Articles parus en septembre 2010 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, Thérapies comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Filles avec autisme
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests
- Parents
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Syndrome de Rett
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

- ABA, Thérapies comportementales

33. Eldevik S, Hastings RP, Hughes JC, Jahr E, Eikeseth S, Cross S. Using participant data to extend the evidence base for intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil (Sep) ;115(5):381-405. Résumé

49. Groskreutz NC, Karsina A, Miguel CF, Groskreutz MP. Using complex auditory-visual samples to produce emergent relations in children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal (Mar) ;43(1):131-136. Résumé

50. Gunby KV, Carr JE, Leblanc LA. Teaching abduction-prevention skills to children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal (Mar) ;43(1):107-112. Résumé

67. Ingvarsson ET, Hollobaugh T. Acquisition of intraverbal behavior : teaching children with autism to mand for answers to questions. J Appl Behav Anal (Mar) ;43(1):1-17. Résumé

155. Volkert VM, Vaz PC. Recent studies on feeding problems in children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal (Mar) ;43(1):155-159. Résumé

- Adultes avec autisme

35. Fangmeier T, Lichtblau A, Peters J, Biscaldi-Schafer M, Ebert D, van Elst LT. [Psychotherapy of Asperger syndrome in adults.]. Nervenarzt (Sep 22)Psychotherapie des Asperger-Syndroms im Erwachsenenalter. Résumé

88. Lind SE, Bowler DM. Episodic memory and episodic future thinking in adults with autism. J Abnorm Psychol (Sep 20) Résumé

128. Sappok T, Bergmann T, Kaiser H, Diefenbacher A. [Autism in adults with intellectual disabilities.]. Nervenarzt (Sep 22)Autismus bei erwachsenen Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Résumé

139. Smith KR, Matson JL. Behavior problems : differences among intellectually disabled adults with co-morbid autism spectrum disorders and epilepsy. Res Dev Disabil (Sep-Oct) ;31(5):1062-1069. Résumé

141. Spek AA, Scholte EM, Van Berckelaer-Onnes IA. Local Information Processing in Adults with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome : The Usefulness of Neuropsychological Tests and Self-Reports. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 23) Résumé

150. Underwood L, McCarthy J, Tsakanikos E. Mental health of adults with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Curr Opin Psychiatry (Sep) ;23(5):421-426. Résumé

- Alimentation, nutrition

99. Munasinghe SA, Oliff C, Finn J, Wray JA. Digestive enzyme supplementation for Autism Spectrum Disorders : a double-blind randomized controlled trial. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1131-1138. Résumé

- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

24. Chevallier C, Wilson D, Happe F, Noveck I. Scalar inferences in Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1104-1117. Résumé

25. Christ SE, Kanne SM, Reiersen AM. Executive function in individuals with subthreshold autism traits. Neuropsychology (Sep) ;24(5):590-598. Résumé

36. Farley A, Lopez B, Saunders G. Self-conceptualisation in autism : Knowing oneself versus knowing self-through-other. Autism (Sep 27) Résumé

40. Frankel FD, Gorospe CM, Chang YC, Sugar CA. Mothers’ reports of play dates and observation of school playground behavior of children having high-functioning autism spectrum disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (Sep 23) Résumé

56. Haltigan JD, Ekas NV, Seifer R, Messinger DS. Brief Report : Attachment Security in Infants At-Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 22) Résumé

57. Harms MB, Martin A, Wallace GL. Facial emotion recognition in autism spectrum disorders : a review of behavioral and neuroimaging studies. Neuropsychol Rev (Sep) ;20(3):290-322. Résumé

60. Helt MS, Eigsti IM, Snyder PJ, Fein DA. Contagious yawning in autistic and typical development. Child Dev (Sep-Oct) ;81(5):1620-1631. Résumé

61. Hodgetts S, Magill-Evans J, Misiaszek JE. Weighted Vests, Stereotyped Behaviors and Arousal in Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 14) Résumé

64. Hutman T, Rozga A, DeLaurentis AD, Barnwell JM, Sugar CA, Sigman M. Response to distress in infants at risk for autism : a prospective longitudinal study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (Sep) ;51(9):1010-1020. Résumé

66. Ingersoll B. Brief report : pilot randomized controlled trial of Reciprocal Imitation Training for teaching elicited and spontaneous imitation to children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1154-1160. Résumé

76. Kato N, Yamasue H, Watanabe K, Jinde S, Sadamatsu M. [Autism spectrum disorders—recent advances in the research on the impairment in social communication]. Brain Nerve (Sep) ;62(9):975-986. Résumé

77. Kliemann D, Dziobek I, Hatri A, Steimke R, Heekeren HR. Atypical reflexive gaze patterns on emotional faces in autism spectrum disorders. J Neurosci (Sep 15) ;30(37):12281-12287. Résumé

79. Krebs JF, Biswas A, Pascalis O, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Schwarzer G. Face Processing in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Independent or Interactive Processing of Facial Identity and Facial Expression ?. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 14) Résumé

83. Lake JK, Cardy S, Humphreys KR. Brief report : animacy and word order in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1161-1164. Résumé

100. Murdock LC, Hobbs JQ. Picture Me Playing : Increasing Pretend Play Dialogue of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 25) Résumé

101. Nah YH, Poon KK. The perception of social situations by children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism (Sep 27) Résumé

105. Oblak AL, Gibbs TT, Blatt GJ. Reduced GABA(A) receptors and benzodiazepine binding sites in the posterior cingulate cortex and fusiform gyrus in autism. Brain Res (Sep 18) Résumé

112. Pellicano E. The development of core cognitive skills in autism : a 3-year prospective study. Child Dev (Sep-Oct) ;81(5):1400-1416. Résumé

117. Press C, Richardson D, Bird G. Intact imitation of emotional facial actions in autism spectrum conditions. Neuropsychologia (Sep) ;48(11):3291-3297. Résumé

135. Sevlever M, Gillis JM. An examination of the state of imitation research in children with autism : Issues of definition and methodology. Res Dev Disabil (Sep-Oct) ;31(5):976-984. Résumé

163. Wilson CE, Freeman P, Brock J, Burton AM, Palermo R. Facial identity recognition in the broader autism phenotype. PLoS One ;5(9):e12876. Résumé

164. Wimmer MC, Doherty MJ. Children with autism’s perception and understanding of ambiguous figures : evidence for pictorial metarepresentation, a research note. Br J Dev Psychol (Sep) ;28(Pt 3):627-641. Résumé

- Communication, langage

10. Ben-Yizhak N, Yirmiya N, Seidman I, Alon R, Lord C, Sigman M. Pragmatic Language and School Related Linguistic Abilities in Siblings of Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 16) Résumé

15. Bishop DV. Overlaps between autism and language impairment : phenomimicry or shared etiology ?. Behav Genet (Sep) ;40(5):618-629. Résumé

59. Helland WA, Biringer E, Helland T, Heimann M. Exploring Language Profiles for Children With ADHD and Children With Asperger Syndrome. J Atten Disord (Sep 13) Résumé

108. Oi M. Do Japanese children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder respond differently to Wh-questions and Yes/No-questions ?. Clin Linguist Phon (Sep) ;24(9):691-705. Résumé

- Education

16. Brown J, Aczel B, Jimenez L, Kaufman SB, Grant KP. Intact implicit learning in autism spectrum conditions. Q J Exp Psychol (Colchester) (Sep) ;63(9):1789-1812. Résumé

70. Jones AP, Frederickson N. Multi-informant predictors of social inclusion for students with autism spectrum disorders attending mainstream school. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1094-1103. Résumé

78. Koegel LK, Singh AK, Koegel RL. Improving motivation for academics in children with autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1057-1066. Résumé

98. Miniscalco C, Dahlgren Sandberg A. Basic reading skills in Swedish children with late developing language and with or without autism spectrum disorder or ADHD. Res Dev Disabil (Sep-Oct) ;31(5):1054-1061. Résumé

- Epilepsie

102. Nomura Y, Nagao Y, Kimura K, Hachimori K, Segawa M. Epilepsy in autism : A pathophysiological consideration. Brain Dev (Aug 28) Résumé

- Étiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

42. Gabis L, Raz R, Kesner-Baruch Y. Paternal age in autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. Pediatr Neurol (Oct) ;43(4):300-302. Résumé

90. Lyall K, Pauls DL, Santangelo SL, Spiegelman D, Ascherio A. Erratum to : Maternal Early Life Factors Associated with Hormone Levels and the Risk of Having a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Nurses Health Study II. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 14) Résumé

111. Paul LK, Corsello C, Tranel D, Adolphs R. Does bilateral damage to the human amygdala produce autistic symptoms ?. J Neurodev Disord (Sep) ;2(3):165-173. Résumé

114. Pierce K, Conant D, Hazin R, Stoner R, Desmond J. Preference for Geometric Patterns Early in Life As a Risk Factor for Autism. Arch Gen Psychiatry (Sep 6) Résumé

127. Sacco R, Curatolo P, Manzi B, Militerni R, Bravaccio C, Frolli A, Lenti C, Saccani M, Elia M, Reichelt KL, Pascucci T, Puglisi-Allegra S, Persico AM. Principal pathogenetic components and biological endophenotypes in autism spectrum disorders. Autism Res (Sep 27) Résumé

156. Vorsanova SG, Voinova VY, Yurov IY, Kurinnaya OS, Demidova IA, Yurov YB. Cytogenetic, molecular-cytogenetic, and clinical-genealogical studies of the mothers of children with autism : a search for familial genetic markers for autistic disorders. Neurosci Behav Physiol (Sep) ;40(7):745-756. Résumé

- Filles avec autisme

145. Stein MT, Elias ER, Saenz M, Pickler L, Reynolds A. Autistic spectrum disorder in a 9-year-old girl with macrocephaly. J Dev Behav Pediatr (Sep) ;31(7):632-634. Résumé

162. Whitehouse AJ, Maybery MT, Hart R, Mattes E, Newnham JP, Sloboda DM, Stanley FJ, Hickey M. Fetal androgen exposure and pragmatic language ability of girls in middle childhood : implications for the extreme male-brain theory of autism. Psychoneuroendocrinology (Sep) ;35(8):1259-1264. Résumé

- Génétique, biochimie

1. Abu-Amero KK, Hellani AM, Salih MA, Seidahmed MZ, Elmalik TS, Zidan G, Bosley TM. A de novo marker chromosome derived from 9p in a patient with 9p partial duplication syndrome and autism features : genotype-phenotype correlation. BMC Med Genet ;11:135. Résumé

2. Addington AM, Gauthier J, Piton A, Hamdan FF, Raymond A, Gogtay N, Miller R, Tossell J, Bakalar J, Germain G, Gochman P, Long R, Rapoport JL, Rouleau GA. A novel frameshift mutation in UPF3B identified in brothers affected with childhood onset schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. Mol Psychiatry (Sep 7) Résumé

8. Awadalla P, Gauthier J, Myers RA, Casals F, Hamdan FF, Griffing AR, Cote M, Henrion E, Spiegelman D, Tarabeux J, Piton A, Yang Y, Boyko A, Bustamante C, Xiong L, Rapoport JL, Addington AM, DeLisi JL, Krebs MO, Joober R, Millet B, Fombonne E, Mottron L, Zilversmit M, Keebler J, Daoud H, Marineau C, Roy-Gagnon MH, Dube MP, Eyre-Walker A, Drapeau P, Stone EA, Lafreniere RG, Rouleau GA. Direct measure of the de novo mutation rate in autism and schizophrenia cohorts. Am J Hum Genet (Sep 10) ;87(3):316-324. Résumé

21. Chen CP, Lin SP, Chern SR, Tsai FJ, Wu PC, Lee CC, Chen YT, Chen WL, Wang W. A de novo 7.9 Mb deletion in 22q13.2—>qter in a boy with autistic features, epilepsy, developmental delay, atopic dermatitis and abnormal immunological findings. Eur J Med Genet (Sep-Oct) ;53(5):329-332. Résumé

27. Corbett BA, Schupp CW, Simon D, Ryan N, Mendoza SP. Elevated cortisol during play is associated with age and social engagement in children with autism. Mol Autism (Sep 27) ;1(1):13. Résumé

29. Devillard F, Guinchat V, Moreno-De-Luca D, Tabet AC, Gruchy N, Guillem P, Nguyen Morel MA, Leporrier N, Leboyer M, Jouk PS, Lespinasse J, Betancur C. Paracentric inversion of chromosome 2 associated with cryptic duplication of 2q14 and deletion of 2q37 in a patient with autism. Am J Med Genet A (Sep) ;152A(9):2346-2354. Résumé

38. Fradin D, Cheslack-Postava K, Ladd-Acosta C, Newschaffer C, Chakravarti A, Arking DE, Feinberg A, Fallin MD. Parent-of-origin effects in autism identified through genome-wide linkage analysis of 16,000 SNPs. PLoS One ;5(9) Résumé

44. Gadow KD, Roohi J, DeVincent CJ, Kirsch S, Hatchwell E. Brief report : glutamate transporter gene (SLC1A1) single nucleotide polymorphism (rs301430) and repetitive behaviors and anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep) ;40(9):1139-1145. Résumé

63. Holt R, Barnby G, Maestrini E, Bacchelli E, Brocklebank D, Sousa I, Mulder EJ, Kantojarvi K, Jarvela I, Klauck SM, Poustka F, Bailey AJ, Monaco AP. Linkage and candidate gene studies of autism spectrum disorders in European populations. Eur J Hum Genet (Sep) ;18(9):1013-1019.EU Autism MOLGEN Consortium Résumé

68. James SJ, Melnyk S, Jernigan S, Pavliv O, Trusty T, Lehman S, Seidel L, Gaylor DW, Cleves MA. A functional polymorphism in the reduced folate carrier gene and DNA hypomethylation in mothers of children with autism. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet (Sep) ;153B(6):1209-1220. Résumé

69. Jellinger KA. The Neurochemical Basis of Autism : From Molecules to Minicolumns. Eur J Neurol (Aug 31) Résumé

72. Joel V, Hans H, Dirk D. Autism and X-linked hypophosphatemia : A possible association ?. Indian J Hum Genet (Jan) ;16(1):36-38. Résumé

85. Lee H, Marvin AR, Watson T, Piggot J, Law JK, Law PA, Constantino JN, Nelson SF. Accuracy of phenotyping of autistic children based on Internet implemented parent report. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet (Sep) ;153B(6):1119-1126. Résumé

86. Lewis MJ, Dictenberg JB. Genes, brain, and behavior : development gone awry in autism ? : a report on the 23rd Annual International Symposium of the Center for the Study of Gene Structure and Function. Ann N Y Acad Sci (Sep) ;1205 Suppl 1:E21-36. Résumé

91. Maestrini E, Pagnamenta AT, Lamb JA, Bacchelli E, Sykes NH, Sousa I, Toma C, Barnby G, Butler H, Winchester L, Scerri TS, Minopoli F, Reichert J, Cai G, Buxbaum JD, Korvatska O, Schellenberg GD, Dawson G, de Bildt A, Minderaa RB, Mulder EJ, Morris AP, Bailey AJ, Monaco AP. High-density SNP association study and copy number variation analysis of the AUTS1 and AUTS5 loci implicate the IMMP2L-DOCK4 gene region in autism susceptibility. Mol Psychiatry (Sep) ;15(9):954-968.Imgsac Résumé

92. Marui T, Funatogawa I, Koishi S, Yamamoto K, Matsumoto H, Hashimoto O, Jinde S, Nishida H, Sugiyama T, Kasai K, Watanabe K, Kano Y, Kato N. The NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 1 alpha subcomplex 5 (NDUFA5) gene variants are associated with autism. Acta Psychiatr Scand (Sep 5) Résumé

96. Meguid NA, Dardir AA, Abdel-Raouf ER, Hashish A. Evaluation of Oxidative Stress in Autism : Defective Antioxidant Enzymes and Increased Lipid Peroxidation. Biol Trace Elem Res (Sep 16) Résumé

103. Noor A, Whibley A, Marshall CR, Gianakopoulos PJ, Piton A, Carson AR, Orlic-Milacic M, Lionel AC, Sato D, Pinto D, Drmic I, Noakes C, Senman L, Zhang X, Mo R, Gauthier J, Crosbie J, Pagnamenta AT, Munson J, Estes AM, Fiebig A, Franke A, Schreiber S, Stewart AF, Roberts R, McPherson R, Guter SJ, Cook EH, Jr., Dawson G, Schellenberg GD, Battaglia A, Maestrini E, Jeng L, Hutchison T, Rajcan-Separovic E, Chudley AE, Lewis SM, Liu X, Holden JJ, Fernandez B, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson SE, Roberts W, Szatmari P, Gallagher L, Stratton MR, Gecz J, Brady AF, Schwartz CE, Schachar RJ, Monaco AP, Rouleau GA, Hui CC, Lucy Raymond F, Scherer SW, Vincent JB. Disruption at the PTCHD1 Locus on Xp22.11 in Autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. Sci Transl Med (Sep 15) ;2(49):49ra68.Autism Genome Project Consortium Résumé

120. Quintero-Rivera F, Sharifi-Hannauer P, Martinez-Agosto JA. Autistic and psychiatric findings associated with the 3q29 microdeletion syndrome : case report and review. Am J Med Genet A (Oct) ;152A(10):2459-2467. Résumé

125. Rosenfeld JA, Ballif BC, Torchia BS, Sahoo T, Ravnan JB, Schultz R, Lamb A, Bejjani BA, Shaffer LG. Copy number variations associated with autism spectrum disorders contribute to a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders. Genet Med (Aug 30) Résumé

133. Seno MM, Hu P, Gwadry FG, Pinto D, Marshall CR, Cassallo G, Scherer SW. Gene and miRNA Expression Profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Brain Res (Sep 21) Résumé

143. Stark Z, Bruno DL, Mountford H, Lockhart PJ, Amor DJ. De novo 325 kb microdeletion in chromosome band 10q25.3 including ATRNL1 in a boy with cognitive impairment, autism and dysmorphic features. Eur J Med Genet (Sep-Oct) ;53(5):337-339. Résumé

149. Toma C, Hervas A, Balmana N, Vilella E, Aguilera F, Cusco I, Del Campo M, Caballero R, De Diego-Otero Y, Ribases M, Cormand B, Bayes M. Association study of six candidate genes asymmetrically expressed in the two cerebral hemispheres suggests the involvement of BAIAP2 in autism. J Psychiatr Res (Sep 30) Résumé

159. Wang LS, Hranilovic D, Wang K, Lindquist IE, Yurcaba L, Petkovic ZB, Gidaya N, Jernej B, Hakonarson H, Bucan M. Population-based study of genetic variation in individuals with autism spectrum disorders from Croatia. BMC Med Genet (Sep 21) ;11(1):134. Résumé

- Imagerie

3. Ahmadlou M, Adeli H, Adeli A. Fractality and a Wavelet-Chaos-Neural Network Methodology for EEG-Based Diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. J Clin Neurophysiol (Oct) ;27(5):328-333. Résumé

113. Pierce K. Early functional brain development in autism and the promise of Sleep fMRI. Brain Res (Sep 23) Résumé

130. Schumann CM, Nordahl CW. Bridging the Gap between MRI and Postmortem Research in Autism. Brain Res (Sep 22) Résumé

148. Thomas C, Humphreys K, Jung KJ, Minshew N, Behrmann M. The anatomy of the callosal and visual-association pathways in high-functioning autism : A DTI tractography study. Cortex (Aug 3) Résumé

170. Yasuhara A. Correlation between EEG abnormalities and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Brain Dev (Sep 6) Résumé

- Immunologie

6. Ashwood P, Krakowiak P, Hertz-Picciotto I, Hansen R, Pessah IN, Van de Water J. Altered T cell responses in children with autism. Brain Behav Immun (Sep 16) Résumé

- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

52. Haas RH. Autism and mitochondrial disease. Dev Disabil Res Rev (Jun) ;16(2):144-153. Résumé

- Neurologie, neurosciences

7. Avino TA, Hutsler JJ. Abnormal cell patterning at the cortical gray-white matter boundary in autism spectrum disorders. Brain Res (Sep 24) Résumé

12. Bertone A, Hanck J, Kogan C, Chaudhuri A, Cornish K. Associating Neural Alterations and Genotype in Autism and Fragile X Syndrome : Incorporating Perceptual Phenotypes in Causal Modeling. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 25) Résumé

26. Churches O, Wheelwright S, Baron-Cohen S, Ring H. The N170 is not modulated by attention in autism spectrum conditions. Neuroreport (Apr 21) ;21(6):399-403. Résumé

34. Fan YT, Decety J, Yang CY, Liu JL, Cheng Y. Unbroken mirror neurons in autism spectrum disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (Sep) ;51(9):981-988. Résumé

71. Jou RJ, Minshew NJ, Keshavan MS, Vitale MP, Hardan AY. Enlarged right superior temporal gyrus in children and adolescents with autism. Brain Res (Sep 9) Résumé

82. Kumar A, Sundaram SK, Sivaswamy L, Behen ME, Makki MI, Ager J, Janisse J, Chugani HT, Chugani DC. Alterations in frontal lobe tracts and corpus callosum in young children with autism spectrum disorder. Cereb Cortex (Sep) ;20(9):2103-2113. Résumé

104. Noriuchi M, Kikuchi Y, Yoshiura T, Kira R, Shigeto H, Hara T, Tobimatsu S, Kamio Y. Altered white matter fractional anisotropy and social impairment in children with autism spectrum disorder. Brain Res (Sep 18) Résumé

106. Oblak AL, Gibbs TT, Blatt GJ. Decreased GABA(B) receptors in the cingulate cortex and fusiform gyrus in autism. J Neurochem (Sep 1) ;114(5):1414-1423. Résumé

107. O’Hearn K, Schroer E, Minshew N, Luna B. Lack of developmental improvement on a face memory task during adolescence in autism. Neuropsychologia (Sep 8) Résumé

136. Sheikh AM, Malik M, Wen G, Chauhan A, Chauhan V, Gong CX, Liu F, Brown WT, Li X. BDNF-Akt-Bcl2 antiapoptotic signaling pathway is compromised in the brain of autistic subjects. J Neurosci Res (Sep) ;88(12):2641-2647. Résumé

137. Silverman JL, Yang M, Turner SM, Katz AM, Bell DB, Koenig JI, Crawley JN. Low Stress Reactivity and Neuroendocrine Factors in the BTBR T+tf/J Mouse Model of Autism. Neuroscience (Sep 30) Résumé

147. Tamura R, Kitamura H, Endo T, Hasegawa N, Someya T. Reduced thalamic volume observed across different subgroups of autism spectrum disorders. Psychiatry Res (Sep 15) Résumé

- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

13. Bharti B, Bharti S. Clinical-statistical gap in evaluating outcome of stool patterns in young children with autistic spectrum disorder. Arch Dis Child (Sep 30) Résumé

19. Chamak B, Bonniau B, Oudaya L, Ehrenberg A. The autism diagnostic experiences of French parents. Autism (Sep 27) Résumé

41. Frazier TW, Youngstrom EA, Sinclair L, Kubu CS, Law P, Rezai A, Constantino JN, Eng C. Autism spectrum disorders as a qualitatively distinct category from typical behavior in a large, clinically ascertained sample. Assessment (Sep) ;17(3):308-320. Résumé

43. Gadow KD, Devincent CJ, Olvet DM, Pisarevskaya V, Hatchwell E. Association of DRD4 polymorphism with severity of oppositional defiant disorder, separation anxiety disorder and repetitive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder. Eur J Neurosci (Sep) ;32(6):1058-1065. Résumé

54. Halayem S, Bouden A, Halayem MB, Tabbane K, Amado I, Krebs MO. [Neurological soft signs in pervasive developmental disorders]. Encephale (Sep) ;36(4):307-313.Signes neurologiques mineurs et troubles envahissants du developpement. Résumé

65. Iizuka C, Yamashita Y, Nagamitsu S, Yamashita T, Araki Y, Ohya T, Hara M, Shibuya I, Kakuma T, Matsuishi T. Comparison of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) scores between children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Brain Dev (Sep) ;32(8):609-612. Résumé

93. Matson JL, Neal D, Hess JA, Mahan S, Fodstad JC. The effect of seizure disorder on symptom presentation in atypically developing children and children with autism spectrum disorders based on the BDI-2. Dev Neurorehabil ;13(5):310-314. Résumé

116. Portoghese C, Buttiglione M, De Giacomo A, Lafortezza M, Lecce PA, Martinelli D, Lozito V, Margari L. Leiter-R versus developmental quotient for estimating cognitive function in preschoolers with pervasive developmental disorders. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ;6:337-342. Résumé

144. Steer CD, Golding J, Bolton PF. Traits contributing to the autistic spectrum. PLoS One ;5(9):e12633. Résumé

169. Woodbury-Smith MR, Boyd K, Szatmari P. Autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia and diagnostic confusion. J Psychiatry Neurosci (Sep) ;35(5):360. Résumé

- Parents

87. Lickenbrock DM, Ekas NV, Whitman TL. Feeling Good, Feeling Bad : Influences of Maternal Perceptions of the Child and Marital Adjustment on Well-being in Mothers of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 14) Résumé

126. Ryan S. ‘Meltdowns’, surveillance and managing emotions ; going out with children with autism. Health Place (Sep) ;16(5):868-875. Résumé

131. Schwichtenberg AJ, Young GS, Sigman M, Hutman T, Ozonoff S. Can family affectedness inform infant sibling outcomes of autism spectrum disorders ?. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (Sep) ;51(9):1021-1030. Résumé

138. Siman-Tov A, Kaniel S. Stress and Personal Resource as Predictors of the Adjustment of Parents to Autistic Children : A Multivariate Model. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 25) Résumé

160. Wang P, Michaels CA, Day MS. Stresses and Coping Strategies of Chinese Families with Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 22) Résumé

- Pharmacologie

11. Bertoglio K, Jill James S, Deprey L, Brule N, Hendren RL. Pilot study of the effect of methyl B12 treatment on behavioral and biomarker measures in children with autism. J Altern Complement Med (May) ;16(5):555-560. Résumé

18. Chadman K. Fluoxetine but not risperidone increases sociability in the BTBR mouse model of autism. Pharmacol Biochem Behav (Sep 21) Résumé

45. Ghanizadeh A. Leptin as a new approach for treatment for autism and epilepsy, a hypothesis with clinical implications. Brain Dev (Sep 6) Résumé

165. Wink LK, Erickson CA, McDougle CJ. Pharmacologic Treatment of Behavioral Symptoms Associated With Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Curr Treat Options Neurol (Aug 11) Résumé

166. Wink LK, Plawecki MH, Erickson CA, Stigler KA, McDougle CJ. Emerging drugs for the treatment of symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorders. Expert Opin Emerg Drugs (Sep) ;15(3):481-494. Résumé

- Prévalence, épidémiologie

4. Al-Farsi YM, Al-Sharbati MM, Al-Farsi OA, Al-Shafaee MS, Brooks DR, Waly MI. Brief Report : Prevalence of Autistic Spectrum Disorders in the Sultanate of Oman. J Autism Dev Disord (Aug 31) Résumé

9. Ben Said M, Robel L, Vion E, Golse B, Jais JP, Landais P. TEDIS : an information system dedicated to patients with pervasive developmental disorders. Stud Health Technol Inform ;160(Pt 1):198-202. Résumé

73. Kalkbrenner AE, Daniels JL, Chen JC, Poole C, Emch M, Morrissey J. Perinatal exposure to hazardous air pollutants and autism spectrum disorders at age 8. Epidemiology (Sep) ;21(5):631-641. Résumé

- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

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- Santé Bucco-Dentaire

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- Sensori-moteur / Audition

48. Gomot M, Blanc R, Clery H, Roux S, Barthelemy C, Bruneau N. Candidate Electrophysiological Endophenotypes of Hyper-Reactivity to Change in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 9) Résumé

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- Sommeil

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- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

31. Dritschel B, Wisely M, Goddard L, Robinson S, Howlin P. Judgements of self-understanding in adolescents with Asperger syndrome. Autism (Sep 14) Résumé

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- Syndrome de Rett

22. Chen Q, Zhu YC, Yu J, Miao S, Zheng J, Xu L, Zhou Y, Li D, Zhang C, Tao J, Xiong ZQ. CDKL5, a protein associated with rett syndrome, regulates neuronal morphogenesis via Rac1 signaling. J Neurosci (Sep 22) ;30(38):12777-12786. Résumé

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37. Fehr S, Downs J, Bebbington A, Leonard H. Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in diagnosis in females with Rett syndrome. Am J Med Genet A (Oct) ;152A(10):2535-2542. Résumé

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109. Okabe Y, Kusaga A, Takahashi T, Mitsumasu C, Murai Y, Tanaka E, Higashi H, Matsuishi T, Kosai KI. Neural development of methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 null embryonic stem cells : A system for studying Rett syndrome. Brain Res (Sep 24) Résumé

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- Syndrome X-Fragile

53. Hagerman R, Hoem G, Hagerman P. Fragile X and autism : Intertwined at the molecular level leading to targeted treatments. Mol Autism (Sep 21) ;1(1):12. Résumé

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- Vaccins

28. Dachs R, Darby-Stewart A, Graber MA. Autism and childhood vaccinations : debunking the myth. Am Fam Physician (Sep 15) ;82(6):586. Résumé

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- Vision

14. Bhat AN, Galloway JC, Landa RJ. Social and non-social visual attention patterns and associative learning in infants at risk for autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry (Sep) ;51(9):989-997. Résumé

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119. Pruett JR, Jr., Lamacchia A, Hoertel S, Squire E, McVey K, Todd RD, Constantino JN, Petersen SE. Social and Non-Social Cueing of Visuospatial Attention in Autism and Typical Development. J Autism Dev Disord (Aug 31) Résumé

- Divers

17. Brownlow C. Re-presenting autism : the construction of ‘NT syndrome’. J Med Humanit (Sep) ;31(3):243-255. Résumé

23. Cheung C, Yu K, Fung G, Leung M, Wong C, Li Q, Sham P, Chua S, McAlonan G. Autistic disorders and schizophrenia : related or remote ? An anatomical likelihood estimation. PLoS One ;5(8):e12233. Résumé

47. Gjevik E, Eldevik S, Fjaeran-Granum T, Sponheim E. Kiddie-SADS Reveals High Rates of DSM-IV Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord (Sep 8) Résumé

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153. Viau R, Arsenault-Lapierre G, Fecteau S, Champagne N, Walker CD, Lupien S. Effect of service dogs on salivary cortisol secretion in autistic children. Psychoneuroendocrinology (Sep) ;35(8):1187-1193. Résumé