Articles parus en octobre 2013 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, Thérapies comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Classifications
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Épilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, Epidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé Bucco-Dentaire
- Sensori-moteur, Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Troubles associés, Autres pathologies, Comorbidités
- Vision
- Divers

- ABA, Thérapies comportementales

1. Freuler AC, Baranek GT, Tashjian C, Watson LR, Crais ER, Turner-Brown LM. Parent reflections of experiences of participating in a randomized controlled trial of a behavioral intervention for infants at risk of autism spectrum disorders. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Hesselmark E, Plenty S, Bejerot S. Group cognitive behavioural therapy and group recreational activity for adults with autism spectrum disorders : A preliminary randomized controlled trial. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Locke J, Rotheram-Fuller E, Xie M, Harker C, Mandell D. Correlation of cognitive and social outcomes among children with autism spectrum disorder in a randomized trial of behavioral intervention. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Huskens B, Verschuur R, Gillesen J, Didden R, Barakova E. Promoting question-asking in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders : effectiveness of a robot intervention compared to a human-trainer intervention. Dev Neurorehabil. 2013 ; 16(5) : 345-56. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Sukhodolsky DG, Bloch MH, Panza KE, Reichow B. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Children With High-Functioning Autism : A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2013 ; 132(5) : e1341-50. Lien vers Pubmed

- Adultes avec autisme

6. Campillo C, Herrera G, Remirez de Ganuza C, Cuesta JL, Abellan R, Campos A, Navarro I, Sevilla J, Pardo C, Amati F. Using Tic-Tac software to reduce anxiety-related behaviour in adults with autism and learning difficulties during waiting periods : A pilot study. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Mavranezouli I, Megnin-Viggars O, Cheema N, Howlin P, Baron-Cohen S, Pilling S. The cost-effectiveness of supported employment for adults with autism in the United Kingdom. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Mazurek MO. Loneliness, friendship, and well-being in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Cage E, Pellicano E, Shah P, Bird G. Reputation management : evidence for ability but reduced propensity in autism. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 433-42. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Duerden EG, Taylor MJ, Soorya LV, Wang T, Fan J, Anagnostou E. Neural correlates of inhibition of socially relevant stimuli in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Brain Res. 2013 ; 1533 : 80-90. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Vacek JL, Hunt SL, Shireman T. Hypertension medication use and adherence among adults with developmental disability. Disabil Health J. 2013 ; 6(4) : 297-302. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Redcay E, Dodell-Feder D, Mavros PL, Kleiner M, Pearrow MJ, Triantafyllou C, Gabrieli JD, Saxe R. Atypical brain activation patterns during a face-to-face joint attention game in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Hum Brain Mapp. 2013 ; 34(10) : 2511-23. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Ptomey LT, Herrmann SD, Lee J, Sullivan DK, Rondon MF, Donnelly JE. Photo-Assisted Recall Increases Estimates of Energy and Macronutrient Intake in Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Strickland DC, Coles CD, Southern LB. JobTIPS : a transition to employment program for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2472-83. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Nylander L, Holmqvist M, Gustafson L, Gillberg C. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adult psychiatry. A 20-year register study. Nord J Psychiatry. 2013 ; 67(5) : 344-50. Lien vers Pubmed

- Alimentation, nutrition

16. Sharp WG, Burrell TL, Jaquess DL. The Autism MEAL Plan : A parent-training curriculum to manage eating aversions and low intake among children with autism. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Suarez MA, Nelson NW, Curtis AB. Longitudinal follow-up of factors associated with food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Clark AI, Hughes PS, Grube M, Stewart ME. Autistic traits and sensitivity to interference with flavour identification. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 332-6. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Siniscalco D, Antonucci N. Involvement of Dietary Bioactive Proteins and Peptides in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Mari-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-Gonzalez A, Morales-Suarez-Varela M. Food Selectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. J Child Neurol. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Gong ZL, Luo CM, Wang L, Shen L, Wei F, Tong RJ, Liu Y. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Neuroreport. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Das UN. Autism as a disorder of deficiency of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and altered metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nutrition. 2013 ; 29(10) : 1175-85. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Dosman C, Adams D, Wudel B, Vogels L, Turner J, Vohra S. Complementary, holistic, and integrative medicine : autism spectrum disorder and gluten- and casein-free diet. Pediatr Rev. 2013 ; 34(10) : e36-41. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Garcia-Junco-Clemente P, Chow DK, Tring E, Lazaro MT, Trachtenberg JT, Golshani P. Overexpression of calcium-activated potassium channels underlies cortical dysfunction in a model of PTEN-associated autism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 ; 110(45) : 18297-302. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Beighley JS, Matson JL, Rieske RD, Adams HL. Food selectivity in children with and without an autism spectrum disorder : investigation of diagnosis and age. Res Dev Disabil. 2013 ; 34(10) : 3497-503. Lien vers Pubmed

- Biomarqueurs

26. Ruggeri B, Sarkans U, Schumann G, Persico AM. Biomarkers in autism spectrum disorder : the old and the new. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Torres EB, Isenhower RW, Yanovich P, Rehrig G, Stigler K, Nurnberger J, Jose JV. Strategies to develop putative biomarkers to characterize the female phenotype with autism spectrum disorders. J Neurophysiol. 2013 ; 110(7) : 1646-62. Lien vers Pubmed

28. Zurawicz E, Kaluzna-Czaplinska J, Rynkowski J. Chromatographic methods in the study of autism. Biomed Chromatogr. 2013 ; 27(10) : 1273-9. Lien vers Pubmed

- Classifications

29. Mandy W, Charman T, Puura K, Skuse D. Investigating the cross-cultural validity of DSM-5 autism spectrum disorder : Evidence from Finnish and UK samples. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

30. Berger NI, Ingersoll B. An exploration of imitation recognition in young children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 411-6. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Brock J. Connectivity and cognition in autism spectrum disorders : Where are the links ?. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 ; 110(42) : E3973. Lien vers Pubmed

32. Brunsdon VE, Happe F. Exploring the ‘fractionation’ of autism at the cognitive level. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Callenmark B, Kjellin L, Ronnqvist L, Bolte S. Explicit versus implicit social cognition testing in autism spectrum disorder. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

34. Chang YC, Laugeson EA, Gantman A, Ellingsen R, Frankel F, Dillon AR. Predicting treatment success in social skills training for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders : The UCLA Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

35. Chouinard PA, Noulty WA, Sperandio I, Landry O. Global processing during the Muller-Lyer illusion is distinctively affected by the degree of autistic traits in the typical population. Exp Brain Res. 2013 ; 230(2) : 219-31. Lien vers Pubmed

36. Cohen S, Masyn K, Mastergeorge A, Hessl D. Psychophysiological Responses to Emotional Stimuli in Children and Adolescents with Autism and Fragile X Syndrome. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

37. Corbett BA, Swain DM, Coke C, Simon D, Newsom C, Houchins-Juarez N, Jenson A, Wang L, Song Y. Improvement in Social Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorders Using a Theatre-Based, Peer-Mediated Intervention. Autism Res. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

38. Ferro MA, Boyle MH. Brief report : testing measurement invariance and differences in self-concept between adolescents with and without physical illness or developmental disability. J Adolesc. 2013 ; 36(5) : 947-51. Lien vers Pubmed

39. Garcia Dominguez L, Stieben J, Perez Velazquez JL, Shanker S. The imaginary part of coherency in autism : differences in cortical functional connectivity in preschool children. PLoS One. 2013 ; 8(10) : e75941. Lien vers Pubmed

40. Grossman M, Peskin J, San Juan V. Thinking about a reader’s mind : fostering communicative clarity in the compositions of youth with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2376-92. Lien vers Pubmed

41. Koegel LK, Park MN, Koegel RL. Using Self-Management to Improve the Reciprocal Social Conversation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

42. Koldewyn K, Jiang YV, Weigelt S, Kanwisher N. Global/local processing in autism : not a disability, but a disinclination. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2329-40. Lien vers Pubmed

43. Laycock R, Cross AJ, Dalle Nogare F, Crewther SG. Self-Rated Social Skills Predict Visual Perception : Impairments in Object Discrimination Requiring Transient Attention Associated with High Autistic Tendency. Autism Res. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

44. Lopez B. Beyond Modularisation : The Need of a Socio-Neuro-Constructionist Model of Autism. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

45. Luyster RJ, Powell C, Tager-Flusberg H, Nelson CA. Neural measures of social attention across the first years of life : Characterizing typical development and markers of autism risk. Dev Cogn Neurosci. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

46. Maaswinkel H, Zhu L, Weng W. Assessing social engagement in heterogeneous groups of zebrafish : a new paradigm for autism-like behavioral responses. PLoS One. 2013 ; 8(10) : e75955. Lien vers Pubmed

47. Mathersul D, McDonald S, Rushby JA. Automatic facial responses to briefly presented emotional stimuli in autism spectrum disorder. Biol Psychol. 2013 ; 94(2) : 397-407. Lien vers Pubmed

48. Memari AH, Ziaee V, Shayestehfar M, Ghanouni P, Mansournia MA, Moshayedi P. Cognitive flexibility impairments in children with autism spectrum disorders : links to age, gender and child outcomes. Res Dev Disabil. 2013 ; 34(10) : 3218-25. Lien vers Pubmed

49. Miller L, McGonigle-Chalmers M. Exploring Perceptual Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : From Target Detection to Dynamic Perceptual Discrimination. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

50. Pallett PM, Cohen SJ, Dobkins KR. Face and Object Discrimination in Autism, and Relationship to IQ and Age. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

51. Rattaz C, Dubois A, Michelon C, Viellard M, Poinso F, Baghdadli A. How do children with autism spectrum disorders express pain ? A comparison with developmentally delayed and typically developing children. Pain. 2013 ; 154(10) : 2007-13. Lien vers Pubmed

52. Reynolds S, Urruela M, Devine DP. Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Repetitive Behaviors in the BTBR T+tf/J Mouse Model of Autism. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 337-43. Lien vers Pubmed

53. Schupp CW, Simon D, Corbett BA. Cortisol responsivity differences in children with autism spectrum disorders during free and cooperative play. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2405-17. Lien vers Pubmed

54. Stagg SD, Slavny R, Hand C, Cardoso A, Smith P. Does facial expressivity count ? How typically developing children respond initially to children with autism. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

55. Sterling L, Munson J, Estes A, Murias M, Webb SJ, King B, Dawson G. Fear-potentiated startle response is unrelated to social or emotional functioning in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 320-31. Lien vers Pubmed

56. Stewart HJ, McIntosh RD, Williams JH. A Specific Deficit of Imitation in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

57. Storch EA, Sulkowski ML, Nadeau J, Lewin AB, Arnold EB, Mutch PJ, Jones AM, Murphy TK. The phenomenology and clinical correlates of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2450-9. Lien vers Pubmed

58. Travers BG, Powell PS, Mussey JL, Klinger LG, Crisler ME, Klinger MR. Spatial and identity cues differentially affect implicit contextual cueing in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2393-404. Lien vers Pubmed

59. Vanderkerken L, Heyvaert M, Maes B, Onghena P. Psychosocial interventions for reducing vocal challenging behavior in persons with autistic disorder : A multilevel meta-analysis of single-case experiments. Res Dev Disabil. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

60. Wainer AL, Block N, Donnellan MB, Ingersoll B. The broader autism phenotype and friendships in non-clinical dyads. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2418-25. Lien vers Pubmed

61. Warreyn P, Roeyers H. See what I see, do as I do : Promoting joint attention and imitation in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

62. Wass SV, Porayska-Pomsta K. The uses of cognitive training technologies in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

63. Wojcik DZ, Waterman AH, Lestie C, Moulin CJ, Souchay C. Metacognitive judgments-of-learning in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

64. Yafai AF, Verrier D, Reidy L. Social conformity and autism spectrum disorder : A child-friendly take on a classic study. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

65. Zalla T, Labruyere N, Georgieff N. Perceiving goals and actions in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013 ; 43(10) : 2353-65. Lien vers Pubmed

- Communication, langage

66. Begeer S, Wierda M, Scheeren AM, Teunisse JP, Koot HM, Geurts HM. Verbal fluency in children with autism spectrum disorders : Clustering and switching strategies. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

67. Ellawadi AB, Ellis Weismer S. Assessing Gestures in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

68. Gevarter C, O’Reilly MF, Rojeski L, Sammarco N, Lang R, Lancioni GE, Sigafoos J. Comparisons of intervention components within augmentative and alternative communication systems for individuals with developmental disabilities : A review of the literature. Res Dev Disabil. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

69. Grossi D, Marcone R, Cinquegrana T, Gallucci M. On the differential nature of induced and incidental echolalia in autism. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2013 ; 57(10) : 903-12. Lien vers Pubmed

70. Koolen S, Vissers CT, Egger JI, Verhoeven L. Can monitoring in language comprehension in Autism Spectrum Disorder be modulated ? Evidence from event-related potentials. Biol Psychol. 2013 ; 94(2) : 354-68. Lien vers Pubmed

71. Trembath D, Iacono T, Lyon K, West D, Johnson H. Augmentative and alternative communication supports for adults with autism spectrum disorders. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

72. van Santen JP, Sproat RW, Hill AP. Quantifying repetitive speech in autism spectrum disorders and language impairment. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 372-83. Lien vers Pubmed

73. Winder BM, Wozniak RH, Parlade MV, Iverson JM. Spontaneous initiation of communication in infants at low and heightened risk for autism spectrum disorders. Dev Psychol. 2013 ; 49(10) : 1931-42. Lien vers Pubmed

- Education, Apprentissages

74. Al-Sharbati MM, Al-Farsi YM, Ouhtit A, Waly MI, Al-Shafaee M, Al-Farsi O, Al-Khaduri M, Al-Said MF, Al-Adawi S. Awareness about autism among school teachers in Oman : A cross-sectional study. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

75. Ichikawa K, Takahashi Y, Ando M, Anme T, Ishizaki T, Yamaguchi H, Nakayama T. TEACCH-based group social skills training for children with high-functioning autism : a pilot randomized controlled trial. Biopsychosoc Med. 2013 ; 7(1) : 14. Lien vers Pubmed

76. Marrus N, Veenstra-Vanderweele J, Hellings JA, Stigler KA, Szymanski L, King BH, Carlisle LL, Cook EH, Jr., Pruett JR, Jr. Training of child and adolescent psychiatry fellows in autism and intellectual disability. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

77. McCurdy EE, Cole CL. Use of a Peer Support Intervention for Promoting Academic Engagement of Students with Autism in General Education Settings. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

78. Plavnick JB, Hume KA. Observational learning by individuals with autism : A review of teaching strategies. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

79. Troyb E, Orinstein A, Tyson K, Helt M, Eigsti IM, Stevens M, Fein D. Academic abilities in children and adolescents with a history of autism spectrum disorders who have achieved optimal outcomes. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

80. Wei X, Christiano ER, Yu JW, Blackorby J, Shattuck P, Newman LA. Postsecondary Pathways and Persistence for STEM Versus Non-STEM Majors : Among College Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

- Épilepsie

81. Lippman-Bell JJ, Rakhade SN, Klein PM, Obeid M, Jackson MC, Joseph A, Jensen FE. AMPA Receptor antagonist NBQX attenuates later-life epileptic seizures and autistic-like social deficits following neonatal seizures. Epilepsia. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

82. Tuchman R, Hirtz D, Mamounas LA. NINDS epilepsy and autism spectrum disorders workshop report. Neurology. 2013 ; 81(18) : 1630-6. Lien vers Pubmed

83. Viscidi EW, Johnson AL, Spence SJ, Buka SL, Morrow EM, Triche EW. The association between epilepsy and autism symptoms and maladaptive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

84. Yang Y, Vasylyev DV, Dib-Hajj F, Veeramah KR, Hammer MF, Dib-Hajj SD, Waxman SG. Multistate Structural Modeling and Voltage-Clamp Analysis of Epilepsy/Autism Mutation Kv10.2-R327H Demonstrate the Role of This Residue in Stabilizing the Channel Closed State. J Neurosci. 2013 ; 33(42) : 16586-93. Lien vers Pubmed

- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

85. Ali EH, Elgoly AH. Combined prenatal and postnatal butyl paraben exposure produces autism-like symptoms in offspring : Comparison with valproic acid autistic model. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2013 ; 111 : 102-10. Lien vers Pubmed

86. Bilder DA, Bakian AV, Viskochil J, Clark EA, Botts EL, Smith KR, Pimentel R, McMahon WM, Coon H. Maternal prenatal weight gain and autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics. 2013 ; 132(5) : e1276-83. Lien vers Pubmed

87. Conti E, Mazzotti S, Calderoni S, Saviozzi I, Guzzetta A. Are children born after assisted reproductive technology at increased risk of autism spectrum disorders ? A systematic review. Hum Reprod. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

88. Hamza RT, Hewedi DH, Sallam MT. Iodine Deficiency in Egyptian Autistic Children and Their Mothers : Relation to Disease Severity. Arch Med Res. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

89. Herbert MR, Sage C. Autism and EMF ? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link part II. Pathophysiology. 2013 ; 20(3) : 211-34. Lien vers Pubmed

90. Herbert MR, Sage C. Autism and EMF ? Plausibility of a pathophysiological link – Part I. Pathophysiology. 2013 ; 20(3) : 191-209. Lien vers Pubmed

91. Luck AN, Bobst CE, Kaltashov IA, Mason AB. Human serum transferrin : Is there a link between autism, high oxalate and iron deficiency anemia ?. Biochemistry. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

92. Polo-Kantola P, Lampi KM, Hinkka-Yli-Salomaki S, Gissler M, Brown AS, Sourander A. Obstetric Risk Factors and Autism Spectrum Disorders in Finland. J Pediatr. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

93. Scott O, Richer L, Forbes K, Sonnenberg L, Currie A, Eliyashevska M, Goez HR. Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Encephalitis : An Unusual Cause of Autistic Regression in a Toddler. J Child Neurol. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

94. Zwaigenbaum L. The intriguing relationship between cerebral palsy and autism. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

- Génétique, biochimie

95. Abrahams BS, Arking DE, Campbell DB, Mefford HC, Morrow EM, Weiss LA, Menashe I, Wadkins T, Banerjee-Basu S, Packer A. SFARI Gene 2.0 : a community-driven knowledgebase for the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Mol Autism. 2013 ; 4(1) : 36. Lien vers Pubmed

96. Adviento B, Corbin IL, Widjaja F, Desachy G, Enrique N, Rosser T, Risi S, Marco EJ, Hendren RL, Bearden CE, Rauen KA, Weiss LA. Autism traits in the RASopathies. J Med Genet. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

97. Bartlett CW, Hou L, Flax JF, Hare A, Cheong SY, Fermano Z, Zimmerman-Bier B, Cartwright C, Azaro MA, Buyske S, Brzustowicz LM. A Genome Scan for Loci Shared by Autism Spectrum Disorder and Language Impairment. Am J Psychiatry. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

98. Ben-David E, Shifman S. Combined analysis of exome sequencing points toward a major role for transcription regulation during brain development in autism. Mol Psychiatry. 2013 ; 18(10) : 1054-6. Lien vers Pubmed

99. Chang SC, Pauls DL, Lange C, Sasanfar R, Santangelo SL. Sex-specific association of a common variant of the XG gene with autism spectrum disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2013 ; 162(7) : 742-50. Lien vers Pubmed

100. Goodbourn PT, Bosten JM, Bargary G, Hogg RE, Lawrance-Owen AJ, Mollon JD. Variants in the 1q21 risk region are associated with a visual endophenotype of autism and schizophrenia. Genes Brain Behav. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

101. Griesi-Oliveira K, Sunaga DY, Alvizi L, Vadasz E, Passos-Bueno MR. Stem cells as a good tool to investigate dysregulated biological systems in autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 354-61. Lien vers Pubmed

102. Hall L, Kelley E. The contribution of epigenetics to understanding genetic factors in autism. Autism. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

103. Jones RM, Cadby G, Melton PE, Abraham LJ, Whitehouse AJ, Moses EK. Genome-wide association study of autistic-like traits in a general population study of young adults. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 ; 7 : 658. Lien vers Pubmed

104. Kenny EM, Cormican P, Furlong S, Heron E, Kenny G, Fahey C, Kelleher E, Ennis S, Tropea D, Anney R, Corvin AP, Donohoe G, Gallagher L, Gill M, Morris DW. Excess of rare novel loss-of-function variants in synaptic genes in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. Mol Psychiatry. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

105. Kovac J, Macedoni Luksic M, Trebusak Podkrajsek K, Klancar G, Battelino T. Rare Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Regulatory Regions of the Superoxide Dismutase Genes in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

106. Krumm N, O’Roak BJ, Karakoc E, Mohajeri K, Nelson B, Vives L, Jacquemont S, Munson J, Bernier R, Eichler EE. Transmission Disequilibrium of Small CNVs in Simplex Autism. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 ; 93(4) : 595-606. Lien vers Pubmed

107. Liao HM, Gau SS, Tsai WC, Fang JS, Su YC, Chou MC, Liu SK, Chou WJ, Wu YY, Chen CH. Chromosomal abnormalities in patients with autism spectrum disorders from taiwan. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2013 ; 162(7) : 734-41. Lien vers Pubmed

108. Moreno-De-Luca D, Sanders SJ, Willsey AJ, Mulle JG, Lowe JK, Geschwind DH, State MW, Martin CL, Ledbetter DH. Using large clinical data sets to infer pathogenicity for rare copy number variants in autism cohorts. Mol Psychiatry. 2013 ; 18(10) : 1090-5. Lien vers Pubmed

109. Piven J, Vieland VJ, Parlier M, Thompson A, I OC, Woodbury-Smith M, Huang Y, Walters K, Fernandez B, Szatmari P. A molecular genetic study of autism and related phenotypes in extended pedigrees. J Neurodev Disord. 2013 ; 5(1) : 30. Lien vers Pubmed

110. Poultney CS, Goldberg AP, Drapeau E, Kou Y, Harony-Nicolas H, Kajiwara Y, De Rubeis S, Durand S, Stevens C, Rehnstrom K, Palotie A, Daly MJ, Ma’ayan A, Fromer M, Buxbaum JD. Identification of Small Exonic CNV from Whole-Exome Sequence Data and Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 ; 93(4) : 607-19. Lien vers Pubmed

111. Pu D, Shen Y, Wu J. Association between MTHFR Gene Polymorphisms and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Meta-Analysis. Autism Res. 2013 ; 6(5) : 384-92. Lien vers Pubmed

112. Rangasamy S, D’Mello SR, Narayanan V. Epigenetics, autism spectrum, and neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2013 ; 10(4) : 742-56. Lien vers Pubmed

113. Rosti RO, Sadek AA, Vaux KK, Gleeson JG. The genetic landscape of autism spectrum disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

114. Sampath S, Bhat S, Gupta S, O’Connor A, West AB, Arking DE, Chakravarti A. Defining the Contribution of CNTNAP2 to Autism Susceptibility. PLoS One. 2013 ; 8(10) : e77906. Lien vers Pubmed

115. Sarachana T, Hu VW. Differential recruitment of coregulators to the RORA promoter adds another layer of complexity to gene (dys)regulation by sex hormones in autism. Mol Autism. 2013 ; 4(1) : 39. Lien vers Pubmed

116. Volaki K, Pampanos A, Kitsiou-Tzeli S, Vrettou C, Oikonomakis V, Sofocleous C, Kanavakis E. Mutation screening in the Greek population and evaluation of NLGN3 and NLGN4X genes causal factors for autism. Psychiatr Genet. 2013 ; 23(5) : 198-203. Lien vers Pubmed

- Imagerie

117. Ahmed AA, Vander Wyk BC. Neural processing of intentional biological motion in unaffected siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder : An fMRI study. Brain Cogn. 2013 ; 83(3) : 297-306. Lien vers Pubmed

118. Alaerts K, Woolley DG, Steyaert J, Di Martino A, Swinnen SP, Wenderoth N. Underconnectivity of the superior temporal sulcus predicts emotion recognition deficits in autism. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

119. Di Martino A, Zuo XN, Kelly C, Grzadzinski R, Mennes M, Schvarcz A, Rodman J, Lord C, Castellanos FX, Milham MP. Shared and distinct intrinsic functional network centrality in autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2013 ; 74(8) : 623-32. Lien vers Pubmed

120. Dodero L, Damiano M, Galbusera A, Bifone A, Tsaftsaris SA, Scattoni ML, Gozzi A. Neuroimaging Evidence of Major Morpho-Anatomical and Functional Abnormalities in the BTBR T+TF/J Mouse Model of Autism. PLoS One. 2013 ; 8(10) : e76655. Lien vers Pubmed

121. Golomb BA, Erickson LC, Scott-Van Zeeland AA, Koperski S, Haas RH, Wallace DC, Naviaux RK, Lincoln AJ, Reiner GE, Hamilton G. Assessing Bioenergetic Compromise in Autism Spectrum Disorder With 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy : Preliminary Report. J Child Neurol. 2013. Lien vers Pubmed

122. Gongidi P, Johnson C, Dinan D. Scurvy in an autistic child : MRI findings. Pediatr Radiol. 2013 ; 43(10) : 1396-9. Lien vers Pubmed

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