Articles publiés en janvier 2018 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales, symptomatologie
- Filles avec autisme / Comparaison fille-garçon
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métabolisme
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé Bucco-Dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Trouble associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités
- Vision
- Divers

ABA, approches comportementales

1. Anderson CM, Smith T, Wilczynski SM. Advances in School-Based Interventions for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder : Introduction to the Special Issue. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan) ;42(1):3-8. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Brodhead MT, Courtney WT, Thaxton JR. Using activity schedules to promote varied application use in children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2018 (Jan) ;51(1):80-86. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Castillo MI, Clark DR, Schaller EA, Donaldson JM, DeLeon IG, Kahng S. Descriptive assessment of problem behavior during transitions of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Appl Behav Anal ;2018 (Jan) ;51(1):99-117. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Daniels J, Haber N, Voss C, Schwartz J, Tamura S, Fazel A, Kline A, Washington P, Phillips J, Winograd T, Feinstein C, Wall DP. Feasibility Testing of a Wearable Behavioral Aid for Social Learning in Children with Autism. Appl Clin Inform ;2018 (Jan) ;9(1):129-140. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Davis TN, Rispoli M. Introduction to the Special Issue : Interventions to Reduce Challenging Behavior Among Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan 1):145445518755349. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Edwards CK, Landa RK, Frampton SE, Shillingsburg MA. Increasing Functional Leisure Engagement for Children With Autism Using Backward Chaining. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan) ;42(1):9-33. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Fossum KL, Williams L, Garon N, Bryson SE, Smith IM. Pivotal response treatment for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder : Defining a predictor profile. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):153-165. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Iadarola S, Shih W, Dean M, Blanch E, Harwood R, Hetherington S, Mandell D, Kasari C, Smith T. Implementing a Manualized, Classroom Transition Intervention for Students With ASD in Underresourced Schools. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan) ;42(1):126-147. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Kodak T, Cariveau T, LeBlanc BA, Mahon JJ, Carroll RA. Selection and Implementation of Skill Acquisition Programs by Special Education Teachers and Staff for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan) ;42(1):58-83. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Koegel RL, Oliver K, Koegel LK. The Impact of Prior Activity History on the Influence of Restricted Repetitive Behaviors on Socialization for Children With High-Functioning Autism. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan) ;42(1):34-57. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Ming S, Mulhern T, Stewart I, Moran L, Bynum K. Training class inclusion responding in typically developing children and individuals with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2018 (Jan) ;51(1):53-60. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Rezaei M, Moradi A, Tehrani-Doost M, Hassanabadi H, Khosroabadi R. Effects of Combining Medication and Pivotal Response Treatment on Aberrant Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children (Basel) ;2018 (Jan 30) ;5(2) Lien vers Pubmed

13. Spear MA, Karsten A, White EA. Restricted Interests and Autism : Further Assessment of Preferences for a Variety of Leisure Items. Behav Modif ;2018 (Jan) ;42(1):108-125. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Valentino AL, LeBlanc LA, Raetz PB. Evaluation of stimulus intensity fading on reduction of rapid eating in a child with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2018 (Jan) ;51(1):177-182. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zarrei M, Tong W, Dong R, Wang Y, Zhang H, Yang X, MacDonald JR, Uddin M, Scherer SW, Gai Z. Association of IMMP2L deletions with autism spectrum disorder : A trio family study and meta-analysis. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet ;2018 (Jan) ;177(1):93-100. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Zou M, Sun C, Wang J, Kang J, Xu Z, Ma Y, Chen L, Zhang X, Xia W, Wu L. Factors influencing the severity of behavioral phenotype in autism spectrum disorders : Implications for research. Psychiatry Res ;2018 (Mar) ;261:290-297. Lien vers Pubmed

Adultes avec autisme

1. Alverson CY, Yamamoto SH. VR Employment Outcomes of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Decade in the Making. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):151-162. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Baker-Ericzen MJ, Brookman-Frazee L, Brodkin ES. Accelerating research on treatment and services for transition age youth and adults on the autism spectrum. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):2-5. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Baker-Ericzen MJ, Fitch MA, Kinnear M, Jenkins MM, Twamley EW, Smith L, Montano G, Feder J, Crooke PJ, Winner MG, Leon J. Development of the Supported Employment, Comprehensive Cognitive Enhancement, and Social Skills program for adults on the autism spectrum : Results of initial study. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):6-19. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Cashin A. The Transition from University Completion to Employment for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Issues Ment Health Nurs ;2018 (Jan 25):1-4. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Cassidy SA, Bradley L, Bowen E, Wigham S, Rodgers J. Measurement properties of tools used to assess depression in adults with and without autism spectrum conditions : A systematic review. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 23) Lien vers Pubmed

6. Cipriani C, Ricceri L, Matteucci C, De Felice A, Tartaglione AM, Argaw-Denboba A, Pica F, Grelli S, Calamandrei G, Sinibaldi Vallebona P, Balestrieri E. High expression of Endogenous Retroviruses from intrauterine life to adulthood in two mouse models of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Sci Rep ;2018 (Jan 12) ;8(1):629. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Conner CM, White SW. Brief Report : Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of Individual Mindfulness Therapy for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):290-300. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Farley M, Cottle KJ, Bilder D, Viskochil J, Coon H, McMahon W. Mid-life social outcomes for a population-based sample of adults with ASD. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):142-152. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Grootscholten IAC, van Wijngaarden B, Kan CC. High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults : Consequences for Primary Caregivers Compared to Schizophrenia and Depression. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 8) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Hess M, Campagna EJ, Jensen KM. Low bone mineral density risk factors and testing patterns in institutionalized adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;31 Suppl 1:157-164. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Kramer JM, Ryan CT, Moore R, Schwartz A. Feasibility of electronic peer mentoring for transition-age youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities : Project Teens making Environment and Activity Modifications. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;31(1):e118-e129. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Lawson RP, Aylward J, Roiser JP, Rees G. Adaptation of social and non-social cues to direction in adults with autism spectrum disorder and neurotypical adults with autistic traits. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:108-116. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Leung RC, Pang EW, Anagnostou E, Taylor MJ. Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Show Early Atypical Neural Activity during Emotional Face Processing. Front Hum Neurosci ;2018 ;12:57. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Lever AG, Geurts HM. Is Older Age Associated with Higher Self- and Other-Rated ASD Characteristics ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 18) Lien vers Pubmed

15. Lugo Marin J, Alviani Rodriguez-Franco M, Mahtani Chugani V, Magan Maganto M, Diez Villoria E, Canal Bedia R. Prevalence of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders in Average-IQ Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Meta-analysis. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):239-250. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Mattys L, Noens I, Evers K, Baeyens D. « Hold Me Tight So I Can Go It Alone » : Developmental Themes for Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Qual Health Res ;2018 (Jan) ;28(2):321-333. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Nazar BP, Peynenburg V, Rhind C, Hibbs R, Schmidt U, Gowers S, Macdonald P, Goddard E, Todd G, Micali N, Treasure J. An examination of the clinical outcomes of adolescents and young adults with broad autism spectrum traits and autism spectrum disorder and anorexia nervosa : A multi centre study. Int J Eat Disord ;2018 (Feb) ;51(2):174-179. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Nicholas DB, Mitchell W, Dudley C, Clarke M, Zulla R. An Ecosystem Approach to Employment and Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):264-275. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Nijhof AD, Dhar M, Goris J, Brass M, Wiersema JR. Atypical neural responding to hearing one’s own name in adults with ASD. J Abnorm Psychol ;2018 (Jan) ;127(1):129-138. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Ogata H, Ihara H, Gito M, Sayama M, Murakami N, Ayabe T, Oto Y, Nagai T, Shimoda K. Aberrant, autistic, and food-related behaviors in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome. The comparison between young adults and adults. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Feb) ;73:126-134. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Olsen DL. Later Life Impacts of Social Participation on Parents of Adult Offspring With and Without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;123(1):50-60. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Pallathra AA, Calkins ME, Parish-Morris J, Maddox BB, Perez LS, Miller J, Gur RC, Mandell DS, Schultz RT, Brodkin ES. Defining behavioral components of social functioning in adults with autism spectrum disorder as targets for treatment. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 17) Lien vers Pubmed

23. Ptomey LT, Saunders RR, Saunders M, Washburn RA, Mayo MS, Sullivan DK, Gibson CA, Goetz JR, Honas JJ, Willis EA, Danon JC, Krebill R, Donnelly JE. Weight management in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities : A randomized controlled trial of two dietary approaches. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;31 Suppl 1:82-96. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Ptomey LT, Steger FL, Lee J, Sullivan DK, Goetz JR, Honas JJ, Washburn RA, Gibson CA, Donnelly JE. Changes in Energy Intake and Diet Quality during an 18-Month Weight-Management Randomized Controlled Trial in Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. J Acad Nutr Diet ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

25. Ring M, Gaigg SB, Altgassen M, Barr P, Bowler DM. Allocentric Versus Egocentric Spatial Memory in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 29) Lien vers Pubmed

26. Rochette AC, Soulieres I, Berthiaume C, Godbout R. NREM sleep EEG activity and procedural memory : A comparison between young neurotypical and autistic adults without sleep complaints. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 30) Lien vers Pubmed

27. Ross V, Cox DJ, Reeve R, Brown T, Moncrief M, Schmitt R, Gaffney G. Measuring the attitudes of novice drivers with autism spectrum disorder as an indication of apprehensive driving : Going beyond basic abilities. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):62-69. Lien vers Pubmed

28. Saqr Y, Braun E, Porter K, Barnette D, Hanks C. Addressing medical needs of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders in a primary care setting. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):51-61. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Sehlin H, Hedman Ahlstrom B, Andersson G, Wentz E. Experiences of an internet-based support and coaching model for adolescents and young adults with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder -a qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 18) ;18(1):15. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Sommer M, Dohnel K, Jarvers I, Blaas L, Singer M, Noth V, Schuwerk T, Rupprecht R. False Belief Reasoning in Adults with and without Autistic Spectrum Disorder : Similarities and Differences. Front Psychol ;2018 ;9:183. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Sosnowy C, Silverman C, Shattuck P. Parents’ and young adults’ perspectives on transition outcomes for young adults with autism. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):29-39. Lien vers Pubmed

32. Stewart ME, Petrou AM, Ota M. Categorical Speech Perception in Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):72-82. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Subach RM. Improving food choices and nutrient adequacy in adolescents/young adults with developmental disabilities. Disabil Health J ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):139-142. Lien vers Pubmed

34. Weiss JA, Isaacs B, Diepstra H, Wilton AS, Brown HK, McGarry C, Lunsky Y. Health Concerns and Health Service Utilization in a Population Cohort of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):36-44. Lien vers Pubmed

Alimentation, nutrition

1. Ali A, Cui X, Eyles D. Developmental vitamin D deficiency and autism : Putative pathogenic mechanisms. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol ;2018 (Jan) ;175:108-118. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Batista TH, Giusti-Paiva A, Vilela FC. Maternal protein malnutrition induces autism-like symptoms in rat offspring. Nutr Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 28):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Beale DJ. Letter to the Editor : Unreported statistics lead to unverifiable results in study of vitamin D supplementation in children with autism spectrum disorder – Comment regarding Saad, K., et al. (2016). J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;59(1):e1. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Cristiano C, Lama A, Lembo F, Mollica MP, Calignano A, Mattace Raso G. Interplay Between Peripheral and Central Inflammation in Autism Spectrum Disorders : Possible Nutritional and Therapeutic Strategies. Front Physiol ;2018 ;9:184. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Degroote S, Hunting D, Takser L. Periconceptional folate deficiency leads to autism-like traits in Wistar rat offspring. Neurotoxicol Teratol ;2018 (Mar – Apr) ;66:132-138. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Guo M, Zhu J, Yang T, Lai X, Lei Y, Chen J, Li T. Vitamin A and vitamin D deficiencies exacerbate symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorders. Nutr Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 16):1-11. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Li XS, Pinto-Martin JA, Thompson A, Chittams J, Kral TVE. Weight status, diet quality, perceived stress, and functional health of caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder. J Spec Pediatr Nurs ;2018 (Jan) ;23(1) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Manohar H, Pravallika M, Kandasamy P, Chandrasekaran V, Rajkumar RP. Role of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Conferring Protection in Children At-Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder : Results from a Sibling Case-control Study. J Neurosci Rural Pract ;2018 (Jan-Mar) ;9(1):132-136. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Raghavan R, Riley AW, Volk H, Caruso D, Hironaka L, Sices L, Hong X, Wang G, Ji Y, Brucato M, Wahl A, Stivers T, Pearson C, Zuckerman B, Stuart EA, Landa R, Fallin MD, Wang X. Maternal Multivitamin Intake, Plasma Folate and Vitamin B12 Levels and Autism Spectrum Disorder Risk in Offspring. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol ;2018 (Jan) ;32(1):100-111. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Saad K. Response to letters : Randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in children with autism spectrum disorder – correction and additional information. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;59(1):e3-e5. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Saad K, Abdel-Rahman AA, Elserogy YM, Al-Atram AA, El-Houfey AA, Othman HA, Bjorklund G, Jia F, Urbina MA, Abo-Elela MGM, Ahmad FA, Abd El-Baseer KA, Ahmed AE, Abdel-Salam AM. Randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;59(1):20-29. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Stevenson J. Letter to the Editor : Unreported statistics lead to unverifiable results in study of vitamin D supplementation in children with autism spectrum disorder – Comment regarding Saad, K., et al. (2016). J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;59(1):e1-e2. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Anwar A, Abruzzo PM, Pasha S, Rajpoot K, Bolotta A, Ghezzo A, Marini M, Posar A, Visconti P, Thornalley PJ, Rabbani N. Advanced glycation endproducts, dityrosine and arginine transporter dysfunction in autism – a source of biomarkers for clinical diagnosis. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:3. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Foss-Feig JH, Stavropoulos KKM, McPartland JC, Wallace MT, Stone WL, Key AP. Electrophysiological response during auditory gap detection : Biomarker for sensory and communication alterations in autism spectrum disorder ?. Dev Neuropsychol ;2018 ;43(2):109-122. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Murias M, Major S, Davlantis K, Franz L, Harris A, Rardin B, Sabatos-DeVito M, Dawson G. Validation of eye-tracking measures of social attention as a potential biomarker for autism clinical trials. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):166-174. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Owada K, Kojima M, Yassin W, Kuroda M, Kawakubo Y, Kuwabara H, Kano Y, Yamasue H. Computer-analyzed facial expression as a surrogate marker for autism spectrum social core symptoms. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(1):e0190442. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Wu D, Jose JV, Nurnberger JI, Torres EB. A Biomarker Characterizing Neurodevelopment with applications in Autism. Sci Rep ;2018 (Jan 12) ;8(1):614. Lien vers Pubmed

Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

1. Bolis D, Schilbach L. Observing and participating in social interactions : Action perception and action control across the autistic spectrum. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:168-175. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bolte S, Mahdi S, de Vries PJ, Granlund M, Robison JE, Shulman C, Swedo S, Tonge B, Wong V, Zwaigenbaum L, Segerer W, Selb M. The Gestalt of functioning in autism spectrum disorder : Results of the international conference to develop final consensus International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health core sets. Autism ;2018 (Jan 1):1362361318755522. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Brandes-Aitken A, Anguera JA, Rolle CE, Desai SS, Demopoulos C, Skinner SN, Gazzaley A, Marco EJ. Characterizing cognitive and visuomotor control in children with sensory processing dysfunction and autism spectrum disorders. Neuropsychology ;2018 (Feb) ;32(2):148-160. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Fan J, Wade JW, Key AP, Warren ZE, Sarkar N. EEG-Based Affect and Workload Recognition in a Virtual Driving Environment for ASD Intervention. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng ;2018 (Jan) ;65(1):43-51. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Farmer C, Swineford L, Swedo SE, Thurm A. Classifying and characterizing the development of adaptive behavior in a naturalistic longitudinal study of young children with autism. J Neurodev Disord ;2018 (Jan 5) ;10(1):1. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Hume K, Dykstra Steinbrenner J, Sideris J, Smith L, Kucharczyk S, Szidon K. Multi-informant assessment of transition-related skills and skill importance in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):40-50. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Karaminis T, Neil L, Manning C, Turi M, Fiorentini C, Burr D, Pellicano E. Reprint of « Investigating ensemble perception of emotions in autistic and typical children and adolescents ». Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:97-107. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Kerin T, Volk H, Li W, Lurmann F, Eckel S, McConnell R, Hertz-Picciotto I. Association Between Air Pollution Exposure, Cognitive and Adaptive Function, and ASD Severity Among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):137-150. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Koberstein JN, Poplawski SG, Wimmer ME, Porcari G, Kao C, Gomes B, Risso D, Hakonarson H, Zhang NR, Schultz RT, Abel T, Peixoto L. Learning-dependent chromatin remodeling highlights noncoding regulatory regions linked to autism. Sci Signal ;2018 (Jan 16) ;11(513) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Kohls G, Antezana L, Mosner MG, Schultz RT, Yerys BE. Altered reward system reactivity for personalized circumscribed interests in autism. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:9. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Kruger B, Kaletsch M, Pilgramm S, Schwippert SS, Hennig J, Stark R, Lis S, Gallhofer B, Sammer G, Zentgraf K, Munzert J. Perceived Intensity of Emotional Point-Light Displays is Reduced in Subjects with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):1-11. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Litchke LG, Liu T, Castro S. Effects of Multimodal Mandala Yoga on Social and Emotional Skills for Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder : An Exploratory Study. Int J Yoga ;2018 (Jan-Apr) ;11(1):59-65. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Loth E, Garrido L, Ahmad J, Watson E, Duff A, Duchaine B. Facial expression recognition as a candidate marker for autism spectrum disorder : how frequent and severe are deficits ?. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:7. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Lynn AC, Padmanabhan A, Simmonds D, Foran W, Hallquist MN, Luna B, O’Hearn K. Functional connectivity differences in autism during face and car recognition : underconnectivity and atypical age-related changes. Dev Sci ;2018 (Jan) ;21(1) Lien vers Pubmed

15. Oerlemans AM, Rommelse NNJ, Buitelaar JK, Hartman CA. Examining the intertwined development of prosocial skills and ASD symptoms in adolescence. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 30) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Pfeiffer B, Clark GF, Arbesman M. Effectiveness of Cognitive and Occupation-Based Interventions for Children With Challenges in Sensory Processing and Integration : A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther ;2018 (Jan/Feb) ;72(1):7201190020p7201190021-7201190020p7201190029. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Semino S, Ring M, Bowler DM, Gaigg SB. The Influence of task Demands, Verbal Ability and Executive Functions on Item and Source Memory in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):184-197. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Solomon M, Iosif AM, Reinhardt VP, Libero LE, Nordahl CW, Ozonoff S, Rogers SJ, Amaral DG. What will my child’s future hold ? phenotypes of intellectual development in 2-8-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):121-132. Lien vers Pubmed

19. St John T, Dawson G, Estes A. Brief Report : Executive Function as a Predictor of Academic Achievement in School-Aged Children with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):276-283. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Stavropoulos KK, Carver LJ. Oscillatory rhythm of reward : anticipation and processing of rewards in children with and without autism. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:4. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Sumiya M, Igarashi K, Miyahara M. Emotions surrounding friendships of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in Japan : A qualitative interview study. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(2):e0191538. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Torske T, Naerland T, Oie MG, Stenberg N, Andreassen OA. Metacognitive Aspects of Executive Function Are Highly Associated with Social Functioning on Parent-Rated Measures in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Behav Neurosci ;2017 ;11:258. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Travers BG, Mason AH, Mrotek LA, Ellertson A, Dean DC, 3rd, Engel C, Gomez A, Dadalko OI, McLaughlin K. Biofeedback-Based, Videogame Balance Training in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):163-175. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Vasa RA, Kreiser NL, Keefer A, Singh V, Mostofsky SH. Relationships between autism spectrum disorder and intolerance of uncertainty. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 7) Lien vers Pubmed

25. Wakusawa K, Nara C, Kubota Y, Tomizawa Y, Taki Y, Sassa Y, Kobayashi S, Suzuki-Muromoto S, Hirose M, Yokoyama H, Nara T, Kure S, Mori N, Takei N, Kawashima R. Intra-individual cognitive imbalance in ASD between perceptual reasoning and ambiguity-solving related to tool use : Comparison among children exhibiting ASD, AD/HD, and typical development. Brain Dev ;2018 (Jan) ;40(1):16-25. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Whitten A, Unruh KE, Shafer RL, Bodfish JW. Subgrouping Autism Based on Symptom Severity Leads to Differences in the Degree of Convergence Between Core Feature Domains. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

Communication, langage

1. Bottema-Beutel K, Woynaroski T, Louick R, Stringer Keefe E, Watson LR, Yoder PJ. Longitudinal associations across vocabulary modalities in children with autism and typical development. Autism ;2018 (Jan 1):1362361317745856. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Eberhardt M, Nadig A. Reduced sensitivity to context in language comprehension : A characteristic of Autism Spectrum Disorders or of poor structural language ability ?. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:284-296. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Filipe MG, Watson L, Vicente SG, Frota S. Atypical preference for infant-directed speech as an early marker of autism spectrum disorders ? A literature review and directions for further research. Clin Linguist Phon ;2018 ;32(3):213-231. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Iao LS, Wippich A, Lam YH. Brief Report : Discrimination of Foreign Speech Pitch and Autistic Traits in Non-Clinical Population. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):284-289. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Le Normand MT, Blanc R, Caldani S, Bonnet-Brilhault F. Disrupted behaviour in grammatical morphology in French speakers with autism spectrum disorders. Clin Linguist Phon ;2018 (Jan 18):1-15. Lien vers Pubmed

6. McDaniel J, D’Ambrose Slaboch K, Yoder P. A meta-analysis of the association between vocalizations and expressive language in children with autism spectrum disorder. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:202-213. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Noel JP, Lytle M, Cascio C, Wallace MT. Disrupted integration of exteroceptive and interoceptive signaling in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):194-205. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Pennington RC, Rockhold J. Brief Report : An Evaluation of an Instructional Package for Teaching Sentence Construction to Students with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):301-306. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Wong MK, So WC. Absence of delay in spontaneous use of gestures in spoken narratives among children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:128-139. Lien vers Pubmed

Education, Apprentissages

1. Hedges SH, Odom SL, Hume K, Sam A. Technology use as a support tool by secondary students with autism. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):70-79. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Hillier A, Goldstein J, Murphy D, Trietsch R, Keeves J, Mendes E, Queenan A. Supporting university students with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):20-28. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Hotez E, Shane-Simpson C, Obeid R, DeNigris D, Siller M, Costikas C, Pickens J, Massa A, Giannola M, D’Onofrio J, Gillespie-Lynch K. Designing a Summer Transition Program for Incoming and Current College Students on the Autism Spectrum : A Participatory Approach. Front Psychol ;2018 ;9:46. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Hwang S, Kim YS, Koh YJ, Leventhal BL. Autism Spectrum Disorder and School Bullying : Who is the Victim ? Who is the Perpetrator ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):225-238. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Kerns CM, Moskowitz LJ, Rosen T, Drahota A, Wainer A, Josephson AR, Soorya L, Cohn E, Chacko A, Lerner MD. A Multisite, Multidisciplinary Delphi Consensus Study Describing « Usual Care » Intervention Strategies for School-Age to Transition-Age Youth With Autism. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol ;2018 (Jan 31):1-22. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Roberts JMA, Adams D, Heussler H, Keen D, Paynter J, Trembath D, Westerveld M, Williams K. Protocol for a prospective longitudinal study investigating the participation and educational trajectories of Australian students with autism. BMJ Open ;2018 (Jan 23) ;8(1):e017082. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Rubenstein E, Daniels J, Schieve LA, Christensen DL, Van Naarden Braun K, Rice CE, Bakian AV, Durkin MS, Rosenberg SA, Kirby RS, Lee LC. Trends in Special Education Eligibility Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2002-2010. Public Health Rep ;2018 (Jan/Feb) ;133(1):85-92. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Sutton BM, Webster AA, Westerveld MF. A systematic review of school-based interventions targeting social communication behaviors for students with autism. Autism ;2018 (Jan 1):1362361317753564. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Tan P, Alant E. Using peer-mediated instruction to support communication involving a student with autism during mathematics activities : A case study. Assist Technol ;2018 ;30(1):9-15. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Wang Q, DiNicola L, Heymann P, Hampson M, Chawarska K. Impaired Value Learning for Faces in Preschoolers With Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;57(1):33-40. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Bakke KA, Howlin P, Retterstol L, Kanavin OJ, Heiberg A, Naerland T. Effect of epilepsy on autism symptoms in Angelman syndrome. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:2. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Besag FM. Epilepsy in patients with autism : links, risks and treatment challenges. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ;2018 ;14:1-10. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Hiraide T, Nakashima M, Yamoto K, Fukuda T, Kato M, Ikeda H, Sugie Y, Aoto K, Kaname T, Nakabayashi K, Ogata T, Matsumoto N, Saitsu H. De novo variants in SETD1B are associated with intellectual disability, epilepsy and autism. Hum Genet ;2018 (Jan) ;137(1):95-104. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Marin-Valencia I, Novarino G, Johansen A, Rosti B, Issa MY, Musaev D, Bhat G, Scott E, Silhavy JL, Stanley V, Rosti RO, Gleeson JW, Imam FB, Zaki MS, Gleeson JG. A homozygous founder mutation in TRAPPC6B associates with a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by microcephaly, epilepsy and autistic features. J Med Genet ;2018 (Jan) ;55(1):48-54. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Strasser L, Downes M, Kung J, Cross JH, De Haan M. Prevalence and risk factors for autism spectrum disorder in epilepsy : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;60(1):19-29. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Subramanian D, Pralong E, Daniel RT, Chacko AG, Stoop R, Babu KS. Gamma oscillatory activity in vitro : a model system to assess pathophysiological mechanisms of comorbidity between autism and epilepsy. Transl Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 10) ;8(1):16. Lien vers Pubmed

Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales, symptomatologie

1. Al-Hamdan AZ, Preetha PP, Albashaireh RN, Al-Hamdan MZ, Crosson WL. Investigating the effects of environmental factors on autism spectrum disorder in the USA using remotely sensed data. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ;2018 (Mar) ;25(8):7924-7936. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bou Khalil R. The potential role of insulin-like growth factor-1 and zinc in brain growth of autism spectrum disorder children. Autism ;2018 (Jan 1):1362361317753565. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Danzer E, Hoffman C, D’Agostino JA, Miller JS, Waqar LN, Gerdes M, Bernbaum JC, Rosenthal H, Rintoul NE, Herkert LM, Peranteau WH, Flake AW, Adzick NS, Hedrick HL. Rate and Risk Factors Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 30) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Goodrich AJ, Volk HE, Tancredi DJ, McConnell R, Lurmann FW, Hansen RL, Schmidt RJ. Joint effects of prenatal air pollutant exposure and maternal folic acid supplementation on risk of autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):69-80. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Guisso DR, Saadeh FS, Saab D, El Deek J, Chamseddine S, El Hassan HA, Majari G, Boustany RM. Association of Autism with Maternal Infections, Perinatal and Other Risk Factors : A Case-Control Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 13) Lien vers Pubmed

6. Jin Y, Choi J, Won J, Hong Y. The Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorder and Melatonin during Fetal Development. Molecules ;2018 (Jan 18) ;23(1) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Li H, Li H, Li Y, Liu Y, Zhao Z. Blood Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Biol Trace Elem Res ;2018 (Jan) ;181(1):31-37. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Lyall K, Yau VM, Hansen R, Kharrazi M, Yoshida CK, Calafat AM, Windham G, Croen LA. Prenatal Maternal Serum Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Association with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability. Environ Health Perspect ;2018 (Jan 2) ;126(1):017001. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Morales DR, Slattery J, Evans S, Kurz X. Antidepressant use during pregnancy and risk of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : systematic review of observational studies and methodological considerations. BMC Med ;2018 (Jan 15) ;16(1):6. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Schieve LA, Tian LH, Drews-Botsch C, Windham GC, Newschaffer C, Daniels JL, Lee LC, Croen LA, Danielle Fallin M. Autism spectrum disorder and birth spacing : Findings from the study to explore early development (SEED). Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):81-94. Lien vers Pubmed

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Filles avec autisme / Comparaison fille-garçon

1. George R, Stokes MA. A Quantitative Analysis of Mental Health Among Sexual and Gender Minority Groups in ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 23) Lien vers Pubmed

2. George R, Stokes MA. Sexual Orientation in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):133-141. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Westwood H, Mandy W, Simic M, Tchanturia K. Assessing ASD in Adolescent Females with Anorexia Nervosa using Clinical and Developmental Measures : a Preliminary Investigation. J Abnorm Child Psychol ;2018 (Jan) ;46(1):183-192. Lien vers Pubmed

Génétique, biochimie

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3. Bi XA, Wang Y, Shu Q, Sun Q, Xu Q. Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Random Support Vector Machine Cluster. Front Genet ;2018 ;9:18. Lien vers Pubmed

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5. Chaplin AV, Polyakova SI, Kochetkova TO, Sokolova SR, Goltsov AY, Trofimov DY, Efimov BA. Noncontiguous finished genome sequence of Megasphaera sp. ASD88, isolated from faeces of a child with autism spectrum disorder. New Microbes New Infect ;2018 (Mar) ;22:13-16. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Chiu YL, Kao S, Tou SW, Lin FG. Effects of heterogeneous risk factors on psychological distress in adolescents with autism and victimization experiences in Taiwan. Disabil Rehabil ;2018 (Jan) ;40(1):42-51. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Cortes HD, Wevrick R. Genetic analysis of very obese children with autism spectrum disorder. Mol Genet Genomics ;2018 (Jan 11) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Fakhoury M. Imaging genetics in autism spectrum disorders : Linking genetics and brain imaging in the pursuit of the underlying neurobiological mechanisms. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 3) ;80(Pt B):101-114. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Forsberg SL, Ilieva M, Maria Michel T. Epigenetics and cerebral organoids : promising directions in autism spectrum disorders. Transl Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 10) ;8(1):14. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Griswold AJ, Van Booven D, Cuccaro ML, Haines JL, Gilbert JR, Pericak-Vance MA. Identification of rare noncoding sequence variants in gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor, alpha 4 subunit in autism spectrum disorder. Neurogenetics ;2018 (Jan) ;19(1):17-26. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Grzadzinski R, Lord C, Sanders SJ, Werling D, Bal VH. Children with autism spectrum disorder who improve with fever : Insights from the Simons Simplex Collection. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):175-184. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Gupta A, Sun MW, Paskov KM, Stockham NT, Jung JY, Wall DP. Coalitional game theory as a promising approach to identify candidate autism genes. Pac Symp Biocomput ;2018 ;23:436-447. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Hong ER, Neely L, Gerow S, Gann C. The effect of caregiver-delivered social-communication interventions on skill generalization and maintenance in ASD. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Mar) ;74:57-71. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Kabitzke PA, Brunner D, He D, Fazio PA, Cox K, Sutphen J, Thiede L, Sabath E, Hanania T, Alexandrov V, Rasmusson R, Spooren W, Ghosh A, Feliciano P, Biemans B, Benedetti M, Clayton AL. Comprehensive analysis of two Shank3 and the Cacna1c mouse models of autism spectrum disorder. Genes Brain Behav ;2018 (Jan) ;17(1):4-22. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Klein-Tasman BP, Mervis CB. Autism Spectrum Symptomatology Among Children with Duplication 7q11.23 Syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Morris SM, Gutmann DH. A genotype-phenotype correlation for quantitative autistic trait burden in neurofibromatosis 1. Neurology ;2018 (Feb 20) ;90(8):377-379. Lien vers Pubmed

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18. Olsen JE, Allinson LG, Doyle LW, Brown NC, Lee KJ, Eeles AL, Cheong JLY, Spittle AJ. Preterm and term-equivalent age general movements and 1-year neurodevelopmental outcomes for infants born before 30 weeks’ gestation. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;60(1):47-53. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Pereanu W, Larsen EC, Das I, Estevez MA, Sarkar AA, Spring-Pearson S, Kollu R, Basu SN, Banerjee-Basu S. AutDB : a platform to decode the genetic architecture of autism. Nucleic Acids Res ;2018 (Jan 4) ;46(D1):D1049-d1054. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Petrelli F, Bezzi P. mGlu5-mediated signalling in developing astrocyte and the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders. Curr Opin Neurobiol ;2018 (Feb) ;48:139-145. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Quartier A, Chatrousse L, Redin C, Keime C, Haumesser N, Maglott-Roth A, Brino L, Le Gras S, Benchoua A, Mandel JL, Piton A. Genes and Pathways Regulated by Androgens in Human Neural Cells, Potential Candidates for the Male Excess in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Biol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 9) Lien vers Pubmed

22. Ramaswami G, Geschwind DH. Genetics of autism spectrum disorder. Handb Clin Neurol ;2018 ;147:321-329. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Sikela JM, Searles Quick VB. Genomic trade-offs : are autism and schizophrenia the steep price of the human brain ?. Hum Genet ;2018 (Jan) ;137(1):1-13. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Spencer M, Takahashi N, Chakraborty S, Miles J, Shyu CR. Heritable genotype contrast mining reveals novel gene associations specific to autism subgroups. J Biomed Inform ;2018 (Jan) ;77:50-61. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Sukasem C, Vanwong N, Srisawasdi P, Ngamsamut N, Nuntamool N, Hongkaew Y, Puangpetch A, Chamkrachangpada B, Limsila P. Pharmacogenetics of Risperidone-Induced Insulin Resistance in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol ;2018 (Jan 25) Lien vers Pubmed

26. Takata A, Miyake N, Tsurusaki Y, Fukai R, Miyatake S, Koshimizu E, Kushima I, Okada T, Morikawa M, Uno Y, Ishizuka K, Nakamura K, Tsujii M, Yoshikawa T, Toyota T, Okamoto N, Hiraki Y, Hashimoto R, Yasuda Y, Saitoh S, Ohashi K, Sakai Y, Ohga S, Hara T, Kato M, Nakamura K, Ito A, Seiwa C, Shirahata E, Osaka H, Matsumoto A, Takeshita S, Tohyama J, Saikusa T, Matsuishi T, Nakamura T, Tsuboi T, Kato T, Suzuki T, Saitsu H, Nakashima M, Mizuguchi T, Tanaka F, Mori N, Ozaki N, Matsumoto N. Integrative Analyses of De Novo Mutations Provide Deeper Biological Insights into Autism Spectrum Disorder. Cell Rep ;2018 (Jan 16) ;22(3):734-747. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Tordjman S, Cohen D, Anderson GM, Botbol M, Canitano R, Coulon N, Roubertoux PL. Repint of « Reframing autism as a behavioral syndrome and not a specific mental disorder : Implications of genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity ». Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2018 (Jan 31) Lien vers Pubmed

28. Wang J, Gong J, Li L, Chen Y, Liu L, Gu H, Luo X, Hou F, Zhang J, Song R. Neurexin gene family variants as risk factors for autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):37-43. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Wang P, Zhao D, Lachman HM, Zheng D. Enriched expression of genes associated with autism spectrum disorders in human inhibitory neurons. Transl Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 10) ;8(1):13. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Zamarbide M, Oaks AW, Pond HL, Adelman JS, Manzini MC. Loss of the Intellectual Disability and Autism Gene Cc2d1a and Its Homolog Cc2d1b Differentially Affect Spatial Memory, Anxiety, and Hyperactivity. Front Genet ;2018 ;9:65. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Zhang Z, Yu L, Li S, Liu J. Association Study of Polymorphisms in Genes Relevant to Vitamin B12 and Folate Metabolism with Childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder in a Han Chinese Population. Med Sci Monit ;2018 (Jan 19) ;24:370-376. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Abbott AE, Linke AC, Nair A, Jahedi A, Alba LA, Keown CL, Fishman I, Muller RA. Repetitive behaviors in autism are linked to imbalance of corticostriatal connectivity : a functional connectivity MRI study. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 1) ;13(1):32-42. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Boets B, Van Eylen L, Sitek K, Moors P, Noens I, Steyaert J, Sunaert S, Wagemans J. Alterations in the inferior longitudinal fasciculus in autism and associations with visual processing : a diffusion-weighted MRI study. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:10. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Caballero C, Mistry S, Vero J, Torres EB. Characterization of Noise Signatures of Involuntary Head Motion in the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange Repository. Front Integr Neurosci ;2018 ;12:7. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Chen YN, Du HY, Shi ZY, He L, He YY, Wang D. Serum proteomic profiling for autism using magnetic bead-assisted matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry : a pilot study. World J Pediatr ;2018 (Jan 24) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Dubois M, Cousin E, Chouklati K, Bruneau B, Proisy M. Scurvy in a 3-year-old autistic girl : Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging findings. Diagn Interv Imaging ;2018 (Jan) ;99(1):49-50. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Heinsfeld AS, Franco AR, Craddock RC, Buchweitz A, Meneguzzi F. Identification of autism spectrum disorder using deep learning and the ABIDE dataset. Neuroimage Clin ;2018 ;17:16-23. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Mastrovito D, Hanson C, Hanson SJ. Differences in atypical resting-state effective connectivity distinguish autism from schizophrenia. Neuroimage Clin ;2018 ;18:367-376. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Nunes AS, Peatfield N, Vakorin V, Doesburg SM. Idiosyncratic organization of cortical networks in autism spectrum disorder. Neuroimage ;2018 (Jan 31) Lien vers Pubmed

9. Owen JP, Bukshpun P, Pojman N, Thieu T, Chen Q, Lee J, D’Angelo D, Glenn OA, Hunter JV, Berman JI, Roberts TP, Buckner R, Nagarajan SS, Mukherjee P, Sherr EH. Brain MR Imaging Findings and Associated Outcomes in Carriers of the Reciprocal Copy Number Variation at 16p11.2. Radiology ;2018 (Jan) ;286(1):217-226. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Rollins NK. An Imaging Glimpse into the Autistic Brain. Radiology ;2018 (Jan) ;286(1):227-228. Lien vers Pubmed

Immunologie, Microbiologie

1. Bilbo SD, Block CL, Bolton JL, Hanamsagar R, Tran PK. Beyond infection – Maternal immune activation by environmental factors, microglial development, and relevance for autism spectrum disorders. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):241-251. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Gladysz D, Krzywdzinska A, Hozyasz KK. Immune Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder-Could They Hold Promise for Causative Treatment ?. Mol Neurobiol ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Guerini FR, Bolognesi E, Chiappedi M, Ripamonti E, Ghezzo A, Zanette M, Sotgiu S, Mensi MM, Carta A, Canevini MP, Zanzottera M, Agliardi C, Costa AS, Balottin U, Clerici M. HLA-G coding region polymorphism is skewed in autistic spectrum disorders. Brain Behav Immun ;2018 (Jan) ;67:308-313. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Nadeem A, Ahmad SF, Attia SM, Bakheet SA, Al-Harbi NO, Al-Ayadhi LY. Activation of IL-17 receptor leads to increased oxidative inflammation in peripheral monocytes of autistic children. Brain Behav Immun ;2018 (Jan) ;67:335-344. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Yang X, Liang S, Wang L, Han P, Jiang X, Wang J, Hao Y, Wu L. Sialic acid and anti-ganglioside antibody levels in children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain Res ;2018 (Jan 1) ;1678:273-277. Lien vers Pubmed

Maladies gastro-intestinales / métabolisme

1. Delhey LM, Tippett M, Rose S, Bennuri SC, Slattery JC, Melnyk S, James SJ, Frye RE. Comparison of Treatment for Metabolic Disorders Associated with Autism:Reanalysis of Three Clinical Trials. Front Neurosci ;2018 ;12:19. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Qiao Y, Wu M, Feng Y, Zhou Z, Chen L, Chen F. Alterations of oral microbiota distinguish children with autism spectrum disorders from healthy controls. Sci Rep ;2018 (Jan 25) ;8(1):1597. Lien vers Pubmed

Neurologie, neurosciences

1. Amaral DG, Anderson MP, Ansorge O, Chance S, Hare C, Hof PR, Miller M, Nagakura I, Pickett J, Schumann C, Tamminga C. Autism BrainNet : A network of postmortem brain banks established to facilitate autism research. Handb Clin Neurol ;2018 ;150:31-39. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Aydin HI. Creatine Transporter Deficiency in Two Brothers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Indian Pediatr ;2018 (Jan 15) ;55(1):67-68. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Bast N, Poustka L, Freitag CM. The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system as pacemaker of attention – a developmental mechanism of derailed attentional function in autism spectrum disorder. Eur J Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;47(2):115-125. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Bauman MD, Schumann CM. Advances in nonhuman primate models of autism : Integrating neuroscience and behavior. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):252-265. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Bernas A, Barendse EM, Aldenkamp AP, Backes WH, Hofman PAM, Hendriks MPH, Kessels RPC, Willems FMJ, de With PHN, Zinger S, Jansen JFA. Brain resting-state networks in adolescents with high-functioning autism : Analysis of spatial connectivity and temporal neurodynamics. Brain Behav ;2018 (Feb) ;8(2):e00878. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Bishop KM, Montes J, Finkel RS. Motor milestone assessment of infants with spinal muscular atrophy using the hammersmith infant neurological Exam-Part 2 : Experience from a nusinersen clinical study. Muscle Nerve ;2018 (Jan) ;57(1):142-146. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Blanken LME, Dass A, Alvares G, van der Ende J, Schoemaker NK, El Marroun H, Hickey M, Pennell C, White S, Maybery MT, Dissanayake C, Jaddoe VWV, Verhulst FC, Tiemeier H, McIntosh W, White T, Whitehouse A. A prospective study of fetal head growth, autistic traits and autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 22) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Brito A, Russo FB, Muotri AR, Beltrao-Braga PCB. Autism spectrum disorders and disease modeling using stem cells. Cell Tissue Res ;2018 (Jan) ;371(1):153-160. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Bury LA, Wynshaw-Boris A. Modeling Non-Syndromic Autism with Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Neuropsychopharmacology ;2018 (Jan) ;43(1):219-220. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Cartocci V, Catallo M, Tempestilli M, Segatto M, Pfrieger FW, Bronzuoli MR, Scuderi C, Servadio M, Trezza V, Pallottini V. Altered Brain Cholesterol/Isoprenoid Metabolism in a Rat Model of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neuroscience ;2018 (Feb 21) ;372:27-37. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Choi J, Lee S, Won J, Jin Y, Hong Y, Hur TY, Kim JH, Lee SR, Hong Y. Pathophysiological and neurobehavioral characteristics of a propionic acid-mediated autism-like rat model. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(2):e0192925. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Damiano-Goodwin CR, Woynaroski TG, Simon DM, Ibanez LV, Murias M, Kirby A, Newsom CR, Wallace MT, Stone WL, Cascio CJ. Developmental sequelae and neurophysiologic substrates of sensory seeking in infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:41-53. Lien vers Pubmed

13. de Boer A, Vermeulen K, Egger JIM, Janzing JGE, de Leeuw N, Veenstra-Knol HE, den Hollander NS, van Bokhoven H, Staal W, Kleefstra T. EHMT1 mosaicism in apparently unaffected parents is associated with autism spectrum disorder and neurocognitive dysfunction. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:5. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Endevelt-Shapira Y, Perl O, Ravia A, Amir D, Eisen A, Bezalel V, Rozenkrantz L, Mishor E, Pinchover L, Soroka T, Honigstein D, Sobel N. Altered responses to social chemosignals in autism spectrum disorder. Nat Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;21(1):111-119. Lien vers Pubmed

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16. Fatemi SH, Wong DF, Brasic JR, Kuwabara H, Mathur A, Folsom TD, Jacob S, Realmuto GM, Pardo JV, Lee S. Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 tracer [(18)F]-FPEB displays increased binding potential in postcentral gyrus and cerebellum of male individuals with autism : a pilot PET study. Cerebellum Ataxias ;2018 ;5:3. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Filice F, Lauber E, Vorckel KJ, Wohr M, Schwaller B. 17-beta estradiol increases parvalbumin levels in Pvalb heterozygous mice and attenuates behavioral phenotypes with relevance to autism core symptoms. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:15. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Floris DL, Lai MC, Nath T, Milham MP, Di Martino A. Network-specific sex differentiation of intrinsic brain function in males with autism. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:17. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Grabrucker S, Haderspeck JC, Sauer AK, Kittelberger N, Asoglu H, Abaei A, Rasche V, Schon M, Boeckers TM, Grabrucker AM. Brain Lateralization in Mice Is Associated with Zinc Signaling and Altered in Prenatal Zinc Deficient Mice That Display Features of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Mol Neurosci ;2017 ;10:450. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Green SA, Hernandez LM, Bowman HC, Bookheimer SY, Dapretto M. Sensory over-responsivity and social cognition in ASD : Effects of aversive sensory stimuli and attentional modulation on neural responses to social cues. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:127-139. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Guy MW, Richards JE, Tonnsen BL, Roberts JE. Neural correlates of face processing in etiologically-distinct 12-month-old infants at high-risk of autism spectrum disorder. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:61-71. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Hamed NO, Al-Ayadhi L, Osman MA, Elkhawad AO, Qasem H, Al-Marshoud M, Merghani NM, El-Ansary A. Understanding the roles of glutamine synthetase, glutaminase, and glutamate decarboxylase autoantibodies in imbalanced excitatory/inhibitory neurotransmission as etiological mechanisms of autism. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 22) Lien vers Pubmed

23. Hogeveen J, Krug MK, Elliott MV, Solomon M. Insula-Retrosplenial Cortex Overconnectivity Increases Internalizing via Reduced Insight in Autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 31) Lien vers Pubmed

24. Hussein MA, Woo T, Yun IS, Park H, Kim YO. Analysis of the correlation between deformational plagiocephaly and neurodevelopmental delay. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg ;2018 (Jan) ;71(1):112-117. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Karhson DS, Krasinska KM, Dallaire JA, Libove RA, Phillips JM, Chien AS, Garner JP, Hardan AY, Parker KJ. Plasma anandamide concentrations are lower in children with autism spectrum disorder. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:18. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Kawada K, Mimori S. Implication of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurochem Res ;2018 (Jan) ;43(1):138-143. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Khatri N, Gilbert JP, Huo Y, Sharaflari R, Nee M, Qiao H, Man HY. The Autism Protein Ube3A/E6AP Remodels Neuronal Dendritic Arborization via Caspase-Dependent Microtubule Destabilization. J Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 10) ;38(2):363-378. Lien vers Pubmed

28. LaMarca K, Gevirtz R, Lincoln AJ, Pineda JA. Facilitating Neurofeedback in Children with Autism and Intellectual Impairments Using TAGteach. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 27) Lien vers Pubmed

29. Lambrechts A, Falter-Wagner CM, van Wassenhove V. Diminished neural resources allocation to time processing in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neuroimage Clin ;2018 ;17:124-136. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Li Y, Yu D. Variations of the Functional Brain Network Efficiency in a Young Clinical Sample within the Autism Spectrum : A fNIRS Investigation. Front Physiol ;2018 ;9:67. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Linke AC, Jao Keehn RJ, Pueschel EB, Fishman I, Muller RA. Children with ASD show links between aberrant sound processing, social symptoms, and atypical auditory interhemispheric and thalamocortical functional connectivity. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:117-126. Lien vers Pubmed

32. Lo FS, Erzurumlu RS. Insulin receptor sensitization restores neocortical excitation/inhibition balance in a mouse model of autism. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:13. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Meshalkina DA, M NK, E VK, Collier AD, Echevarria DJ, Abreu MS, Barcellos LJG, Song C, Warnick JE, Kyzar EJ, Kalueff AV. Zebrafish models of autism spectrum disorder. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):207-216. Lien vers Pubmed

34. Muscatello RA, Corbett BA. Comparing the effects of age, pubertal development, and symptom profile on cortisol rhythm in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):110-120. Lien vers Pubmed

35. Nicolini C, Fahnestock M. The valproic acid-induced rodent model of autism. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):217-227. Lien vers Pubmed

36. Otto-Meyer S, Krizman J, White-Schwoch T, Kraus N. Children with autism spectrum disorder have unstable neural responses to sound. Exp Brain Res ;2018 (Mar) ;236(3):733-743. Lien vers Pubmed

37. Pardo CA, Meffert MK. Animal models in autism research : The legacy of Paul H. Patterson. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):197-198. Lien vers Pubmed

38. Piven J, Elison JT, Zylka MJ. Toward a conceptual framework for early brain and behavior development in autism. Mol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;23(1):165. Lien vers Pubmed

39. Schmeisser K, Parker JA. Worms on the spectrum – C. elegans models in autism research. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):199-206. Lien vers Pubmed

40. Servadio M, Manduca A, Melancia F, Leboffe L, Schiavi S, Campolongo P, Palmery M, Ascenzi P, di Masi A, Trezza V. Impaired repair of DNA damage is associated with autistic-like traits in rats prenatally exposed to valproic acid. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol ;2018 (Jan) ;28(1):85-96. Lien vers Pubmed

41. Shephard E, Tye C, Ashwood KL, Azadi B, Asherson P, Bolton PF, McLoughlin G. Resting-State Neurophysiological Activity Patterns in Young People with ASD, ADHD, and ASD + ADHD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):110-122. Lien vers Pubmed

42. Steinmetz AB, Stern SA, Kohtz AS, Descalzi G, Alberini CM. Insulin-Like Growth Factor II Targets the mTOR Pathway to Reverse Autism-Like Phenotypes in Mice. J Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 24) ;38(4):1015-1029. Lien vers Pubmed

43. Stivaros S, Garg S, Tziraki M, Cai Y, Thomas O, Mellor J, Morris AA, Jim C, Szumanska-Ryt K, Parkes LM, Haroon HA, Montaldi D, Webb N, Keane J, Castellanos FX, Silva AJ, Huson S, Williams S, Gareth Evans D, Emsley R, Green J. Randomised controlled trial of simvastatin treatment for autism in young children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (SANTA). Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:12. Lien vers Pubmed

44. Takeuchi A, Yorifuji T, Nakamura K, Tamai K, Mori S, Nakamura M, Kageyama M, Kubo T, Ogino T, Kobayashi K, Doi H. Catch-Up Growth and Neurobehavioral Development among Full-Term, Small-for-Gestational-Age Children : A Nationwide Japanese Population-Based Study. J Pediatr ;2018 (Jan) ;192:41-46.e42. Lien vers Pubmed

45. Tan CD. « I’m a normal autistic person, not an abnormal neurotypical » : Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis as biographical illumination. Soc Sci Med ;2018 (Jan) ;197:161-167. Lien vers Pubmed

46. Tan T, Wang W, Xu H, Huang Z, Wang YT, Dong Z. Low-Frequency rTMS Ameliorates Autistic-Like Behaviors in Rats Induced by Neonatal Isolation Through Regulating the Synaptic GABA Transmission. Front Cell Neurosci ;2018 ;12:46. Lien vers Pubmed

47. Ullman JC, Yang J, Sullivan M, Bendor J, Levy J, Pham E, Silm K, Seifikar H, Sohal VS, Nicoll RA, Edwards RH. A mouse model of autism implicates endosome pH in the regulation of presynaptic calcium entry. Nat Commun ;2018 (Jan 23) ;9(1):330. Lien vers Pubmed

48. van Tilborg E, Achterberg EJM, van Kammen CM, van der Toorn A, Groenendaal F, Dijkhuizen RM, Heijnen CJ, Vanderschuren L, Benders M, Nijboer CHA. Combined fetal inflammation and postnatal hypoxia causes myelin deficits and autism-like behavior in a rat model of diffuse white matter injury. Glia ;2018 (Jan) ;66(1):78-93. Lien vers Pubmed

49. Weeke LC, Groenendaal F, Mudigonda K, Blennow M, Lequin MH, Meiners LC, van Haastert IC, Benders MJ, Hallberg B, de Vries LS. A Novel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score Predicts Neurodevelopmental Outcome After Perinatal Asphyxia and Therapeutic Hypothermia. J Pediatr ;2018 (Jan) ;192:33-40.e32. Lien vers Pubmed

50. Wei L, Zhong S, Nie S, Gong G. Aberrant development of the asymmetry between hemispheric brain white matter networks in autism spectrum disorder. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol ;2018 (Jan) ;28(1):48-62. Lien vers Pubmed

51. Winden KD, Ebrahimi-Fakhari D, Sahin M. Abnormal mTOR Activation in Autism. Annu Rev Neurosci ;2018 (Jan 25) Lien vers Pubmed

52. Wong H, Hoeffer C. Maternal IL-17A in autism. Exp Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;299(Pt A):228-240. Lien vers Pubmed

53. Xu X, Li C, Gao X, Xia K, Guo H, Li Y, Hao Z, Zhang L, Gao D, Xu C, Xu H, Xiong ZQ, Qiu Z, Mei L, Xie X, Ruan K, Hu R. Excessive UBE3A dosage impairs retinoic acid signaling and synaptic plasticity in autism spectrum disorders. Cell Res ;2018 (Jan) ;28(1):48-68. Lien vers Pubmed

Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, tests

1. Amor DJ, Bijlsma EK. Letter regarding the article « Extending the phenotype of recurrent rearrangements of 16p11.2 : Deletions in mentally retarded patients without autism and in normal individuals () » and the diagnosis of coexisting Mowat-Wilson syndrome in a patient with 16p11.2 deletion. Eur J Med Genet ;2018 (Jan) ;61(1):48-49. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Arvidsson O, Gillberg C, Lichtenstein P, Lundstrom S. Secular changes in the symptom level of clinically diagnosed autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 29) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Bara TS, Farias AC, Felden EP, Cordeiro ML. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis of the Child Behavior Checklist and Teacher’s Report Form for assessing autism spectrum disorder in preschool-aged children. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ;2018 ;14:95-102. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Baranek GT, Woynaroski TG, Nowell S, Turner-Brown L, DuBay M, Crais ER, Watson LR. Cascading effects of attention disengagement and sensory seeking on social symptoms in a community sample of infants at-risk for a future diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:30-40. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Berg KL, Acharya K, Shiu CS, Msall ME. Delayed Diagnosis and Treatment Among Children with Autism Who Experience Adversity. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):45-54. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Burhop J, Gibson J, de Boer J, Heydarian C. Do You C What I C : Emergency Department Evaluation and Diagnosis of Pediatric Scurvy in an Autistic Child With a Restricted Diet. Pediatr Emerg Care ;2018 (Jan 23) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Cheung CHM, Bedford R, Johnson MH, Charman T, Gliga T. Visual search performance in infants associates with later ASD diagnosis. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:4-10. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Clark MLE, Vinen Z, Barbaro J, Dissanayake C. School Age Outcomes of Children Diagnosed Early and Later with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):92-102. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Da Paz NS, Siegel B, Coccia MA, Epel ES. Acceptance or Despair ? Maternal Adjustment to Having a Child Diagnosed with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Falck-Ytter T, Nystrom P, Gredeback G, Gliga T, Bolte S. Reduced orienting to audiovisual synchrony in infancy predicts autism diagnosis at 3 years of age. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 23) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Gerdts J, Mancini J, Fox E, Rhoads C, Ward T, Easley E, Bernier RA. Interdisciplinary Team Evaluation : An Effective Method for the Diagnostic Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2018 (Jan 12) Lien vers Pubmed

12. Kalb LG, Hagopian LP, Gross AL, Vasa RA. Psychometric characteristics of the mental health crisis assessment scale in youth with autism spectrum disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;59(1):48-56. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Kim JI, Shin MS, Lee Y, Lee H, Yoo HJ, Kim SY, Kim H, Kim SJ, Kim BN. Reliability and Validity of a New Comprehensive Tool for Assessing Challenging Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psychiatry Investig ;2018 (Jan) ;15(1):54-61. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Martinez-Gonzalez AE, Piqueras JA. Validation of the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised in Spanish-Speakers Participants with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):198-208. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Mazurek MO, Carlson C, Baker-Ericzen M, Butter E, Norris M, Kanne S. Construct Validity of the Autism Impact Measure (AIM). J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 17) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Mazzucchelli TG, Hodges J, Kane RT, Sofronoff K, Sanders MR, Einfeld S, Tonge B, Gray KM. Parenting and family adjustment scales (PAFAS) : validation of a brief parent-report measure for use with families who have a child with a developmental disability. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:140-151. Lien vers Pubmed

17. McCormick CEB, Sheinkopf SJ, Levine TP, LaGasse LL, Tronick E, Lester BL. Diminished respiratory sinus arrhythmia response in infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 23) Lien vers Pubmed

18. Penner M, Anagnostou E, Ungar WJ. Practice patterns and determinants of wait time for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in Canada. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:16. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Toh TH, Tan VW, Lau PS, Kiyu A. Accuracy of Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) in Detecting Autism and Other Developmental Disorders in Community Clinics. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):28-35. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Zahorodny W, Shenouda J, Mehta U, Yee E, Garcia P, Rajan M, Goldfarb M. Preliminary Evaluation of a Brief Autism Screener for Young Children. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2018 (Jan 2) Lien vers Pubmed

Parents, fratrie

1. Austin JE, Galijot R, Davies WH. Evaluating Parental Autism Disclosure Strategies. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):103-109. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bontinck C, Warreyn P, Van der Paelt S, Demurie E, Roeyers H. The early development of infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder : Characteristics of sibling interactions. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(3):e0193367. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Boshoff K, Gibbs D, Phillips RL, Wiles L, Porter L. Parents’ voices : « Our process of advocating for our child with autism. » A meta-synthesis of parents’ perspectives. Child Care Health Dev ;2018 (Jan) ;44(1):147-160. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Burrows CA, Usher LV, Becker-Haimes EM, McMahon CM, Mundy PC, Jensen-Doss A, Henderson HA. Profiles and Correlates of Parent-Child Agreement on Social Anxiety Symptoms in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 13) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Cohen SR, Miguel J. Amor and Social Stigma : ASD Beliefs Among Immigrant Mexican Parents. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 9) Lien vers Pubmed

6. DaWalt LS, Greenberg JS, Mailick MR. Transitioning Together : A Multi-family Group Psychoeducation Program for Adolescents with ASD and Their Parents. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):251-263. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Flippin M, Watson LR. Parental Broad Autism Phenotype and the Language Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Haney JL, Houser L, Cullen JA. Parental Perceptions and Child Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):12-27. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Hendry A, Jones EJH, Bedford R, Gliga T, Charman T, Johnson MH. Developmental change in look durations predicts later effortful control in toddlers at familial risk for ASD. J Neurodev Disord ;2018 (Jan 29) ;10(1):3. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Ibanez LV, Kobak K, Swanson A, Wallace L, Warren Z, Stone WL. Enhancing interactions during daily routines : A randomized controlled trial of a web-based tutorial for parents of young children with ASD. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 7) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Iverson JM, Northrup JB, Leezenbaum NB, Parlade MV, Koterba EA, West KL. Early Gesture and Vocabulary Development in Infant Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):55-71. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Miller-Kuhaneck H, Watling R. Parental or Teacher Education and Coaching to Support Function and Participation of Children and Youth With Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration Challenges : A Systematic Review. Am J Occup Ther ;2018 (Jan/Feb) ;72(1):7201190030p7201190031-7201190030p7201190011. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Montaque I, Dallos R, McKenzie B. « It feels like something difficult is coming back to haunt me » : An exploration of ‘meltdowns’ associated with autistic spectrum disorder from a parental perspective. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;23(1):125-139. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Rayan A, Ahmad M. Psychological Distress in Jordanian Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder : The Role of Trait Mindfulness. Perspect Psychiatr Care ;2018 (Jan) ;54(1):11-18. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Rom AL, Wu CS, Olsen J, Jawaheer D, Hetland ML, Morch LS. Parental Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autism Spectrum Disorders in Offspring : A Danish Nationwide Cohort Study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;57(1):28-32.e21. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Romero-Gonzalez M, Chandler S, Simonoff E. The relationship of parental expressed emotion to co-occurring psychopathology in individuals with autism spectrum disorder : A systematic review. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:152-165. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Rubenstein E, Wiggins LD, Schieve LA, Bradley C, DiGuiseppi C, Moody E, Pandey J, Pretzel RE, Howard AG, Olshan AF, Pence BW, Daniels J. Associations between parental broader autism phenotype and child autism spectrum disorder phenotype in the Study to Explore Early Development. Autism ;2018 (Jan 1):1362361317753563. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Sacrey LR, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S, Brian J, Smith IM, Roberts W, Szatmari P, Vaillancourt T, Roncadin C, Garon N. Parent and clinician agreement regarding early behavioral signs in 12- and 18-month-old infants at-risk of autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 22) Lien vers Pubmed

19. Thomas PA, King JS, Mendelson JL, Nelson-Gray RO. Parental psychopathology and expectations for the futures of children with autism spectrum disorder. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;31(1):98-105. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Wagner JB, Luyster RJ, Moustapha H, Tager-Flusberg H, Nelson CA. Differential Attention to Faces in Infant Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Associations with Later Social and Language Ability. Int J Behav Dev ;2018 ;42(1):83-92. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Zaidman-Zait A, Mirenda P, Szatmari P, Duku E, Smith IM, Vaillancourt T, Volden J, Waddell C, Bennett T, Zwaigenbaum L, Elsabaggh M, Georgiades S. Profiles of Social and Coping Resources in Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Relations to Parent and Child Outcomes. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 23) Lien vers Pubmed


1. Cai Q, Feng L, Yap KZ. Systematic review and meta-analysis of reported adverse events of long-term intranasal oxytocin treatment for autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci ;2018 (Mar) ;72(3):140-151. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Cataldo I, Azhari A, Esposito G. A Review of Oxytocin and Arginine-Vasopressin Receptors and Their Modulation of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Mol Neurosci ;2018 ;11:27. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Chen J, Lei L, Tian L, Hou F, Roper C, Ge X, Zhao Y, Chen Y, Dong Q, Tanguay RL, Huang C. Developmental and behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryonically exposed to valproic acid (VPA) : An aquatic model for autism. Neurotoxicol Teratol ;2018 (Mar – Apr) ;66:8-16. Lien vers Pubmed

4. DeFilippis M. The Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Psychopharmacol Bull ;2018 (Jan 15) ;48(1):40-63. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Kamat PP, Karaga MK, Wisniewski BL, McCracken CE, Simon HK, Sidhu R, Grunwell JR. Outpatient Procedural Sedation of Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorders for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain Using Propofol. J Child Neurol ;2018 (Jan 1):883073817753908. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Ornoy A, Weinstein-Fudim L, Tfilin M, Ergaz Z, Yanai J, Szyf M, Turgeman G. S-adenosyl methionine prevents ASD like behaviors triggered by early postnatal valproic acid exposure in very young mice. Neurotoxicol Teratol ;2018 (Jan 16) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Rani V, Gautam S, Rawat JK, Singh M, Devi U, Yadav RK, Roy S, Kaithwas G. Effects of minocycline and doxycycline against terbutaline induced early postnatal autistic changes in albino rats. Physiol Behav ;2018 (Jan 1) ;183:49-56. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Saeedan AS, Singh I, Ansari MN, Singh M, Rawat JK, Devi U, Gautam S, Yadav RK, Kaithwas G. Effect of early natal supplementation of paracetamol on attenuation of exotoxin/endotoxin induced pyrexia and precipitation of autistic like features in albino rats. Inflammopharmacology ;2018 (Jan 11) Lien vers Pubmed

9. Tanaka A, Furubayashi T, Arai M, Inoue D, Kimura S, Kiriyama A, Kusamori K, Katsumi H, Yutani R, Sakane T, Yamamoto A. Delivery of Oxytocin to the Brain for the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder by Nasal Application. Mol Pharm ;2018 (Mar 5) ;15(3):1105-1111. Lien vers Pubmed

Prévalence, épidémiologie

1. Fluegge K. Re : Folate status and autism spectrum disorders. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol ;2018 (Jan 19) Lien vers Pubmed

2. He P, Guo C, Wang Z, Chen G, Li N, Zheng X. Socioeconomic status and childhood autism : A population-based study in China. Psychiatry Res ;2018 (Jan) ;259:27-31. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Holingue C, Newill C, Lee LC, Pasricha PJ, Daniele Fallin M. Gastrointestinal symptoms in autism spectrum disorder : A review of the literature on ascertainment and prevalence. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):24-36. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Levaot Y, Meiri G, Dinstein I, Menashe I, Shoham-Vardi I. Autism Prevalence and Severity in Bedouin-Arab and Jewish Communities in Southern Israel. Community Ment Health J ;2018 (Jan 31) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Rubenstein E, Schieve L, Bradley C, DiGuiseppi C, Moody E, Thomas K, Daniels J. The prevalence of gluten free diet use among preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):185-193. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Wijnhoven L, Creemers DHM, Vermulst AA, Granic I. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anxiety in a Clinical Dutch Sample of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychiatry ;2018 ;9:50. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Xu G, Strathearn L, Liu B, Bao W. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among US Children and Adolescents, 2014-2016. Jama ;2018 (Jan 2) ;319(1):81-82. Lien vers Pubmed

Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

1. Arias VB, Gomez LE, Moran ML, Alcedo MA, Monsalve A, Fontanil Y. Does Quality of Life Differ for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability Compared to Peers Without Autism ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):123-136. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bottema-Beutel K, Lloyd B, Watson L, Yoder P. Bidirectional influences of caregiver utterances and supported joint engagement in children with and without autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 22) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Caputo G, Ippolito G, Mazzotta M, Sentenza L, Muzio MR, Salzano S, Conson M. Effectiveness of a Multisystem Aquatic Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 8) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Cheung V, McCarthy ML, Cicero MX, Leventhal JM, Weitzman C. Emergency Medical Responders and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatr Emerg Care ;2018 (Jan 2) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Cidav Z, Xie M, Mandell DS. Foster Care Involvement Among Medicaid-Enrolled Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):176-183. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Coo H, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Brownell M, Shooshtari S, Hanlon-Dearman A. Validating an administrative data-based case definition for identifying children and youth with autism spectrum disorder for surveillance purposes. Can J Public Health ;2018 (Jan 22) ;108(5-6):e530-e538. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Ferreira JP, Andrade Toscano CV, Rodrigues AM, Furtado GE, Barros MG, Wanderley RS, Carvalho HM. Effects of a Physical Exercise Program (PEP-Aut) on Autistic Children’s Stereotyped Behavior, Metabolic and Physical Activity Profiles, Physical Fitness, and Health-Related Quality of Life : A Study Protocol. Front Public Health ;2018 ;6:47. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Harrop C, Tu N, Landa R, Kasier A, Kasari C. Sensory Behaviors in Minimally Verbal Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder : How and When Do Caregivers Respond ?. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;123(1):1-16. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Hassan M, Simpson A, Danaher K, Haesen J, Makela T, Thomson K. An Evaluation of Behavioral Skills Training for Teaching Caregivers How to Support Social Skill Development in Their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 6) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Hayashibara C, Inagaki M, Fujimori M, Higuchi Y, Fujiwara M, Terada S, Okamura H, Uchitomi Y, Yamada N. Confidence in communicating with patients with cancer mediates the relationship between rehabilitation therapists’ autistic-like traits and perceived difficulty in communication. Palliat Support Care ;2018 (Jan 21):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Howes OD, Rogdaki M, Findon JL, Wichers RH, Charman T, King BH, Loth E, McAlonan GM, McCracken JT, Parr JR, Povey C, Santosh P, Wallace S, Simonoff E, Murphy DG. Autism spectrum disorder : Consensus guidelines on assessment, treatment and research from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol ;2018 (Jan) ;32(1):3-29. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Kalb LG, Stuart EA, Vasa RA. Characteristics of psychiatric emergency department use among privately insured adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2018 (Jan 1):1362361317749951. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Kumazaki H, Warren Z, Swanson A, Yoshikawa Y, Matsumoto Y, Takahashi H, Sarkar N, Ishiguro H, Mimura M, Minabe Y, Kikuchi M. Can Robotic Systems Promote Self-Disclosure in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder ? A Pilot Study. Front Psychiatry ;2018 ;9:36. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Lee B, Lee J, Cheon JH, Sung HK, Cho SH, Chang GT. The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med ;2018 ;2018:1057539. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Mathews TL, Lugo AM, King ML, Needelman LL, McArdle PE, Romer N, Terry M, Menousek K, Evans JH, Higgins WJ. Expanding Access to Clinical Services for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Pediatr Health Care ;2018 (Mar – Apr) ;32(2):173-183. Lien vers Pubmed

16. McIntosh CE, Thomas CM, Wilczynski S, McIntosh DE. Increasing Nursing Students’ Knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder by Using a Standardized Patient. Nurs Educ Perspect ;2018 (Jan/Feb) ;39(1):32-34. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Ncube BL, Perry A, Weiss JA. The quality of life of children with severe developmental disabilities. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2018 (Mar) ;62(3):237-244. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Riquelme I, Hatem SM, Montoya P. Reduction of Pain Sensitivity after Somatosensory Therapy in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Abnorm Child Psychol ;2018 (Jan 12) Lien vers Pubmed

19. Rodgers JD, Lodi-Smith J, Hill PL, Spain SM, Lopata C, Thomeer ML. Brief Report : Personality Mediates the Relationship between Autism Quotient and Well-Being : A Conceptual Replication using Self-Report. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):307-315. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Ruan ZL, Liu L, Strodl E, Fan LJ, Yin XN, Wen GM, Sun DL, Xian DX, Jiang H, Jing J, Jin Y, Wu CA, Chen WQ. Antenatal Training with Music and Maternal Talk Concurrently May Reduce Autistic-Like Behaviors at around 3 Years of Age. Front Psychiatry ;2017 ;8:305. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Ryan S, Lai J, Weiss JA. Mental Health Service Use Among Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Comparison of Two Age Groups. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2018 (Jan) ;39(1):20-27. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Sahin NT, Keshav NU, Salisbury JP, Vahabzadeh A. Second Version of Google Glass as a Wearable Socio-Affective Aid : Positive School Desirability, High Usability, and Theoretical Framework in a Sample of Children with Autism. JMIR Hum Factors ;2018 (Jan 4) ;5(1):e1. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Simpson K, Keen D, Adams D, Alston-Knox C, Roberts J. Participation of children on the autism spectrum in home, school, and community. Child Care Health Dev ;2018 (Jan) ;44(1):99-107. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Thompson GA. Long-Term Perspectives of Family Quality of Life Following Music Therapy With Young Children on the Autism Spectrum : A Phenomenological Study. J Music Ther ;2018 (Jan 13) ;54(4):432-459. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Vivanti G, Kasari C, Green J, Mandell D, Maye M, Hudry K. Implementing and evaluating early intervention for children with autism : Where are the gaps and what should we do ?. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):16-23. Lien vers Pubmed

Santé Bucco-Dentaire

1. Ummer-Christian R, Iacono T, Grills N, Pradhan A, Hughes N, Gussy M. Access to dental services for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities – A scoping review. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Mar) ;74:1-13. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Zink AG, Molina EC, Diniz MB, Santos M, Guare RO. Communication Application for Use During the First Dental Visit for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Pediatr Dent ;2018 (Jan 1) ;40(1):18-22. Lien vers Pubmed

Sensori-moteur / Audition

1. Al-Ayadhi L, Alhowikan A, Halepoto D. Impact of Auditory Integrative Training (AIT) on Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 (TGF-beta1) and Its Effect on Behavioural and Social Emotions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Med Princ Pract ;2018 (Jan 3) Lien vers Pubmed

2. Ansuini C, Podda J, Battaglia FM, Veneselli E, Becchio C. One hand, two hands, two people : Prospective sensorimotor control in children with autism. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:86-96. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Beker S, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Ripe for solution : Delayed development of multisensory processing in autism and its remediation. Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2018 (Jan) ;84:182-192. Lien vers Pubmed

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3. Nguyen AKD, Murphy LE, Kocak M, Tylavsky FA, Pagani LS. Prospective Associations Between Infant Sleep at 12 Months and Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening Scores at 24 Months in a Community-Based Birth Cohort. J Clin Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan/Feb) ;79(1) Lien vers Pubmed

4. van der Heijden KB, Stoffelsen RJ, Popma A, Swaab H. Sleep, chronotype, and sleep hygiene in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and controls. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;27(1):99-111. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Verhoeff ME, Blanken LME, Kocevska D, Mileva-Seitz VR, Jaddoe VWV, White T, Verhulst F, Luijk M, Tiemeier H. The bidirectional association between sleep problems and autism spectrum disorder : a population-based cohort study. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:8. Lien vers Pubmed

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Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

1. Kostrubiec V, Huys R, Jas B, Kruck J. Age-dependent Relationship Between Socio-adaptability and Motor Coordination in High Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):209-224. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Romero V, Fitzpatrick P, Roulier S, Duncan A, Richardson MJ, Schmidt RC. Evidence of embodied social competence during conversation in high functioning children with autism spectrum disorder. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(3):e0193906. Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome de Rett

1. Ahonniska-Assa J, Polack O, Saraf E, Wine J, Silberg T, Nissenkorn A, Ben-Zeev B. Assessing cognitive functioning in females with Rett syndrome by eye-tracking methodology. Eur J Paediatr Neurol ;2018 (Jan) ;22(1):39-45. Lien vers Pubmed

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3. Carrette LLG, Wang CY, Wei C, Press W, Ma W, Kelleher RJ, 3rd, Lee JT. A mixed modality approach towards Xi reactivation for Rett syndrome and other X-linked disorders. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2018 (Jan 23) ;115(4):E668-e675. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Chen CY, Di Lucente J, Lin YC, Lien CC, Rogawski MA, Maezawa I, Jin LW. Defective GABAergic neurotransmission in the nucleus tractus solitarius in Mecp2-null mice, a model of Rett syndrome. Neurobiol Dis ;2018 (Jan) ;109(Pt A):25-32. Lien vers Pubmed

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6. Epperson MV, Haws ME, Standridge SM, Gilbert DL. An Atypical Rett Syndrome Phenotype Due to a Novel Missense Mutation in CACNA1A. J Child Neurol ;2018 (Mar) ;33(4):286-289. Lien vers Pubmed

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14. Nakamura H, Uematsu M, Numata-Uematsu Y, Abe Y, Endo W, Kikuchi A, Takezawa Y, Funayama R, Shirota M, Nakayama K, Niihori T, Aoki Y, Haginoya K, Kure S. Rett-like features and cortical visual impairment in a Japanese patient with HECW2 mutation. Brain Dev ;2018 (Jan 26) Lien vers Pubmed

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Syndrome X-Fragile

1. Achuta VS, Moykkynen T, Peteri UK, Turconi G, Rivera C, Keinanen K, Castren ML. Functional changes of AMPA responses in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitors in fragile X syndrome. Sci Signal ;2018 (Jan 16) ;11(513) Lien vers Pubmed

2. Aleyasin SA, Salamat F, Mirakhori M. Haplotype Analysis of DXS548 and FRAXAC1 Microsatellite Loci in Iranian Patients with Fragile X Syndrome. Iran J Child Neurol ;2018 (Winter) ;12(1):36-46. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Chyung E, LeBlanc HF, Fallon JR, Akins MR. Fragile X granules are a family of axonal ribonucleoprotein particles with circuit-dependent protein composition and mRNA cargos. J Comp Neurol ;2018 (Jan 1) ;526(1):96-108. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Esposito G, Tremolaterra MR, Savarese M, Spiniello M, Patrizio MP, Lombardo B, Pastore L, Salvatore F, Carsana A. Unraveling unusual X-chromosome patterns during fragile-X syndrome genetic testing. Clin Chim Acta ;2018 (Jan) ;476:167-172. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Friedman L, Sterling A, Barton-Hulsey A. Gaze avoidance and perseverative language in fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder : brief report. Dev Neurorehabil ;2018 (Feb) ;21(2):137-140. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Hall DA, Berry-Kravis E. Fragile X syndrome and fragile X-associated tremor ataxia syndrome. Handb Clin Neurol ;2018 ;147:377-391. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Hutson RL, Thompson RL, Bantel AP, Tessier CR. Acamprosate rescues neuronal defects in the Drosophila model of Fragile X Syndrome. Life Sci ;2018 (Feb 15) ;195:65-70. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Knoth IS, Lajnef T, Rigoulot S, Lacourse K, Vannasing P, Michaud JL, Jacquemont S, Major P, Jerbi K, Lippe S. Auditory repetition suppression alterations in relation to cognitive functioning in fragile X syndrome : a combined EEG and machine learning approach. J Neurodev Disord ;2018 (Jan 29) ;10(1):4. Lien vers Pubmed

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10. McDuffie A, Banasik A, Bullard L, Nelson S, Feigles RT, Hagerman R, Abbeduto L. Distance delivery of a spoken language intervention for school-aged and adolescent boys with fragile X syndrome. Dev Neurorehabil ;2018 (Jan) ;21(1):48-63. Lien vers Pubmed

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15. Sare RM, Song A, Loutaev I, Cook A, Maita I, Lemons A, Sheeler C, Smith CB. Negative Effects of Chronic Rapamycin Treatment on Behavior in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. Front Mol Neurosci ;2017 ;10:452. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Sears JC, Broadie K. Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Regulates Activity-Dependent Membrane Trafficking and Trans-Synaptic Signaling Mediating Synaptic Remodeling. Front Mol Neurosci ;2017 ;10:440. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Sitzmann AF, Hagelstrom RT, Tassone F, Hagerman RJ, Butler MG. Rare FMR1 gene mutations causing fragile X syndrome : A review. Am J Med Genet A ;2018 (Jan) ;176(1):11-18. Lien vers Pubmed

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Théorie de l’esprit

1. Jones CRG, Simonoff E, Baird G, Pickles A, Marsden AJS, Tregay J, Happe F, Charman T. The association between theory of mind, executive function, and the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan) ;11(1):95-109. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Liu MJ, Ma LY, Chou WJ, Chen YM, Liu TL, Hsiao RC, Hu HF, Yen CF. Effects of theory of mind performance training on reducing bullying involvement in children and adolescents with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(1):e0191271. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Richman KA, Bidshahri R. Autism, theory of mind, and the reactive attitudes. Bioethics ;2018 (Jan) ;32(1):43-49. Lien vers Pubmed

Troubles associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités

1. Abu-Akel A, Testa RR, Jones HP, Ross N, Skafidas E, Tonge B, Pantelis C. Attentional set-shifting and social abilities in children with schizotypal and comorbid autism spectrum disorders. Aust N Z J Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;52(1):68-77. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bell V, Dunne H, Zacharia T, Brooker K, Shergill S. A symptom-based approach to treatment of psychosis in autism spectrum disorder in October 2017. BJPsych Open ;2018 (Jan) ;4(1):1-4. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Cai RY, Richdale AL, Dissanayake C, Uljarevic M. Brief Report : Inter-Relationship between Emotion Regulation, Intolerance of Uncertainty, Anxiety, and Depression in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan) ;48(1):316-325. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Cauda F, Nani A, Costa T, Palermo S, Tatu K, Manuello J, Duca S, Fox PT, Keller R. The morphometric co-atrophy networking of schizophrenia, autistic and obsessive spectrum disorders. Hum Brain Mapp ;2018 (Jan 18) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Dachew BA, Mamun A, Maravilla JC, Alati R. Pre-eclampsia and the risk of autism-spectrum disorder in offspring : meta-analysis. Br J Psychiatry ;2018 (Mar) ;212(3):142-147. Lien vers Pubmed

6. de Sonneville LMJ, Hidding E, van Engeland H, Vorstman JAS, Sijmens-Morcus MEJ, Swaab H. [Formula : see text]Executive functioning and its relation to ASD and ADHD symptomatology in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Child Neuropsychol ;2018 (Jan) ;24(1):1-19. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Delaye JB, Patin F, Lagrue E, Le Tilly O, Bruno C, Vuillaume ML, Raynaud M, Benz-De Bretagne I, Laumonnier F, Vourc’h P, Andres C, Blasco H. Post hoc analysis of plasma amino acid profiles : towards a specific pattern in autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability. Ann Clin Biochem ;2018 (Jan 1):4563218760351. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Dell’Osso L, Cremone IM, Carpita B, Fagiolini A, Massimetti G, Bossini L, Vita A, Barlati S, Carmassi C, Gesi C. Correlates of autistic traits among patients with borderline personality disorder. Compr Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 5) ;83:7-11. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Dudas RB, Lovejoy C, Cassidy S, Allison C, Smith P, Baron-Cohen S. Correction : The overlap between autistic spectrum conditions and borderline personality disorder. PLoS One ;2018 ;13(1):e0190727. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Fordyce TA, Leonhard MJ, Chang ET. A critical review of developmental exposure to particulate matter, autism spectrum disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng ;2018 (Jan 28) ;53(2):174-204. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Handen BL, Mazefsky CA, Gabriels RL, Pedersen KA, Wallace M, Siegel M. Risk Factors for Self-injurious Behavior in an Inpatient Psychiatric Sample of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Naturalistic Observation Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 24) Lien vers Pubmed

12. Kantzer AK, Fernell E, Westerlund J, Hagberg B, Gillberg C, Miniscalco C. Young children who screen positive for autism : Stability, change and « comorbidity » over two years. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:297-307. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Marton K, Kovi Z, Egri T. Is interference control in children with specific language impairment similar to that of children with autistic spectrum disorder ?. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:179-190. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Miyasaka M, Kajimura S, Nomura M. Biases in Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Japan. Front Psychol ;2018 ;9:244. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Montazeri F, de Bildt A, Dekker V, Anderson GM. Network Analysis of Anxiety in the Autism Realm. J Autism Dev Disord ;2018 (Jan 30) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Naaijen J, Zwiers MP, Forde NJ, Williams SC, Durston S, Brandeis D, Glennon JC, The Tactics C, Franke B, Lythgoe DJ, Buitelaar JK. Striatal structure and its association with N-Acetylaspartate and glutamate in autism spectrum disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol ;2018 (Jan) ;28(1):118-129. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Nag HE, Nordgren A, Anderlid BM, Naerland T. Reversed gender ratio of autism spectrum disorder in Smith-Magenis syndrome. Mol Autism ;2018 ;9:1. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Posserud M, Hysing M, Helland W, Gillberg C, Lundervold AJ. Autism traits : The importance of « co-morbid » problems for impairment and contact with services. Data from the Bergen Child Study. Res Dev Disabil ;2018 (Jan) ;72:275-283. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Rodgers J, Ofield A. Understanding, Recognising and Treating Co-occurring Anxiety in Autism. Curr Dev Disord Rep ;2018 ;5(1):58-64. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Solomon O, Lawlor MC. Beyond V40.31 : Narrative Phenomenology of Wandering in Autism and Dementia. Cult Med Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan 24) Lien vers Pubmed

21. Strang JF, Meagher H, Kenworthy L, de Vries ALC, Menvielle E, Leibowitz S, Janssen A, Cohen-Kettenis P, Shumer DE, Edwards-Leeper L, Pleak RR, Spack N, Karasic DH, Schreier H, Balleur A, Tishelman A, Ehrensaft D, Rodnan L, Kuschner ES, Mandel F, Caretto A, Lewis HC, Anthony LG. Initial Clinical Guidelines for Co-Occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gender Dysphoria or Incongruence in Adolescents. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol ;2018 (Jan-Feb) ;47(1):105-115. Lien vers Pubmed

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23. Tsai MN, Wu CL, Tseng LP, An CP, Chen HC. Extraversion Is a Mediator of Gelotophobia : A Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Big Five. Front Psychol ;2018 ;9:150. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Turban JL, van Schalkwyk GI. « Gender Dysphoria » and Autism Spectrum Disorder : Is the Link Real ?. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;57(1):8-9.e2. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Vivanti G, Hocking DR, Fanning PAJ, Uljarevic M, Postorino V, Mazzone L, Dissanayake C. Attention to novelty versus repetition : Contrasting habituation profiles in Autism and Williams syndrome. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:54-60. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Wiwe Lipsker C, von Heijne M, Bolte S, Wicksell RK. A case report and literature review of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in paediatric chronic pain. Acta Paediatr ;2018 (Jan 17) Lien vers Pubmed

27. Woestelandt L, Novo A, Philippe A, Guyaux N, Rio M, Romano S, Robel L. PDD-NOS, psychotic features and executive function deficits in a boy with proximal 22q11.2 microduplication : Evolution of the psychiatric symptom profile from childhood to adolescence. Eur J Med Genet ;2018 (Jan 4) Lien vers Pubmed

28. Zaboski BA, Storch EA. Comorbid autism spectrum disorder and anxiety disorders : a brief review. Future Neurol ;2018 (Feb) ;13(1):31-37. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Zhou HY, Cai XL, Weigl M, Bang P, Cheung EFC, Chan RCK. Multisensory temporal binding window in autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia spectrum disorders : A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev ;2018 (Mar) ;86:66-76. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Ikuse D, Tani M, Itahashi T, Yamada H, Ohta H, Morita T, Arai G, Saga N, Tokumasu T, Ohta M, Sato A, Iwanami A. The effect of visual cues on performance in the ultimatum game in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Res ;2018 (Jan) ;259:176-183. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Little JA. Vision in children with autism spectrum disorder : a critical review. Clin Exp Optom ;2018 (Jan 11) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Ropar D, Greenfield K, Smith AD, Carey M, Newport R. Body representation difficulties in children and adolescents with autism may be due to delayed development of visuo-tactile temporal binding. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:78-85. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Thompson GA, Abel LA. Fostering Spontaneous Visual Attention in Children on the Autism Spectrum : A Proof-of-Concept Study Comparing Singing and Speech. Autism Res ;2018 (Jan 22) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Vernetti A, Senju A, Charman T, Johnson MH, Gliga T. Simulating interaction : Using gaze-contingent eye-tracking to measure the reward value of social signals in toddlers with and without autism. Dev Cogn Neurosci ;2018 (Jan) ;29:21-29. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Fitzpatrick P. The Future of Autism Research : Dynamic and Process-Oriented Approaches. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2018 (Jan) ;57(1):16-17. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Griffin JW, Gavett BE. Third party observer effect : Application to autistic traits in the normal population. Dev Neuropsychol ;2018 (Jan) ;43(1):36-51. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Katsnelson A. Modeling autism. Lab Anim (NY) ;2018 (Jan 31) ;47(2):41-44. Lien vers Pubmed

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