. [Atypical perception processing and facial emotion disorder in autism]. Encephale ;2011 (Oct) ;37(5):371-378. Lien vers Pubmed

163. Neves Mde C, Tremeau F, Nicolato R, Lauar H, Romano-Silva MA, Correa H. Facial emotion recognition deficits in relatives of children with autism are not associated with 5HTTLPR. Rev Bras Psiquiatr ;2011 (Sep) ;33(3):261-267. Lien vers Pubmed

189. Ronald A, Larsson H, Anckarsater H, Lichtenstein P. A twin study of autism symptoms in Sweden. Mol Psychiatry ;2011 (Oct) ;16(10):1039-1047. Lien vers Pubmed

201. Shulman C, Guberman A, Shiling N, Bauminger N. Moral and Social Reasoning in Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Sep 30) Lien vers Pubmed

212. Sucksmith E, Roth I, Hoekstra RA. Autistic Traits Below the Clinical Threshold : Re-examining the Broader Autism Phenotype in the 21st Century. Neuropsychol Rev ;2011 (Oct 12) Lien vers Pubmed

213. Sugranyes G, Kyriakopoulos M, Corrigall R, Taylor E, Frangou S. Autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia : meta-analysis of the neural correlates of social cognition. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(10):e25322. Lien vers Pubmed

228. Thomas MS, Knowland VC, Karmiloff-Smith A. Mechanisms of developmental regression in autism and the broader phenotype : A neural network modeling approach. Psychol Rev ;2011 (Oct) ;118(4):637-654. Lien vers Pubmed

245. Warren Z, Vehorn A, Dohrmann E, Nicholson A, Sutcliffe JS, Veenstra-Vanderweele J. Accuracy of phenotyping children with autism based on parent report : what specifically do we gain phenotyping « rapidly » ?. Autism Res ;2011 (Oct 3) Lien vers Pubmed

246. Webb SJ, Jones EJ, Merkle K, Venema K, Greenson J, Murias M, Dawson G. Developmental Change in the ERP Responses to Familiar Faces in Toddlers With Autism Spectrum Disorders Versus Typical Development. Child Dev ;2011 (Oct 17) Lien vers Pubmed

250. Wilson CE, Palermo R, Burton AM, Brock J. Recognition of own- and other-race faces in autism spectrum disorders. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove) ;2011 (Oct) ;64(10):1939-1954. Lien vers Pubmed

257. Zwickel J, White SJ, Coniston D, Senju A, Frith U. Exploring the building blocks of social cognition : spontaneous agency perception and visual perspective taking in autism. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci ;2011 (Oct) ;6(5):564-571. Lien vers Pubmed

- Communication, langage

24. Bishop DV, Jacobs PA, Lachlan K, Wellesley D, Barnicoat A, Boyd PA, Fryer A, Middlemiss P, Smithson S, Metcalfe K, Shears D, Leggett V, Nation K, Scerif G. Autism, language and communication in children with sex chromosome trisomies. Arch Dis Child ;2011 (Oct) ;96(10):954-959. Lien vers Pubmed

76. Fishman I, Yam A, Bellugi U, Lincoln A, Mills D. Contrasting patterns of language-associated brain activity in autism and Williams syndrome. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci ;2011 (Oct) ;6(5):630-638. Lien vers Pubmed

99. Hattier MA, Matson JL, Sipes M, Turygin N. Communication deficits in infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities. Res Dev Disabil ;2011 (Nov) ;32(6):2108-2113. Lien vers Pubmed

117. Joginder Singh S, Iacono T, Gray KM. A comparison of Malaysian and Australian speech-language pathologists’ practices with children with developmental disabilities who are pre-symbolic. Int J Speech Lang Pathol ;2011 (Oct) ;13(5):389-398. Lien vers Pubmed

145. Mashal N, Kasirer A. Principal component analysis study of visual and verbal metaphoric comprehension in children with autism and learning disabilities. Res Dev Disabil ;2011 (Oct 14) ;33(1):274-282. Lien vers Pubmed

146. Mashal N, Kasirer A. Thinking maps enhance metaphoric competence in children with autism and learning disabilities. Res Dev Disabil ;2011 (Nov) ;32(6):2045-2054. Lien vers Pubmed

162. Naigles LR, Kelty E, Jaffery R, Fein D. Abstractness and continuity in the syntactic development of young children with autism. Autism Res ;2011 (Oct 19) Lien vers Pubmed

241. Wan CY, Bazen L, Baars R, Libenson A, Zipse L, Zuk J, Norton A, Schlaug G. Auditory-motor mapping training as an intervention to facilitate speech output in non-verbal children with autism : a proof of concept study. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(9):e25505. Lien vers Pubmed

249. Whittaker CA. The speech aversion hypothesis has explanatory power in a Minimal Speech Approach to aloof, non-verbal, severe autism. Med Hypotheses ;2011 (Oct 15) Lien vers Pubmed

- Education, Apprentissages

133. Ling CY, Mak WW. Coping with challenging behaviours of children with autism : effectiveness of brief training workshop for frontline staff in special education settings. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2011 (Sep 29) Lien vers Pubmed

165. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Final regulations. Fed Regist ;2011 (Sep 28) ;76(188):60140-60309. Lien vers Pubmed

208. Spector JE. Sight word instruction for students with autism : an evaluation of the evidence base. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct) ;41(10):1411-1422. Lien vers Pubmed

- Epilepsie

28. Bolton PF, Carcani-Rathwell I, Hutton J, Goode S, Howlin P, Rutter M. Epilepsy in autism : features and correlates. Br J Psychiatry ;2011 (Apr) ;198:289-294. Lien vers Pubmed

175. Penagarikano O, Abrahams BS, Herman EI, Winden KD, Gdalyahu A, Dong H, Sonnenblick LI, Gruver R, Almajano J, Bragin A, Golshani P, Trachtenberg JT, Peles E, Geschwind DH. Absence of CNTNAP2 Leads to Epilepsy, Neuronal Migration Abnormalities, and Core Autism-Related Deficits. Cell ;2011 (Sep 30) ;147(1):235-246. Lien vers Pubmed

- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

6. Aiello TP, Whitaker-Azmitia PM. Sexual differentiation and the neuroendocrine hypothesis of autism. Anat Rec (Hoboken) ;2011 (Oct) ;294(10):1663-1670. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Amin SB, Smith T, Wang H. Is neonatal jaundice associated with autism spectrum disorders : a systematic review. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Nov) ;41(11):1455-1463. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Bejerot S, Humble MB, Gardner A. Endocrine disruptors, the increase of autism spectrum disorder and its comorbidity with gender identity disorder—a hypothetical association. Int J Androl ;2011 (Oct) ;34(5 Pt 2):e350. Lien vers Pubmed

58. Curran S, Dworzynski K, Happe F, Ronald A, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, Brayne C, Bolton PF. No major effect of twinning on autistic traits. Autism Res ;2011 (Oct) ;4(5):377-382. Lien vers Pubmed

84. Ghanizadeh A. Could fever and neuroinflammation play a role in the neurobiology of autism ? A subject worthy of more research. Int J Hyperthermia ;2011 ;27(7):737-738. Lien vers Pubmed

126. Kroger A, Hanig S, Seitz C, Palmason H, Meyer J, Freitag CM. Risk factors of autistic symptoms in children with ADHD. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2011 (Oct 16) Lien vers Pubmed

138. Lyall K, Pauls DL, Spiegelman D, Ascherio A, Santangelo SL. Pregnancy complications and obstetric suboptimality in association with autism spectrum disorders in children of the Nurses’ Health Study II. Autism Res ;2011 (Oct 3) Lien vers Pubmed

186. Roberts G, Anderson PJ, Cheong J, Doyle LW. Parent-reported health in extremely preterm and extremely low-birthweight children at age 8 years compared with comparison children born at term. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2011 (Oct) ;53(10):927-932. Lien vers Pubmed

188. Rodriguez-Porcel F, Green D, Khatri N, Harris SS, May WL, Lin RC, Paul IA. Neonatal exposure of rats to antidepressants affects behavioral reactions to novelty and social interactions in a manner analogous to autistic spectrum disorders. Anat Rec (Hoboken) ;2011 (Oct) ;294(10):1726-1735. Lien vers Pubmed

198. Schieve LA, Rice C, Devine O, Maenner MJ, Lee LC, Fitzgerald R, Wingate MS, Schendel D, Pettygrove S, van Naarden Braun K, Durkin M. Have Secular Changes in Perinatal Risk Factors Contributed to the Recent Autism Prevalence Increase ? Development and Application of a Mathematical Assessment Model. Ann Epidemiol ;2011 (Dec) ;21(12):930-945. Lien vers Pubmed

227. Thomas Curtis J, Chen Y, Buck DJ, Davis RL. Chronic inorganic mercury exposure induces sex-specific changes in central TNFalpha expression : Importance in autism ?. Neurosci Lett ;2011 (Oct 17) ;504(1):40-44. Lien vers Pubmed

231. Turner T, Pihur V, Chakravarti A. Quantifying and modeling birth order effects in autism. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(10):e26418. Lien vers Pubmed

- Filles avec autisme

97. Hamilton A, Marshal MP, Murray PJ. Autism spectrum disorders and menstruation. J Adolesc Health ;2011 (Oct) ;49(4):443-445. Lien vers Pubmed

244. Waris P, Kulomaki T, Tani P. [Asperger’s syndrome in females]. Duodecim ;2011 ;127(15):1571-1577. Lien vers Pubmed

- Génétique, biochimie

9. Aldinger KA, Plummer JT, Qiu S, Levitt P. SnapShot : Genetics of Autism. Neuron ;2011 (Oct 20) ;72(2):418-418 e411. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Anney RJ, Kenny EM, O’Dushlaine C, Yaspan BL, Parkhomenka E, Buxbaum JD, Sutcliffe J, Gill M, Gallagher L. Gene-ontology enrichment analysis in two independent family-based samples highlights biologically plausible processes for autism spectrum disorders. Eur J Hum Genet ;2011 (Oct) ;19(10):1082-1089. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Berkel S, Tang W, Trevino M, Vogt M, Obenhaus HA, Gass P, Scherer SW, Sprengel R, Schratt G, Rappold GA. Inherited and de novo SHANK2 variants associated with autism spectrum disorder impair neuronal morphogenesis and physiology. Hum Mol Genet ;2011 (Oct 27) Lien vers Pubmed

41. Carey JC. Abbreviations and terminology surrounding autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Am J Med Genet A ;2011 (Oct 3) Lien vers Pubmed

43. Casey JP, Magalhaes T, Conroy JM, Regan R, Shah N, Anney R, Shields DC, Abrahams BS, Almeida J, Bacchelli E, Bailey AJ, Baird G, Battaglia A, Berney T, Bolshakova N, Bolton PF, Bourgeron T, Brennan S, Cali P, Correia C, Corsello C, Coutanche M, Dawson G, de Jonge M, Delorme R, Duketis E, Duque F, Estes A, Farrar P, Fernandez BA, Folstein SE, Foley S, Fombonne E, Freitag CM, Gilbert J, Gillberg C, Glessner JT, Green J, Guter SJ, Hakonarson H, Holt R, Hughes G, Hus V, Igliozzi R, Kim C, Klauck SM, Kolevzon A, Lamb JA, Leboyer M, Le Couteur A, Leventhal BL, Lord C, Lund SC, Maestrini E, Mantoulan C, Marshall CR, McConachie H, McDougle CJ, McGrath J, McMahon WM, Merikangas A, Miller J, Minopoli F, Mirza GK, Munson J, Nelson SF, Nygren G, Oliveira G, Pagnamenta AT, Papanikolaou K, Parr JR, Parrini B, Pickles A, Pinto D, Piven J, Posey DJ, Poustka A, Poustka F, Ragoussis J, Roge B, Rutter ML, Sequeira AF, Soorya L, Sousa I, Sykes N, Stoppioni V, Tancredi R, Tauber M, Thompson AP, Thomson S, Tsiantis J, Van Engeland H, Vincent JB, Volkmar F, Vorstman JA, Wallace S, Wang K, Wassink TH, White K, Wing K, Wittemeyer K, Yaspan BL, Zwaigenbaum L, Betancur C, Buxbaum JD, Cantor RM, Cook EH, Coon H, Cuccaro ML, Geschwind DH, Haines JL, Hallmayer J, Monaco AP, Nurnberger JI, Jr., Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Szatmari P, Vieland VJ, Wijsman EM, Green A, Gill M, Gallagher L, Vicente A, Ennis S. A novel approach of homozygous haplotype sharing identifies candidate genes in autism spectrum disorder. Hum Genet ;2011 (Oct 14) Lien vers Pubmed

49. Chonchaiya W, Au J, Schneider A, Hessl D, Harris SW, Laird M, Mu Y, Tassone F, Nguyen DV, Hagerman RJ. Increased prevalence of seizures in boys who were probands with the FMR1 premutation and co-morbid autism spectrum disorder. Hum Genet ;2011 (Oct 15) Lien vers Pubmed

50. Conti S, Condo M, Posar A, Mari F, Resta N, Renieri A, Neri I, Patrizi A, Parmeggiani A. Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog (PTEN) Gene Mutations and Autism : Literature Review and a Case Report of a Patient With Cowden Syndrome, Autistic Disorder and Epilepsy. J Child Neurol ;2011 (Sep 29) Lien vers Pubmed

73. Feliciano P. Cntnap2(-/-) autism model. Nat Genet ;2011 ;43(11):1053. Lien vers Pubmed

81. Gauthier J, Siddiqui TJ, Huashan P, Yokomaku D, Hamdan FF, Champagne N, Lapointe M, Spiegelman D, Noreau A, Lafreniere RG, Fathalli F, Joober R, Krebs MO, DeLisi LE, Mottron L, Fombonne E, Michaud JL, Drapeau P, Carbonetto S, Craig AM, Rouleau GA. Truncating mutations in NRXN2 and NRXN1 in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia. Hum Genet ;2011 (Oct) ;130(4):563-573. Lien vers Pubmed

87. Gobayashi Y, Takumi T. [A mouse model with human chromosomal abnormality observed in autism]. Brain Nerve ;2011 (Oct) ;63(10):1111-1116. Lien vers Pubmed

102. Horev G, Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Son YE, Muthuswamy L, Vogel H, Krieger AM, Buja A, Henkelman RM, Wigler M, Mills AA. Dosage-dependent phenotypes in models of 16p11.2 lesions found in autism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2011 (Oct 11) ;108(41):17076-17081. Lien vers Pubmed

135. Lord C. Unweaving the autism spectrum. Cell ;2011 (Sep 30) ;147(1):24-25. Lien vers Pubmed

154. Mehta MV, Gandal MJ, Siegel SJ. mGluR5-Antagonist Mediated Reversal of Elevated Stereotyped, Repetitive Behaviors in the VPA Model of Autism. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(10):e26077. Lien vers Pubmed

156. Mikhail FM, Lose EJ, Robin NH, Descartes MD, Rutledge KD, Rutledge SL, Korf BR, Carroll AJ. Clinically relevant single gene or intragenic deletions encompassing critical neurodevelopmental genes in patients with developmental delay, mental retardation, and/or autism spectrum disorders. Am J Med Genet A ;2011 (Oct) ;155A(10):2386-2396. Lien vers Pubmed

157. Moskal JR, Burgdorf J, Kroes RA, Brudzynski SM, Panksepp J. A novel NMDA receptor glycine-site partial agonist, GLYX-13, has therapeutic potential for the treatment of autism. Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2011 (Oct) ;35(9):1982-1988. Lien vers Pubmed

194. Salyakina D, Cukier HN, Lee JM, Sacharow S, Nations LD, Ma D, Jaworski JM, Konidari I, Whitehead PL, Wright HH, Abramson RK, Williams SM, Menon R, Haines JL, Gilbert JR, Cuccaro ML, Pericak-Vance MA. Copy number variants in extended autism spectrum disorder families reveal candidates potentially involved in autism risk. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(10):e26049. Lien vers Pubmed

204. Smith SE, Zhou YD, Zhang G, Jin Z, Stoppel DC, Anderson MP. Increased gene dosage of ube3a results in autism traits and decreased glutamate synaptic transmission in mice. Sci Transl Med ;2011 (Oct 5) ;3(103):103ra197. Lien vers Pubmed

205. Song RR, Zou L, Zhong R, Zheng XW, Zhu BB, Chen W, Liu L, Miao XP. An Integrated Meta-Analysis of Two Variants in HOXA1/HOXB1 and Their Effect on the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(9):e25603. Lien vers Pubmed

210. State MW, Levitt P. The conundrums of understanding genetic risks for autism spectrum disorders. Nat Neurosci ;2011 (Oct 30) Lien vers Pubmed

216. Solvsten C, Nielsen AL. FMR1 CGG repeat lengths mediate different regulation of reporter gene expression in comparative transient and locus specific integration assays. Gene ;2011 (Oct 15) ;486(1-2):15-22. Lien vers Pubmed

218. Talkowski ME, Mullegama SV, Rosenfeld JA, van Bon BW, Shen Y, Repnikova EA, Gastier-Foster J, Thrush DL, Kathiresan S, Ruderfer DM, Chiang C, Hanscom C, Ernst C, Lindgren AM, Morton CC, An Y, Astbury C, Brueton LA, Lichtenbelt KD, Ades LC, Fichera M, Romano C, Innis JW, Williams CA, Bartholomew D, Van Allen MI, Parikh A, Zhang L, Wu BL, Pyatt RE, Schwartz S, Shaffer LG, de Vries BB, Gusella JF, Elsea SH. Assessment of 2q23.1 Microdeletion Syndrome Implicates MBD5 as a Single Causal Locus of Intellectual Disability, Epilepsy, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Hum Genet ;2011 (Oct 7) ;89(4):551-563. Lien vers Pubmed

225. Thanseem I, Anitha A, Nakamura K, Suda S, Iwata K, Matsuzaki H, Ohtsubo M, Ueki T, Katayama T, Iwata Y, Suzuki K, Minoshima S, Mori N. Elevated Transcription Factor Specificity Protein 1 in Autistic Brains Alters the Expression of Autism Candidate Genes. Biol Psychiatry ;2011 (Oct 24) Lien vers Pubmed

- Imagerie

13. Anderson JS, Nielsen JA, Froehlich AL, Dubray MB, Druzgal TJ, Cariello AN, Cooperrider JR, Zielinski BA, Ravichandran C, Fletcher PT, Alexander AL, Bigler ED, Lange N, Lainhart JE. Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging classification of autism. Brain ;2011 (Oct 17) Lien vers Pubmed

47. Cheon KA, Kim YS, Oh SH, Park SY, Yoon HW, Herrington J, Nair A, Koh YJ, Jang DP, Kim YB, Leventhal BL, Cho ZH, Castellanos FX, Schultz RT. Involvement of the anterior thalamic radiation in boys with high functioning autism spectrum disorders : A Diffusion Tensor Imaging study. Brain Res ;2011 (Oct 12) ;1417:77-86. Lien vers Pubmed

70. Erickson LC, Scott-Van Zeeland AA, Hamilton G, Lincoln A, Golomb BA. Brief Report : Approaches to (31)P-MRS in Awake, Non-Sedated Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct 7) Lien vers Pubmed

116. Jiao Y, Chen R, Ke X, Cheng L, Chu K, Lu Z, Herskovits EH. Predictive models for subtypes of autism spectrum disorder based on single-nucleotide polymorphisms and magnetic resonance imaging. Adv Med Sci ;2011 (Oct 29):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

119. Jou RJ, Mateljevic N, Kaiser MD, Sugrue DR, Volkmar FR, Pelphrey KA. Structural neural phenotype of autism : preliminary evidence from a diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol ;2011 (Oct) ;32(9):1607-1613. Lien vers Pubmed

160. Muller RA, Shih P, Keehn B, Deyoe JR, Leyden KM, Shukla DK. Underconnected, but how ? A survey of functional connectivity MRI studies in autism spectrum disorders. Cereb Cortex ;2011 (Oct) ;21(10):2233-2243. Lien vers Pubmed

- Immunologie

7. Al-Ayadhi LY, Mostafa GA. Increased serum osteopontin levels in autistic children : relation to the disease severity. Brain Behav Immun ;2011 (Oct) ;25(7):1393-1398. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Braunschweig D, Duncanson P, Boyce R, Hansen R, Ashwood P, Pessah IN, Hertz-Picciotto I, Van de Water J. Behavioral Correlates of Maternal Antibody Status Among Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct 20) Lien vers Pubmed

56. Crespi BJ, Thiselton DL. Comparative immunogenetics of autism and schizophrenia. Genes Brain Behav ;2011 (Oct) ;10(7):689-701. Lien vers Pubmed

173. Patterson PH. Maternal infection and autism. Brain Behav Immun ;2011 (Oct 7) Lien vers Pubmed

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

3. The significance of ileo-colonic lymphoid nodular hyperplasia in children with autistic spectrum disorder : Expression of concern. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol ;2011 (Nov) ;23(11):1082. Lien vers Pubmed

140. Maenner MJ, Arneson CL, Levy SE, Kirby RS, Nicholas JS, Durkin MS. Brief Report : Association Between Behavioral Features and Gastrointestinal Problems Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct 20) Lien vers Pubmed

- Neurologie, neurosciences

8. Al-Ayadhi LY. Relationship Between Sonic Hedgehog Protein, Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Oxidative Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neurochem Res ;2011 (Oct 9) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Aldridge K, George ID, Cole KK, Austin JR, Takahashi TN, Duan Y, Miles JH. Facial phenotypes in subgroups of pre-pubertal boys with autism spectrum disorders are correlated with clinical phenotypes. Mol Autism ;2011 (Oct 14) ;2(1):15. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Azmitia EC, Singh JS, Hou XP, Wegiel J. Dystrophic serotonin axons in postmortem brains from young autism patients. Anat Rec (Hoboken) ;2011 (Oct) ;294(10):1653-1662. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Belger A, Carpenter KL, Yucel GH, Cleary KM, Donkers FC. The neural circuitry of autism. Neurotox Res ;2011 (Oct) ;20(3):201-214. Lien vers Pubmed

68. Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Henkelman RM. Brain abnormalities in a Neuroligin3 R451C knockin mouse model associated with autism. Autism Res ;2011 (Oct) ;4(5):368-376. Lien vers Pubmed

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- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

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- Parents

65. Donaldson SO, Elder JH, Self EH, Christie MB. Fathers’ Perceptions of Their Roles During In-Home Training for Children With Autism. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs ;2011 (Nov) ;24(4):200-207. Lien vers Pubmed

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- Pharmacologie

37. Burket JA, Herndon AL, Winebarger EE, Jacome LF, Deutsch SI. Complex effects of mGluR5 antagonism on sociability and stereotypic behaviors in mice : possible implications for the pharmacotherapy of autism spectrum disorders. Brain Res Bull ;2011 (Oct 10) ;86(3-4):152-158. Lien vers Pubmed

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- Prévalence, épidémiologie

46. Chawarska K, Campbell D, Chen L, Shic F, Klin A, Chang J. Early generalized overgrowth in boys with autism. Arch Gen Psychiatry ;2011 (Oct) ;68(10):1021-1031. Lien vers Pubmed

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- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

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- Sensori-moteur / Audition

78. Fuentes CT, Mostofsky SH, Bastian AJ. No proprioceptive deficits in autism despite movement-related sensory and execution impairments. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct) ;41(10):1352-1361. Lien vers Pubmed

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- Sommeil

240. Vriend JL, Corkum PV, Moon EC, Smith IM. Behavioral interventions for sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorders : current findings and future directions. J Pediatr Psychol ;2011 (Oct) ;36(9):1017-1029. Lien vers Pubmed

- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

22. Bernhardt EB, Walsh KH, Posey DJ, McDougle CJ. Memantine for comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder and Asperger disorder suggests a link in glutamatergic dysregulation. J Clin Psychopharmacol ;2011 (Oct) ;31(5):673-675. Lien vers Pubmed

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60. David N, T RS, Vogeley K, Engel AK. Impairments in multisensory processing are not universal to the autism spectrum : no evidence for crossmodal priming deficits in Asperger syndrome. Autism Res ;2011 (Oct) ;4(5):383-388. Lien vers Pubmed

200. Shimmura C, Suda S, Tsuchiya KJ, Hashimoto K, Ohno K, Matsuzaki H, Iwata K, Matsumoto K, Wakuda T, Kameno Y, Suzuki K, Tsujii M, Nakamura K, Takei N, Mori N. Alteration of plasma glutamate and glutamine levels in children with high-functioning autism. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(10):e25340. Lien vers Pubmed

207. Soulieres I, Dawson M, Gernsbacher MA, Mottron L. The Level and Nature of Autistic Intelligence II : What about Asperger Syndrome ?. PLoS One ;2011 ;6(9):e25372. Lien vers Pubmed

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232. Tyson KE, Cruess DG. Differentiating High-Functioning Autism and Social Phobia. J Autism Dev Disord ;2011 (Oct 27)