Articles publiés en avril 2016 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Classifications
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Filles avec autisme / Comparaison fille-garçon
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Trouble associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités
- Vision
- Divers

ABA, approches comportementales

1. Kripke C. Evaluation of Behavior Change in Patients with Developmental Disabilities. Am Fam Physician ;2016 (Apr 15) ;93(8):686-692. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Langh U, Hammar M, Klintwall L, Bolte S. Allegiance and knowledge levels of professionals working with early intensive behavioural intervention in autism. Early Interv Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr 6)Lien vers Pubmed

3. Maddox BB, Miyazaki Y, White SW. Long-Term Effects of CBT on Social Impairment in Adolescents with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 4)Lien vers Pubmed

4. Panasiti MS, Puzzo I, Chakrabarti B. Autistic Traits Moderate the Impact of Reward Learning on Social Behaviour. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):471-479. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Pellecchia M, Connell JE, Kerns CM, Xie M, Marcus SC, Mandell DS. Child characteristics associated with outcome for children with autism in a school-based behavioral intervention. Autism ;2016 (Apr) ;20(3):321-329. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Shtayermman O. Angela Scarpa, Susan Williams White, Tony Attwood : CBT for Children and Adolescents with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders : The Guilford Press, London and New York, 2013, 329 pp, ISBN : 978-1-4625-1048-1, $39.95 (hardcover). J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1500-1501. Lien vers Pubmed

Adultes avec autisme

7. Bennett M. The Importance of Interviewing Adults on the Autism Spectrum About Their Depression and Suicidal Ideation Experiences. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1492-1493. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Brooks J, Kellett J, Seeanner J, Jenkins C, Buchanan C, Kinsman A, Kelly D, Pierce S. Training the Motor Aspects of Pre-driving Skills of Young Adults With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 7)Lien vers Pubmed

9. Dell’Osso L, Dalle Luche R, Maj M. Adult autism spectrum as a transnosographic dimension. CNS Spectr ;2016 (Apr) ;21(2):131-133. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Durbin J, Selick A, Casson I, Green L, Spassiani N, Perry A, Lunsky Y. Evaluating the Implementation of Health Checks for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Primary Care : The Importance of Organizational Context. Intellect Dev Disabil ;2016 (Apr) ;54(2):136-150. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Durieux AM, Horder J, Mendez MA, Egerton A, Williams SC, Wilson CE, Spain D, Murphy C, Robertson D, Barker GJ, Murphy DG, McAlonan GM. Cortical and subcortical glutathione levels in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):429-435. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Fried R, Joshi G, Bhide P, Pope A, Galdo M, Koster A, Chan J, Faraone SV, Biederman J. A study of the neuropsychological correlates in adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders. Acta Neuropsychiatr ;2016 (Apr 4):1-10. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Gadke DL, McKinney C, Oliveros A. Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms and Comorbidity in Emerging Adults. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev ;2016 (Apr) ;47(2):194-201. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Hames EC, Murphy B, Rajmohan R, Anderson RC, Baker M, Zupancic S, O’Boyle M, Richman D. Visual, Auditory, and Cross Modal Sensory Processing in Adults with Autism : An EEG Power and BOLD fMRI Investigation. Front Hum Neurosci ;2016 ;10:167. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Hong J, Bishop-Fitzpatrick L, Smith LE, Greenberg JS, Mailick MR. Factors Associated with Subjective Quality of Life of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Self-Report Versus Maternal Reports. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1368-1378. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Kargas N, Lopez B, Morris P, Reddy V. Relations Among Detection of Syllable Stress, Speech Abnormalities, and Communicative Ability in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2016 (Apr 1) ;59(2):206-215. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Kothare S, Kaleyias J. Is treatment in adults with intellectual and developmental disability also suffering from epilepsy different from adults with uncomplicated epilepsy ?. Eur J Neurol ;2016 (Apr 23)Lien vers Pubmed

18. Lopez-Mourelo O, Mur E, Madrigal I, Alvarez-Mora MI, Gomez-Anson B, Pagonabarraga J, Rodriguez-Revenga L, Mila M. Social anxiety and autism spectrum traits among adult FMR1 premutation carriers. Clin Genet ;2016 (Apr 22)Lien vers Pubmed

19. Maule J, Stanworth K, Pellicano E, Franklin A. Color Afterimages in Autistic Adults. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 28)Lien vers Pubmed

20. McKenzie K, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Martin L. Frailty as a Predictor of Institutionalization Among Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Intellect Dev Disabil ;2016 (Apr) ;54(2):123-135. Lien vers Pubmed

21. O’Neill LP, Murray LE. Anxiety and depression symptomatology in adult siblings of individuals with different developmental disability diagnoses. Res Dev Disabil ;2016 (Apr-May) ;51-52:116-125. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Pell PJ, Mareschal I, Calder AJ, von dem Hagen EA, Clifford CW, Baron-Cohen S, Ewbank MP. Intact priors for gaze direction in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum conditions. Mol Autism ;2016 ;7:25. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Sasson NJ, Shasteen JR, Pinkham AE. Brief Report : Reduced Prioritization of Facial Threat in Adults with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1471-1476. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Tobe RH, Corcoran CM, Breland M, MacKay-Brandt A, Klim C, Colcombe SJ, Leventhal BL, Javitt DC. Differential profiles in auditory social cognition deficits between adults with autism and schizophrenia spectrum disorders : A preliminary analysis. J Psychiatr Res ;2016 (Apr 16) ;79:21-27. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Travers BG, Bigler ED, Duffield TC, Prigge MD, Froehlich AL, Lange N, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE. Longitudinal development of manual motor ability in autism spectrum disorder from childhood to mid-adulthood relates to adaptive daily living skills. Dev Sci ;2016 (Apr 7)Lien vers Pubmed

26. Uzefovsky F, Allison C, Smith P, Baron-Cohen S. Brief Report : The Go/No-Go Task Online : Inhibitory Control Deficits in Autism in a Large Sample. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 21)Lien vers Pubmed

27. Vanmarcke S, Mullin C, Van der Hallen R, Evers K, Noens I, Steyaert J, Wagemans J. In the Eye of the Beholder : Rapid Visual Perception of Real-Life Scenes by Young Adults with and Without ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 28)Lien vers Pubmed

28. Vohra R, Madhavan S, Sambamoorthi U. Emergency Department Use Among Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1441-1454. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Yahata N, Morimoto J, Hashimoto R, Lisi G, Shibata K, Kawakubo Y, Kuwabara H, Kuroda M, Yamada T, Megumi F, Imamizu H, Nanez JE, Sr., Takahashi H, Okamoto Y, Kasai K, Kato N, Sasaki Y, Watanabe T, Kawato M. A small number of abnormal brain connections predicts adult autism spectrum disorder. Nat Commun ;2016 ;7:11254. Lien vers Pubmed

Alimentation, nutrition

30. Al-Salem HS, Bhat RS, Al-Ayadhi L, El-Ansary A. Therapeutic potency of bee pollen against biochemical autistic features induced through acute and sub-acute neurotoxicity of orally administered propionic acid. BMC Complement Altern Med ;2016 ;16(1):120. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Fujiwara T, Morisaki N, Honda Y, Sampei M, Tani Y. Chemicals, Nutrition, and Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Mini-Review. Front Neurosci ;2016 ;10:174. Lien vers Pubmed

32. Jory J. Abnormal fatty acids in Canadian children with autism. Nutrition ;2016 (Apr) ;32(4):474-477. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Ma NS, Thompson C, Weston S. Brief Report : Scurvy as a Manifestation of Food Selectivity in Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1464-1470. Lien vers Pubmed

34. Mari-Bauset S, Llopis-Gonzalez A, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Morales Suarez-Varela M. Comparison of nutritional status between children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children in the Mediterranean Region (Valencia, Spain). Autism ;2016 (Apr 30)Lien vers Pubmed

35. Mazahery H, Camargo CA, Conlon C, Beck KL, Kruger MC, von Hurst PR. Vitamin D and Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Literature Review. Nutrients ;2016 ;8(4)Lien vers Pubmed


36. Bjornsdotter M, Wang N, Pelphrey K, Kaiser MD. Evaluation of Quantified Social Perception Circuit Activity as a Neurobiological Marker of Autism Spectrum Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr 20)Lien vers Pubmed

37. Cetin I, Tezdig I, Tarakcioglu MC, Kadak MT, Demirel OF, Ozer OF. Serum levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein and Nogo-A in children with autism spectrum disorders. Biomarkers ;2016 (Apr 21):1-5. Lien vers Pubmed

38. Craciun EC, Bjorklund G, Tinkov AA, Urbina MA, Skalny AV, Rad F, Dronca E. Evaluation of whole blood zinc and copper levels in children with autism spectrum disorder. Metab Brain Dis ;2016 (Apr 8)Lien vers Pubmed

39. Sukasem C, Hongkaew Y, Ngamsamut N, Puangpetch A, Vanwong N, Chamnanphon M, Chamkrachchangpada B, Sinrachatanant A, Limsila P. Impact of Pharmacogenetic Markers of CYP2D6 and DRD2 on Prolactin Response in Risperidone-Treated Thai Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Clin Psychopharmacol ;2016 (Apr) ;36(2):141-146. Lien vers Pubmed

40. Varcin KJ, Nelson CA, 3rd. A developmental neuroscience approach to the search for biomarkers in autism spectrum disorder. Curr Opin Neurol ;2016 (Apr) ;29(2):123-129. Lien vers Pubmed

41. Wen Y, Alshikho MJ, Herbert MR. Pathway Network Analyses for Autism Reveal Multisystem Involvement, Major Overlaps with Other Diseases and Convergence upon MAPK and Calcium Signaling. PLoS One ;2016 ;11(4):e0153329. Lien vers Pubmed

42. Zerbo O, Traglia M, Yoshida C, Heuer LS, Ashwood P, Delorenze GN, Hansen RL, Kharrazi M, Van de Water J, Yolken RH, Weiss LA, Croen LA. Maternal mid-pregnancy C-reactive protein and risk of autism spectrum disorders : the early markers for autism study. Transl Psychiatry ;2016 ;6:e783. Lien vers Pubmed


43. Hartley-McAndrew M, Mertz J, Hoffman M, Crawford D. Rates of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis Under the DSM-5 Criteria Compared to DSM-IV-TR Criteria in a Hospital-Based Clinic. Pediatr Neurol ;2016 (Apr) ;57:34-38. Lien vers Pubmed

Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

44. Allman MJ, Mareschal D. Possible evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of mental time travel (and implications for autism). Curr Opin Behav Sci ;2016 (Apr) ;8:220-225. Lien vers Pubmed

45. Antezana L, Mosner MG, Troiani V, Yerys BE. Social-Emotional Inhibition of Return in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Versus Typical Development. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1236-1246. Lien vers Pubmed

46. Berna F, Goritz AS, Schroder J, Coutelle R, Danion JM, Cuervo-Lombard CV, Moritz S. Self-Disorders in Individuals with Autistic Traits : Contribution of Reduced Autobiographical Reasoning Capacities. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 21)Lien vers Pubmed

47. Cantio C, Jepsen JR, Madsen GF, Bilenberg N, White SJ. Exploring ‘The autisms’ at a cognitive level. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

48. Chen YW, Bundy A, Cordier R, Chien YL, Einfeld S. The Experience of Social Participation in Everyday Contexts Among Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : An Experience Sampling Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1403-1414. Lien vers Pubmed

49. Chen YW, Bundy AC, Cordier R, Chien YL, Einfeld SL. A cross-cultural exploration of the everyday social participation of individuals with autism spectrum disorders in Australia and Taiwan : An experience sampling study. Autism ;2016 (Apr 27)Lien vers Pubmed

50. Di Palma S, Tonacci A, Narzisi A, Domenici C, Pioggia G, Muratori F, Billeci L. Monitoring of autonomic response to sociocognitive tasks during treatment in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by wearable technologies : A feasibility study. Comput Biol Med ;2016 (Apr 5)Lien vers Pubmed

51. Dickinson A, Bruyns-Haylett M, Smith R, Jones M, Milne E. Superior orientation discrimination and increased peak gamma frequency in autism spectrum conditions. J Abnorm Psychol ;2016 (Apr) ;125(3):412-422. Lien vers Pubmed

52. Dickinson K, Place M. The Impact of a Computer-Based Activity Program on the Social Functioning of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Games Health J ;2016 (Apr 22)Lien vers Pubmed

53. Foster NE, Ouimet T, Tryfon A, Doyle-Thomas K, Anagnostou E, Hyde KL. Effects of Age and Attention on Auditory Global-Local Processing in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1415-1428. Lien vers Pubmed

54. Green JL, Sciberras E, Anderson V, Efron D, Rinehart N. Association between autism symptoms and functioning in children with ADHD. Arch Dis Child ;2016 (Apr 26)Lien vers Pubmed

55. Heaton P. Age Related Differences in Response to Music-Evoked Emotion Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1490-1491. Lien vers Pubmed

56. Huang CT, Chiang CH, Hung CY. Young children with autism spectrum disorders imitate in the context of others’ prior intention. Autism ;2016 (Apr 5)Lien vers Pubmed

57. Ishizuka Y, Yamamoto JI. Contingent imitation increases verbal interaction in children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

58. Jonsson U, Choque Olsson N, Bolte S. Can findings from randomized controlled trials of social skills training in autism spectrum disorder be generalized ? The neglected dimension of external validity. Autism ;2016 (Apr) ;20(3):295-305. Lien vers Pubmed

59. Kuriki S, Tamura Y, Igarashi M, Kato N, Nakano T. Similar impressions of humanness for human and artificial singing voices in autism spectrum disorders. Cognition ;2016 (Apr 19) ;153:1-5. Lien vers Pubmed

60. McLay L, Church J, Sutherland D. Variables affecting the emergence of untaught equivalence relations in children with and without autism. Dev Neurorehabil ;2016 (Apr) ;19(2):75-87. Lien vers Pubmed

61. Miller HL, Bugnariu NL. Level of Immersion in Virtual Environments Impacts the Ability to Assess and Teach Social Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw ;2016 (Apr) ;19(4):246-256. Lien vers Pubmed

62. Oswald TM, Beck JS, Iosif AM, McCauley JB, Gilhooly LJ, Matter JC, Solomon M. Clinical and Cognitive Characteristics Associated with Mathematics Problem Solving in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):480-490. Lien vers Pubmed

63. Petrina N, Carter M, Stephenson J, Sweller N. Perceived Friendship Quality of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder as Compared to their Peers in Mixed and Non-mixed Dyads. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1334-1343. Lien vers Pubmed

64. Rosen TE, Lerner MD. Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms Moderate Longitudinal Patterns of Facial Emotion Recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 28)Lien vers Pubmed

65. Schuh JM, Eigsti IM, Mirman D. Discourse comprehension in autism spectrum disorder : Effects of working memory load and common ground. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

66. Sedgewick F, Hill V, Yates R, Pickering L, Pellicano E. Gender Differences in the Social Motivation and Friendship Experiences of Autistic and Non-autistic Adolescents. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1297-1306. Lien vers Pubmed

67. Smith KA, Ayres KA, Alexander J, Ledford JR, Shepley C, Shepley SB. Initiation and Generalization of Self-Instructional Skills in Adolescents with Autism and Intellectual Disability. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1196-1209. Lien vers Pubmed

68. Stephenson KG, Quintin EM, South M. Erratum to : Age-Related Differences in Response to Music-Evoked Emotion Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1152. Lien vers Pubmed

69. Stephenson KG, Quintin EM, South M. Age-Related Differences in Response to Music-Evoked Emotion Among Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1142-1151. Lien vers Pubmed

70. Whitaker L, Jones CR, Wilkins AJ, Roberson D. Judging the Intensity of Emotional Expression in Faces : the Effects of Colored Tints on Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):450-459. Lien vers Pubmed

Communication, langage

71. Bottema-Beutel K. Associations between joint attention and language in autism spectrum disorder and typical development : A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr 5)Lien vers Pubmed

72. Branigan HP, Tosi A, Gillespie-Smith K. Spontaneous Lexical Alignment in Children With an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Their Typically Developing Peers. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn ;2016 (Apr 14)Lien vers Pubmed

73. Burger-Caplan R, Saulnier C, Jones W, Klin A. Predicting social and communicative ability in school-age children with autism spectrum disorder : A pilot study of the Social Attribution Task, Multiple Choice. Autism ;2016 (Apr 27)Lien vers Pubmed

74. Edmunds SR, Ibanez LV, Warren Z, Messinger DS, Stone WL. Longitudinal prediction of language emergence in infants at high and low risk for autism spectrum disorder. Dev Psychopathol ;2016 (Apr 6):1-11. Lien vers Pubmed

75. Mulhern T, Lydon S, Healy O, Mollaghan G, Ramey D, Leoni M. A systematic review and evaluation of procedures for the induction of speech among persons with developmental disabilities. Dev Neurorehabil ;2016 (Apr 8):1-21. Lien vers Pubmed

76. Ronconi L, Molteni M, Casartelli L. Building Blocks of Others’ Understanding : A Perspective Shift in Investigating Social-Communicative Deficit in Autism. Front Hum Neurosci ;2016 ;10:144. Lien vers Pubmed

77. Talbott MR, Nelson CA, Tager-Flusberg H. Maternal Vocal Feedback to 9-Month-Old Infant Siblings of Children with ASD. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):460-470. Lien vers Pubmed

78. Wang HG, Jeffries JJ, Wang TF. Genetic and Developmental Perspective of Language Abnormality in Autism and Schizophrenia : One Disease Occurring at Different Ages in Humans ?. Neuroscientist ;2016 (Apr) ;22(2):119-131. Lien vers Pubmed

79. Zink AG, Diniz MB, Rodrigues Dos Santos MT, Guare RO. Use of a Picture Exchange Communication System for preventive procedures in individuals with autism spectrum disorder : pilot study. Spec Care Dentist ;2016 (Apr 5)Lien vers Pubmed

Education, Apprentissages

80. Clarke C, Hill V, Charman T. School based cognitive behavioural therapy targeting anxiety in children with autistic spectrum disorder : a quasi-experimental randomised controlled trail incorporating a mixed methods approach. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 30)Lien vers Pubmed

81. Dynia JM, Brock ME, Logan JA, Justice LM, Kaderavek JN. Comparing Children with ASD and Their Peers’ Growth in Print Knowledge. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 25)Lien vers Pubmed

82. Field C, Allen ML, Lewis C. Are Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Initially Attuned to Object Function Rather Than Shape for Word Learning ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1210-1219. Lien vers Pubmed

83. Ha VS, Whittaker A. ‘Closer to my world’ : Children with autism spectrum disorder tell their stories through photovoice. Glob Public Health ;2016 (Apr 13):1-18. Lien vers Pubmed

84. Hamilton J, Stevens G, Girdler S. Becoming a Mentor : The Impact of Training and the Experience of Mentoring University Students on the Autism Spectrum. PLoS One ;2016 ;11(4):e0153204. Lien vers Pubmed

85. Hiniker A, Rosenberg-Lee M, Menon V. Distinctive Role of Symbolic Number Sense in Mediating the Mathematical Abilities of Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1268-1281. Lien vers Pubmed

86. Keen D, Webster A, Ridley G. How well are children with autism spectrum disorder doing academically at school ? An overview of the literature. Autism ;2016 (Apr) ;20(3):276-294. Lien vers Pubmed

87. Majoko T. Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : Listening and Hearing to Voices from the Grassroots. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1429-1440. Lien vers Pubmed

88. Pan CY, Tsai CL, Chu CH, Sung MC, Ma WY, Huang CY. Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Health-Related Physical Fitness in Secondary School-Aged Male Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Phys Ther ;2016 (Apr) ;96(4):511-520. Lien vers Pubmed

89. Rosenbloom R, Mason RA, Wills HP, Mason BA. Technology delivered self-monitoring application to promote successful inclusion of an elementary student with autism. Assist Technol ;2016 (Spring) ;28(1):9-16. Lien vers Pubmed

90. Simonstein F, Mashiach-Eizenberg M. Non-life threatening disorders (NLTDs) : attitudes toward Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) among students of allied health professions. Public Health ;2016 (Apr 4)Lien vers Pubmed


91. Buckley AW, Holmes GL. Epilepsy and Autism. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med ;2016 ;6(4)Lien vers Pubmed

92. Cardon M, Evankovich KD, Holder JL, Jr. Exonic deletion of SLC9A9 in autism with epilepsy. Neurol Genet ;2016 (Apr) ;2(2):e62. Lien vers Pubmed

Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

93. Fluegge K. Methyl B12 and Autism Spectrum Disorders : Any Clues to Etiology ?. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol ;2016 (Apr 22)Lien vers Pubmed

94. Fluegge K. A reply to Wang T, Shan L, Du L, Feng J, Xu Z, Staal WG, Jia F. Serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in autism spectrum disorder : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015 ; doi : 10.1007/s00787-015-0786-1. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr) ;25(4):453-454. Lien vers Pubmed

95. Hecht PM, Hudson M, Connors SL, Tilley MR, Liu X, Beversdorf DQ. Maternal serotonin transporter genotype affects risk for ASD with exposure to prenatal stress. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

96. Kardas F, Bayram AK, Demirci E, Akin L, Ozmen S, Kendirci M, Canpolat M, Oztop DB, Narin F, Gumus H, Kumandas S, Per H. Increased Serum Phthalates (MEHP, DEHP) and Bisphenol A Concentrations in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder : The Role of Endocrine Disruptors in Autism Etiopathogenesis. J Child Neurol ;2016 (Apr) ;31(5):629-635. Lien vers Pubmed

97. Say GN, Karabekiroglu K, Babadagi Z, Yuce M. Maternal stress and perinatal features in autism and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatr Int ;2016 (Apr) ;58(4):265-269. Lien vers Pubmed

98. Skalny AV, Skalnaya MG, Bjorklund G, Nikonorov AA, Tinkov AA. Mercury as a possible link between maternal obesity and autism spectrum disorder. Med Hypotheses ;2016 (Jun) ;91:90-94. Lien vers Pubmed

99. Steenweg-de Graaff J, Tiemeier H, Ghassabian A, Rijlaarsdam J, Jaddoe VW, Verhulst FC, Roza SJ. Maternal Fatty Acid Status During Pregnancy and Child Autistic Traits The Generation R Study. Am J Epidemiol ;2016 (Apr 6)Lien vers Pubmed

100. Verhaeghe L, Dereu M, Warreyn P, De Groote I, Vanhaesebrouck P, Roeyers H. Erratum to : Extremely Preterm Born Children at Very High Risk for Developing Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev ;2016 (Apr 30)Lien vers Pubmed

101. Wang T, Shan L, Du L, Feng J, Xu Z, Staal WG, Jia F. Serum concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in autism spectrum disorder : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr) ;25(4):341-350. Lien vers Pubmed

102. Yang EJ, Ahn S, Lee K, Mahmood U, Kim HS. Early Behavioral Abnormalities and Perinatal Alterations of PTEN/AKT Pathway in Valproic Acid Autism Model Mice. PLoS One ;2016 ;11(4):e0153298. Lien vers Pubmed

103. Yoganathan S, Arunachal G, Sudhakar SV, Rajaraman V, Thomas M, Danda S. Beta Propellar Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration : A Rare Cause of Infantile Autistic Regression and Intracranial Calcification. Neuropediatrics ;2016 (Apr) ;47(2):123-127. Lien vers Pubmed

104. Yu H, Liu J, Yang A, Yang G, Yang W, Lei H, Quan J, Zhang Z. Lack of Association Between Polymorphisms in Dopa Decarboxylase and Dopamine Receptor-1 Genes With Childhood Autism in Chinese Han Population. J Child Neurol ;2016 (Apr) ;31(5):560-564. Lien vers Pubmed

Filles avec autisme / Comparaison fille-garçon

105. Henry V, Baghdadli A. [How sociocultural aspects influence health and mental health care : A case study on a young gypsy girl with autism]. Arch Pediatr ;2016 (Apr 25)Lien vers Pubmed

Génétique, biochimie

106. Autism DNA hub opens. Nat Biotechnol ;2016 (Apr 7) ;34(4):364. Lien vers Pubmed

107. Alrayes N, Mohamoud HS, Ahmed S, Almramhi MM, Shuaib TM, Wang J, Al-Aama JY, Everett K, Nasir J, Jelani M. The alkylglycerol monooxygenase (AGMO) gene previously involved in autism also causes a novel syndromic form of primary microcephaly in a consanguineous Saudi family. J Neurol Sci ;2016 (Apr 15) ;363:240-244. Lien vers Pubmed

108. Aoki Y, Cortese S. Mitochondrial Aspartate/Glutamate Carrier SLC25A12 and Autism Spectrum Disorder : a Meta-Analysis. Mol Neurobiol ;2016 (Apr) ;53(3):1579-1588. Lien vers Pubmed

109. Barone R, Sturiale L, Fiumara A, Palmigiano A, Bua RO, Rizzo R, Zappia M, Garozzo D. CSF N-glycan profile reveals sialylation deficiency in a patient with GM2 gangliosidosis presenting as childhood disintegrative disorder. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):423-428. Lien vers Pubmed

110. Brandler WM, Antaki D, Gujral M, Noor A, Rosanio G, Chapman TR, Barrera DJ, Lin GN, Malhotra D, Watts AC, Wong LC, Estabillo JA, Gadomski TE, Hong O, Fajardo KV, Bhandari A, Owen R, Baughn M, Yuan J, Solomon T, Moyzis AG, Maile MS, Sanders SJ, Reiner GE, Vaux KK, Strom CM, Zhang K, Muotri AR, Akshoomoff N, Leal SM, Pierce K, Courchesne E, Iakoucheva LM, Corsello C, Sebat J. Frequency and Complexity of De Novo Structural Mutation in Autism. Am J Hum Genet ;2016 (Apr 7) ;98(4):667-679. Lien vers Pubmed

111. Cappuccio G, Vitiello F, Casertano A, Fontana P, Genesio R, Bruzzese D, Ginocchio VM, Mormile A, Nitsch L, Andria G, Melis D. New insights in the interpretation of array-CGH : autism spectrum disorder and positive family history for intellectual disability predict the detection of pathogenic variants. Ital J Pediatr ;2016 ;42:39. Lien vers Pubmed

112. Chen CH, Liao HM, Chen HI, Fang JS, Chen YJ, Lee KF, Gau SS. Complex genomic variants contribute toward the genetic architecture of autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatr Genet ;2016 (Apr) ;26(2):95-96. Lien vers Pubmed

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Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

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Neurologie, neurosciences

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Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests

177. Bone D, Bishop S, Black MP, Goodwin MS, Lord C, Narayanan SS. Use of machine learning to improve autism screening and diagnostic instruments : effectiveness, efficiency, and multi-instrument fusion. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

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Parents, Fratrie

197. Cheuk S, Lashewicz B. How are they doing ? Listening as fathers of children with autism spectrum disorder compare themselves to fathers of children who are typically developing. Autism ;2016 (Apr) ;20(3):343-352. Lien vers Pubmed

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215. Ghaleiha A, Alikhani R, Kazemi MR, Mohammadi MR, Mohammadinejad P, Zeinoddini A, Hamedi M, Shahriari M, Keshavarzi Z, Akhondzadeh S. Minocycline as Adjunctive Treatment to Risperidone in Children with Autistic Disorder : A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol ;2016 (Apr 29)Lien vers Pubmed

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218. Vanwong N, Ngamsamut N, Hongkaew Y, Nuntamool N, Puangpetch A, Chamnanphon M, Sinrachatanant A, Limsila P, Sukasem C. Detection of CYP2D6 polymorphism using Luminex xTAG technology in autism spectrum disorder : CYP2D6 activity score and its association with risperidone levels. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet ;2016 (Apr) ;31(2):156-162. Lien vers Pubmed

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Prévalence, épidémiologie

221. Benevides TW, Carretta HJ, Lane SJ. Unmet Need for Therapy Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Results from the 2005-2006 and 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs. Matern Child Health J ;2016 (Apr) ;20(4):878-888. Lien vers Pubmed

222. Christensen DL, Baio J, Braun KV, Bilder D, Charles J, Constantino JN, Daniels J, Durkin MS, Fitzgerald RT, Kurzius-Spencer M, Lee LC, Pettygrove S, Robinson C, Schulz E, Wells C, Wingate MS, Zahorodny W, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2012. MMWR Surveill Summ ;2016 ;65(3):1-23. Lien vers Pubmed

223. Hewitt A, Hall-Lande J, Hamre K, Esler AN, Punyko J, Reichle J, Gulaid AA. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Prevalence in Somali and Non-Somali Children. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 22)Lien vers Pubmed

224. Schieve LA, Tian LH, Rankin K, Kogan MD, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Visser S, Rosenberg D. Population impact of preterm birth and low birth weight on developmental disabilities in US children. Ann Epidemiol ;2016 (Apr) ;26(4):267-274. Lien vers Pubmed

225. Timonen-Soivio L, Vanhala R, Malm H, Hinkka-Yli-Salomaki S, Gissler M, Brown A, Sourander A. Brief Report : Syndromes in Autistic Children in a Finnish Birth Cohort. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 21)Lien vers Pubmed

Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

226. Garg P, Lillystone D, Dossetor D, Eastwood J, Liaw ST. A Pilot Study for Understanding the Perceptions of Australian General Practitioners Regarding Psychopharmacology for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Prim Care Community Health ;2016 (Apr 20)Lien vers Pubmed

227. Geretsegger M, Holck U, Bieleninik L, Gold C. Feasibility of a Trial on Improvisational Music Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Music Ther ;2016 (Apr 15)Lien vers Pubmed

228. Gibbons HM, Owen R, Heller T. Perceptions of Health and Healthcare of People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Medicaid Managed Care. Intellect Dev Disabil ;2016 (Apr) ;54(2):94-105. Lien vers Pubmed

229. Green J, Leadbitter K, Kay C, Sharma K. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children Adopted After Early Care Breakdown. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1392-1402. Lien vers Pubmed

230. Henning B, Cordier R, Wilkes-Gillan S, Falkmer T. A pilot play-based intervention to improve the social play interactions of children with autism spectrum disorder and their typically developing playmates. Aust Occup Ther J ;2016 (Apr 26)Lien vers Pubmed

231. Levy SE, Frasso R, Colantonio S, Reed H, Stein G, Barg FK, Mandell D, Fiks AG. Shared Decision Making and Treatment Decisions for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Acad Pediatr ;2016 (Apr 27)Lien vers Pubmed

232. McDonald KE, Stack E. You say you want a revolution : An empirical study of community-based participatory research with people with developmental disabilities. Disabil Health J ;2016 (Apr) ;9(2):201-207. Lien vers Pubmed

233. Pan CY, Chu CH, Tsai CL, Sung MC, Huang CY, Ma WY. The impacts of physical activity intervention on physical and cognitive outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2016 (Apr 7)Lien vers Pubmed

234. Paynter JM, Ferguson S, Fordyce K, Joosten A, Paku S, Stephens M, Trembath D, Keen D. Utilisation of evidence-based practices by ASD early intervention service providers. Autism ;2016 (Apr 18)Lien vers Pubmed

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236. Roth BM, Kralovic S, Roizen NJ, Spannagel SC, Minich N, Knapp J. Impact of Autism Navigator on Access to Services. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2016 (Apr) ;37(3):188-195. Lien vers Pubmed

237. Shooshtari S, Brownell M, Mills RS, Dik N, Yu DC, Chateau D, Burchill CA, Wetzel M. Comparing Health Status, Health Trajectories and Use of Health and Social Services between Children with and without Developmental Disabilities : A Population-based Longitudinal Study in Manitoba. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2016 (Apr 4)Lien vers Pubmed

238. Turcotte P, Mathew M, Shea LL, Brusilovskiy E, Nonnemacher SL. Service Needs Across the Lifespan for Individuals with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 15)Lien vers Pubmed

239. Uzunova G, Pallanti S, Hollander E. Excitatory/inhibitory imbalance in autism spectrum disorders : Implications for interventions and therapeutics. World J Biol Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr) ;17(3):174-186. Lien vers Pubmed

240. Venkat A, Migyanka JM, Cramer R, McGonigle JJ. An Instrument to Prepare for Acute Care of the Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Emergency Department. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 4)Lien vers Pubmed

241. Wilkes-Gillan S, Joosten A. Technology-based interventions were found to have evidence of effectiveness on a range of outcomes, including social problem solving and facial and emotional processing skills for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Aust Occup Ther J ;2016 (Apr) ;63(2):135-136. Lien vers Pubmed

242. Zhang W, Baranek G. The Impact of Insurance Coverage Types on Access to and Utilization of Health Services for U.S. Children With Autism. Psychiatr Serv ;2016 (Apr 15):appips201500206. Lien vers Pubmed

Santé bucco-dentaire

243. Andrade NS, Dutra TT, Fernandes RF, Moita Neto JM, Mendes RF, Prado Junior RR. Retrospective study of dental trauma in children with autism spectrum disorders : a paired study. Spec Care Dentist ;2016 (Apr 26)Lien vers Pubmed

244. Elmore JL, Bruhn AM, Bobzien JL. Interventions for the Reduction of Dental Anxiety and Corresponding Behavioral Deficits in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Dent Hyg ;2016 (Apr) ;90(2):111-120. Lien vers Pubmed

245. Habibe RC, Ortega AO, Guare RO, Diniz MB, Santos MT. Risk factors for anterior traumatic dental injury in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders : a case-control study. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent ;2016 (Apr) ;17(2):75-80. Lien vers Pubmed

246. Popple B, Wall C, Flink L, Powell K, Discepolo K, Keck D, Mademtzi M, Volkmar F, Shic F. Brief Report : Remotely Delivered Video Modeling for Improving Oral Hygiene in Children with ASD : A Pilot Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 22)Lien vers Pubmed

Sensori-moteur / Audition

247. Casartelli L, Molteni M, Ronconi L. So close yet so far : Motor anomalies impacting on social functioning in autism spectrum disorder. Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2016 (Apr) ;63:98-105. Lien vers Pubmed

248. Cascio CJ, Woynaroski T, Baranek GT, Wallace MT. Toward an interdisciplinary approach to understanding sensory function in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

249. Cox SM, Cox DJ, Kofler MJ, Moncrief MA, Johnson RJ, Lambert AE, Cain SA, Reeve RE. Driving Simulator Performance in Novice Drivers with Autism Spectrum Disorder : The Role of Executive Functions and Basic Motor Skills. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1379-1391. Lien vers Pubmed

250. Goldschmidt J. What Happened to Paul ? Manifestation of Abnormal Pain Response for Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Qual Health Res ;2016 (Apr 26)Lien vers Pubmed

251. Haigh SM, Heeger DJ, Heller LM, Gupta A, Dinstein I, Minshew NJ, Behrmann M. No difference in cross-modal attention or sensory discrimination thresholds in autism and matched controls. Vision Res ;2016 (Apr) ;121:85-94. Lien vers Pubmed

252. Knaus TA, Kamps J, Foundas AL. Handedness in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Percept Mot Skills ;2016 (Apr) ;122(2):542-559. Lien vers Pubmed

253. Kurita T, Kikuchi M, Yoshimura Y, Hiraishi H, Hasegawa C, Takahashi T, Hirosawa T, Furutani N, Higashida H, Ikeda T, Mutou K, Asada M, Minabe Y. Atypical Bilateral Brain Synchronization in the Early Stage of Human Voice Auditory Processing in Young Children with Autism. PLoS One ;2016 ;11(4):e0153077. Lien vers Pubmed

254. Nebel MB, Eloyan A, Nettles CA, Sweeney KL, Ament K, Ward RE, Choe AS, Barber AD, Pekar JJ, Mostofsky SH. Intrinsic Visual-Motor Synchrony Correlates With Social Deficits in Autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr 15) ;79(8):633-641. Lien vers Pubmed

255. Pusponegoro HD, Efar P, Soedjatmiko, Soebadi A, Firmansyah A, Chen HJ, Hung KL. Gross Motor Profile and Its Association with Socialization Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatr Neonatol ;2016 (Apr 2)Lien vers Pubmed

256. Sumner E, Leonard HC, Hill EL. Overlapping Phenotypes in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Coordination Disorder : A Cross-Syndrome Comparison of Motor and Social Skills. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 28)Lien vers Pubmed


257. McLay LL, France K. Empirical research evaluating non-traditional approaches to managing sleep problems in children with autism. Dev Neurorehabil ;2016 (Apr) ;19(2):123-134. Lien vers Pubmed

258. Wang G, Liu Z, Xu G, Jiang F, Lu N, Baylor A, Owens J. Sleep Disturbances and Associated Factors in Chinese Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Retrospective and Cross-Sectional Study. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev ;2016 (Apr) ;47(2):248-258. Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

259. Berryessa CM. Brief Report : Judicial Attitudes Regarding the Sentencing of Offenders with High Functioning Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 22)Lien vers Pubmed

260. Burrows CA, Usher LV, Schwartz CB, Mundy PC, Henderson HA. Supporting the Spectrum Hypothesis : Self-Reported Temperament in Children and Adolescents with High Functioning Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1184-1195. Lien vers Pubmed

261. Cordier R, Brown N, Chen YW, Wilkes-Gillan S, Falkmer T. Piloting the use of experience sampling method to investigate the everyday social experiences of children with Asperger syndrome/high functioning autism. Dev Neurorehabil ;2016 (Apr) ;19(2):103-110. Lien vers Pubmed

262. Egilson ST, Olafsdottir LB, Leosdottir T, Saemundsen E. Quality of life of high-functioning children and youth with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing peers : Self- and proxy-reports. Autism ;2016 (Apr 5)Lien vers Pubmed

263. Falkmer M, Black M, Tang J, Fitzgerald P, Girdler S, Leung D, Ordqvist A, Tan T, Jahan I, Falkmer T. Local visual perception bias in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders ; do we have the whole picture ?. Dev Neurorehabil ;2016 (Apr) ;19(2):117-122. Lien vers Pubmed

264. Fragaki M, Karmiris K, Paspatis GA. Crohn’s Disease and Asperger Syndrome : Not Just a Coincidence ?. Inflamm Bowel Dis ;2016 (Jun) ;22(6):E19. Lien vers Pubmed

265. Joosten A, Girdler S, Albrecht MA, Horlin C, Falkmer M, Leung D, Ordqvist A, Fleischer H, Falkmer T. Gaze and visual search strategies of children with Asperger syndrome/high functioning autism viewing a magic trick. Dev Neurorehabil ;2016 (Apr) ;19(2):95-102. Lien vers Pubmed

266. Lopata C, Lipinski AM, Thomeer ML, Rodgers JD, Donnelly JP, McDonald CA, Volker MA. Open-trial pilot study of a comprehensive outpatient psychosocial treatment for children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2016 (Apr 7)Lien vers Pubmed

267. Mundy P, Kim K, McIntyre N, Lerro L, Jarrold W. Brief Report : Joint Attention and Information Processing in Children with Higher Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 9)Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome de Rett

268. Allou L, Julia S, Amsallem D, El Chehadeh S, Lambert L, Thevenon J, Duffourd Y, Saunier A, Bouquet P, Pere S, Moustaine A, Ruaud L, Roth V, Jonveaux P, Philippe C. Rett-like phenotypes : expanding the genetic heterogeneity to the KCNA2 gene and first familial case of CDKL5-related disease. Clin Genet ;2016 (Apr 7)Lien vers Pubmed

269. Bueno C, Tabares-Seisdedos R, Moraleda JM, Martinez S. Rett Syndrome Mutant Neural Cells Lacks MeCP2 Immunoreactive Bands. PLoS One ;2016 ;11(4):e0153262. Lien vers Pubmed

270. Cortelazzo A, De Felice C, Guerranti R, Signorini C, Leoncini S, Pecorelli A, Scalabri F, Madonna M, Filosa S, Della Giovampaola C, Capone A, Durand T, Mirasole C, Zolla L, Valacchi G, Ciccoli L, Guy J, D’Esposito M, Hayek J. Abnormal N-glycosylation pattern for brain nucleotide pyrophosphatase-5 (NPP-5) in Mecp2-mutant murine models of Rett syndrome. Neurosci Res ;2016 (Apr) ;105:28-34. Lien vers Pubmed

271. De Felice C, Leoncini S, Signorini C, Cortelazzo A, Rovero P, Durand T, Ciccoli L, Papini AM, Hayek J. Rett syndrome : An autoimmune disease ?. Autoimmun Rev ;2016 (Apr) ;15(4):411-416. Lien vers Pubmed

272. Humphreys P, Barrowman N. The Incidence and Evolution of Parkinsonian Rigidity in Rett Syndrome : A Pilot Study. Can J Neurol Sci ;2016 (Apr 6):1-7. Lien vers Pubmed

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274. Mangatt M, Wong K, Anderson B, Epstein A, Hodgetts S, Leonard H, Downs J. Prevalence and onset of comorbidities in the CDKL5 disorder differ from Rett syndrome. Orphanet J Rare Dis ;2016 ;11:39. Lien vers Pubmed

275. Pintaudi M, Veneselli E, Voci A, Vignoli A, Castiglione D, Calevo MG, Grasselli E, Ragazzoni M, Cogliati F, Calzari L, Scornavacca GF, Russo S, Vergani L. Blood oxidative stress and metallothionein expression in Rett syndrome : Probing for markers. World J Biol Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr) ;17(3):198-209. Lien vers Pubmed

276. Rose SA, Djukic A, Jankowski JJ, Feldman JF, Rimler M. Aspects of Attention in Rett Syndrome. Pediatr Neurol ;2016 (Apr) ;57:22-28. Lien vers Pubmed

277. Saez MA, Fernandez-Rodriguez J, Moutinho C, Sanchez-Mut JV, Gomez A, Vidal E, Petazzi P, Szczesna K, Lopez-Serra P, Lucariello M, Lorden P, Delgado-Morales R, de la Caridad OJ, Huertas D, Gelpi JL, Orozco M, Lopez-Doriga A, Mila M, Perez-Jurado LA, Pineda M, Armstrong J, Lazaro C, Esteller M. Mutations in JMJD1C are involved in Rett syndrome and intellectual disability. Genet Med ;2016 (Apr) ;18(4):378-385. Lien vers Pubmed

278. Zanchetta MB, Scioscia MF, Zanchetta JR. Bone microarchitecture in Rett syndrome and treatment with teriparatide : a case report. Osteoporos Int ;2016 (Apr 11)Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome X-Fragile

279. Archibald AD, Hickerton CL, Wake SA, Jaques AM, Cohen J, Metcalfe SA. « It gives them more options » : preferences for preconception genetic carrier screening for fragile X syndrome in primary healthcare. J Community Genet ;2016 (Apr) ;7(2):159-171. Lien vers Pubmed

280. Ballantyne CJ, Nunez M. Developmental trajectories of hierarchical visuo-spatial processing in fragile X syndrome and ASD : Within- and cross-syndrome variability. Res Dev Disabil ;2016 (Apr-May) ;51-52:103-115. Lien vers Pubmed

281. Been LE, Moore KM, Kennedy BC, Meisel RL. Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor and Fragile X Signaling in a Female Model of Escalated Aggression. Biol Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr 15) ;79(8):685-692. Lien vers Pubmed

282. Belagodu AP, Johnson AM, Galvez R. Characterization of Ultrasonic Vocalizations of Fragile X Mice. Behav Brain Res ;2016 (Apr 30)Lien vers Pubmed

283. Cerquera C, Rumia J, Herrera JM, Moreno V, Bargallo N, Valldeoriola F. A single case report of MR-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for tremor in fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia. Parkinsonism Relat Disord ;2016 (Apr 4)Lien vers Pubmed

284. Chevreul K, Gandre C, Brigham KB, Lopez-Bastida J, Linertova R, Oliva-Moreno J, Serrano-Aguilar P, Posada-de-la-Paz M, Taruscio D, Schieppati A, Iskrov G, Gulacsi L, von der Schulenburg JM, Kanavos P, Persson U, Fattore G. Social/economic costs and health-related quality of life in patients with fragile X syndrome in Europe. Eur J Health Econ ;2016 (Apr) ;17 Suppl 1:43-52. Lien vers Pubmed

285. Elizur SE, Dratviman-Storobinsky O, Derech-Haim S, Lebovitz O, Dor J, Orvieto R, Cohen Y. FMR6 may play a role in the pathogenesis of fragile X-associated premature ovarian insufficiency. Gynecol Endocrinol ;2016 (Apr) ;32(4):334-337. Lien vers Pubmed

286. Ethridge LE, White SP, Mosconi MW, Wang J, Byerly MJ, Sweeney JA. Reduced habituation of auditory evoked potentials indicate cortical hyper-excitability in Fragile X Syndrome. Transl Psychiatry ;2016 ;6:e787. Lien vers Pubmed

287. Goncalves TF, Dos Santos JM, Goncalves AP, Tassone F, Mendoza-Morales G, Ribeiro MG, Kahn E, Boy R, Goncalves Pimentel MM, Santos-Reboucas CB. Finding FMR1 mosaicism in Fragile X syndrome. Expert Rev Mol Diagn ;2016 (Apr) ;16(4):501-507. Lien vers Pubmed

288. Huang W, Luo SY, Du Q, Yang P, Tan H, Wu LQ, Duan RH. [Tissue heterogeneity analysis of CGG-repeat mutation in two fragile X affected male fetuses]. Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi ;2016 (Apr) ;54(4):287-289. Lien vers Pubmed

289. Li Y, Stockton ME, Bhuiyan I, Eisinger BE, Gao Y, Miller JL, Bhattacharyya A, Zhao X. MDM2 inhibition rescues neurogenic and cognitive deficits in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Sci Transl Med ;2016 (Apr 27) ;8(336):336ra361. Lien vers Pubmed

290. Monyak RE, Emerson D, Schoenfeld BP, Zheng X, Chambers DB, Rosenfelt C, Langer S, Hinchey P, Choi CH, McDonald TV, Bolduc FV, Sehgal A, McBride SM, Jongens TA. Insulin signaling misregulation underlies circadian and cognitive deficits in a Drosophila fragile X model. Mol Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

291. Napoli E, Ross-Inta C, Song G, Wong S, Hagerman R, Gane LW, Smilowitz JT, Tassone F, Giulivi C. Premutation in the Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) Gene Affects Maternal Zn-milk and Perinatal Brain Bioenergetics and Scaffolding. Front Neurosci ;2016 ;10:159. Lien vers Pubmed

292. Napoli E, Song G, Wong S, Hagerman R, Giulivi C. Altered Bioenergetics in Primary Dermal Fibroblasts from Adult Carriers of the FMR1 Premutation Before the Onset of the Neurodegenerative Disease Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome. Cerebellum ;2016 (Apr 18)Lien vers Pubmed

293. Paucar M, Engvall M, Gordon L, Tham E, Synofzik M, Svenningsson P. POLG-Associated Ataxia Presenting as a Fragile X Tremor/Ataxia Phenocopy Syndrome. Cerebellum ;2016 (Apr 12)Lien vers Pubmed

294. Pellerin D, Caku A, Fradet M, Bouvier P, Dube J, Corbin F. Lovastatin corrects ERK pathway hyperactivation in fragile X syndrome : potential of platelet’s signaling cascades as new outcome measures in clinical trials. Biomarkers ;2016 (Apr 8):1-12. Lien vers Pubmed

295. Pittrow D, Gaese F, Colla M, Huss M, Kretschmar C, Brinkman M, Peters H, Elstner S, Weirich S, Hassler F. [Psychiatric and Social Aspects of Patients with Fragile X Syndrome]. Psychiatr Prax ;2016 (Apr) ;43(3):160-164. Lien vers Pubmed

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297. Weber CL. Understanding fragile X syndrome from a mother’s perspective : Challenges and resilience. Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being ;2016 ;11:29512. Lien vers Pubmed

Théorie de l’esprit

298. Fadda R, Parisi M, Ferretti L, Saba G, Foscoliano M, Salvago A, Doneddu G. Exploring the Role of Theory of Mind in Moral Judgment : The Case of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychol ;2016 ;7:523. Lien vers Pubmed

299. Kim E, Kyeong S, Cheon KA, Park B, Oh MK, Chun JW, Park HJ, Kim JJ, Song DH. Neural responses to affective and cognitive theory of mind in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Neurosci Lett ;2016 (May 16) ;621:117-125. Lien vers Pubmed

300. Marraffa C. Social communication in autism spectrum disorder not improved by Theory of Mind interventions. J Paediatr Child Health ;2016 (Apr) ;52(4):461-463. Lien vers Pubmed

301. Sheppard E, Pillai D, Wong GT, Ropar D, Mitchell P. How Easy is it to Read the Minds of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1247-1254. Lien vers Pubmed

Troubles associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités

302. Berggren S, Engstrom AC, Bolte S. Facial affect recognition in autism, ADHD and typical development. Cogn Neuropsychiatry ;2016 (Apr 21):1-15. Lien vers Pubmed

303. Billeci L, Tonacci A, Tartarisco G, Ruta L, Pioggia G, Gangemi S. Reply to Fluegge : Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. Am J Clin Dermatol ;2016 (Apr) ;17(2):189-190. Lien vers Pubmed

304. Biscaldi M, Bednorz N, Weissbrodt K, Saville CW, Feige B, Bender S, Klein C. Cognitive endophenotypes of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and intra-subject variability in patients with autism spectrum disorder. Biol Psychol ;2016 (Apr 30) ;118:25-34. Lien vers Pubmed

305. Bonatto SJ, Kerner M, Merelles S, Ponde MP. The prevalence of symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Res ;2016 (Apr 5) ;240:1-3. Lien vers Pubmed

306. Chiu TA, Anagnostou E, Brian J, Chau T, Kushki A. Specificity of autonomic arousal to anxiety in children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2016 (Apr) ;9(4):491-501. Lien vers Pubmed

307. Factor RS, Condy EE, Farley JP, Scarpa A. Brief Report : Insistence on Sameness, Anxiety, and Social Motivation in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr 4)Lien vers Pubmed

308. Fluegge K. Comment on : « Association between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review ». Am J Clin Dermatol ;2016 (Apr) ;17(2):187-188. Lien vers Pubmed

309. Harrop C, Gulsrud A, Shih W, Hovsepyan L, Kasari C. Characterizing caregiver responses to restricted and repetitive behaviors in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2016 (Apr) ;20(3):330-342. Lien vers Pubmed

310. Kirby AV, Boyd BA, Williams KL, Faldowski RA, Baranek GT. Sensory and repetitive behaviors among children with autism spectrum disorder at home. Autism ;2016 (Apr 18)Lien vers Pubmed

311. Liao TC, Lien YT, Wang S, Huang SL, Chen CY. Comorbidity of Atopic Disorders with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. J Pediatr ;2016 (Apr) ;171:248-255. Lien vers Pubmed

312. Magiati I, Ong C, Lim XY, Tan JW, Ong AY, Patrycia F, Fung DS, Sung M, Poon KK, Howlin P. Anxiety symptoms in young people with autism spectrum disorder attending special schools : Associations with gender, adaptive functioning and autism symptomatology. Autism ;2016 (Apr) ;20(3):306-320. Lien vers Pubmed

313. Milosavljevic B, Carter Leno V, Simonoff E, Baird G, Pickles A, Jones CR, Erskine C, Charman T, Happe F. Alexithymia in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Its Relationship to Internalising Difficulties, Sensory Modulation and Social Cognition. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1354-1367. Lien vers Pubmed

314. Parkinson J. Gender Dysphoria and Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Note of Caution. LGBT Health ;2016 (Apr) ;3(2):175. Lien vers Pubmed

315. Patel S, Day TN, Jones N, Mazefsky CA. Association between anger rumination and autism symptom severity, depression symptoms, aggression, and general dysregulation in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2016 (Apr 19)Lien vers Pubmed

316. Saunders A, Kirk IJ, Waldie KE. Hemispheric Coherence in ASD with and without Comorbid ADHD and Anxiety. Biomed Res Int ;2016 ;2016:4267842. Lien vers Pubmed

317. Troyb E, Knoch K, Herlihy L, Stevens MC, Chen CM, Barton M, Treadwell K, Fein D. Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors as Predictors of Outcome in Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1282-1296. Lien vers Pubmed

318. Weiss JA, Ting V, Perry A. Psychosocial correlates of psychiatric diagnoses and maladaptive behaviour in youth with severe developmental disability. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2016 (Jun) ;60(6):583-593. Lien vers Pubmed


319. Aldaqre I, Schuwerk T, Daum MM, Sodian B, Paulus M. Sensitivity to communicative and non-communicative gestures in adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder : saccadic and pupillary responses. Exp Brain Res ;2016 (Apr 27)Lien vers Pubmed

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321. Crawford H, Moss J, Oliver C, Elliott N, Anderson GM, McCleery JP. Visual preference for social stimuli in individuals with autism or neurodevelopmental disorders : an eye-tracking study. Mol Autism ;2016 ;7:24. Lien vers Pubmed

322. Forgeot d’Arc B, Delorme R, Zalla T, Lefebvre A, Amsellem F, Moukawane S, Letellier L, Leboyer M, Mouren MC, Ramus F. Gaze direction detection in autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2016 (Apr 30)Lien vers Pubmed

323. Frazier TW, Klingemier EW, Beukemann M, Speer L, Markowitz L, Parikh S, Wexberg S, Giuliano K, Schulte E, Delahunty C, Ahuja V, Eng C, Manos MJ, Hardan AY, Youngstrom EA, Strauss MS. Development of an Objective Autism Risk Index Using Remote Eye Tracking. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2016 (Apr) ;55(4):301-309. Lien vers Pubmed

324. Heaton TJ, Freeth M. Reduced visual exploration when viewing photographic scenes in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. J Abnorm Psychol ;2016 (Apr) ;125(3):399-411. Lien vers Pubmed

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326. Sabatos-DeVito M, Schipul SE, Bulluck JC, Belger A, Baranek GT. Eye Tracking Reveals Impaired Attentional Disengagement Associated with Sensory Response Patterns in Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2016 (Apr) ;46(4):1319-1333. Lien vers Pubmed


327. Selecting Children for an Autism Spectrum Disorder Study : Justice and Geography. Am J Bioeth ;2016 (Apr) ;16(4):69-70. Lien vers Pubmed

328. Brewer N, Zoanetti J, Young RL. The influence of media suggestions about links between criminality and autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2016 (Apr 30)Lien vers Pubmed

329. Carrington SJ, Uljarevic M, Roberts A, White LJ, Morgan L, Wimpory D, Ramsden C, Leekam SR. Knowledge acquisition and research evidence in autism : Researcher and practitioner perspectives and engagement. Res Dev Disabil ;2016 (Apr-May) ;51-52:126-134. Lien vers Pubmed

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