Articles publiés en juillet 2015 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Classifications
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Filles avec autisme
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé bucco-dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Trouble associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

ABA, approches comportementales

1. Boudreau BA, Vladescu JC, Kodak TM, Argott PJ, Kisamore AN. A comparison of differential reinforcement procedures with children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

2. Fiske KE, Isenhower RW, Bamond MJ, Delmolino L, Sloman KN, LaRue RH. Assessing the value of token reinforcement for individuals with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2015 (Summer) ;48(2):448-453. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Groskreutz MP, Peters A, Groskreutz NC, Higbee TS. Increasing play-based commenting in children with autism spectrum disorder using a novel script-frame procedure. J Appl Behav Anal ;2015 (Summer) ;48(2):442-447. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Haq SS, Kodak T, Kurtz-Nelson E, Porritt M, Rush K, Cariveau T. Comparing the effects of massed and distributed practice on skill acquisition for children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2015 (Summer) ;48(2):454-459. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Kocher CP, Howard MR, Fienup DM. The effects of work-reinforcer schedules on skill acquisition for children with autism. Behav Modif ;2015 (Jul) ;39(4):600-621. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Murray K, Jassi A, Mataix-Cols D, Barrow F, Krebs G. Outcomes of cognitive behaviour therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in young people with and without autism spectrum disorders : A case controlled study. Psychiatry Res ;2015 (Jul 30) ;228(1):8-13. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Selles RR, Arnold EB, Phares V, Lewin AB, Murphy TK, Storch EA. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety in youth with an autism spectrum disorder : A follow-up study. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):613-621. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Varella AA, de Souza DG. Using class-specific compound consequences to teach dictated and printed letter relations to a child with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

Adultes avec autisme

9. Almberg M, Selander H, Falkmer M, Vaz S, Ciccarelli M, Falkmer T. Experiences of facilitators or barriers in driving education from learner and novice drivers with ADHD or ASD and their driving instructors. Dev Neurorehabil ;2015 (Jul 29):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Bergmann T, Sappok T, Diefenbacher A, Dames S, Heinrich M, Ziegler M, Dziobek I. Music-based Autism Diagnostics (MUSAD) – A newly developed diagnostic measure for adults with intellectual developmental disabilities suspected of autism. Res Dev Disabil ;2015 (Jul 13) ;43-44:123-135. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Elwin M, Schroder A, Ek L, Kjellin L. Development and pilot validation of a sensory reactivity scale for adults with high functioning autism spectrum conditions : Sensory Reactivity in Autism Spectrum (SR-AS). Nord J Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 9):1-8. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Jones KB, Cottle K, Bakian A, Farley M, Bilder D, Coon H, McMahon WM. A description of medical conditions in adults with autism spectrum disorder : A follow-up of the 1980s Utah/UCLA Autism Epidemiologic Study. Autism ;2015 (Jul 10)Lien vers Pubmed

13. Khanna R, Jariwala K, West-Strum D. Validity and reliability of the Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form Health Survey version 2 (SF-12v2) among adults with autism. Res Dev Disabil ;2015 (Jul 4) ;43-44:51-60. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Lerman DC, Hawkins L, Hillman C, Shireman M, Nissen MA. Adults with autism spectrum disorder as behavior technicians for young children with autism : Outcomes of a behavioral skills training program. J Appl Behav Anal ;2015 (Summer) ;48(2):233-256. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Mihailidis A, Melonis M, Keyfitz R, Lanning M, Van Vuuren S, Bodine C. A nonlinear contextually aware prompting system (N-CAPS) to assist workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities to perform factory assembly tasks : system overview and pilot testing. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol ;2015 (Jul 1):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Roberts AL, Koenen KC, Lyall K, Robinson EB, Weisskopf MG. Association of autistic traits in adulthood with childhood abuse, interpersonal victimization, and posttraumatic stress. Child Abuse Negl ;2015 (Jul) ;45:135-142. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Thackeray LA, Eatough V. ‘Well the Future, that is Difficult’ : A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Analysis Exploring the Maternal Experience of Parenting a Young Adult with a Developmental Disability. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2015 (Jul) ;28(4):265-275. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Tozer R, Atkin K. ‘Recognized, Valued and Supported’ ? The Experiences of Adult Siblings of People with Autism Plus Learning Disability. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2015 (Jul) ;28(4):341-351. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Warfield ME, Crossman MK, Delahaye J, Der Weerd E, Kuhlthau KA. Physician Perspectives on Providing Primary Medical Care to Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2209-2217. Lien vers Pubmed

Alimentation, nutrition

20. Allen SL, Smith IM, Duku E, Vaillancourt T, Szatmari P, Bryson S, Fombonne E, Volden J, Waddell C, Zwaigenbaum L, Roberts W, Mirenda P, Bennett T, Elsabbagh M, Georgiades S. Behavioral Pediatrics Feeding Assessment Scale in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder : Psychometrics and Associations With Child and Parent Variables. J Pediatr Psychol ;2015 (Jul) ;40(6):581-590. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Fu SB, Penrod B, Fernand JK, Whelan CM, Griffith K, Medved S. The Effects of Modeling Contingencies in the Treatment of Food Selectivity in Children With Autism. Behav Modif ;2015 (Jul 1)Lien vers Pubmed

22. Goldschmidt J, Song HJ. At-Risk and Underserved : A Proposed Role for Nutrition in the Adult Trajectory of Autism. J Acad Nutr Diet ;2015 (Jul) ;115(7):1041-1047. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Gulati S, Dubey R. Adaptive Functioning and Feeding Behavior : Key Targets in Autism Management. Indian J Pediatr ;2015 (Aug) ;82(8):671-672. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Pusponegoro HD, Ismael S, Firmansyah A, Sastroasmoro S, Vandenplas Y. Gluten and casein supplementation does not increase symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder. Acta Paediatr ;2015 (Jul 4)Lien vers Pubmed

25. Ranjan S, Nasser JA. Nutritional Status of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : Do We Know Enough ?. Adv Nutr ;2015 (Jul) ;6(4):397-407. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Stough CO, Dreyer Gillette ML, Roberts MC, Jorgensen TD, Patton SR. Mealtime behaviors associated with consumption of unfamiliar foods by young children with autism spectrum disorder. Appetite ;2015 (Jul 21)Lien vers Pubmed

27. Walton RG, Monte WC. Dietary methanol and autism. Med Hypotheses ;2015 (Jul 3)Lien vers Pubmed


28. Carson DS, Garner JP, Hyde SA, Libove RA, Berquist SW, Hornbeak KB, Jackson LP, Sumiyoshi RD, Howerton CL, Hannah SL, Partap S, Phillips JM, Hardan AY, Parker KJ. Arginine Vasopressin Is a Blood-Based Biomarker of Social Functioning in Children with Autism. PLoS One ;2015 ;10(7):e0132224. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Levin AR, Nelson CA. Inhibition-Based Biomarkers for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):546-552. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Zeidan-Chulia F, de Oliveira BN, Casanova MF, Casanova EL, Noda M, Salmina AB, Verkhratsky A. Up-Regulation of Oligodendrocyte Lineage Markers in the Cerebellum of Autistic Patients : Evidence from Network Analysis of Gene Expression. Mol Neurobiol ;2015 (Jul 21)Lien vers Pubmed


31. Miller M, Young GS, Hutman T, Johnson S, Schwichtenberg AJ, Ozonoff S. Early pragmatic language difficulties in siblings of children with autism : implications for DSM-5 social communication disorder ?. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul) ;56(7):774-781. Lien vers Pubmed

Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

32. Nuske HJ, Vivanti G, Dissanayake C. No Evidence of Emotional Dysregulation or Aversion to Mutual Gaze in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder : An Eye-Tracking Pupillometry Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jun 2)Lien vers Pubmed

33. Akechi H, Stein T, Kikuchi Y, Tojo Y, Osanai H, Hasegawa T. Preferential awareness of protofacial stimuli in autism. Cognition ;2015 (Oct) ;143:129-134. Lien vers Pubmed

34. Amestoy A, Guillaud E, Bouvard MP, Cazalets JR. Developmental changes in face visual scanning in autism spectrum disorder as assessed by data-based analysis. Front Psychol ;2015 ;6:989. Lien vers Pubmed

35. Anagnostou E, Jones N, Huerta M, Halladay AK, Wang P, Scahill L, Horrigan JP, Kasari C, Lord C, Choi D, Sullivan K, Dawson G. Measuring social communication behaviors as a treatment endpoint in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):622-636. Lien vers Pubmed

36. Ashwood KL, Tye C, Azadi B, Cartwright S, Asherson P, Bolton P. Brief Report : Adaptive Functioning in Children with ASD, ADHD and ASD + ADHD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2235-2242. Lien vers Pubmed

37. Bottema-Beutel K, White R. By the Book : An Analysis of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Condition Co-constructing Fictional Narratives with Peers. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 15)Lien vers Pubmed

38. Broekhof E, Ketelaar L, Stockmann L, van Zijp A, Bos MG, Rieffe C. The Understanding of Intentions, Desires and Beliefs in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2035-2045. Lien vers Pubmed

39. Estes A, Zwaigenbaum L, Gu H, St John T, Paterson S, Elison JT, Hazlett H, Botteron K, Dager SR, Schultz RT, Kostopoulos P, Evans A, Dawson G, Eliason J, Alvarez S, Piven J. Behavioral, cognitive, and adaptive development in infants with autism spectrum disorder in the first 2 years of life. J Neurodev Disord ;2015 ;7(1):24. Lien vers Pubmed

40. Freeman SF, Gulsrud A, Kasari C. Brief Report : Linking Early Joint Attention and Play Abilities to Later Reports of Friendships for Children with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2259-2266. Lien vers Pubmed

41. Friedrich EV, Sivanathan A, Lim T, Suttie N, Louchart S, Pillen S, Pineda JA. An Effective Neurofeedback Intervention to Improve Social Interactions in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 26)Lien vers Pubmed

42. Fung SC. Increasing the Social Communication of a Boy With Autism Using Animal-assisted Play Therapy : A Case Report. Adv Mind Body Med ;2015 (Summer) ;29(3):27-31. Lien vers Pubmed

43. Grossman RB. Judgments of social awkwardness from brief exposure to children with and without high-functioning autism. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):580-587. Lien vers Pubmed

44. Hartley C, Allen ML. Iconicity influences how effectively minimally verbal children with autism and ability-matched typically developing children use pictures as symbols in a search task. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):570-579. Lien vers Pubmed

45. Hauser-Cram P, Woodman AC. Trajectories of Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Children with Developmental Disabilities. J Abnorm Child Psychol ;2015 (Jul 30)Lien vers Pubmed

46. Hill TL, Gray SA, Kamps JL, Enrique Varela R. Age and Adaptive Functioning in Children and Adolescents with ASD : The Effects of Intellectual Functioning and ASD Symptom Severity. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 15)Lien vers Pubmed

47. Hurwitz S, Watson LR. Joint attention revisited : Finding strengths among children with autism. Autism ;2015 (Jul 6)Lien vers Pubmed

48. Khowaja K, Salim SS. Heuristics to Evaluate Interactive Systems for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). PLoS One ;2015 ;10(7):e0132187. Lien vers Pubmed

49. Kuijper SJ, Hartman CA, Hendriks P. Who Is He ? Children with ASD and ADHD Take the Listener into Account in Their Production of Ambiguous Pronouns. PLoS One ;2015 ;10(7):e0132408. Lien vers Pubmed

50. Kuriakose S, Lahiri U. Understanding the Psycho-Physiological Implications of Interaction With a Virtual Reality-Based System in Adolescents With Autism : A Feasibility Study. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng ;2015 (Jul) ;23(4):665-675. Lien vers Pubmed

51. Lough E, Hanley M, Rodgers J, South M, Kirk H, Kennedy DP, Riby DM. Violations of Personal Space in Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Williams Syndrome : Insights from the Social Responsiveness Scale. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 24)Lien vers Pubmed

52. Mackie MA, Fan J. Reduced Efficiency and Capacity of Cognitive Control in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

53. Mitchell GE, Locke KD. Lay beliefs about autism spectrum disorder among the general public and childcare providers. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):553-561. Lien vers Pubmed

54. Neuhaus E, Kresse A, Faja S, Bernier RA, Webb SJ. Face processing among twins with and without autism : Social correlates and twin concordance. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 2)Lien vers Pubmed

55. O’Haire ME, McKenzie SJ, Beck AM, Slaughter V. Animals may act as social buffers : Skin conductance arousal in children with autism spectrum disorder in a social context. Dev Psychobiol ;2015 (Jul) ;57(5):584-595. Lien vers Pubmed

56. Rice LM, Wall CA, Fogel A, Shic F. Computer-Assisted Face Processing Instruction Improves Emotion Recognition, Mentalizing, and Social Skills in Students with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2176-2186. Lien vers Pubmed

57. Rosenberg A, Patterson JS, Angelaki DE. A computational perspective on autism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2015 (Jul 28) ;112(30):9158-9165. Lien vers Pubmed

58. Sacrey LA, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S, Brian J, Smith IM, Roberts W, Szatmari P, Roncadin C, Garon N, Novak C, Vaillancourt T, McCormick T, MacKinnon B, Jilderda S, Armstrong V. Can parents’ concerns predict autism spectrum disorder ? A prospective study of high-risk siblings from 6 to 36 months of age. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2015 (Jun) ;54(6):470-478. Lien vers Pubmed

59. Stewart ME, Griffiths TD, Grube M. Autistic Traits and Enhanced Perceptual Representation of Pitch and Time. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 19)Lien vers Pubmed

Communication, langage

60. Bavin EL, Prendergast LA, Kidd E, Baker E, Dissanayake C. Online processing of sentences containing noun modification in young children with high-functioning autism. Int J Lang Commun Disord ;2015 (Jul 27)Lien vers Pubmed

61. Carmo JC, Duarte E, Pinho S, Marques JF, Filipe CN. Verbal fluency as a function of time in autism spectrum disorder : An impairment of initiation processes ?. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol ;2015 (Jul 24):1-12. Lien vers Pubmed

62. Fortunato-Tavares T, Andrade CR, Befi-Lopes D, Limongi SO, Fernandes FD, Schwartz RG. Syntactic comprehension and working memory in children with specific language impairment, autism or Down syndrome. Clin Linguist Phon ;2015 (Jul) ;29(7):499-522. Lien vers Pubmed

63. Haebig E, Kaushanskaya M, Ellis Weismer S. Lexical Processing in School-Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Specific Language Impairment : The Role of Semantics. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 26)Lien vers Pubmed

64. Jiang L, Hou XH, Yang N, Yang Z, Zuo XN. Examination of Local Functional Homogeneity in Autism. Biomed Res Int ;2015 ;2015:174371. Lien vers Pubmed

65. Kreibich SR, Chen M, Reichle J. Teaching a Child With Autism to Request Breaks While Concurrently Increasing Task Engagement. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch ;2015 (Jul 1) ;46(3):256-265. Lien vers Pubmed

66. Parlade MV, Iverson JM. The Development of Coordinated Communication in Infants at Heightened Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2218-2234. Lien vers Pubmed

67. Schlosser RW, Koul RK. Speech Output Technologies in Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Scoping Review. Augment Altern Commun ;2015 (Jul 14):1-25. Lien vers Pubmed

68. Shield A, Meier RP, Tager-Flusberg H. The Use of Sign Language Pronouns by Native-Signing Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2128-2145. Lien vers Pubmed

69. Sterponi L, de Kirby K, Shankey J. Rethinking language in autism. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):517-526. Lien vers Pubmed

70. Su YE, Su LY. Interpretation of Logical Words in Mandarin-Speaking Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : Uncovering Knowledge of Semantics and Pragmatics. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):1938-1950. Lien vers Pubmed

71. Swain NR, Eadie PA, Prior MR, Reilly S. Assessing early communication skills at 12 months : a retrospective study of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Int J Lang Commun Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;50(4):488-498. Lien vers Pubmed

72. Taylor LJ, Maybery MT, Grayndler L, Whitehouse AJ. Evidence for shared deficits in identifying emotions from faces and from voices in autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairment. Int J Lang Commun Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;50(4):452-466. Lien vers Pubmed

73. Woynaroski T, Yoder P, Watson LR. Atypical Cross-Modal Profiles and Longitudinal Associations Between Vocabulary Scores in Initially Minimally Verbal Children With ASD. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

Education, Apprentissages

74. Bae YS, Chiang HM, Hickson L. Mathematical Word Problem Solving Ability of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Typically Developing Peers. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2200-2208. Lien vers Pubmed

75. Cai RY, Richdale AL. Educational Experiences and Needs of Higher Education Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 28)Lien vers Pubmed

76. Rosenbloom R, Mason RA, Wills HP, Mason BA. Technology Delivered Self-Monitoring Application to Promote Successful Inclusion of an Elementary Student with Autism. Assist Technol ;2015 (Jul 7)Lien vers Pubmed


77. Moses L, Katz N, Weizman A. Impact of epilepsy and antiepileptic medications on the metabolic profile in adults with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities. Int Clin Psychopharmacol ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

78. Wood AG, Nadebaum C, Anderson V, Reutens D, Barton S, O’Brien TJ, Vajda F. Prospective assessment of autism traits in children exposed to antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. Epilepsia ;2015 (Jul) ;56(7):1047-1055. Lien vers Pubmed

Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

79. Barad DH, Kushnir VA, Albertini D, Gleicher N. CDC analysis of ICSI/autism : association is not causation. Hum Reprod ;2015 (Jul) ;30(7):1745-1746. Lien vers Pubmed

80. Ben-Ari Y. Is birth a critical period in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders ?. Nat Rev Neurosci ;2015 (Aug) ;16(8):498-505. Lien vers Pubmed

81. Campbell AW. Autism : environmental triggers. Adv Mind Body Med ;2015 (Summer) ;29(3):4-5. Lien vers Pubmed

82. Dickerson AS, Rahbar MH, Han I, Bakian AV, Bilder DA, Harrington RA, Pettygrove S, Durkin M, Kirby RS, Wingate MS, Tian LH, Zahorodny WM, Pearson DA, Moye LA, 3rd, Baio J. Autism spectrum disorder prevalence and proximity to industrial facilities releasing arsenic, lead or mercury. Sci Total Environ ;2015 (Jul 25) ;536:245-251. Lien vers Pubmed

83. Durkin MS, DuBois LA, Maenner MJ. Inter-Pregnancy Intervals and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder : Results of a Population-Based Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2056-2066. Lien vers Pubmed

84. Fang SY, Wang S, Huang N, Yeh HH, Chen CY. Prenatal Infection and Autism Spectrum Disorders in Childhood : A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Taiwan. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol ;2015 (Jul) ;29(4):307-316. Lien vers Pubmed

85. Frisch M, Simonsen J. Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys : national cohort study in Denmark. J R Soc Med ;2015 (Jul) ;108(7):266-279. Lien vers Pubmed

86. Heilbrun LP, Palmer RF, Jaen CR, Svoboda MD, Miller CS, Perkins J. Maternal Chemical and Drug Intolerances : Potential Risk Factors for Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). J Am Board Fam Med ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;28(4):461-470. Lien vers Pubmed

87. Kirsten TB, Chaves-Kirsten GP, Bernardes S, Scavone C, Sarkis JE, Bernardi MM, Felicio LF. Lipopolysaccharide Exposure Induces Maternal Hypozincemia, and Prenatal Zinc Treatment Prevents Autistic-Like Behaviors and Disturbances in the Striatal Dopaminergic and mTOR Systems of Offspring. PLoS One ;2015 ;10(7):e0134565. Lien vers Pubmed

88. Kissin DM, Zhang Y, Boulet SL, Fountain C, Bearman P, Schieve L, Yeargin-Allsopp M, Jamieson DJ. Reply : CDC analysis of ICSI/autism : association is not causation. Hum Reprod ;2015 (Jul) ;30(7):1746. Lien vers Pubmed

89. McKean SJ, Bartell SM, Hansen RL, Barfod GH, Green PG, Hertz-Picciotto I. Prenatal mercury exposure, autism, and developmental delay, using pharmacokinetic combination of newborn blood concentrations and questionnaire data : a case control study. Environ Health ;2015 ;14:62. Lien vers Pubmed

90. Talbott EO, Arena VC, Rager JR, Clougherty JE, Michanowicz DR, Sharma RK, Stacy SL. Fine particulate matter and the risk of autism spectrum disorder. Environ Res ;2015 (Jul) ;140:414-420. Lien vers Pubmed

91. Wong CT, Wais J, Crawford DA. Prenatal exposure to common environmental factors affects brain lipids and increases risk of developing Autism Spectrum Disorders. Eur J Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 28)Lien vers Pubmed

92. Xiang AH. Maternal Diabetes and Autism in Offspring—Reply. JAMA ;2015 (Jul 28) ;314(4):407. Lien vers Pubmed

93. Zitser B. Maternal Diabetes and Autism in Offspring. JAMA ;2015 (Jul 28) ;314(4):407. Lien vers Pubmed

Filles avec autisme

94. Dudova I, Kocourkova J, Koutek J. Early-onset anorexia nervosa in girls with Asperger syndrome. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ;2015 ;11:1639-1643. Lien vers Pubmed

95. Postorino V, Fatta LM, De Peppo L, Giovagnoli G, Armando M, Vicari S, Mazzone L. Longitudinal comparison between male and female preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2046-2055. Lien vers Pubmed

Génétique, biochimie

96. Chapman NH, Nato AQ, Jr., Bernier R, Ankenman K, Sohi H, Munson J, Patowary A, Archer M, Blue EM, Webb SJ, Coon H, Raskind WH, Brkanac Z, Wijsman EM. Whole exome sequencing in extended families with autism spectrum disorder implicates four candidate genes. Hum Genet ;2015 (Jul 24)Lien vers Pubmed

97. Chiocchetti AG, Kopp M, Waltes R, Haslinger D, Duketis E, Jarczok TA, Poustka F, Voran A, Graab U, Meyer J, Klauck SM, Fulda S, Freitag CM. Variants of the CNTNAP2 5′ promoter as risk factors for autism spectrum disorders : a genetic and functional approach. Mol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul) ;20(7):839-849. Lien vers Pubmed

98. De Rubeis S, Buxbaum JD. Genetics and genomics of autism spectrum disorder : embracing complexity. Hum Mol Genet ;2015 (Jul 17)Lien vers Pubmed

99. Egawa J, Watanabe Y, Sugimoto A, Nunokawa A, Shibuya M, Igeta H, Inoue E, Hoya S, Orime N, Hayashi T, Sugiyama T, Someya T. Whole-exome sequencing in a family with a monozygotic twin pair concordant for autism spectrum disorder and a follow-up study. Psychiatry Res ;2015 (Jul 10)Lien vers Pubmed

100. Gamsiz ED, Sciarra LN, Maguire AM, Pescosolido MF, van Dyck LI, Morrow EM. Discovery of Rare Mutations in Autism : Elucidating Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):553-571. Lien vers Pubmed

101. Griswold AJ, Dueker ND, Van Booven D, Rantus JA, Jaworski JM, Slifer SH, Schmidt MA, Hulme W, Konidari I, Whitehead PL, Cuccaro ML, Martin ER, Haines JL, Gilbert JR, Hussman JP, Pericak-Vance MA. Targeted massively parallel sequencing of autism spectrum disorder-associated genes in a case control cohort reveals rare loss-of-function risk variants. Mol Autism ;2015 ;6:43. Lien vers Pubmed

102. Jalbrzikowski M, Lazaro MT, Gao F, Huang A, Chow C, Geschwind DH, Coppola G, Bearden CE. Transcriptome Profiling of Peripheral Blood in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Reveals Functional Pathways Related to Psychosis and Autism Spectrum Disorder. PLoS One ;2015 ;10(7):e0132542. Lien vers Pubmed

103. Kozol RA, Cukier HN, Zou B, Mayo V, De Rubeis S, Cai G, Griswold AJ, Whitehead PL, Haines JL, Gilbert JR, Cuccaro ML, Martin ER, Baker JD, Buxbaum JD, Pericak-Vance MA, Dallman JE. Two knockdown models of the autism genes SYNGAP1 and SHANK3 in zebrafish produce similar behavioral phenotypes associated with embryonic disruptions of brain morphogenesis. Hum Mol Genet ;2015 (Jul 15) ;24(14):4006-4023. Lien vers Pubmed

104. Speed HE, Kouser M, Xuan Z, Reimers JM, Ochoa CF, Gupta N, Liu S, Powell CM. Autism-Associated Insertion Mutation (InsG) of Shank3 Exon 21 Causes Impaired Synaptic Transmission and Behavioral Deficits. J Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 1) ;35(26):9648-9665. Lien vers Pubmed

105. Wise A, Tenezaca L, Fernandez RW, Schatoff E, Flores J, Ueda A, Zhong X, Wu CF, Simon AF, Venkatesh T. Drosophila mutants of the autism candidate gene neurobeachin (rugose) exhibit neuro-developmental disorders, aberrant synaptic properties, altered locomotion, and impaired adult social behavior and activity patterns. J Neurogenet ;2015 (Jul 14):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed


106. Auzias G, Takerkart S, Deruelle C. On the Influence of Confounding Factors in Multi-site Brain Morphometry Studies of Developmental Pathologies : Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform ;2015 (Jul 22)Lien vers Pubmed

107. Gori I, Giuliano A, Muratori F, Saviozzi I, Oliva P, Tancredi R, Cosenza A, Tosetti M, Calderoni S, Retico A. Gray Matter Alterations in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : Comparing Morphometry at the Voxel and Regional Level. J Neuroimaging ;2015 (Jul 27)Lien vers Pubmed

108. Kestemont J, Vandekerckhove M, Bulnes LC, Matthys F, Overwalle FV. Causal Attribution in Individuals with Subclinical and Clinical Autism Spectrum Disorder : an fMRI Study. Soc Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 27)Lien vers Pubmed

109. Kirkovski M, Enticott PG, Maller JJ, Rossell SL, Fitzgerald PB. Diffusion tensor imaging reveals no white matter impairments among adults with autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Res ;2015 (Jul 30) ;233(1):64-72. Lien vers Pubmed

110. Mevel K, Fransson P, Bolte S. Multimodal brain imaging in autism spectrum disorder and the promise of twin research. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):527-541. Lien vers Pubmed

111. Rane P, Cochran D, Hodge SM, Haselgrove C, Kennedy DN, Frazier JA. Connectivity in Autism : A Review of MRI Connectivity Studies. Harv Rev Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;23(4):223-244. Lien vers Pubmed


112. Bashir S, Al-Ayadhi L. Endothelial antibody levels in the sera of children with autism spectrum disorders. J Chin Med Assoc ;2015 (Jul) ;78(7):414-417. Lien vers Pubmed

113. Estes ML, McAllister AK. Immune mediators in the brain and peripheral tissues in autism spectrum disorder. Nat Rev Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 20) ;16(8):469-486. Lien vers Pubmed

114. Frenssen F, Croonenberghs J, den Steene HV, Maes M. Prolyl endopeptidase and dipeptidyl peptidase IV are associated with externalizing and aggressive behaviors in normal and autistic adolescents. Life Sci ;2015 (Jul 10)Lien vers Pubmed

Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

115. Berry RC, Novak P, Withrow N, Schmidt B, Rarback S, Feucht S, Criado KK, Sharp WG. Nutrition Management of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Guideline from an Expert Panel. J Acad Nutr Diet ;2015 (Jul 9)Lien vers Pubmed

116. Doshi-Velez F, Avillach P, Palmer N, Bousvaros A, Ge Y, Fox K, Steinberg G, Spettell C, Juster I, Kohane I. Prevalence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Among Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Inflamm Bowel Dis ;2015 (Jul 25)Lien vers Pubmed

117. Penn AH, Carver LJ, Herbert CA, Lai TS, McIntire MJ, Howard JT, Taylor SF, Schmid-Schonbein GW, Dobkins KR. Breast Milk Protects Against Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Infants at High Risk for Autism During Early Development. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr ;2015 (Jul 29)Lien vers Pubmed

Neurologie, neurosciences

118. Bryn V, Halvorsen B, Ueland T, Isaksen J, Kolkova K, Ravn K, Skjeldal OH. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in childhood. Eur J Paediatr Neurol ;2015 (Jul) ;19(4):411-414. Lien vers Pubmed

119. Chen H, Duan X, Liu F, Lu F, Ma X, Zhang Y, Uddin LQ. Multivariate classification of autism spectrum disorder using frequency-specific resting-state functional connectivity-A multi-center study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 4) ;64:1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

120. Ellegood J, Crawley JN. Behavioral and Neuroanatomical Phenotypes in Mouse Models of Autism. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):521-533. Lien vers Pubmed

121. Grubisic V, Parpura V. The second brain in autism spectrum disorder : could connexin 43 expressed in enteric glial cells play a role ?. Front Cell Neurosci ;2015 ;9:242. Lien vers Pubmed

122. Han Y, Xi QQ, Dai W, Yang SH, Gao L, Su YY, Zhang X. Abnormal transsulfuration metabolism and reduced antioxidant capacity in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorders. Int J Dev Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 3) ;46:27-32. Lien vers Pubmed

123. Hranilovic D, Blazevic S, Stefulj J, Zill P. DNA Methylation Analysis of HTR2A Regulatory Region in Leukocytes of Autistic Subjects. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 7)Lien vers Pubmed

124. Kennedy DP, Paul LK, Adolphs R. Brain Connectivity in Autism : The Significance of Null Findings. Biol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 15) ;78(2):81-82. Lien vers Pubmed

125. Lefebvre A, Beggiato A, Bourgeron T, Toro R. Neuroanatomical Diversity of Corpus Callosum and Brain Volume in Autism : Meta-analysis, Analysis of the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange Project, and Simulation. Biol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 15) ;78(2):126-134. Lien vers Pubmed

126. Mariani J, Coppola G, Zhang P, Abyzov A, Provini L, Tomasini L, Amenduni M, Szekely A, Palejev D, Wilson M, Gerstein M, Grigorenko EL, Chawarska K, Pelphrey KA, Howe JR, Vaccarino FM. FOXG1-Dependent Dysregulation of GABA/Glutamate Neuron Differentiation in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Cell ;2015 (Jul 16) ;162(2):375-390. Lien vers Pubmed

127. McKavanagh R, Buckley E, Chance SA. Wider minicolumns in autism : a neural basis for altered processing ?. Brain ;2015 (Jul) ;138(Pt 7):2034-2045. Lien vers Pubmed

128. Nava C, Rupp J, Boissel JP, Mignot C, Rastetter A, Amiet C, Jacquette A, Dupuits C, Bouteiller D, Keren B, Ruberg M, Faudet A, Doummar D, Philippe A, Perisse D, Laurent C, Lebrun N, Guillemot V, Chelly J, Cohen D, Heron D, Brice A, Closs EI, Depienne C. Hypomorphic variants of cationic amino acid transporter 3 in males with autism spectrum disorders. Amino Acids ;2015 (Jul 28)Lien vers Pubmed

129. Nelson CA, Varcin KJ, Coman NK, DeVivo I, Tager-Flusberg H. Shortened Telomeres in Families With a Propensity to Autism. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul) ;54(7):588-594. Lien vers Pubmed

130. Nickl-Jockschat T, Rottschy C, Thommes J, Schneider F, Laird AR, Fox PT, Eickhoff SB. Neural networks related to dysfunctional face processing in autism spectrum disorder. Brain Struct Funct ;2015 (Jul) ;220(4):2355-2371. Lien vers Pubmed

131. Ohta H, Nordahl CW, Iosif AM, Lee A, Rogers S, Amaral DG. Increased Surface Area, but not Cortical Thickness, in a Subset of Young Boys With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 16)Lien vers Pubmed

132. Pasciuto E, Borrie SC, Kanellopoulos AK, Santos AR, Cappuyns E, D’Andrea L, Pacini L, Bagni C. Autism Spectrum Disorders : Translating human deficits into mouse behavior. Neurobiol Learn Mem ;2015 (Jul 26)Lien vers Pubmed

133. Schaer M, Kochalka J, Padmanabhan A, Supekar K, Menon V. Sex differences in cortical volume and gyrification in autism. Mol Autism ;2015 ;6:42. Lien vers Pubmed

134. Sesarini CV, Costa L, Granana N, Coto MG, Pallia RC, Argibay PF. Association between GABA(A) receptor subunit polymorphisms and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Psychiatry Res ;2015 (Jul 28)Lien vers Pubmed

135. Shafritz KM, Bregman JD, Ikuta T, Szeszko PR. Neural systems mediating decision-making and response inhibition for social and nonsocial stimuli in autism. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 3) ;60:112-120. Lien vers Pubmed

136. Takano T. Interneuron Dysfunction in Syndromic Autism : Recent Advances. Dev Neurosci ;2015 (Jul 15)Lien vers Pubmed

137. Tang LT, Craig TJ, Henley JM. SUMOylation of synapsin Ia maintains synaptic vesicle availability and is reduced in an autism mutation. Nat Commun ;2015 ;6:7728. Lien vers Pubmed

138. Tilot AK, Frazier TW, 2nd, Eng C. Balancing Proliferation and Connectivity in PTEN-associated Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):609-619. Lien vers Pubmed

139. Valvo G, Baldini S, Retico A, Rossi G, Tancredi R, Ferrari AR, Calderoni S, Apicella F, Muratori F, Santorelli FM, Sicca F. Temporal lobe connects regression and macrocephaly to autism spectrum disorders. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 30)Lien vers Pubmed

140. Wolff JJ, Gerig G, Lewis JD, Soda T, Styner MA, Vachet C, Botteron KN, Elison JT, Dager SR, Estes AM, Hazlett HC, Schultz RT, Zwaigenbaum L, Piven J. Altered corpus callosum morphology associated with autism over the first 2 years of life. Brain ;2015 (Jul) ;138(Pt 7):2046-2058. Lien vers Pubmed

Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests

141. Al-Zaid FS, Alhader AA, Al-Ayadhi LY. The second to fourth digit ratio (2D:4D) in Saudi boys with autism : A potential screening tool. Early Hum Dev ;2015 (Jul) ;91(7):413-415. Lien vers Pubmed

142. Anderson GM, Montazeri F, de Bildt A. Network Approach to Autistic Traits : Group and Subgroup Analyses of ADOS Item Scores. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 24)Lien vers Pubmed

143. Backer van Ommeren T, Koot HM, Scheeren AM, Begeer S. Reliability and Validity of the Interactive Drawing Test : A Measure of Reciprocity for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):1967-1977. Lien vers Pubmed

144. Balboni G, Tasso A, Muratori F, Cubelli R. The Vineland-II in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : An Item Content Category Analysis. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 26)Lien vers Pubmed

145. Bellando J, Fussell JJ, Lopez M. Autism Speaks Toolkits : Resources for Busy Physicians. Clin Pediatr (Phila) ;2015 (Jul 6)Lien vers Pubmed

146. Chowdhury M, Aman MG, Lecavalier L, Smith T, Johnson C, Swiezy N, McCracken JT, King B, McDougle CJ, Bearss K, Deng Y, Scahill L. Factor structure and psychometric properties of the revised Home Situations Questionnaire for autism spectrum disorder : The Home Situations Questionnaire-Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism ;2015 (Jul 17)Lien vers Pubmed

147. Coleman KJ, Lutsky MA, Yau V, Qian Y, Pomichowski ME, Crawford PM, Lynch FL, Madden JM, Owen-Smith A, Pearson JA, Pearson KA, Rusinak D, Quinn VP, Croen LA. Validation of Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses in Large Healthcare Systems with Electronic Medical Records. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):1989-1996. Lien vers Pubmed

148. Davis T, Clifton D, Papadopoulos C. Identifying autism early : The Toddlers at Risk of Autism Clinic model. J Paediatr Child Health ;2015 (Jul) ;51(7):699-703. Lien vers Pubmed

149. de Bildt A, Sytema S, Zander E, Bolte S, Sturm H, Yirmiya N, Yaari M, Charman T, Salomone E, LeCouteur A, Green J, Bedia RC, Primo PG, van Daalen E, de Jonge MV, Guethmundsdottir E, Johannsdottir S, Raleva M, Boskovska M, Roge B, Baduel S, Moilanen I, Yliherva A, Buitelaar J, Oosterling IJ. Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) Algorithms for Toddlers and Young Preschoolers : Application in a Non-US Sample of 1,104 Children. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2076-2091. Lien vers Pubmed

150. Fenikile TS, Ellerbeck K, Filippi MK, Daley CM. Barriers to autism screening in family medicine practice : a qualitative study. Prim Health Care Res Dev ;2015 (Jul) ;16(4):356-366. Lien vers Pubmed

151. Havdahl KA, von Tetzchner S, Huerta M, Lord C, Bishop SL. Utility of the Child Behavior Checklist as a Screener for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 3)Lien vers Pubmed

152. Hrdlicka M, Dudova I. Screening preterm children for autism at 2 years of age. J Pediatr ;2015 (Jul) ;167(1):212. Lien vers Pubmed

153. Kamio Y, Haraguchi H, Stickley A, Ogino K, Ishitobi M, Takahashi H. Brief Report : Best Discriminators for Identifying Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder at an 18-Month Health Check-Up in Japan. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 19)Lien vers Pubmed

154. McConachie H. Appropriate outcome measurement for children with autism spectrum disorder. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2015 (Jul 30)Lien vers Pubmed

155. McEwen FS, Stewart CS, Colvert E, Woodhouse E, Curran S, Gillan N, Hallett V, Lietz S, Garnett T, Ronald A, Murphy D, Happe F, Bolton P. Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in community settings using the Development and Well-Being Assessment : validation in a UK population-based twin sample. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 15)Lien vers Pubmed

156. Mugzach O, Peleg M, Bagley SC, Guter SJ, Cook EH, Altman RB. An ontology for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to infer ASD phenotypes from Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised data. J Biomed Inform ;2015 (Jul 4)Lien vers Pubmed

157. Nowell KP, Schanding GT, Jr., Kanne SM, Goin-Kochel RP. Cognitive Profiles in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder : An Investigation of Base Rate Discrepancies using the Differential Ability Scales-Second Edition. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):1978-1988. Lien vers Pubmed

158. Pineda R, Melchior K, Oberle S, Inder T, Rogers C. Assessment of Autism Symptoms During the Neonatal Period : Is There Early Evidence of Autism Risk ?. Am J Occup Ther ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;69(4):6904220010p6904220011-6904220010p6904220011. Lien vers Pubmed

159. Tan DW, Russell-Smith SN, Simons JM, Maybery MT, Leung D, Ng HL, Whitehouse AJ. Perceived Gender Ratings for High and Low Scorers on the Autism-Spectrum Quotient Consistent with the Extreme Male Brain Account of Autism. PLoS One ;2015 ;10(7):e0131780. Lien vers Pubmed

Parents, Fratrie

160. Allen KD, Vatland C, Bowen SL, Burke RV. An evaluation of parent-produced video self-modeling to improve independence in an adolescent with intellectual developmental disorder and an autism spectrum disorder : a controlled case study. Behav Modif ;2015 (Jul) ;39(4):542-556. Lien vers Pubmed

161. Baker JK, Fenning RM, Howland MA, Baucom BR, Moffitt J, Erath SA. Brief Report : A Pilot Study of Parent-Child Biobehavioral Synchrony in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 17)Lien vers Pubmed

162. Conti R. Compassionate Parenting as a Key to Satisfaction, Efficacy and Meaning Among Mothers of Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2008-2018. Lien vers Pubmed

163. Dababnah S, Parish SL. A Comprehensive Literature Review of Randomized Controlled Trials for Parents of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Evid Inf Soc Work ;2015 (Jul 15):1-16. Lien vers Pubmed

164. Davis JM, Finke EH. The Experience of Military Families with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders During Relocation and Separation. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2019-2034. Lien vers Pubmed

165. Ekas NV, Timmons L, Pruitt M, Ghilain C, Alessandri M. The Power of Positivity : Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):1997-2007. Lien vers Pubmed

166. Esposito G, Valenzi S, Islam T, Bornstein MH. Three physiological responses in fathers and non-fathers’ to vocalizations of typically developing infants and infants with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Res Dev Disabil ;2015 (Jul 4) ;43-44:43-50. Lien vers Pubmed

167. Goepfert E, Mule C, von Hahn E, Visco Z, Siegel M. Family System Interventions for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am ;2015 (Jul) ;24(3):571-583. Lien vers Pubmed

168. Grein KA, Glidden LM. Predicting well-being longitudinally for mothers rearing offspring with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2015 (Jul) ;59(7):622-637. Lien vers Pubmed

169. Hock R, Kinsman A, Ortaglia A. Examining treatment adherence among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. Disabil Health J ;2015 (Jul) ;8(3):407-413. Lien vers Pubmed

170. Mandleco B, Webb AE. Sibling perceptions of living with a young person with Down syndrome or autism spectrum disorder : An integrated review. J Spec Pediatr Nurs ;2015 (Jul) ;20(3):138-156. Lien vers Pubmed

171. McEvilly M, Wicks S, Dalman C. Sick Leave and Work Participation Among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Stockholm Youth Cohort : A Register Linkage Study in Stockholm, Sweden. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2157-2167. Lien vers Pubmed

172. O’Reilly M, Karim K, Lester JN. Separating ’emotion’ from ‘the science’ : Exploring the perceived value of information for parents and families of children with autistic spectrum disorder. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul) ;20(3):500-514. Lien vers Pubmed

173. Poslawsky IE, Naber FB, Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ, van Daalen E, van Engeland H, van IMH. Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting adapted to Autism (VIPP-AUTI) : A randomized controlled trial. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):588-603. Lien vers Pubmed

174. Searing BM, Graham F, Grainger R. Support Needs of Families Living with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 4)Lien vers Pubmed

175. Sharpley CF, Bitsika V, Agnew LL, Andronicos NM. Eight-month test-retest agreement in morning salivary cortisol, self- and parent-rated anxiety in boys with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Physiol Behav ;2015 (Jul 26) ;151:207-212. Lien vers Pubmed

176. Shave K, Lashewicz B. Support Needs of Fathers of Children with ASD : Individual, Family, Community and Ideological Influences. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

177. Shi LJ, Ou JJ, Gong JB, Wang SH, Zhou YY, Zhu FR, Liu XD, Zhao JP, Luo XR. Broad autism phenotype features of Chinese parents with autistic children and their associations with severity of social impairment in probands. BMC Psychiatry ;2015 ;15:168. Lien vers Pubmed

178. Stadnick NA, Stahmer A, Brookman-Frazee L. Preliminary Effectiveness of Project ImPACT : A Parent-Mediated Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Delivered in a Community Program. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2092-2104. Lien vers Pubmed

179. Talbott MR, Nelson CA, Tager-Flusberg H. Maternal Vocal Feedback to 9-Month-Old Infant Siblings of Children with ASD. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 14)Lien vers Pubmed

180. Talbott MR, Nelson CA, Tager-Flusberg H. Diary Reports of Concerns in Mothers of Infant Siblings of Children with Autism Across the First Year of Life. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2187-2199. Lien vers Pubmed

181. Unwin LM, Maybery MT, Murphy A, Lilje W, Bellesini M, Hunt AM, Granich J, Jacoby P, Dissanayake C, Pennell CE, Hickey M, Whitehouse AJ. A Prospective Ultrasound Study of Prenatal Growth in Infant Siblings of Children With Autism. Autism Res ;2015 (Jul 7)Lien vers Pubmed


182. Acab A, Muotri AR. The Use of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Technology to Advance Autism Research and Treatment. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):534-545. Lien vers Pubmed

183. Aoki Y, Yamasue H. Reply : Does imitation act as an oxytocin nebulizer in autism spectrum disorder ?. Brain ;2015 (Jul) ;138(Pt 7):e361. Lien vers Pubmed

184. Brewer R, Biotti F, Catmur C, Press C, Happe F, Cook R, Bird G. Can Neurotypical Individuals Read Autistic Facial Expressions ? Atypical Production of Emotional Facial Expressions in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism Res ;2015 (Jun 6)Lien vers Pubmed

185. Chakrabarti B, Persico A, Battista N, Maccarrone M. Endocannabinoid Signaling in Autism. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul 28)Lien vers Pubmed

186. Chantiluke K, Barrett N, Giampietro V, Brammer M, Simmons A, Murphy DG, Rubia K. Inverse Effect of Fluoxetine on Medial Prefrontal Cortex Activation During Reward Reversal in ADHD and Autism. Cereb Cortex ;2015 (Jul) ;25(7):1757-1770. Lien vers Pubmed

187. Delaveau P, Arzounian D, Rotge JY, Nadel J, Fossati P. Does imitation act as an oxytocin nebulizer in autism spectrum disorder ?. Brain ;2015 (Jul) ;138(Pt 7):e360. Lien vers Pubmed

188. Ghaleiha A, Rasa SM, Nikoo M, Farokhnia M, Mohammadi MR, Akhondzadeh S. A pilot double-blind placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone as adjunctive treatment to risperidone : Effects on aberrant behavior in children with autism. Psychiatry Res ;2015 (Jul 16)Lien vers Pubmed

189. Karakurt MN, Suren S. Desmopressin Use in the Treatment of Aripiprazole-Induced Nocturnal Enuresis in a Child Diagnosed with Autistic Disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol ;2015 (Jul 29)Lien vers Pubmed

190. Meziane H, Schaller F, Bauer S, Villard C, Matarazzo V, Riet F, Guillon G, Lafitte D, Desarmenien MG, Tauber M, Muscatelli F. An Early Postnatal Oxytocin Treatment Prevents Social and Learning Deficits in Adult Mice Deficient for Magel2, a Gene Involved in Prader-Willi Syndrome and Autism. Biol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 15) ;78(2):85-94. Lien vers Pubmed

191. Neul JL, Sahin M. Therapeutic Advances in Autism and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):519-520. Lien vers Pubmed

192. Simberlund J, Ferretti CJ, Hollander E. Mesenchymal stem cells in autism spectrum and neurodevelopmental disorders : pitfalls and potential promises. World J Biol Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul 31):1-8. Lien vers Pubmed

Prévalence, épidémiologie

193. de Vinck-Baroody O, Shui A, Macklin EA, Hyman SL, Leventhal JM, Weitzman C. Overweight and Obesity in a Sample of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Acad Pediatr ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;15(4):396-404. Lien vers Pubmed

194. Dillenburger K, McKerr L, Jordan JA, Devine P, Keenan M. Creating an Inclusive Society… How Close are We in Relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder ? A General Population Survey. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2015 (Jul) ;28(4):330-340. Lien vers Pubmed

195. Dreyer Gillette ML, Borner KB, Nadler CB, Poppert KM, Odar Stough C, Swinburne Romine R, Davis AM. Prevalence and Health Correlates of Overweight and Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2015 (Jul 7)Lien vers Pubmed

196. Husk JS, Keim SA. Breastfeeding and Autism Spectrum Disorder in the National Survey of Children’s Health. Epidemiology ;2015 (Jul) ;26(4):451-457. Lien vers Pubmed

197. Jensen CM, Martens CS, Nikolajsen ND, Skytt Gregersen T, Heckmann Marx N, Goldberg Frederiksen M, Hansen MS. What do the general population know, believe and feel about individuals with autism and schizophrenia : Results from a comparative survey in Denmark. Autism ;2015 (Jul 10)Lien vers Pubmed

198. Pulcini CD, Perrin JM, Houtrow AJ, Sargent J, Shui A, Kuhlthau K. Examining Trends and Coexisting Conditions Among Children Qualifying for SSI Under ADHD, ASD, and ID. Acad Pediatr ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;15(4):439-443. Lien vers Pubmed

Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

199. Barrett B, Mosweu I, Jones CR, Charman T, Baird G, Simonoff E, Pickles A, Happe F, Byford S. Comparing service use and costs among adolescents with autism spectrum disorders, special needs and typical development. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):562-569. Lien vers Pubmed

200. Bhat A, Bubela D. Commentary on « A therapeutic skating intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder ». Pediatr Phys Ther ;2015 (Summer) ;27(2):177. Lien vers Pubmed

201. Borgi M, Loliva D, Cerino S, Chiarotti F, Venerosi A, Bramini M, Nonnis E, Marcelli M, Vinti C, De Santis C, Bisacco F, Fagerlie M, Frascarelli M, Cirulli F. Effectiveness of a Standardized Equine-Assisted Therapy Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 26)Lien vers Pubmed

202. Casey AF, Quenneville-Himbeault G, Normore A, Davis H, Martell SG. A therapeutic skating intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Pediatr Phys Ther ;2015 (Summer) ;27(2):170-177. Lien vers Pubmed

203. Dababnah S, Bulson K. « On the Sidelines » : Access to Autism-Related Services in the West Bank. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 29)Lien vers Pubmed

204. Estes A, Munson J, Rogers SJ, Greenson J, Winter J, Dawson G. Long-Term Outcomes of Early Intervention in 6-Year-Old Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul) ;54(7):580-587. Lien vers Pubmed

205. Eversole M, Collins DM, Karmarkar A, Colton L, Quinn JP, Karsbaek R, Johnson JR, Callier NP, Hilton CL. Leisure Activity Enjoyment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 26)Lien vers Pubmed

206. Foley D, Reid N, Neels A, Winkler R. Profound hypomagnesaemia secondary to alternative therapy in a child with autism spectrum disorder. J Paediatr Child Health ;2015 (Jul) ;51(7):744-745. Lien vers Pubmed

207. Fueyo M, Caldwell T, Mattern SB, Zahid J, Foley T. The Health Home : A Service Delivery Model for Autism and Intellectual Disability. Psychiatr Serv ;2015 (Jul 1):appips201400443. Lien vers Pubmed

208. Gabriels RL, Pan Z, Dechant B, Agnew JA, Brim N, Mesibov G. Randomized Controlled Trial of Therapeutic Horseback Riding in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2015 (Jul) ;54(7):541-549. Lien vers Pubmed

209. Geretsegger M, Holck U, Carpente JA, Elefant C, Kim J, Gold C. Common Characteristics of Improvisational Approaches in Music Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Developing Treatment Guidelines. J Music Ther ;2015 (Summer) ;52(2):258-281. Lien vers Pubmed

210. Hagen E, Shprung D, Minakova E, Washington J, 3rd, Kumar U, Shin D, Sankar R, Mazarati A. Autism-Like Behavior in BTBR Mice Is Improved by Electroconvulsive Therapy. Neurotherapeutics ;2015 (Jul) ;12(3):657-666. Lien vers Pubmed

211. Hsieh HC, Lin HY, Chiu WH, Meng LF, Liu CK. Upper-Limb Rehabilitation With Adaptive Video Games for Preschool Children With Developmental Disabilities. Am J Occup Ther ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;69(4):6904290020p6904290021-6904290025. Lien vers Pubmed

212. Leigh JP, Du J. Brief Report : Forecasting the Economic Burden of Autism in 2015 and 2025 in the United States. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul 17)Lien vers Pubmed

213. Merryman MB, Miller NA, Shockley E, Eskow KG, Chasson GS. State adoption of Medicaid 1915(c) waivers for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Disabil Health J ;2015 (Jul) ;8(3):443-451. Lien vers Pubmed

214. Oza VS, Marco E, Frieden IJ. Improving the Dermatologic Care of Individuals with Autism : A Review of Relevant Issues and a Perspective. Pediatr Dermatol ;2015 (Jul) ;32(4):447-454. Lien vers Pubmed

215. Ruiz-Robledillo N, Bellosta-Batalla M, L MA. Lower Cardiovascular Reactivity to Acute Stress in Informal Caregivers of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder than in Non-Caregivers : Implications for Health Outcomes. Int J Psychophysiol ;2015 (Jul 27)Lien vers Pubmed

216. Spassiani NA, Parker Harris S, Hammel J. Exploring How Knowledge Translation Can Improve Sustainability of Community-based Health Initiatives for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2015 (Jul 28)Lien vers Pubmed

217. Viecili MA, Weiss JA. Reliability and Validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory With Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2015 (Jul) ;120(4):289-301. Lien vers Pubmed

218. Wong C, Odom SL, Hume KA, Cox AW, Fettig A, Kucharczyk S, Brock ME, Plavnick JB, Fleury VP, Schultz TR. Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Comprehensive Review. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):1951-1966. Lien vers Pubmed

Santé bucco-dentaire

219. Blomqvist M, Bejerot S, Dahllof G. A cross-sectional study on oral health and dental care in intellectually able adults with autism spectrum disorder. BMC Oral Health ;2015 ;15:81. Lien vers Pubmed

Sensori-moteur / Audition

220. Alaniz ML, Galit E, Necesito CI, Rosario ER. Hand Strength, Handwriting, and Functional Skills in Children With Autism. Am J Occup Ther ;2015 (Jul-Aug) ;69(4):6904220030p6904220031-6904220039. Lien vers Pubmed

221. Crippa A, Salvatore C, Perego P, Forti S, Nobile M, Molteni M, Castiglioni I. Use of Machine Learning to Identify Children with Autism and Their Motor Abnormalities. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2146-2156. Lien vers Pubmed

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Syndrome d’Asperger et autisme de haut niveau

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Syndrome de Rett

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Syndrome X-Fragile

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Théorie de l’esprit

278. Angus DJ, de Rosnay M, Lunenburg P, Meerum Terwogt M, Begeer S. Limitations in social anticipation are independent of imaginative and Theory of Mind abilities in children with autism but not in typically developing children. Autism ;2015 (Jul) ;19(5):604-612. Lien vers Pubmed

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280. Thomeer ML, Smith RA, Lopata C, Volker MA, Lipinski AM, Rodgers JD, McDonald CA, Lee GK. Randomized Controlled Trial of Mind Reading and In Vivo Rehearsal for High-Functioning Children with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2015 (Jul) ;45(7):2115-2127. Lien vers Pubmed

Troubles associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités

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