Articles publiés en décembre 2021 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

1. INSAR President’s message. Autism Res;2021 (Dec);14(12):2711-2712.

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2. [Review of the monographs by I.A. Skvortsov « Illustrated neurology development « ( » MEDpress inform « 2014), » Childhood autism in neurology  » (« MEDpress inform » 2020), « Problems of regeneration in pediatric neurology », methodical recommendations « Problems of regeneration in pediatric neurology »]. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova;2021;121(10):149-150.

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3. Breastfeeding Experiences of Autistic Women. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs;2022 (Jan-Feb 01);47(1):E1.

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4. Abelson N, Meiri G, Solomon S, Flusser H, Michaelovski A, Dinstein I, Menashe I. Association Between Antenatal Antimicrobial Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder-A Nested Case-Control Study. Front Psychiatry;2021;12:771232.

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5. Abrahamson V, Zhang W, Wilson PM, Farr W, Reddy V, Parr J, Peckham A, Male I. Realist evaluation of Autism ServiCe Delivery (RE-ASCeD): which diagnostic pathways work best, for whom and in what context? Findings from a rapid realist review. BMJ Open;2021 (Dec 14);11(12):e051241.

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6. Accogli A, El Kosseifi C, Saint-Martin C, Addour-Boudrahem N, Rivière JB, Toffoli D, Lopez I, Qian C, Koenekoop RK, Srour M. PCDH12 variants are associated with basal ganglia anomalies and exudative vitreoretinopathy. Eur J Med Genet;2022 (Feb);65(2):104405.

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7. Adorno ET, Dos Santos DCJ, DeJesus BM, Passos AA, Teixeira-Machado L. Dance, functioning and quality of life in children with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder dance, functioning and quality of life in Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry;2021 (Dec 29):13591045211061795.

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8. Agostinho D, Correia R, Catarina Duarte I, Sousa D, Abreu R, Pina Rodrigues A, Castelo-Branco M, Simoes M. Parametric fMRI analysis of videos of variable arousal levels reveals different dorsal vs ventral activation preferences between autism and controls. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc;2021 (Nov);2021:6412-6415.

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9. Ahlberg R, Garcia-Argibay M, Hirvikoski T, Boman M, Chen Q, Taylor MJ, Frans E, Bölte S, Larsson H. Shared familial risk factors between autism spectrum disorder and obesity – a register-based familial coaggregation cohort study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry;2021 (Dec 8)

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10. Aiello S, Vagni D, Cerasa A, Leonardi E, Carrozza C, Famà F, Campisi A, Marino F, Siracusano R, Alquino MA, Mainiero F, Germano E, Tartarisco G, Pioggia G, Gagliano A, Ruta L. Autistic Traits and Empathy in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-occurring Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Neurosci;2021;15:734177.

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11. Alhumaid MM. Physical Education Teachers’ Self-Efficacy toward Including Students with Autism in Saudi Arabia. Int J Environ Res Public Health;2021 (Dec 14);18(24)

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12. Ali A, Alexander S, Ko P, Cuffe JSM, Whitehouse AJO, McGrath JJ, Eyles D. Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency in Pregnant Rats Does Not Induce Preeclampsia. Nutrients;2021 (Nov 26);13(12)

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13. Ali H, Rahman H, Lee LC, Khan NZ, Wu LS, Mehra S, Mitra M, Labrique AB, West KP, Jr., Christian P. Autism spectrum disorder in a rural community in Bangladesh: A mid-childhood assessment. Autism Res;2022 (Feb);15(2):328-339.

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14. Al-Mazidi SH, Al-Ayadhi LY. National Profile of Caregivers’ Perspectives on Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening and Care in Primary Health Care: The Need for Autism Medical Home. Int J Environ Res Public Health;2021 (Dec 10);18(24)

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15. Alper M, Christiansen E, Allen AA, Mello S. Pediatric Media Guidance for Parents of Children on the Autism Spectrum: A Thematic Analysis. Health Commun;2021 (Dec 28):1-9.

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16. Alvari G, Coviello L, Furlanello C. EYE-C: Eye-Contact Robust Detection and Analysis during Unconstrained Child-Therapist Interactions in the Clinical Setting of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Brain Sci;2021 (Nov 24);11(12)

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17. Amadi CN, Orish CN, Frazzoli C, Orisakwe OE. Association of autism with toxic metals: A systematic review of case-control studies. Pharmacol Biochem Behav;2022 (Jan);212:173313.

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18. Amonkar N, Su WC, Bhat AN, Srinivasan SM. Effects of Creative Movement Therapies on Social Communication, Behavioral-Affective, Sensorimotor, Cognitive, and Functional Participation Skills of Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Front Psychiatry;2021;12:722874.

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19. Andrews ML, Garcia YA, Catagnus RM, Gould ER. Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Training Plus Behavior Parent Training on Parental Implementation of Autism Treatment. Psychol Rec;2021 (Nov 29):1-17.

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20. Arabian H, Wagner-Hartl V, Geoffrey Chase J, Moller K. Facial Emotion Recognition Focused on Descriptive Region Segmentation. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc;2021 (Nov);2021:3415-3418.

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21. Arunachalam Chandran V, Pliatsikas C, Neufeld J, O’Connell G, Haffey A, DeLuca V, Chakrabarti B. Brain structural correlates of autistic traits across the diagnostic divide: A grey matter and white matter microstructure study. Neuroimage Clin;2021;32:102897.

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22. Asghari SZ, Farashi S, Bashirian S, Jenabi E. Distinctive prosodic features of people with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. Sci Rep;2021 (Nov 29);11(1):23093.

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23. Azad GF, Marcus SC, Mandell DS. Partners in School: Optimizing Communication between Parents and Teachers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Educ Psychol Consult;2021;31(4):438-462.

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24. Azevedo Machado B, Silva Moro J, Massignam C, Cardoso M, Bolan M. Fear, changes in routine and dental care for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in the COVID-19 pandemic: A survey with Brazilian parents. Spec Care Dentist;2021 (Dec 13)

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25. Bach S, Shovlin S, Moriarty M, Bardoni B, Tropea D. Rett Syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome: Different Etiology With Common Molecular Dysfunctions. Front Cell Neurosci;2021;15:764761.

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26. Bae S, Yang A, Kim J, Lee HJ, Park HK. Identification of a novel KAT6A variant in an infant presenting with facial dysmorphism and developmental delay: a case report and literature review. BMC Med Genomics;2021 (Dec 20);14(1):297.

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27. Bakulski KM, Dou JF, Feinberg JI, Aung MT, Ladd-Acosta C, Volk HE, Newschaffer CJ, Croen LA, Hertz-Picciotto I, Levy SE, Landa R, Feinberg AP, Fallin MD. Autism-Associated DNA Methylation at Birth From Multiple Tissues Is Enriched for Autism Genes in the Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation. Front Mol Neurosci;2021;14:775390.

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28. Bar C, Breuillard D, Kuchenbuch M, Jennesson M, Le Guyader G, Isnard H, Rolland A, Doummar D, Fluss J, Afenjar A, Berquin P, De Saint Martin A, Dupont S, Goldenberg A, Lederer D, Lesca G, Maurey H, Meyer P, Mignot C, Nica A, Odent S, Poisson A, Scalais E, Sekhara T, Vrielynck P, Barcia G, Nabbout R. Adaptive behavior and psychiatric comorbidities in KCNB1 encephalopathy. Epilepsy Behav;2022 (Jan);126:108471.

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29. Barcelos AM, Kargas N, Packham C, Mills DS. Author Correction: Understanding the impact of dog ownership on autistic adults: implications for mental health and suicide prevention. Sci Rep;2021 (Dec 21);11(1):24451.

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30. Barcelos AM, Kargas N, Packham C, Mills DS. Understanding the impact of dog ownership on autistic adults: implications for mental health and suicide prevention. Sci Rep;2021 (Dec 8);11(1):23655.

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31. Bathelt J, Koolschijn PCM, Geurts HM. Atypically slow processing of faces and non-faces in older autistic adults. Autism;2021 (Dec 28):13623613211065297.

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32. Beck KB, Northrup JB, Breitenfeldt KE, Porton S, Day TN, MacKenzie KT, Conner CM, Mazefsky CA. Stakeholder informed development of the Emotion Awareness and Skills Enhancement team-based program (EASE-Teams). Autism;2022 (Apr);26(3):586-600.

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33. Berloffa S, Dosi C, Tascini B, Fossati B, Lupetti I, Masi G. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Case Report and Brief Review of Recent Literature. Children (Basel);2021 (Dec 18);8(12)

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34. Bernath B, Kanji Z. Exploring barriers to oral health care experienced by individuals living with autism spectrum disorder. Can J Dent Hyg;2021 (Oct);55(3):160-166.

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35. Bieneck V, Bletsch A, Mann C, Schäfer T, Seelemeyer H, Herøy N, Zimmermann J, Pretzsch CM, Hattingen E, Ecker C. Longitudinal Changes in Cortical Thickness in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Association with Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors. Genes (Basel);2021 (Dec 20);12(12)

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36. Bigelow LJ, Fiset C, Jarvis JHM, Macleod S, Wöhr M, Benke TA, Bernard PB. Early-life seizures modify behavioral response to ultrasonic vocalization playback in adult rats. Epilepsy Behav;2022 (Feb);127:108494.

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37. Bilches Medinas D, Malik S, Yıldız-Bölükbaşı E, Borgonovo J, Saaranen MJ, Urra H, Pulgar E, Afzal M, Contreras D, Wright MT, Bodaleo F, Quiroz G, Rozas P, Mumtaz S, Díaz R, Rozas C, Cabral-Miranda F, Piña R, Valenzuela V, Uyan O, Reardon C, Woehlbier U, Brown RH, Sena-Esteves M, Gonzalez-Billault C, Morales B, Plate L, Ruddock LW, Concha ML, Hetz C, Tolun A. Mutation in protein disulfide isomerase A3 causes neurodevelopmental defects by disturbing endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis. EMBO J;2022 (Dec 17);41(2):e105531.

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38. Bilge S, Ekici B. CBD-enriched cannabis for autism spectrum disorder: an experience of a single center in Turkey and reviews of the literature. J Cannabis Res;2021 (Dec 16);3(1):53.

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39. Blackwell S, Zylberberg A, Scerif G, Miller S, Woodcock KA. Understanding the psycho-social context for a new early intervention for resistance to change that aims to strike a beneficial balance between structure and flexibility. BMC Psychiatry;2021 (Dec 11);21(1):621.

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40. Blaylock RL, Faria M. New concepts in the development of schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, and degenerative brain diseases based on chronic inflammation: A working hypothesis from continued advances in neuroscience research. Surg Neurol Int;2021;12:556.

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41. Bloomfield BS, Fischer AJ, Dove M, Clark RR, Fife M. Parent Teleconsultation to Increase Bites Consumed: A Demonstration Across Foods for a Child With ARFID and ASD. Behav Anal Pract;2021 (Dec);14(4):913-926.

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42. Bonnet-Brilhault F, Roux S, Blanc R, Gomot M, Dansart P, Rouvre O, Houy-Durand E, Malvy J, Barthélémy C. [The BSE2 scale : A new clinical tool for the diagnostic of ASD within NDDs]. Encephale;2021 (Nov 29)

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43. Borissov A, Bakolis I, Tekola B, Kinfe M, Ceccarelli C, Girma F, Abdurahman R, Zerihun T, Hanlon C, Hoekstra RA. Adaptation and validation of two autism-related measures of skills and quality of life in Ethiopia. Autism;2021 (Dec 7):13623613211050751.

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44. Botha M. Critical realism, community psychology, and the curious case of autism: A philosophy and practice of science with social justice in mind. J Community Psychol;2021 (Dec 12)

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45. Bowden N, Milne B, Audas R, Clasby B, Dacombe J, Forster W, Kokaua J, Gibb S, Hughes N, MacCormick C, Smiler K, Taylor B, Mirfin-Veitch B. Criminal justice system interactions among young adults with and without autism: A national birth cohort study in New Zealand. Autism;2021 (Dec 28):13623613211065541.

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46. Bowman KS, Suarez VD, Weiss MJ. Standards for Interprofessional Collaboration in the Treatment of Individuals With Autism. Behav Anal Pract;2021 (Dec);14(4):1191-1208.

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47. Boyce N. Alex Plank: building bridges. Lancet;2022 (Jan 15);399(10321):229.

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48. Boyd BA, Stahmer AC, Odom SL, Wallisch A, Matheis M. It’s time to close the research to practice gap in autism: The need for implementation science. Autism;2022 (Apr);26(3):569-574.

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49. Bradley RL, Noell GH. Rule-Governed Behavior: Teaching Social Skills via Rule-Following to Children with Autism. Dev Neurorehabil;2021 (Dec 24):1-11.

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50. Brennan J, Crosland K. Evaluating the Use of Stability Ball Chairs for Children with ASD in a Clinic Setting. Behav Anal Pract;2021 (Dec);14(4):1079-1084.

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51. Brittenham C, Gordon J, Zemon VM, Siper PM. Objective frequency analysis of transient visual evoked potentials in autistic children. Autism Res;2022 (Mar);15(3):464-480.

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52. Bruno LP, Doddato G, Valentino F, Baldassarri M, Tita R, Fallerini C, Bruttini M, Lo Rizzo C, Mencarelli MA, Mari F, Pinto AM, Fava F, Fabbiani A, Lamacchia V, Carrer A, Caputo V, Granata S, Benetti E, Zguro K, Furini S, Renieri A, Ariani F. New Candidates for Autism/Intellectual Disability Identified by Whole-Exome Sequencing. Int J Mol Sci;2021 (Dec 14);22(24)

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53. Buckley E, Pellicano E, Remington A. « Knowing That I’m Not Necessarily Alone in My Struggles »: UK Autistic Performing Arts Professionals’ Experiences of a Mentoring Programme. J Autism Dev Disord;2021 (Dec 29)

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54. Budimirovic DB, Protic DD, Delahunty CM, Andrews HF, Choo TH, Xu Q, Berry-Kravis E, Kaufmann WE. Sleep problems in fragile X syndrome: Cross-sectional analysis of a large clinic-based cohort. Am J Med Genet A;2022 (Apr);188(4):1029-1039.

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55. Bullard L, Harvey D, Abbeduto L. Maternal Mental Health and Parenting Stress and Their Relationships to Characteristics of the Child With Fragile X Syndrome. Front Psychiatry;2021;12:716585.

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56. Burgio E. The Raise of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDS): From Genetics to Epigenetics. Psychiatr Danub;2021 (Dec);33(Suppl 11):40-41.

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57. Burstein O, Geva R. The Brainstem-Informed Autism Framework: Early Life Neurobehavioral Markers. Front Integr Neurosci;2021;15:759614.

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58. Butler SC, Sadhwani A, Rofeberg V, Cassidy AR, Singer J, Calderon J, Wypij D, Newburger JW, Rollins CK. Neurological features in infants with congenital heart disease. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Jun);64(6):762-770.

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59. Calleja S, Kingsley J, Amirul Islam FM, McDonald R. Barriers to Accessing Healthcare: Perspectives from Autistic Adults and Carers. Qual Health Res;2022 (Jan);32(2):267-278.

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60. Cameron LA, Borland RL, Tonge BJ, Gray KM. Community participation in adults with autism: A systematic review. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil;2022 (Mar);35(2):421-447.

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61. Canitano R, Palumbi R. Excitation/Inhibition Modulators in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Current Clinical Research. Front Neurosci;2021;15:753274.

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62. Cantwell CY, Fortman J, Seegan A. Prazosin use in a patient with rare Neurobeachin gene deletion shows improvement in paranoid behavior: a case report. J Med Case Rep;2021 (Dec 24);15(1):612.

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63. Caplan B, Chlebowski C, May G, Baker-Ericzén MJ, Connor W, Brookman-Frazee L. Psychotropic Medication Use by Children with Autism Served in Publicly Funded Mental Health Settings. J Dev Behav Pediatr;2021 (Nov 30)

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64. Caracci MO, Avila ME, Espinoza-Cavieres FA, López HR, Ugarte GD, De Ferrari GV. Wnt/β-Catenin-Dependent Transcription in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Front Mol Neurosci;2021;14:764756.

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65. Carthy E, Murphy D. Comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder in Forensic Settings. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law;2021 (Dec);49(4):462-469.

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66. Caruso A, Micai M, Gila L, Fulceri F, Scattoni ML. The Italian Network for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Research Activities and National Policies. Psychiatr Danub;2021 (Dec);33(Suppl 11):65-68.

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67. Casseus M, Cheng J. Variations in Healthcare Transition Preparation Among Youth With Chronic Conditions. Am J Prev Med;2022 (May);62(5):e275-e283.

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68. Ceranoglu TA, Cassano P, Hoskova B, Green A, Dallenbach N, DiSalvo M, Biederman J, Joshi G. Transcranial Photobiomodulation in Adults with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: Positive Findings from a Proof-of-Concept Study. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg;2022 (Jan);40(1):4-12.

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69. Chandrasekhar T, Hu Q. Meeting the mental health needs of autistic college students: a survey of university and college counseling center clinicians. J Am Coll Health;2021 (Dec 14):1-7.

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70. Chao HC. Feeding difficulties and their treatment strategies in children with autism spectrum disorder. Pediatr Neonatol;2022 (Jan);63(1):1-2.

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71. Chen B, You N, Pan B, He X, Zou X. Application of Clustering Method to Explore the Correlation Between Dominant Flora and the Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Phenotype in Chinese Children. Front Neurosci;2021;15:760779.

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72. Chen P, Liu Z, Zhang Q, Lin D, Song L, Liu J, Jiao HF, Lai X, Zou S, Wang S, Zhou T, Li BM, Zhu L, Pan BX, Fei E. DSCAM Deficiency Leads to Premature Spine Maturation and Autism-like Behaviors. J Neurosci;2022 (Jan 26);42(4):532-551.

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73. Chen YY, Uljarevic M, Neal J, Greening S, Yim H, Lee TH. Excessive Functional Coupling With Less Variability Between Salience and Default Mode Networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging;2021 (Dec 17)

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74. Chernikova MA, Flores GD, Kilroy E, Labus JS, Mayer EA, Aziz-Zadeh L. The Brain-Gut-Microbiome System: Pathways and Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Nutrients;2021 (Dec 16);13(12)

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75. Chien YL, Chen YC, Chiu YN, Tsai WC, Gau SS. A translational exploration of the effects of WNT2 variants on altered cortical structures in autism spectrum disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci;2021 (Nov-Dec);46(6):E647-E658.

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76. Cho A, Wood JJ, Ferrer E, Rosenau K, Storch EA, Kendall PC. Empirically-identified subgroups of children with autism spectrum disorder and their response to two types of cognitive behavioral therapy. Dev Psychopathol;2021 (Dec 6):1-15.

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77. Cho KH, Yoon SJ, Lim J, Eun H, Park MS, Park KI, Jo HS, Lee SM. Epidemiology of Macrosomia in Korea: Growth and Development. J Korean Med Sci;2021 (Dec 6);36(47):e320.

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78. Choe KY, Bethlehem RAI, Safrin M, Dong H, Salman E, Li Y, Grinevich V, Golshani P, DeNardo LA, Peñagarikano O, Harris NG, Geschwind DH. Oxytocin normalizes altered circuit connectivity for social rescue of the Cntnap2 knockout mouse. Neuron;2022 (Mar 2);110(5):795-808 e796.

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79. Columna L, Prieto LA, Beach P, Russo N, Foley JT. A Randomized Feasibility Trial of a Fundamental Motor Skill Parent-Mediated Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Int J Environ Res Public Health;2021 (Nov 25);18(23)

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80. Conrad CE, Rimestad ML, Rohde JF, Petersen BH, Korfitsen CB, Tarp S, Cantio C, Lauritsen MB, Händel MN. Parent-Mediated Interventions for Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Psychiatry;2021;12:773604.

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81. Contractor A, Ethell IM, Portera-Cailliau C. Cortical interneurons in autism. Nat Neurosci;2021 (Dec);24(12):1648-1659.

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82. Correia R, Agostinho D, Duarte IC, Sousa D, Rodrigues AP, Castelo-Branco M, Simoes M. Assessing Arousal Through Multimodal Biosignals: A Preliminary Approach. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc;2021 (Nov);2021:1508-1511.

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83. Crepeau-Hobson MF, Leech N, Russell C. CLEAR Autism Diagnostic Evaluation (CADE): Evaluation of Reliability and Validity. J Dev Phys Disabil;2021 (Dec 2):1-17.

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84. Cui J, Park J, Ju X, Lee Y, Hong B, Ahn J, Kim YH, Ko Y, Yoon SH, Lim C, Lee SY, Huh SO, Heo JY, Chung W. General Anesthesia During Neurodevelopment Reduces Autistic Behavior in Adult BTBR Mice, a Murine Model of Autism. Front Cell Neurosci;2021;15:772047.

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85. Cygan HB, Nowicka MM, Nowicka A. Impaired attentional bias toward one’s own face in autism spectrum disorder: ERP evidence. Autism Res;2022 (Feb);15(2):241-253.

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86. Daneberga Z, Nakazawa-Miklasevica M, Berga-Svitina E, Murmane D, Isarova D, Cupane L, Masinska M, Nartisa I, Lazdane A, Miklasevics E. Urinary organic acids spectra in children with altered gut microbiota composition and autistic spectrum disorder. Nord J Psychiatry;2021 (Dec 22):1-7.

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87. De Asis-Cruz J, Andescavage N, Limperopoulos C. Adverse Prenatal Exposures and Fetal Brain Development: Insights From Advanced Fetal Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging;2022 (May);7(5):480-490.

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88. de Boer E, Yaldiz B, Denommé-Pichon AS, Matalonga L, Laurie S. Genome-wide variant calling in reanalysis of exome sequencing data uncovered a pathogenic TUBB3 variant. Eur J Med Genet;2022 (Jan);65(1):104402.

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89. de Vries B. Autism and the Right to a Hypersensitivity-Friendly Workspace. Public Health Ethics;2021 (Nov);14(3):281-287.

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90. Dell’Osso L, Amatori G, Gesi C, Carmassi C. A case of catatonia in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic: does autism spectrum matter?. Ann Gen Psychiatry;2021 (Dec 16);20(1):54.

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