Articles publiés en mai 2020 (Pubmed)

Veille mensuelle

- ABA, approches comportementales
- Adultes avec autisme
- Alimentation, nutrition
- Biomarqueurs
- Classification
- Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie
- Communication, langage
- Education, Apprentissages
- Epilepsie
- Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales
- Filles avec autisme / Comparaison fille-garçon
- Génétique, biochimie
- Imagerie
- Immunologie
- Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques
- Neurologie, neurosciences
- Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests
- Parents, Fratrie
- Pharmacologie
- Prévalence, épidémiologie
- Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie
- Santé Bucco-Dentaire
- Sensori-moteur / Audition
- Sommeil
- Syndrome d’Asperger / Autisme de haut niveau
- Syndrome de Rett
- Syndrome X-Fragile
- Théorie de l’esprit
- Trouble associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités
- Vaccins
- Vision
- Divers

ABA, approches comportementales

1. Cividini-Motta C, Moore K, Fish LM, Priehs JC, Ahearn WH. Reducing Public Masturbation in Individuals With ASD : An Assessment of Response Interruption Procedures. Behav Modif ;2020 (May) ;44(3):429-448. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Gaigg SB, Flaxman PE, McLaven G, Shah R, Bowler DM, Meyer B, Roestorf A, Haenschel C, Rodgers J, South M. Self-guided mindfulness and cognitive behavioural practices reduce anxiety in autistic adults : A pilot 8-month waitlist-controlled trial of widely available online tools. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):867-883. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Galizio A, Higbee TS, Odum AL. Choice for reinforced behavioral variability in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Exp Anal Behav ;2020 (May) ;113(3):495-514. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Gaucher M, Forget J. Temporal regulation of children with autism spectrum disorder exposed to a differential-reinforcement-of low-rates schedule. J Exp Anal Behav ;2020 (May) ;113(3):515-529. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Gomes SR, Reeve SA, Brothers KJ, Reeve KF, Sidener TM. Establishing a Generalized Repertoire of Initiating Bids for Joint Attention in Children with Autism. Behav Modif ;2020 (May) ;44(3):394-428. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Lake JK, Tablon Modica P, Chan V, Weiss JA. Considering efficacy and effectiveness trials of cognitive behavioral therapy among youth with autism : A systematic review. Autism ;2020 (May 18):1362361320918754. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Landa RK, Frampton SE, Shillingsburg MA. Teaching children with autism to mand for social information. J Appl Behav Anal ;2020 (May 31) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Perez BC, Bacotti JK, Peters KP, Vollmer TR. An extension of commonly used toilet-training procedures to children with autism spectrum disorder. J Appl Behav Anal ;2020 (May 26) Lien vers Pubmed

9. Rivera P, Renziehausen J, Garcia JM. Effects of an 8-Week Judo Program on Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Mixed-Methods Approach. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev ;2020 (May 11) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Skogli EW, Andersen PN, Isaksen J. An Exploratory Study of Executive Function Development in Children with Autism, after Receiving Early Intensive Behavioral Training. Dev Neurorehabil ;2020 (May 13):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Solish A, Klemencic N, Ritzema A, Nolan V, Pilkington M, Anagnostou E, Brian J. Effectiveness of a modified group cognitive behavioral therapy program for anxiety in children with ASD delivered in a community context. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 13) ;11(1):34. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Tajik-Parvinchi DJ, Farmus L, Cribbie R, Albaum C, Weiss JA. Clinical and parental predictors of emotion regulation following cognitive behaviour therapy in children with autism. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):851-866. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Watkins L, Tomeny T, O’Reilly M, Sillis KH, Zamora C. A Naturalistic Behavioral Intervention to Increase Interaction between Siblings with and without Autism. Behav Modif ;2020 (May 19):145445520920813. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Wilder DA, Ertel H, Thomas R. Further analysis of modifications to the three-step guided compliance procedure to enhance compliance among children with autism. J Appl Behav Anal ;2020 (May 8) Lien vers Pubmed

15. Yu Q, Li E, Li L, Liang W. Efficacy of Interventions Based on Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Meta-Analysis. Psychiatry Investig ;2020 (May) ;17(5):432-443. Lien vers Pubmed

Adultes avec autisme

1. Benevides TW, Shore SM, Andresen ML, Caplan R, Cook B, Gassner DL, Erves JM, Hazlewood TM, King MC, Morgan L, Murphy LE, Purkis Y, Rankowski B, Rutledge SM, Welch SP, Wittig K. Interventions to address health outcomes among autistic adults : A systematic review. Autism ;2020 (May 11):1362361320913664. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Dreaver J, Thompson C, Girdler S, Adolfsson M, Black MH, Falkmer M. Success Factors Enabling Employment for Adults on the Autism Spectrum from Employers’ Perspective. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1657-1667. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Edelson SM, Nicholas DB, Stoddart KP, Bauman MB, Mawlam L, Lawson WB, Jose C, Morris R, Wright SD. Strategies for Research, Practice, and Policy for Autism in Later Life : A Report from a Think Tank on Aging and Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 2):1-9. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Hillier A, Buckingham A, Schena D, 2nd. Physical Activity Among Adults With Autism : Participation, Attitudes, and Barriers. Percept Mot Skills ;2020 (May 22):31512520927560. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Khalifa G, Sharif Z, Sultan M, Di Rezze B. Workplace accommodations for adults with autism spectrum disorder : a scoping review. Disabil Rehabil ;2020 (May) ;42(9):1316-1331. Lien vers Pubmed

6. LeClaire JP, Stille SO, Foster KD, Berg RG. Analyzing essays about treating adults with special health care needs and intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Dent Educ ;2020 (May) ;84(5):543-551. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Lord C, McCauley JB, Pepa LA, Huerta M, Pickles A. Work, living, and the pursuit of happiness : Vocational and psychosocial outcomes for young adults with autism. Autism ;2020 (May 20):1362361320919246. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Pellicano E, Lawson W, Hall G, Mahony J, Lilley R, Davis C, Arnold S, Trollor J, Yudell M. Documenting the untold histories of late-diagnosed autistic adults : a qualitative study protocol using oral history methodology. BMJ Open ;2020 (May 30) ;10(5):e037968. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Richards J, Milne R. Appropriate adults : Their experiences and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 18) ;103:103675. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Roux AM, Rast JE, Anderson KA, Garfield T, Shattuck PT. Vocational Rehabilitation Service Utilization and Employment Outcomes Among Secondary Students on the Autism Spectrum. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 12) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Solomon C. Autism and Employment : Implications for Employers and Adults with ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 15) Lien vers Pubmed

12. van Tiel B, Deliens G, Geelhand P, Murillo Oosterwijk A, Kissine M. Strategic Deception in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 17) Lien vers Pubmed

Alimentation, nutrition

1. Guerini FR, Bolognesi E, Chiappedi M, Mensi MM, Fumagalli O, Rogantini C, Zanzottera M, Ghezzo A, Zanette M, Agliardi C, Costa AS, Sotgiu S, Carta A, Al Daghri N, Clerici M. Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphisms Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):680-690. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Patton SR, Odar Stough C, Pan TY, Holcomb LO, Dreyer Gillette ML. Associations between autism symptom severity and mealtime behaviors in young children presented with an unfamiliar food. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 15) ;103:103676. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Robea MA, Luca AC, Ciobica A. Relationship between Vitamin Deficiencies and Co-Occurring Symptoms in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Medicina (Kaunas) ;2020 (May 20) ;56(5) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Song L, Luo X, Jiang Q, Chen Z, Zhou L, Wang D, Chen A. Vitamin D Supplementation is Beneficial for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Meta-analysis. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci ;2020 (May 31) ;18(2):203-213. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Steinman G, Mankuta D. The role of oligopeptides in preventing autism. Med Hypotheses ;2020 (May) ;138:109604. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Wang JP, Xu YC, Hou JQ, Li JY, Xing J, Yang BX, Zhang ZH, Zhang BL, Li HH, Li P. Effects of Dietary Fat Profile on Gut Microbiota in Valproate Animal Model of Autism. Front Med (Lausanne) ;2020 ;7:151. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Frasch MG, Shen C, Wu HT, Mueller A, Neuhaus E, Bernier RA, Kamara D, Beauchaine TP. Brief Report : Can a Composite Heart Rate Variability Biomarker Shed New Insights About Autism Spectrum Disorder in School-Aged Children ?. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 24) Lien vers Pubmed


1. Nelson RH. Autism Advocacy Before and After DSM-5. Am J Bioeth ;2020 (May) ;20(4):48-50. Lien vers Pubmed

Cognition, habiletés sociales, comportementales, neuropsychologie

1. Balboni G, Mumbardó-Adam C, Coscarelli A. Influence of adaptive behaviour on the quality of life of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2020 (May) ;33(3):584-594. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bangerter A, Chatterjee M, Manfredonia J, Manyakov NV, Ness S, Boice MA, Skalkin A, Goodwin MS, Dawson G, Hendren R, Leventhal B, Shic F, Pandina G. Automated recognition of spontaneous facial expression in individuals with autism spectrum disorder : parsing response variability. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 11) ;11(1):31. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Bradshaw J, Klin A, Evans L, Klaiman C, Saulnier C, McCracken C. Development of attention from birth to 5 months in infants at risk for autism spectrum disorder. Dev Psychopathol ;2020 (May) ;32(2):491-501. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Brinkert J, Remington A. Making sense of the perceptual capacities in autistic and non-autistic adults. Autism ;2020 (May 31):1362361320922640. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Cai RY, Richdale AL, Dissanayake C, Uljarević M. How Does Emotion Regulation Strategy Use and Psychological Wellbeing Predict Mood in Adults With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder ? A Naturalistic Assessment. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1786-1799. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Chetcuti L, Uljarević M, Varcin KJ, Boutrus M, Wan MW, Slonims V, Green J, Segal L, Iacono T, Dissanayake C, Whitehouse AJO, Hudry K. The Role of Negative Affectivity in Concurrent Relations Between Caregiver Psychological Distress and Social-Emotional Difficulties in Infants With Early Signs of Autism. Autism Res ;2020 (May 11) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Conner CM, White SW, Scahill L, Mazefsky CA. The role of emotion regulation and core autism symptoms in the experience of anxiety in autism. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):931-940. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Crane L, Wilcock R, Maras KL, Chui W, Marti-Sanchez C, Henry LA. Mock Juror Perceptions of Child Witnesses on the Autism Spectrum : The Impact of Providing Diagnostic Labels and Information About Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1509-1519. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Crompton CJ, Ropar D, Evans-Williams CV, Flynn EG, Fletcher-Watson S. Autistic peer-to-peer information transfer is highly effective. Autism ;2020 (May 20):1362361320919286. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Dell’Osso L, Lorenzi P, Carpita B. Camouflaging : psychopathological meanings and clinical relevance in autism spectrum conditions. CNS Spectr ;2020 (May 26):1-8. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Desaunay P, Briant AR, Bowler DM, Ring M, Gérardin P, Baleyte JM, Guénolé F, Eustache F, Parienti JJ, Guillery-Girard B. Memory in autism spectrum disorder : A meta-analysis of experimental studies. Psychol Bull ;2020 (May) ;146(5):377-410. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Hancock CL. We don’t play that way, we play this way : Functional Play Behaviours of Children with Autism and Severe Learning Difficulties. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 24) ;103:103688. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Ioannou S, Key AP, Muscatello RA, Klemencic M, Corbett BA. Peer Actors and Theater Techniques Play Pivotal Roles in Improving Social Play and Anxiety for Children With Autism. Front Psychol ;2020 ;11:908. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Krieger B, Piškur B, Schulze C, Beurskens A, Moser A. Environmental pre-requisites and social interchange : the participation experience of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in Zurich. Disabil Rehabil ;2020 (May 1):1-14. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Matyjek M, Bayer M, Dziobek I. Autistic Traits Affect Reward Anticipation but not Reception. Sci Rep ;2020 (May 21) ;10(1):8396. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Mazefsky CA, Collier A, Golt J, Siegle GJ. Neural features of sustained emotional information processing in autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):941-953. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Nguyen W, Ownsworth T, Nicol C, Zimmerman D. How I See and Feel About Myself : Domain-Specific Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Autistic Adults. Front Psychol ;2020 ;11:913. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Northrup JB, Goodwin M, Montrenes J, Vezzoli J, Golt J, Peura CB, Siegel M, Mazefsky C. Observed emotional reactivity in response to frustration tasks in psychiatrically hospitalized youth with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):968-982. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Obeid R, Bisson JB, Cosenza A, Harrison AJ, James F, Saade S, Gillespie-Lynch K. Do Implicit and Explicit Racial Biases Influence Autism Identification and Stigma ? An Implicit Association Test Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 15) Lien vers Pubmed

20. Russ V, Kovshoff H, Brown T, Abbott P, Hadwin JA. Exploring the Role of Empathy in Understanding the Social-Cognitive Profile for Individuals Referred for Autism Spectrum Disorders Assessment in Adulthood. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1470-1478. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Santiesteban I, Gibbard C, Drucks H, Clayton N, Banissy MJ, Bird G. Individuals with Autism Share Others’ Emotions : Evidence from the Continuous Affective Rating and Empathic Responses (CARER) Task. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

22. Sappok T, Došen A, Zepperitz S, Barrett B, Vonk J, Schanze C, Ilic M, Bergmann T, De Neve L, Birkner J, Zaal S, Bertelli MO, Hudson M, Morisse F, Sterkenburg P. Standardizing the assessment of emotional development in adults with intellectual and developmental disability. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2020 (May) ;33(3):542-551. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Shuai FR, Lin ZY. Effectiveness of social skills intervention for the management of children with autism spectrum disorder : A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) ;2020 (May 29) ;99(22):e20331. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Teague SJ, Newman LK, Tonge BJ, Gray KM. Attachment and child behaviour and emotional problems in autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2020 (May) ;33(3):475-487. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Tomaszewski B, Hepburn S, Blakeley-Smith A, Rogers SJ. Developmental Trajectories of Adaptive Behavior From Toddlerhood to Middle Childhood in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil ;2020 (May) ;125(3):155-169. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Tseng A, Biagianti B, Francis SM, Conelea CA, Jacob S. Social Cognitive Interventions for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Systematic Review. J Affect Disord ;2020 (May 25) ;274:199-204. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Wang Q, Chang J, Chawarska K. Atypical Value-Driven Selective Attention in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. JAMA Netw Open ;2020 (May 1) ;3(5):e204928. Lien vers Pubmed

28. Wiggins LD, DiGuiseppi C, Schieve L, Moody E, Soke G, Giarelli E, Levy S. Wandering Among Preschool Children with and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2020 (May) ;41(4):251-257. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Wuyun G, Wang J, Zhang L, Wang K, Yi L, Wu Y. Actions Speak Louder Than Words : The Role of Action in Self-Referential Advantage in Children With Autism. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):810-820. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Zhang H, Li R, Wen X, Li Q, Wu X. Altered Time-Frequency Feature in Default Mode Network of Autism Based on Improved Hilbert-Huang Transform. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform ;2020 (May 7) Lien vers Pubmed

31. Zheng S, Hume KA, Able H, Bishop SL, Boyd BA. Exploring Developmental and Behavioral Heterogeneity among Preschoolers with ASD : A Cluster Analysis on Principal Components. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):796-809. Lien vers Pubmed

Communication, langage

1. Ambridge B, Bidgood A, Thomas K. Disentangling syntactic, semantic and pragmatic impairments in ASD : Elicited production of passives. J Child Lang ;2020 (May 14):1-18. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Andrés-Roqueta C, Katsos N. A Distinction Between Linguistic and Social Pragmatics Helps the Precise Characterization of Pragmatic Challenges in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Language Disorder. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2020 (May 22) ;63(5):1494-1508. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Cadieux L, Keenan M. Can Social Communication Skills for Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder Rehearsed Inside the Video Game Environment of Minecraft Generalize to the Real World ?. JMIR Serious Games ;2020 (May 12) ;8(2):e14369. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Clarke KA, Williams DL. Instruction Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication Supports : Description of Current Practices by Speech-Language Pathologists Who Work With Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Speech Lang Pathol ;2020 (May 8) ;29(2):586-596. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Fuller EA, Kaiser AP. The Effects of Early Intervention on Social Communication Outcomes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Meta-analysis. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1683-1700. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Girolamo TM, Rice ML, Warren SF. Assessment of Language Abilities in Minority Adolescents and Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Extensive Special Education Needs : A Pilot Study. Am J Speech Lang Pathol ;2020 (May 8) ;29(2):804-818. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Hampton LH, Kaiser AP, Nietfeld JP, Khachoyan A. Generalized Effects of Naturalistic Social Communication Intervention for Minimally Verbal Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 2) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Huang T, Finestack L. Comparing Morphosyntactic Profiles of Children With Developmental Language Disorder or Language Disorder Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Speech Lang Pathol ;2020 (May 8) ;29(2):714-731. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Jones MK, Kraus N, Bonacina S, Nicol T, Otto-Meyer S, Roberts MY. Auditory Processing Differences in Toddlers With Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2020 (May 22) ;63(5):1608-1617. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Koegel LK, Bryan KM, Su PL, Vaidya M, Camarata S. Parent Education in Studies With Nonverbal and Minimally Verbal Participants With Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Review. Am J Speech Lang Pathol ;2020 (May 8) ;29(2):890-902. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Marini A, Ozbič M, Magni R, Valeri G. Toward a Definition of the Linguistic Profile of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychol ;2020 ;11:808. Lien vers Pubmed

12. McDaniel J, Yoder P, Estes A, Rogers SJ. Predicting Expressive Language From Early Vocalizations in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder : Which Vocal Measure Is Best ?. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2020 (May 22) ;63(5):1509-1520. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Peristeri E, Baldimtsi E, Andreou M, Tsimpli IM. The impact of bilingualism on the narrative ability and the executive functions of children with autism spectrum disorders. J Commun Disord ;2020 (May-Jun) ;85:105999. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Sandbank M, Bottema-Beutel K, Crowley S, Cassidy M, Feldman JI, Canihuante M, Woynaroski T. Intervention Effects on Language in Children With Autism : A Project AIM Meta-Analysis. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2020 (May 22) ;63(5):1537-1560. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Satkoske V, Migyanka JM, Kappel D. Autism and Advance Directives : Determining Capability and the Use of Health-Care Tools to Aid in Effective Communication and Decision-Making. Am J Hosp Palliat Care ;2020 (May) ;37(5):354-363. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Short EJ, Schindler RC, Obeid R, Noeder MM, Hlavaty LE, Gross SI, Lewis B, Russ S, Manos MM. Examining the Role of Language in Play Among Children With and Without Developmental Disabilities. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch ;2020 (May 13):1-12. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Tubul-Lavy G, Jokel A, Leon-Attia O, Gabis LV. Content Words in Child-Directed Speech of Mothers Toward Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Speech Lang Pathol ;2020 (May 28):1-14. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Vidal V, McAllister A, DeThorne L. Communication Profile of a Minimally Verbal School-Age Autistic Child : A Case Study. Lang Speech Hear Serv Sch ;2020 (May 11):1-16. Lien vers Pubmed

Education, Apprentissages

1. Anderson CM, Iovannone R, Smith T, Levato L, Martin R, Cavanaugh B, Hochheimer S, Wang H, Iadarola S. Thinking Small to Think Big : Modular Approach for Autism Programming in Schools (MAAPS). J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 14) Lien vers Pubmed

2. Bouck EC, Long H. Teaching students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to calculate cost after discounts via schematic diagrams. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (Jul) ;102:103656. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Cage E, Howes J. Dropping out and moving on : A qualitative study of autistic people’s experiences of university. Autism ;2020 (May 31):1362361320918750. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Harper-Hill K, Trembath D, Clark M, Bruck S, Saggers B. Meeting the communication needs of students on the autism spectrum in Australian classrooms : Adjustments reported by educators and specialists. Int J Speech Lang Pathol ;2020 (May 14):1-10. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Howard J, Copeland JN, Gifford EJ, Lawson J, Bai Y, Heilbron N, Maslow G. Brief Report : Classifying Rates of Students with Autism and Intellectual Disability in North Carolina : Roles of Race and Economic Disadvantage. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 13) Lien vers Pubmed

6. Hu J, Cao L, Li T, Liao B, Dong S, Li P. Interpretable Learning Approaches in Resting-State Functional Connectivity Analysis : The Case of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Comput Math Methods Med ;2020 ;2020:1394830. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Hu Q, Chandrasekhar T. Meeting the Mental Health Needs of College Students with ASD : A Survey of University and College Counseling Center Directors. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 19) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Lopata C, Donnelly JP, Thomeer ML, Rodgers JD, Lodi-Smith J, Booth AJ, Volker MA. Moderators of School Intervention Outcomes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Abnorm Child Psychol ;2020 (May 1) Lien vers Pubmed

9. Lucas C, Mahler K, Tierney CD, Olympia RP. School Nurses on the Front Lines of Health Care : How to Help Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder Navigate a Meltdown in School. NASN Sch Nurse ;2020 (May) ;35(3):143-146. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Ochi M, Kawabe K, Ochi S, Miyama T, Horiuchi F, Ueno SI. School refusal and bullying in children with autism spectrum disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health ;2020 ;14:17. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Panerai S, Suraniti GS, Catania V, Zingale M, Ferri R, Raggi A, Trubia G, Elia M. Early results from a combined low-intensive psychoeducational intervention for preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. Disabil Rehabil ;2020 (May) ;42(9):1275-1283. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Shalev M, Hetzroni OE. Factors predicting school staff’s responsivity toward students with intellectual and developmental disability and complex communication needs. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (Jul) ;102:103677. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Tanet A, Hubert-Barthelemy A, Clément MN, Soumille F, Crespin GC, Pellerin H, Allaert FA, Cohen D, Saint-Georges C. Developmental and sequenced one-to-one educational intervention (DS1-EI) for autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability : a two-year interim report of a randomized single-blind multicenter controlled trial. BMC Pediatr ;2020 (May 29) ;20(1):263. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Totsika V, Hastings RP, Dutton Y, Worsley A, Melvin G, Gray K, Tonge B, Heyne D. Types and correlates of school non-attendance in students with autism spectrum disorders. Autism ;2020 (May 18):1362361320916967. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Lee J, Ha S, Lee ST, Park SG, Shin S, Choi JR, Cheon KA. Next-Generation Sequencing in Korean Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbid Epilepsy. Front Pharmacol ;2020 ;11:585. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Wang J, Poliquin S, Mermer F, Eissman J, Delpire E, Shen W, Cai K, Li BM, Li ZY, Xu D, Nwosu G, Flamm C, Liao WP, Shi YW, Kang JQ. Endoplasmic reticulum retention and degradation of a mutation in SLC6A1 associated with epilepsy and autism. Mol Brain ;2020 (May 12) ;13(1):76. Lien vers Pubmed

Etiologie, facteurs de risque, recherche de causes environnementales

1. Courchesne E, Gazestani VH, Lewis NE. Prenatal Origins of ASD : The When, What, and How of ASD Development. Trends Neurosci ;2020 (May) ;43(5):326-342. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Dutheil F, Comptour A, Mermillod M, Pereira B, Clinchamps M, Charkhabi M, Baker JS, Bourdel N. Letter to the Editor : Comment on « Maternal exposure to air pollution and risk of autism in children : A systematic review and meta-analysis ». Environ Pollut ;2020 (Sep) ;264:114724. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Exley C, Clarkson E. Aluminium in human brain tissue from donors without neurodegenerative disease : A comparison with Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis and autism. Sci Rep ;2020 (May 8) ;10(1):7770. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Kern JK, Geier DA, Mehta JA, Homme KG, Geier MR. Mercury as a hapten : A review of the role of toxicant-induced brain autoantibodies in autism and possible treatment considerations. J Trace Elem Med Biol ;2020 (May 19) ;62:126504. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Lima MES, Barros LCM, Aragão GF. Could autism spectrum disorders be a risk factor for COVID-19 ?. Med Hypotheses ;2020 (May 30) ;144:109899. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Magdalena H, Beata K, Paprocka J, Agnieszka KG, Szczepara-Fabian M, Buczek A, Ewa EW. Preconception Risk Factors for Autism Spectrum Disorder – A Pilot Study. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 14) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Nadeem R, Hussain T, Sajid H. C reactive protein elevation among children or among mothers’ of children with autism during pregnancy, a review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry ;2020 (May 24) ;20(1):251. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Ongono JS, Béranger R, Baghdadli A, Mortamais M. Pesticides used in Europe and autism spectrum disorder risk : can novel exposure hypotheses be formulated beyond organophosphates, organochlorines, pyrethroids and carbamates ? – A systematic review. Environ Res ;2020 (Aug) ;187:109646. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Stanojlovic S, Milovancevic MP, Stankovic B. Is there a potential link between keratoconus and autism spectrum disorders ? : A case report and literature review. Medicine (Baltimore) ;2020 (May 29) ;99(22):e20247. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Taylor MJ, Rosenqvist MA, Larsson H, Gillberg C, D’Onofrio BM, Lichtenstein P, Lundström S. Etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Autistic Traits Over Time. JAMA Psychiatry ;2020 (May 6) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Tsai TY, Chao YC, Hsieh CY, Huang YC. Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Acta Derm Venereol ;2020 (May 28) ;100(10):adv00146. Lien vers Pubmed

Filles avec autisme / Comparaison fille-garçon

1. Donovan J. Childbirth Experiences of Women With Autism Spectrum Disorder in an Acute Care Setting. Nurs Womens Health ;2020 (Jun) ;24(3):165-174. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Duvall SW, Huang-Storms L, Presmanes Hill A, Myers J, Fombonne E. No Sex Differences in Cognitive Ability in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1770-1785. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Harrop C, Jones DR, Sasson NJ, Zheng S, Nowell SW, Parish-Morris J. Social and Object Attention Is Influenced by Biological Sex and Toy Gender-Congruence in Children With and Without Autism. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):763-776. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Pu Y, Yang J, Chang L, Qu Y, Wang S, Zhang K, Xiong Z, Zhang J, Tan Y, Wang X, Fujita Y, Ishima T, Wang D, Hwang SH, Hammock BD, Hashimoto K. Maternal glyphosate exposure causes autism-like behaviors in offspring through increased expression of soluble epoxide hydrolase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2020 (May 26) ;117(21):11753-11759. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Strang JF, Knauss M, van der Miesen A, McGuire JK, Kenworthy L, Caplan R, Freeman A, Sadikova E, Zaks Z, Pervez N, Balleur A, Rowlands DW, Sibarium E, Willing L, McCool MA, Ehrbar RD, Wyss SE, Wimms H, Tobing J, Thomas J, Austen J, Pine E, Griffin AD, Janssen A, Gomez-Lobo V, Brandt A, Morgan C, Meagher H, Gohari D, Kirby L, Russell L, Powers MD, Anthony LG. A Clinical Program for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Neurodiverse/Autistic Adolescents Developed through Community-Based Participatory Design. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol ;2020 (May 6):1-16. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Vega ML, Newport GC, Bozhdaraj D, Saltz SB, Nemeroff CB, Newport DJ. Implementation of Advanced Methods for Reproductive Pharmacovigilance in Autism : A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure. Am J Psychiatry ;2020 (Jun 1) ;177(6):506-517. Lien vers Pubmed

Génétique, biochimie

1. High Polygenic Risk Scores Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Med Genet A ;2020 (May) ;182(5):949-950. Lien vers Pubmed

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3. Choi J, Yoon SY, Park BG, Eun BL, Kim M, Kwon JA. De Novo Pure Trisomy 20p : Report of a Novel Case of a Marker Chromosome and Literature Review. Ann Lab Med ;2020 (May) ;40(3):277-280. Lien vers Pubmed

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5. Dias CM, Walsh CA. Recent Advances in Understanding the Genetic Architecture of Autism. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet ;2020 (May 12) Lien vers Pubmed

6. Griesi-Oliveira K, Passos-Bueno MR. Reply to Lombardo, 2020 : An additional route of investigation : what are the mechanisms controlling ribosomal protein genes dysregulation in autistic neuronal cells ?. Mol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Hegarty IJ, Lazzeroni LC, Raman MM, Hallmayer JF, Cleveland SC, Wolke ON, Phillips JM, Reiss AL, Hardan AY. Genetic and environmental influences on corticostriatal circuits in twins with autism. J Psychiatry Neurosci ;2020 (May 1) ;45(3):188-197. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Herrero MJ, Velmeshev D, Hernandez-Pineda D, Sethi S, Sorrells S, Banerjee P, Sullivan C, Gupta AR, Kriegstein AR, Corbin JG. Identification of amygdala-expressed genes associated with autism spectrum disorder. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 27) ;11(1):39. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Jaramillo TC, Xuan Z, Reimers JM, Escamilla CO, Liu S, Powell CM. Early Restoration of Shank3 Expression in Shank3 Knock-Out Mice Prevents Core ASD-Like Behavioral Phenotypes. eNeuro ;2020 (May/Jun) ;7(3) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Kabitzke P, Morales D, He D, Cox K, Sutphen J, Thiede L, Sabath E, Hanania T, Biemans B, Brunner D. Mouse Model Systems of Autism Spectrum Disorder : Replicability and Informatics Signature. Genes Brain Behav ;2020 (May 22):e12676. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Kim Y, An JY. Spatio-Temporal Roles of ASD-Associated Variants in Human Brain Development. Genes (Basel) ;2020 (May 11) ;11(5) Lien vers Pubmed

12. LaBianca S, LaBianca J, Pagsberg AK, Jakobsen KD, Appadurai V, Buil A, Werge T. Copy Number Variants and Polygenic Risk Scores Predict Need of Care in Autism and/or ADHD Families. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 27) Lien vers Pubmed

13. Lenart J, Augustyniak J, Lazarewicz JW, Zieminska E. Altered expression of glutamatergic and GABAergic genes in the valproic acid-induced rat model of autism : A screening test. Toxicology ;2020 (Jul) ;440:152500. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Liao X, Li Y. Nuclear Factor Kappa B in Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Review. Pharmacol Res ;2020 (May 24) ;159:104918. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Lo LH, Lai KO. Dysregulation of protein synthesis and dendritic spine morphogenesis in ASD : studies in human pluripotent stem cells. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 27) ;11(1):40. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Lombardo MV. Ribosomal protein genes in post-mortem cortical tissue and iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells are commonly upregulated in expression in autism. Mol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 13) Lien vers Pubmed

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19. Myers SM, Challman TD, Bernier R, Bourgeron T, Chung WK, Constantino JN, Eichler EE, Jacquemont S, Miller DT, Mitchell KJ, Zoghbi HY, Martin CL, Ledbetter DH. Insufficient Evidence for « Autism-Specific » Genes. Am J Hum Genet ;2020 (May 7) ;106(5):587-595. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Niesler B, Rappold GA. Emerging evidence for gene mutations driving both brain and gut dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder. Mol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 27) Lien vers Pubmed

21. Riley JD, Delahunty C, Alsadah A, Mazzola S, Astbury C. Further evidence of GABRA4 and TOP3B as autism susceptibility genes. Eur J Med Genet ;2020 (May) ;63(5):103876. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Ross PJ, Mok RSF, Smith BS, Rodrigues DC, Mufteev M, Scherer SW, Ellis J. Modeling neuronal consequences of autism-associated gene regulatory variants with human induced pluripotent stem cells. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 12) ;11(1):33. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Scott TM, Guo H, Eichler EE, Rosenfeld JA, Pang K, Liu Z, Lalani S, Bi W, Yang Y, Bacino CA, Streff H, Lewis AM, Koenig MK, Thiffault I, Bellomo A, Everman DB, Jones JR, Stevenson RE, Bernier R, Gilissen C, Pfundt R, Hiatt SM, Cooper GM, Holder JL, Scott DA. BAZ2B haploinsufficiency as a cause of developmental delay, intellectual disability, and autism spectrum disorder. Hum Mutat ;2020 (May) ;41(5):921-925. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Smith ZZ, Kubiak RA, Arnold MR, Loupy KM, Taylor JA, Crist TG, Bernier AE, D’Angelo HM, Heinze JD, Lowry CA, Barth DS. Effects of immunization with heat-killed Mycobacterium vaccae on autism spectrum disorder-like behavior and epileptogenesis in a rat model of comorbid autism and epilepsy. Brain Behav Immun ;2020 (May 19) Lien vers Pubmed

25. Wang Z, Li J, Zhang T, Lu T, Wang H, Jia M, Liu J, Xiong J, Zhang D, Wang L. Family-based association study identifies SNAP25 as a susceptibility gene for autism in the Han Chinese population. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 29):109985. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Wenderski W, Wang L, Krokhotin A, Walsh JJ, Li H, Shoji H, Ghosh S, George RD, Miller EL, Elias L, Gillespie MA, Son EY, Staahl BT, Baek ST, Stanley V, Moncada C, Shipony Z, Linker SB, Marchetto MCN, Gage FH, Chen D, Sultan T, Zaki MS, Ranish JA, Miyakawa T, Luo L, Malenka RC, Crabtree GR, Gleeson JG. Loss of the neural-specific BAF subunit ACTL6B relieves repression of early response genes and causes recessive autism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2020 (May 5) ;117(18):10055-10066. Lien vers Pubmed

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28. Yokoi T, Enomoto Y, Naruto T, Kurosawa K, Higurashi N. Tatton-Brown-Rahman syndrome with a novel DNMT3A mutation presented severe intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Hum Genome Var ;2020 ;7:15. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Beck JS, Lundwall RA, Gabrielsen T, Cox JC, South M. Looking good but feeling bad : « Camouflaging » behaviors and mental health in women with autistic traits. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):809-821. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Green HL, Edgar JC, Matsuzaki J, Roberts TPL. Magnetoencephalography Research in Pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neuroimaging Clin N Am ;2020 (May) ;30(2):193-203. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Hoogman M, van Rooij D, Klein M, Boedhoe P, Ilioska I, Li T, Patel Y, Postema MC, Zhang-James Y, Anagnostou E, Arango C, Auzias G, Banaschewski T, Bau CHD, Behrmann M, Bellgrove MA, Brandeis D, Brem S, Busatto GF, Calderoni S, Calvo R, Castellanos FX, Coghill D, Conzelmann A, Daly E, Deruelle C, Dinstein I, Durston S, Ecker C, Ehrlich S, Epstein JN, Fair DA, Fitzgerald J, Freitag CM, Frodl T, Gallagher L, Grevet EH, Haavik J, Hoekstra PJ, Janssen J, Karkashadze G, King JA, Konrad K, Kuntsi J, Lazaro L, Lerch JP, Lesch KP, Louza MR, Luna B, Mattos P, McGrath J, Muratori F, Murphy C, Nigg JT, Oberwelland-Weiss E, O’Gorman Tuura RL, O’Hearn K, Oosterlaan J, Parellada M, Pauli P, Plessen KJ, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Reneman L, Retico A, Rosa PGP, Rubia K, Shaw P, Silk TJ, Tamm L, Vilarroya O, Walitza S, Jahanshad N, Faraone SV, Francks C, van den Heuvel OA, Paus T, Thompson PM, Buitelaar JK, Franke B. Consortium neuroscience of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder : The ENIGMA adventure. Hum Brain Mapp ;2020 (May 18) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Kang J, Han X, Song J, Niu Z, Li X. The identification of children with autism spectrum disorder by SVM approach on EEG and eye-tracking data. Comput Biol Med ;2020 (May) ;120:103722. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Moliadze V, Brodski-Guerniero A, Schuetz M, Siemann J, Lyzhko E, Schlitt S, Kitzerow J, Langer A, Kaiser J, Naumer MJ, Wibral M, Chan J, Freitag CM, Siniatchkin M. Significance of Beta-Band Oscillations in Autism Spectrum Disorders During Motor Response Inhibition Tasks : A MEG Study. Brain Topogr ;2020 (May) ;33(3):355-374. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Thomas RM, Gallo S, Cerliani L, Zhutovsky P, El-Gazzar A, van Wingen G. Classifying Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Temporal Statistics of Resting-State Functional MRI Data With 3D Convolutional Neural Networks. Front Psychiatry ;2020 ;11:440. Lien vers Pubmed

7. van Noordt S, Desjardins JA, Huberty S, Abou-Abbas L, Webb SJ, Levin AR, Segalowitz SJ, Evans AC, Elsabbagh M. EEG-IP : an international infant EEG data integration platform for the study of risk and resilience in autism and related conditions. Mol Med ;2020 (May 7) ;26(1):40. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Yasuno F, Makinodan M, Takahashi M, Matsuoka K, Yoshikawa H, Kitamura S, Ishida R, Kishimoto N, Miyasaka T, Kichikawa K, Kishimoto T. Microstructural Anomalies Evaluated by Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging Are Related to Deficits in Facial Emotional Recognition via Perceptual-Binding Difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):729-740. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Al-Harbi NO, Nadeem A, Ahmad SF, Al-Ayadhi LY, Al-Harbi MM, As Sobeai HM, Ibrahim KE, Bakheet SA. Elevated expression of toll-like receptor 4 is associated with NADPH oxidase-induced oxidative stress in B cells of children with autism. Int Immunopharmacol ;2020 (Jul) ;84:106555. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Li Y, Huang D. Questions about the data : Negative correlation between Treg cells and autism spectrum disorder severity. J Neuroimmunol ;2020 (Aug 15) ;345:577265. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Pangrazzi L, Balasco L, Bozzi Y. Oxidative Stress and Immune System Dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Int J Mol Sci ;2020 (May 6) ;21(9) Lien vers Pubmed

Maladies gastro-intestinales / métaboliques

1. Ahn Y, Sabouny R, Villa BR, Yee NC, Mychasiuk R, Uddin GM, Rho JM, Shutt TE. Aberrant Mitochondrial Morphology and Function in the BTBR Mouse Model of Autism Is Improved by Two Weeks of Ketogenic Diet. Int J Mol Sci ;2020 (May 5) ;21(9) Lien vers Pubmed

2. Geryk J, Krsička D, Vlčková M, Havlovicová M, Macek M, Jr., Kremlíková Pourová R. The Key Role of Purine Metabolism in the Folate-Dependent Phenotype of Autism Spectrum Disorders : An In Silico Analysis. Metabolites ;2020 (May 6) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Kong X, Liu J, Liu K, Koh M, Tian R, Hobbie C, Fong M, Chen Q, Zhao M, Budjan C, Kong J. Altered Autonomic Functions and Gut Microbiome in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) : Implications for Assisting ASD Screening and Diagnosis. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 14) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Morimoto M, Hashimoto T, Tsuda Y, Nakatsu T, Kitaoka T, Kyotani S. Assessment of oxidative stress in autism spectrum disorder using reactive oxygen metabolites and biological antioxidant potential. PLoS One ;2020 ;15(5):e0233550. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Pecorelli A, Ferrara F, Messano N, Cordone V, Schiavone ML, Cervellati F, Woodby B, Cervellati C, Hayek J, Valacchi G. Alterations of mitochondrial bioenergetics, dynamics, and morphology support the theory of oxidative damage involvement in autism spectrum disorder. FASEB J ;2020 (May) ;34(5):6521-6538. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Singh K, Singh IN, Diggins E, Connors SL, Karim MA, Lee D, Zimmerman AW, Frye RE. Developmental regression and mitochondrial function in children with autism. Ann Clin Transl Neurol ;2020 (May) ;7(5):683-694. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Zou R, Wang Y, Duan M, Guo M, Zhang Q, Zheng H. Dysbiosis of Gut Fungal Microbiota in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 23) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Zurita MF, Cárdenas PA, Sandoval ME, Peña MC, Fornasini M, Flores N, Monaco MH, Berding K, Donovan SM, Kuntz T, Gilbert JA, Baldeón ME. Analysis of gut microbiome, nutrition and immune status in autism spectrum disorder : a case-control study in Ecuador. Gut Microbes ;2020 (May 3) ;11(3):453-464. Lien vers Pubmed

Neurologie, neurosciences

1. Ameis SH, Blumberger DM, Croarkin PE, Mabbott DJ, Lai MC, Desarkar P, Szatmari P, Daskalakis ZJ. Treatment of Executive Function Deficits in autism spectrum disorder with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation : A double-blind, sham-controlled, pilot trial. Brain Stimul ;2020 (May-Jun) ;13(3):539-547. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Ashitha SNM, Ramachandra NB. Integrated Functional Analysis Implicates Syndromic and Rare Copy Number Variation Genes as Prominent Molecular Players in Pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neuroscience ;2020 (Jul 1) ;438:25-40. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Ayaydın H, Kirmit A, Çelik H, Akaltun İ, Koyuncu İ, Bilgen Ulgar Ş. High Serum Levels of Serum 100 Beta Protein, Neuron-specific Enolase, Tau, Active Caspase-3, M30 and M65 in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci ;2020 (May 31) ;18(2):270-278. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Baranova J, Dragunas G, Botellho MCS, Ayub ALP, Bueno-Alves R, Alencar RR, Papaiz DD, Sogayar MC, Ulrich H, Correa RG. Autism Spectrum Disorder : Signaling Pathways and Prospective Therapeutic Targets. Cell Mol Neurobiol ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Bjørklund G, Meguid NA, El-Bana MA, Tinkov AA, Saad K, Dadar M, Hemimi M, Skalny AV, Hosnedlová B, Kizek R, Osredkar J, Urbina MA, Fabjan T, El-Houfey AA, Kałużna-Czaplińska J, Gątarek P, Chirumbolo S. Oxidative Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mol Neurobiol ;2020 (May) ;57(5):2314-2332. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Burrows EL, Koyama L, May C, Hill-Yardin EL, Hannan AJ. Environmental enrichment modulates affiliative and aggressive social behaviour in the neuroligin-3 R451C mouse model of autism spectrum disorder. Pharmacol Biochem Behav ;2020 (May 29) ;195:172955. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Cai DC, Wang Z, Bo T, Yan S, Liu Y, Liu Z, Zeljic K, Chen X, Zhan Y, Xu X, Du Y, Wang Y, Cang J, Wang GZ, Zhang J, Sun Q, Qiu Z, Ge S, Ye Z. MECP2 Duplication Causes Aberrant GABA Pathways, Circuits and Behaviors in Transgenic Monkeys : Neural Mappings to Patients with Autism. J Neurosci ;2020 (May 6) ;40(19):3799-3814. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Carroll L, Braeutigam S, Dawes JM, Krsnik Z, Kostovic I, Coutinho E, Dewing JM, Horton CA, Gomez-Nicola D, Menassa DA. Autism Spectrum Disorders : Multiple Routes to, and Multiple Consequences of, Abnormal Synaptic Function and Connectivity. Neuroscientist ;2020 (May 22):1073858420921378. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Chatterjee M, Singh P, Xu J, Lombroso PJ, Kurup PK. Inhibition of striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) activity reverses behavioral deficits in a rodent model of autism. Behav Brain Res ;2020 (Aug 5) ;391:112713. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Ciarrusta J, Dimitrova R, Batalle D, O’Muircheartaigh J, Cordero-Grande L, Price A, Hughes E, Kangas J, Perry E, Javed A, Demilew J, Hajnal J, Edwards AD, Murphy D, Arichi T, McAlonan G. Emerging functional connectivity differences in newborn infants vulnerable to autism spectrum disorders. Transl Psychiatry ;2020 (May 6) ;10(1):131. Lien vers Pubmed

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13. Culotta L, Penzes P. Exploring the mechanisms underlying excitation/inhibition imbalance in human iPSC-derived models of ASD. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 11) ;11(1):32. Lien vers Pubmed

14. De Simone R, Butera A, Armida M, Pezzola A, Boirivant M, Potenza RL, Ricceri L. Beneficial Effects of Fingolimod on Social Interaction, CNS and Peripheral Immune Response in the BTBR Mouse Model of Autism. Neuroscience ;2020 (May 21) ;435:22-32. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Deutsch SI, Burket JA. An Evolving Therapeutic Rationale for Targeting the α(7) Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Curr Top Behav Neurosci ;2020 (May 29) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Gasparini S, Del Vecchio G, Gioiosa S, Flati T, Castrignano T, Legnini I, Licursi V, Ricceri L, Scattoni ML, Rinaldi A, Presutti C, Mannironi C. Differential Expression of Hippocampal Circular RNAs in the BTBR Mouse Model for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mol Neurobiol ;2020 (May) ;57(5):2301-2313. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Gąssowska-Dobrowolska M, Cieślik M, Czapski GA, Jęśko H, Frontczak-Baniewicz M, Gewartowska M, Dominiak A, Polowy R, Filipkowski RK, Babiec L, Adamczyk A. Prenatal Exposure to Valproic Acid Affects Microglia and Synaptic Ultrastructure in a Brain-Region-Specific Manner in Young-Adult Male Rats : Relevance to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Int J Mol Sci ;2020 (May 18) ;21(10) Lien vers Pubmed

18. Granovetter MC, Burlingham CS, Blauch NM, Minshew NJ, Heeger DJ, Behrmann M. Uncharacteristic Task-Evoked Pupillary Responses Implicate Atypical Locus Ceruleus Activity in Autism. J Neurosci ;2020 (May 6) ;40(19):3815-3826. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Gudbrandsen M, Mann C, Bletsch A, Daly E, Murphy CM, Stoencheva V, Blackmore CE, Rogdaki M, Kushan L, Bearden CE, Murphy DGM, Craig MC, Ecker C. Patterns of Cortical Folding Associated with Autistic Symptoms in Carriers and Noncarriers of the 22q11.2 Microdeletion. Cereb Cortex ;2020 (May 18) Lien vers Pubmed

20. Haigh SM, Keller TA, Minshew NJ, Eack SM. Reduced White Matter Integrity and Deficits in Neuropsychological Functioning in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):702-714. Lien vers Pubmed

21. He C, Chen H, Uddin LQ, Erramuzpe A, Bonifazi P, Guo X, Xiao J, Huang X, Li L, Sheng W, Liao W, Cortes JM, Duan X. Structure-Function Connectomics Reveals Aberrant Developmental Trajectory Occurring at Preadolescence in the Autistic Brain. Cereb Cortex ;2020 (May 7) Lien vers Pubmed

22. Huang Y, Zhang B, Cao J, Yu S, Wilson G, Park J, Kong J. Potential Locations for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders-A Functional Connectivity Study. Front Psychiatry ;2020 ;11:388. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Kamand M, Ilieva M, Forsberg SL, Thomassen M, Fex Svenningsen Å, Holst B, Meyer M, Michel TM. Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (SDUKIi002-A) from a 22-year-old male diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Stem Cell Res ;2020 (May 7) ;46:101834. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Kasherman MA, Premarathne S, Burne THJ, Wood SA, Piper M. The Ubiquitin System : a Regulatory Hub for Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mol Neurobiol ;2020 (May) ;57(5):2179-2193. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Kayarian FB, Jannati A, Rotenberg A, Santarnecchi E. Targeting Gamma-Related Pathophysiology in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Transcranial Electrical Stimulation : Opportunities and Challenges. Autism Res ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

26. Kinard JL, Mosner MG, Greene RK, Addicott M, Bizzell J, Petty C, Cernasov P, Walsh E, Eisenlohr-Moul T, Carter RM, McLamb M, Hopper A, Sukhu R, Dichter GS. Neural Mechanisms of Social and Nonsocial Reward Prediction Errors in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):715-728. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Kong X, Liu J, Chien T, Batalden M, Hirsh DA. A Systematic Network of Autism Primary Care Services (SYNAPSE) : A Model of Coproduction for the Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1847-1853. Lien vers Pubmed

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29. Kuo HY, Liu FC. Pathological alterations in striatal compartments in the human brain of autism spectrum disorder. Mol Brain ;2020 (May 27) ;13(1):83. Lien vers Pubmed

30. Lau WKW, Leung MK, Zhang R. Hypofunctional connectivity between the posterior cingulate cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in autism : Evidence from coordinate-based imaging meta-analysis. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry ;2020 (Dec 20) ;103:109986. Lien vers Pubmed

31. Lee CYQ, Franks AE, Hill-Yardin EL. Autism-associated synaptic mutations impact the gut-brain axis in mice. Brain Behav Immun ;2020 (May 30) Lien vers Pubmed

32. Lenart J, Bratek E, Lazarewicz JW, Zieminska E. Changes in the Expression of SNAP-25 Protein in the Brain of Juvenile Rats in Two Models of Autism. J Mol Neurosci ;2020 (May 4) Lien vers Pubmed

33. Mansour Y, Kulesza R. Three dimensional reconstructions of the superior olivary complex from children with autism spectrum disorder. Hear Res ;2020 (May 23) ;393:107974. Lien vers Pubmed

34. Modi ME, Sahin M. Tau : A Novel Entry Point for mTOR-Based Treatments in Autism Spectrum Disorder ?. Neuron ;2020 (May 6) ;106(3):359-361. Lien vers Pubmed

35. Ota T, Iida J, Okazaki K, Ishida R, Takahashi M, Okamura K, Yamamuro K, Kishimoto N, Kimoto S, Yasuda Y, Hashimoto R, Makinodan M, Kishimoto T. Delayed prefrontal hemodynamic response associated with suicide risk in autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Res ;2020 (May 5) ;289:112971. Lien vers Pubmed

36. Oztan O, Garner JP, Constantino JN, Parker KJ. Neonatal CSF vasopressin concentration predicts later medical record diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ;2020 (May 12) ;117(19):10609-10613. Lien vers Pubmed

37. Schallmo MP, Kolodny T, Kale AM, Millin R, Flevaris AV, Edden RAE, Gerdts J, Bernier RA, Murray SO. Weaker neural suppression in autism. Nat Commun ;2020 (May 29) ;11(1):2675. Lien vers Pubmed

38. Shuid AN, Jayusman PA, Shuid N, Ismail J, Kamal Nor N, Naina Mohamed I. Update on Atypicalities of Central Nervous System in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 20) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

39. Simmons DH, Titley HK, Hansel C, Mason P. Behavioral Tests for Mouse Models of Autism : An Argument for the Inclusion of Cerebellum-Controlled Motor Behaviors. Neuroscience ;2020 (May 15) Lien vers Pubmed

40. Smith AL, Jung EM, Jeon BT, Kim WY. Arid1b haploinsufficiency in parvalbumin- or somatostatin-expressing interneurons leads to distinct ASD-like and ID-like behavior. Sci Rep ;2020 (May 12) ;10(1):7834. Lien vers Pubmed

41. Su LD, Xu FX, Wang XT, Cai XY, Shen Y. Cerebellar Dysfunction, Cerebro-cerebellar Connectivity and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Neuroscience ;2020 (May 23) Lien vers Pubmed

42. Tai C, Chang CW, Yu GQ, Lopez I, Yu X, Wang X, Guo W, Mucke L. Tau Reduction Prevents Key Features of Autism in Mouse Models. Neuron ;2020 (May 6) ;106(3):421-437 e411. Lien vers Pubmed

43. Thompson A, Shahidiani A, Fritz A, O’Muircheartaigh J, Walker L, D’Almeida V, Murphy C, Daly E, Murphy D, Williams S, Deoni S, Ecker C. Age-related differences in white matter diffusion measures in autism spectrum condition. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 18) ;11(1):36. Lien vers Pubmed

44. Toczylowska B, Zieminska E, Senator P, Lazarewicz JW. Hippocampal Metabolite Profiles in Two Rat Models of Autism : NMR-Based Metabolomics Studies. Mol Neurobiol ;2020 (Jul) ;57(7):3089-3105. Lien vers Pubmed

45. Tripathi MK, Kartawy M, Amal H. The role of nitric oxide in brain disorders : Autism spectrum disorder and other psychiatric, neurological, and neurodegenerative disorders. Redox Biol ;2020 (May 15) ;34:101567. Lien vers Pubmed

46. Umesawa Y, Atsumi T, Chakrabarty M, Fukatsu R, Ide M. GABA Concentration in the Left Ventral Premotor Cortex Associates With Sensory Hyper-Responsiveness in Autism Spectrum Disorders Without Intellectual Disability. Front Neurosci ;2020 ;14:482. Lien vers Pubmed

47. Velmeshev D, Magistri M, Mazza EMC, Lally P, Khoury N, D’Elia ER, Bicciato S, Faghihi MA. Cell-Type-Specific Analysis of Molecular Pathology in Autism Identifies Common Genes and Pathways Affected Across Neocortical Regions. Mol Neurobiol ;2020 (May) ;57(5):2279-2289. Lien vers Pubmed

48. Vigli D, Palombelli G, Fanelli S, Calamandrei G, Canese R, Mosca L, Scattoni ML, Ricceri L. Maternal Immune Activation in Mice Only Partially Recapitulates the Autism Spectrum Disorders Symptomatology. Neuroscience ;2020 (May 21) Lien vers Pubmed

49. Wang Y, Xu Q, Zuo C, Zhao L, Hao L. Longitudinal Changes of Cerebellar Thickness in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Neurosci Lett ;2020 (May 29) ;728:134949. Lien vers Pubmed

50. Yildiz GY, Vilsten JS, Millard AS, Chouinard PA. Grey-Matter Thickness of the Left But Not the Right Primary Visual Area Correlates with Autism Traits in Typically Developing Adults. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 29) Lien vers Pubmed

51. Zhu JW, Zou MM, Li YF, Chen WJ, Liu JC, Chen H, Fang LP, Zhang Y, Wang ZT, Chen JB, Huang W, Li S, Jia WQ, Wang QQ, Zhen XC, Liu CF, Xiao ZC, Xu GQ, Schwamborn JC, Schachner M, Ma QH, Xu RX. Absence of TRIM32 Leads to Reduced GABAergic Interneuron Generation and Autism-like Behaviors in Mice via Suppressing mTOR Signaling. Cereb Cortex ;2020 (May 14) ;30(5):3240-3258. Lien vers Pubmed

Outils d’évaluation, diagnostic, dépistage, tests

1. Corrigendum to Integrating a New Online Autism Screening Tool in Primary Care to Lower the Age of Referral. Clin Pediatr (Phila) ;2020 (May) ;59(4-5):541. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Alonso-Esteban Y, Marco R, Hedley D, Uljarevié M, Barbaro J, Canal-Bedia R, Alcantud-Marín F. Screening instruments for early detection of autism spectrum disorder in Spanish speaking communities. Psicothema ;2020 (May) ;32(2):245-252. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Avlund SH, Thomsen PH, Schendel D, Jørgensen M, Clausen L. Time Trends in Diagnostics and Clinical Features of Young Children Referred on Suspicion of Autism : A Population-Based Clinical Cohort Study, 2000-2010. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 30) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Chen T, Chen Y, Yuan M, Gerstein M, Li T, Liang H, Froehlich T, Lu L. The Development of a Practical Artificial Intelligence Tool for Diagnosing and Evaluating Autism Spectrum Disorder : Multicenter Study. JMIR Med Inform ;2020 (May 8) ;8(5):e15767. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Fusar-Poli L, Ciancio A, Gabbiadini A, Meo V, Patania F, Rodolico A, Saitta G, Vozza L, Petralia A, Signorelli MS, Aguglia E. Self-Reported Autistic Traits Using the AQ : A Comparison between Individuals with ASD, Psychosis, and Non-Clinical Controls. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 14) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

6. Kamp-Becker I, Stroth S, Stehr T. [Autism spectrum disorder in childhood and adults : diagnosis and differential diagnoses]. Nervenarzt ;2020 (May) ;91(5):457-470. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Kaur S, Silver G, Samuels S, Rosen AH, Weiss M, Mauer EA, Gerber LM, Greenwald BM, Traube C. Delirium and Developmental Disability : Improving Specificity of a Pediatric Delirium Screen. Pediatr Crit Care Med ;2020 (May) ;21(5):409-414. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Kerub O, Haas EJ, Meiri G, Davidovitch N, Menashe I. A Comparison Between Two Screening Approaches for ASD Among Toddlers in Israel. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1553-1560. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Li PY, Fu NN, Li QY, Wang GF, Gao L, Zhang X. The Griffiths Development Scales-Chinese (GDS-C) : A reliable and valid neurodevelopmental assessment tool in children with ASD aged 3-8 years old in Tianjin, China. Asian J Psychiatr ;2020 (May 5) ;52:102144. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Luo MF, Xiao B, Zhao XL, Feng CY, Peng QL, Yao XF, Li XY, Ma LY. [Application of the Children Neuropsychological and Behavioral Scale-Revision 2016 in young children with autism spectrum disorder]. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi ;2020 (May) ;22(5):494-498. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Maddox BB, Lecavalier L, Miller JS, Pritchett J, Hollway J, White SW, Gillespie S, Evans AN, Schultz RT, Herrington JD, Bearss K, Scahill L. Reliability and validity of the Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale modified for autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2020 (May 31):1362361320922682. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Major S, Campbell K, Espinosa S, Baker JP, Carpenter KL, Sapiro G, Vermeer S, Dawson G. Impact of a digital Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised on likelihood and age of autism diagnosis and referral for developmental evaluation. Autism ;2020 (May 28):1362361320916656. Lien vers Pubmed

13. McGregor KK, Hadden RR. Brief Report : « Um » Fillers Distinguish Children With and Without ASD. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1816-1821. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Nakaoka K, Takabatake S, Tateyama K, Kurasawa S, Tanba H, Ishii R, Higashi Y, Kaneda T. Structural validity of the mealtime behaviour questionnaire for children with autism spectrum disorder in Japan. J Phys Ther Sci ;2020 (May) ;32(5):352-358. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Naoko D, Takashi A, Tomoko O. Development and Preliminary Validation of the Couples’ Stigma Scale to Assess Self-Stigma among the Partners of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health ;2020 (May 18) ;17(10) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Schieveld JNM, Strik J. Delirium in Developmentally Disabled PICU Children : The Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale and Delirium Fluctuation Issue. Pediatr Crit Care Med ;2020 (May) ;21(5):494-495. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Scott JA, Hansen SG. Working with Dual Diagnoses : A Survey of Teachers Serving Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children Who Have Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1539-1552. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Shaughnessy AF. Autism Screening with Follow-Up Overidentifies Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am Fam Physician ;2020 (May 15) ;101(10):630. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Sutantio JD, Pusponegoro HD, Sekartini R. Validity of Telemedicine for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder : Protocol-Guided Video Recording Evaluation. Telemed J E Health ;2020 (May 7) Lien vers Pubmed

20. Wallis KE, Guthrie W, Bennett AE, Gerdes M, Levy SE, Mandell DS, Miller JS. Adherence to screening and referral guidelines for autism spectrum disorder in toddlers in pediatric primary care. PLoS One ;2020 ;15(5):e0232335. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Walls M, Curtin C, Phillips S, Eliasziw M, Jackel C, Must A, Bandini L, Broder-Fingert S. Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians’ Diagnosis and Coding of Overweight and Obesity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2020 (May) ;41(4):258-264. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Yusuf A, Peltekova I, Savion-Lemieux T, Frei J, Bruno R, Joober R, Howe J, Scherer SW, Elsabbagh M. Perceived utility of biological testing for autism spectrum disorder is associated with child and family functioning. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May) ;100:103605. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Zaro C, Jeon H, Harstad E, Conrad C, Solomon D, Augustyn M. Questioning a Previous Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis : Can You « Lose » the Diagnosis ?. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2020 (May) ;41(4):332-333. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Zwaigenbaum L, Warren Z. Commentary : Embracing innovation is necessary to improve assessment and care for individuals with ASD : a reflection on Kanne and Bishop (2020). J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 30) Lien vers Pubmed

Parents, Fratrie

1. Corrigendum to Doing things differently : Exploring attachment patterns and parental intentions in families where a child has a diagnosis of autism. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 3):1359104520923481. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Parent and Provider Perspectives on the Diagnosis and Management of Autism in a Chinese Immigrant Population : Erratum. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2020 (May) ;41(4):298. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Adams D, Clark M, Simpson K. The Relationship Between Child Anxiety and the Quality of Life of Children, and Parents of Children, on the Autism Spectrum. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1756-1769. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Benjamin E, Ziss BE, George BR. Representation Is Never Perfect, But Are Parents Even Representatives ?. Am J Bioeth ;2020 (May) ;20(4):51-53. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Bent CA, Barbaro J, Dissanayake C. Parents’ experiences of the service pathway to an autism diagnosis for their child : What predicts an early diagnosis in Australia ?. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 17) ;103:103689. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Bentenuto A, Bertamini G, Perzolli S, Venuti P. Changes in Developmental Trajectories of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder during Parental Based Intensive Intervention. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 12) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Buturovic Z. Parents of Autistic Children Are Deserving of Support. Am J Bioeth ;2020 (May) ;20(4):54-55. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Carter EW, Carlton ME, Travers HE. Seeing strengths : Young adults and their siblings with autism or intellectual disability. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2020 (May) ;33(3):574-583. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Chu SY, Park H, Lee J, Shaharuddin KKB, Gan CH. Self-stigma and its associations with stress and quality of life among Malaysian parents of children with autism. Child Care Health Dev ;2020 (Jul) ;46(4):485-494. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Cooke E, Smith V, Brenner M. Parents’ experiences of accessing respite care for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at the acute and primary care interface : a systematic review. BMC Pediatr ;2020 (May 22) ;20(1):244. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Eskandari B, Pouretemad H, Mousavi M, Farahani H. Common elements of parent management training programs for preschool children with autism spectrum disorder. Asian J Psychiatr ;2020 (May 7) ;52:102149. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Garrido D, Carballo G, Garcia-Retamero R. Siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders : social support and family quality of life. Qual Life Res ;2020 (May) ;29(5):1193-1202. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Haine-Schlagel R, Rieth S, Dickson KS, Brookman-Frazee L, Stahmer A. Adapting parent engagement strategies for an evidence-based parent-mediated intervention for young children at risk for autism spectrum disorder. J Community Psychol ;2020 (May) ;48(4):1215-1237. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Hallett V, Mueller J, Breese L, Hollett M, Beresford B, Irvine A, Pickles A, Slonims V, Scott S, Charman T, Simonoff E. Introducing ‘Predictive Parenting’ : A Feasibility Study of a New Group Parenting Intervention Targeting Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 15) Lien vers Pubmed

15. Hao Y, Franco JH, Sundarrajan M, Chen Y. A Pilot Study Comparing Tele-therapy and In-Person Therapy : Perspectives from Parent-Mediated Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 6) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Howard K, Gibson J, Katsos N. Parental Perceptions and Decisions Regarding Maintaining Bilingualism in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 9) Lien vers Pubmed

17. Kanne SM, Bishop SL. Editorial Perspective : The autism waitlist crisis and remembering what families need. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 8) Lien vers Pubmed

18. McConkey R, Cassin MT, McNaughton R. Promoting the Social Inclusion of Children with ASD : A Family-Centred Intervention. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 25) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

19. Mills AS, Vimalakanthan K, Sivapalan S, Shanmugalingam N, Weiss JA. Brief Report : Preliminary Outcomes of a Peer Counselling Program for Parents of Children with Autism in the South Asian Community. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 17) Lien vers Pubmed

20. Millstein RA, Lindly OJ, Luberto CM, Perez GK, Schwartz GN, Kuhlthau K, Park ER. An Exploration of Health Behaviors in a Mind-Body Resilience Intervention for Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities. J Dev Behav Pediatr ;2020 (May 12) Lien vers Pubmed

21. Romero-González M, Marín E, Guzmán-Parra J, Navas P, Aguilar JM, Lara JP, Barbancho M. [Relationship between parental stress and psychological distress and emotional and behavioural problems in pre-school children with autistic spectrum disorder]. An Pediatr (Barc) ;2020 (May 8) Lien vers Pubmed

22. Shaia WE, Nichols HM, Dababnah S, Campion K, Garbarino N. Brief Report : Participation of Black and African-American Families in Autism Research. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1841-1846. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Singh NN, Lancioni GE, Medvedev ON, Hwang YS, Myers RE. A Component Analysis of the Mindfulness-Based Positive Behavior Support (MBPBS) Program for Mindful Parenting by Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Mindfulness (N Y) ;2020 (May 11):1-13. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Sonuga-Barke E, Kennedy M, Golm D, Knights N, Kovshoff H, Kreppner J, Kumsta R, Maughan B, O’Connor TG, Schlotz W. Adoptees’ responses to separation from, and reunion with, their adoptive parent at age 4 years is associated with long-term persistence of autism symptoms following early severe institutional deprivation. Dev Psychopathol ;2020 (May) ;32(2):631-640. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Stenberg N, Schjølberg S, Shic F, Volkmar F, Øyen AS, Bresnahan M, Svendsen BK, von Tetzchner S, Thronæs NT, Macari S, Cicchetti DV, Chawarska K, Suren P, Øien RA. Functional Outcomes of Children Identified Early in the Developmental Period as at Risk for ASD Utilizing the The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 18) Lien vers Pubmed

26. Toseeb U, McChesney G, Oldfield J, Wolke D. Sibling Bullying in Middle Childhood is Associated with Psychosocial Difficulties in Early Adolescence : The Case of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1457-1469. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Banas K, Sawchuk B. Clonidine as a Treatment of Behavioural Disturbances in Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Systematic Literature Review. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2020 (May) ;29(2):110-120. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Barker-Haliski M, Steve White H. Validated animal models for antiseizure drug (ASD) discovery : Advantages and potential pitfalls in ASD screening. Neuropharmacology ;2020 (May 1) ;167:107750. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Chez M, Kile S, Lepage C, Parise C, Benabides B, Hankins A. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blinded, Crossover, Pilot Study of the Effects of Dextromethorphan/Quinidine for the Treatment of Neurobehavioral Symptoms in Adults with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1532-1538. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Davidovitch M, Kuint J, Lerner-Geva L, Zaslavsky-Paltiel I, Rotem RS, Chodick G, Shalev V, Reichman B. Postnatal steroid therapy is associated with autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents of very low birth weight infants. Pediatr Res ;2020 (May) ;87(6):1045-1051. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Dawson G, Sun JM, Baker J, Carpenter K, Compton S, Deaver M, Franz L, Heilbron N, Herold B, Horrigan J, Howard J, Kosinski A, Major S, Murias M, Page K, Prasad VK, Sabatos-DeVito M, Sanfilippo F, Sikich L, Simmons R, Song A, Vermeer S, Waters-Pick B, Troy J, Kurtzberg J. A Phase II Randomized Clinical Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Umbilical Cord Blood Infusion for Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Pediatr ;2020 (Jul) ;222:164-173 e165. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Gannon S, Osser DN. The psychopharmacology algorithm project at the Harvard South Shore Program : An algorithm for core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in adults. Psychiatry Res ;2020 (May) ;287:112900. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Gumusoglu SB, Hing BWQ, Chilukuri ASS, Dewitt JJ, Scroggins SM, Stevens HE. Chronic maternal interleukin-17 and autism-related cortical gene expression, neurobiology, and behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology ;2020 (May) ;45(6):1008-1017. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Gumusoglu SB, Hing BWQ, Chilukuri ASS, Dewitt JJ, Scroggins SM, Stevens HE. Correction : Chronic maternal interleukin-17 and autism-related cortical gene expression, neurobiology, and behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology ;2020 (May 15) Lien vers Pubmed

9. Hirsch MM, Deckmann I, Santos-Terra J, Staevie GZ, Fontes-Dutra M, Carello-Collar G, Körbes-Rockenbach M, Brum Schwingel G, Bauer-Negrini G, Rabelo B, Gonçalves MCB, Corrêa-Velloso J, Naaldijk Y, Castillo ARG, Schneider T, Bambini-Junior V, Ulrich H, Gottfried C. Effects of single-dose antipurinergic therapy on behavioral and molecular alterations in the valproic acid-induced animal model of autism. Neuropharmacology ;2020 (May 1) ;167:107930. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Ishola IO, Balogun AO, Adeyemi OO. Novel potential of metformin on valproic acid-induced autism spectrum disorder in rats : involvement of antioxidant defence system. Fundam Clin Pharmacol ;2020 (May 15) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Lefter R, Ciobica A, Antioch I, Ababei DC, Hritcu L, Luca AC. Oxytocin Differentiated Effects According to the Administration Route in a Prenatal Valproic Acid-Induced Rat Model of Autism. Medicina (Kaunas) ;2020 (May 29) ;56(6) Lien vers Pubmed

12. Li C, Bai Y, Jin C, Zhong F, Guo Q, Liu W. Efficacy and Safety of Fluoxetine in Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Meta-analysis. Am J Ther ;2020 (May/Jun) ;27(3):e312-e315. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Mano-Sousa BJ, Pedrosa AM, Alves BC, Galduróz JCF, Belo VS, Chaves VE, Duarte-Almeida JM. Effects of risperidone in autistic children and young adults : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Curr Neuropharmacol ;2020 (May 29) Lien vers Pubmed

14. Matsuo K, Yabuki Y, Fukunaga K. 5-aminolevulinic acid inhibits oxidative stress and ameliorates autistic-like behaviors in prenatal valproic acid-exposed rats. Neuropharmacology ;2020 (May 15) ;168:107975. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Naguy A, Moodliar-Rensburg S, Alamiri B. Punding Related to Methylphenidate-Aripiprazole Combination in a Hyperkinetic Low-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder Child. Am J Ther ;2020 (May 26) Lien vers Pubmed

16. Neumeyer A, Thom RP, McDougle CJ. A rational pharmacologic approach toward a biologically meaningful subtype of autism spectrum disorder. J Pediatr (Rio J) ;2020 (May 27) Lien vers Pubmed

17. Rast JE, Anderson KA, Roux AM, Shattuck PT. Medication Use in Youth with Autism and Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Acad Pediatr ;2020 (May 31) Lien vers Pubmed

18. Renard E, Leheup B, Guéant-Rodriguez RM, Oussalah A, Quadros EV, Guéant JL. Folinic acid improves the score of Autism in the EFFET placebo-controlled randomized trial. Biochimie ;2020 (Jun) ;173:57-61. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Wong NML, Findon JL, Wichers RH, Giampietro V, Stoencheva V, Murphy CM, Blainey S, Ecker C, Murphy DG, McAlonan GM, Daly E. Serotonin differentially modulates the temporal dynamics of the limbic response to facial emotions in male adults with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD) : a randomised placebo-controlled single-dose crossover trial. Neuropsychopharmacology ;2020 (May 10) Lien vers Pubmed

20. Zhou MS, Nasir M, Farhat LC, Kook M, Artukoglu BB, Bloch MH. Meta-analysis : Pharmacologic Treatment of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2020 (May 6) Lien vers Pubmed

Prévalence, épidémiologie

1. Bertolli J, Attell JE, Rose C, Moore CA, Melo F, Staples JE, Kotzky K, Krishna N, Satterfield-Nash A, Pereira IO, Pessoa A, Smith DC, Santelli A, Boyle CA, Peacock G. Functional Outcomes among a Cohort of Children in Northeastern Brazil Meeting Criteria for Follow-Up of Congenital Zika Virus Infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg ;2020 (May) ;102(5):955-963. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Brumbaugh JE, Weaver AL, Myers SM, Voigt RG, Katusic SK. Gestational Age, Perinatal Characteristics, and Autism Spectrum Disorder : A Birth Cohort Study. J Pediatr ;2020 (May) ;220:175-183 e178. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Chiarotti F, Venerosi A. Epidemiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Review of Worldwide Prevalence Estimates Since 2014. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 1) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Corridore D, Zumbo G, Corvino I, Guaragna M, Bossù M, Polimeni A, Vozza I. Prevalence of oral disease and treatment types proposed to children affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Pediatric Dentistry : a Systematic Review. Clin Ter ;2020 (May-Jun) ;171(3):e275-e282. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Dietz PM, Rose CE, McArthur D, Maenner M. National and State Estimates of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 10) Lien vers Pubmed

6. Fuentes J, Basurko A, Isasa I, Galende I, Muguerza MD, García-Primo P, García J, Fernández-Álvarez CJ, Canal-Bedia R, Posada de la Paz M. The ASDEU autism prevalence study in northern Spain. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry ;2020 (May 9) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Hosozawa M, Sacker A, Mandy W, Midouhas E, Flouri E, Cable N. Determinants of an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in childhood and adolescence : Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Autism ;2020 (May 5):1362361320913671. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Hossain MM, Khan N, Sultana A, Ma P, McKyer ELJ, Ahmed HU, Purohit N. Prevalence of comorbid psychiatric disorders among people with autism spectrum disorder : An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Psychiatry Res ;2020 (May) ;287:112922. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Mahapatra S, Khokhlovich E, Martinez S, Kannel B, Edelson SM, Vyshedskiy A. Longitudinal Epidemiological Study of Autism Subgroups Using Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) Score. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1497-1508. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Martinez AP, Wickham S, Rowse G, Milne E, Bentall RP. Robust association between autistic traits and psychotic-like experiences in the adult general population : epidemiological study from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey and replication with the 2014 APMS. Psychol Med ;2020 (May 22):1-7. Lien vers Pubmed

11. May T, Brignell A, Williams K. Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence in Children Aged 12-13 Years From the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):821-827. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Narasimhan U, Rajendran R, Abraham DA, Rajendran L, Muhasaparur Ganesan R. Prevalence and Pattern of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Tamil Nadu. Indian J Pediatr ;2020 (May) ;87(5):400. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Rotem RS, Chodick G, Shalev V, Davidovitch M, Koren G, Hauser R, Coull BA, Seely EW, Nguyen VT, Weisskopf MG. Maternal Thyroid Disorders and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Progeny. Epidemiology ;2020 (May) ;31(3):409-417. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Saito M, Hirota T, Sakamoto Y, Adachi M, Takahashi M, Osato-Kaneda A, Kim YS, Leventhal B, Shui A, Kato S, Nakamura K. Prevalence and cumulative incidence of autism spectrum disorders and the patterns of co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders in a total population sample of 5-year-old children. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 14) ;11(1):35. Lien vers Pubmed

Prise en charge, thérapies, qualité de vie

1. Akcimen M, Bedel C. Comparison between new modified external rotation method and external rotation method for reduction of ASD. Am J Emerg Med ;2020 (May) ;38(5):874-878. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Akhter N, Mumtaz N, Saqulain G. Autism Cognizance : A dilemma among medical and Allied Medical practitioners. Pak J Med Sci ;2020 (May-Jun) ;36(4):678-682. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Aljehany MS, Bennett KD. A Comparison of Video Prompting to Least-to-Most Prompting among Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1714-1724. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Bottini S, Wiseman K, Gillis J. Burnout in providers serving individuals with ASD : The impact of the workplace. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May) ;100:103616. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Brown DM, Arbour-Nicitopoulos KP, Martin Ginis KA, Latimer-Cheung AE, Bassett-Gunter RL. Examining the relationship between parent physical activity support behaviour and physical activity among children and youth with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2020 (May 31):1362361320922658. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Bruno B, Rose S. Ethical Representation by Patient Advocacy Organizations Also Requires Responsible Management of Potential Financial Conflicts of Interest. Am J Bioeth ;2020 (May) ;20(4):59-61. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Chlebowski C, Hurwich-Reiss E, Wright B, Brookman-Frazee L. Using stakeholder perspectives to guide systematic adaptation of an autism mental health intervention for Latinx families : A qualitative study. J Community Psychol ;2020 (May) ;48(4):1194-1214. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Coleman-Fountain E, Buckley C, Beresford B. Improving mental health in autistic young adults : a qualitative study exploring help-seeking barriers in UK primary care. Br J Gen Pract ;2020 (May) ;70(694):e356-e363. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Day PG, Sanchack KE, Lennon RP. A Care Ethics Approach to Ethical Advocacy for Community Conditions. Am J Bioeth ;2020 (May) ;20(4):35-37. Lien vers Pubmed

10. Deng L, Rattadilok P. The need for and barriers to using assistive technologies among individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in China. Assist Technol ;2020 (May 19):1-12. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Donnelly LJ, Cervantes PE, Okparaeke E, Stein CR, Filton B, Kuriakose S, Havens J, Horwitz SM. Staff Perceptions and Implementation Fidelity of an Autism Spectrum Disorder Care Pathway on a Child/Adolescent General Psychiatric Inpatient Service. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 11) Lien vers Pubmed

12. Griffioen RE, van der Steen S, Verheggen T, Enders-Slegers MJ, Cox R. Changes in behavioural synchrony during dog-assisted therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder and children with Down syndrome. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2020 (May) ;33(3):398-408. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Hayes J, McCabe R, Ford T, Russell G. Drawing a line in the sand : affect and testimony in autism assessment teams in the UK. Sociol Health Illn ;2020 (May) ;42(4):825-843. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Healy S, Garcia JM, Haegele JA. Environmental Factors Associated with Physical Activity and Screen Time Among Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1572-1579. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Hudry K, Pellicano E, Uljarević M, Whitehouse AJO. Setting the research agenda to secure the wellbeing of autistic people. Lancet Neurol ;2020 (May) ;19(5):374-376. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Kilmer M. Primary care of children with autism spectrum disorders : Developing confident healthcare leaders. Nurse Pract ;2020 (May) ;45(5):41-47. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Kodak T, Bergmann S. Autism Spectrum Disorder : Characteristics, Associated Behaviors, and Early Intervention. Pediatr Clin North Am ;2020 (Jun) ;67(3):525-535. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Lai MC, Anagnostou E, Wiznitzer M, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S. Evidence-based support for autistic people across the lifespan : maximising potential, minimising barriers, and optimising the person-environment fit. Lancet Neurol ;2020 (May) ;19(5):434-451. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Leibson C, Weaver A, Myers S, Long K, Ransom J, Voigt R, Katusic S. Objective Estimates of Direct-Medical Costs Among Persons Aged 3 to 38 Years With and Without Research-Defined Autism Spectrum Disorder Ascertained During Childhood : A Population-Based Birth-Cohort Study. Value Health ;2020 (May) ;23(5):595-605. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Maddox BB, Crabbe S, Beidas RS, Brookman-Frazee L, Cannuscio CC, Miller JS, Nicolaidis C, Mandell DS. « I wouldn’t know where to start » : Perspectives from clinicians, agency leaders, and autistic adults on improving community mental health services for autistic adults. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):919-930. Lien vers Pubmed

21. Marsack-Topolewski CN. Quality of Life among Compound Caregivers and Noncompound Caregivers of Adults with Autism. J Gerontol Soc Work ;2020 (May 13):1-13. Lien vers Pubmed

22. Masefield SC, Prady SL, Sheldon TA, Small N, Jarvis S, Pickett KE. The Caregiver Health Effects of Caring for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities : A Meta-analysis. Matern Child Health J ;2020 (May) ;24(5):561-574. Lien vers Pubmed

23. Moon SJ, Hwang J, Hill HS, Kervin R, Birtwell KB, Torous J, McDougle CJ, Kim JW. Mobile device applications and treatment of autism spectrum disorder : a systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness. Arch Dis Child ;2020 (May) ;105(5):458-462. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Park SE, Grados M, Wachtel L, Kaji S. Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Autism. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am ;2020 (Jul) ;29(3):455-465. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Pellecchia M, Beidas RS, Lawson G, Williams NJ, Seidman M, Kimberly JR, Cannuscio CC, Mandell DS. Does implementing a new intervention disrupt use of existing evidence-based autism interventions ?. Autism ;2020 (May 20):1362361320919248. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Price J. Cell therapy approaches to autism : a review of clinical trial data. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 24) ;11(1):37. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Raulston TJ, Bhana N, McIntyre LL, Ousley C. Brief Report : Collateral Joint Engagement During a Playdate Intervention for Children with and at Risk for Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

28. Smile SC. Supporting children with autism spectrum disorder in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. CMAJ ;2020 (May 25) ;192(21):E587. Lien vers Pubmed

29. Srinivasan S, Bhat A. Differences in caregiver behaviors of infants at-risk for autism and typically developing infants from 9 to 15 months of age. Infant Behav Dev ;2020 (May) ;59:101445. Lien vers Pubmed

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31. van den Berk-Smeekens I, van Dongen-Boomsma M, De Korte MWP, Den Boer JC, Oosterling IJ, Peters-Scheffer NC, Buitelaar JK, Barakova EI, Lourens T, Staal WG, Glennon JC. Adherence and acceptability of a robot-assisted Pivotal Response Treatment protocol for children with autism spectrum disorder. Sci Rep ;2020 (May 15) ;10(1):8110. Lien vers Pubmed

32. Williamson HJ, Brennan AC, Tress SF, Joseph DH, Baldwin JA. Exploring health and wellness among Native American adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their family caregivers. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil ;2020 (May) ;33(3):327-333. Lien vers Pubmed

33. Yu L, Zhu X. Correction to : Effectiveness of a SCERTS Model-Based Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Hong Kong : A Pilot Study. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1854. Lien vers Pubmed

Santé Bucco-Dentaire

1. Kothari P, Tate A, Adewumi A, Kinlin LM, Ritwik P. The risk for scurvy in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Spec Care Dentist ;2020 (May) ;40(3):251-259. Lien vers Pubmed

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3. Qiao Y, Shi H, Wang H, Wang M, Chen F. Oral Health Status of Chinese Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Front Psychiatry ;2020 ;11:398. Lien vers Pubmed

Sensori-moteur / Audition

1. Achermann S, Nyström P, Bölte S, Falck-Ytter T. Motor atypicalities in infancy are associated with general developmental level at 2 years, but not autistic symptoms. Autism ;2020 (May 15):1362361320918745. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Caldani S, Atzori P, Peyre H, Delorme R, Bucci MP. Short rehabilitation training program may improve postural control in children with autism spectrum disorders : preliminary evidences. Sci Rep ;2020 (May 13) ;10(1):7917. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Chen B, Linke A, Olson L, Ibarra C, Reynolds S, Müller RA, Kinnear M, Fishman I. Greater functional connectivity between sensory networks is related to symptom severity in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 26) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Chu CH, Tsai CL, Chen FC, Sit CHP, Chen PL, Pan CY. The role of physical activity and body-related perceptions in motor skill competence of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Disabil Rehabil ;2020 (May) ;42(10):1373-1381. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Crasta JE, Salzinger E, Lin MH, Gavin WJ, Davies PL. Sensory Processing and Attention Profiles Among Children With Sensory Processing Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Front Integr Neurosci ;2020 ;14:22. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Eggleston JD, Harry JR, Cereceres PA, Olivas AN, Chavez EA, Boyle JB, Dufek JS. Lesser magnitudes of lower extremity variability during terminal swing characterizes walking patterns in children with autism. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) ;2020 (Jun) ;76:105031. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Gabis LV, Shefer S, Portnoy S. Variability of Coordination in Typically Developing Children Versus Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with and without Rhythmic Signal. Sensors (Basel) ;2020 (May 13) ;20(10) Lien vers Pubmed

8. Gara SK, Chhetri AG, Alrjoob M, Abbasi SAA, Rutkofsky IH. The Sensory Abnormalities and Neuropsychopathology of Autism and Anxiety. Cureus ;2020 (May 12) ;12(5):e8071. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Glod M, Riby DM, Rodgers J. Sensory processing profiles and autistic symptoms as predictive factors in autism spectrum disorder and Williams syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res ;2020 (May 13) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Gong L, Liu Y, Yi L, Fang J, Yang Y, Wei K. Abnormal Gait Patterns in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Correlations with Social Impairments. Autism Res ;2020 (May 1) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Hadoush H, Nazzal M, Almasri NA, Khalil H, Alafeef M. Therapeutic Effects of Bilateral Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Prefrontal and Motor Cortical Areas in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Pilot Study. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):828-836. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Kamita MK, Silva LAF, Magliaro FCL, Kawai RYC, Fernandes FDM, Matas CG. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Pediatr (Rio J) ;2020 (May-Jun) ;96(3):386-392. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Kawakami S, Uono S, Otsuka S, Zhao S, Toichi M. Everything has Its Time : Narrow Temporal Windows are Associated with High Levels of Autistic Traits Via Weaknesses in Multisensory Integration. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1561-1571. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Kondo HM, Lin IF. Excitation-inhibition balance and auditory multistable perception are correlated with autistic traits and schizotypy in a non-clinical population. Sci Rep ;2020 (May 18) ;10(1):8171. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Kumazaki H, Okamoto M, Yoshimura Y, Ikeda T, Hasegawa C, Saito DN, Iwanaga R, Tomiyama S, An KM, Minabe Y, Kikuchi M. Brief Report : Odour Awareness in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1809-1815. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Kuno-Fujita A, Iwabuchi T, Wakusawa K, Ito H, Suzuki K, Shigetomi A, Hirotaka K, Tsujii M, Tsuchiya KJ. Sensory Processing Patterns and Fusiform Activity During Face Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):741-750. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Lampi A, Fitzpatrick P, Romero V, Amaral J, Schmidt RC. Understanding the Influence of Social and Motor Context on the Co-occurring Frequency of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1479-1496. Lien vers Pubmed

18. MacLennan K, Roach L, Tavassoli T. The Relationship Between Sensory Reactivity Differences and Anxiety Subtypes in Autistic Children. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):785-795. Lien vers Pubmed

19. McAuliffe D, Zhao Y, Pillai AS, Ament K, Adamek J, Caffo BS, Mostofsky SH, Ewen JB. Learning of skilled movements via imitation in ASD. Autism Res ;2020 (May) ;13(5):777-784. Lien vers Pubmed

20. Nyström P, Jones E, Darki F, Bölte S, Falck-Ytter T. Atypical Topographical Organization of Global Form and Motion Processing in 5-Month-Old Infants at Risk for Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 26) Lien vers Pubmed

21. Panerai S, Ferri R, Catania V, Zingale M, Ruccella D, Gelardi D, Fasciana D, Elia M. Sensory Profiles of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder with and without Feeding Problems : A Comparative Study in Sicilian Subjects. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 31) ;10(6) Lien vers Pubmed

22. Surgent OJ, Walczak M, Zarzycki O, Ausderau K, Travers BG. IQ and Sensory Symptom Severity Best Predict Motor Ability in Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 14) Lien vers Pubmed

23. Talbott MR, Young GS, Munson J, Estes A, Vismara LA, Rogers SJ. The Developmental Sequence and Relations Between Gesture and Spoken Language in Toddlers With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child Dev ;2020 (May) ;91(3):743-753. Lien vers Pubmed

24. Tsugiyama LE, Ida-Eto M, Ohkawara T, Noro Y, Narita M. Altered neuronal activity in the auditory brainstem following sound stimulation in thalidomide-induced autism model rats. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) ;2020 (May) ;60(3):82-86. Lien vers Pubmed

25. Vaughan S, McGlone F, Poole H, Moore DJ. A Quantitative Sensory Testing Approach to Pain in Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1607-1620. Lien vers Pubmed

26. Vlaeminck F, Vermeirsch J, Verhaeghe L, Warreyn P, Roeyers H. Predicting cognitive development and early symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in preterm children : The value of temperament and sensory processing. Infant Behav Dev ;2020 (May) ;59:101442. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Walker SC, Williams K, Moore DJ. Superior Identification of Component Odors in a Mixture Is Linked to Autistic Traits in Children and Adults. Chem Senses ;2020 (May 29) ;45(5):391-399. Lien vers Pubmed


1. Abel EA, Schwichtenberg AJ, Mannin OR, Marceau K. Brief Report : A Gene Enrichment Approach Applied to Sleep and Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1834-1840. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Edgin J, Saletin JM. Sleep, brains, and behavior across ten neurodevelopmental disorders : Introduction to the special issue on sleep in developmental disabilities. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (Jul) ;102:103636. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Fletcher FE, Knowland V, Walker S, Gaskell MG, Norbury C, Henderson LM. Atypicalities in sleep and semantic consolidation in autism. Dev Sci ;2020 (May) ;23(3):e12906. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Lawson LP, Richdale AL, Haschek A, Flower RL, Vartuli J, Arnold SR, Trollor JN. Cross-sectional and longitudinal predictors of quality of life in autistic individuals from adolescence to adulthood : The role of mental health and sleep quality. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):954-967. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Leader G, Murray M, O’Súilleabháin PS, Maher L, Naughton K, Arndt S, White K, Traina I, Mannion A. Relationship between parent-reported gastrointestinal symptoms, sleep problems, autism spectrum disorder symptoms, and behavior problems in children and adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 28) ;104:103698. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Li X, Wang L, Qin B, Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Qin Y, Bao G, Huang J, Cai J. A Sleeping rs-fMRI Study of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Curr Med Imaging ;2020 (May 9) Lien vers Pubmed

7. MacDuffie KE, Shen MD, Dager SR, Styner MA, Kim SH, Paterson S, Pandey J, St John T, Elison JT, Wolff JJ, Swanson MR, Botteron KN, Zwaigenbaum L, Piven J, Estes AM. Sleep Onset Problems and Subcortical Development in Infants Later Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Am J Psychiatry ;2020 (Jun 1) ;177(6):518-525. Lien vers Pubmed

8. van Deurs JR, McLay LK, France KG, Blampied NM. Sequential Implementation of Functional Behavior Assessment-Informed Treatment Components for Sleep Disturbance in Autism : A Case Study. Behav Sleep Med ;2020 (May 12):1-19. Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome d’Asperger / Autisme de haut niveau

1. Calhoun SL, Pearl AM, Fernandez-Mendoza J, Durica KC, Mayes SD, Murray MJ. Sleep Disturbances Increase the Impact of Working Memory Deficits on Learning Problems in Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1701-1713. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Del Valle Rubido M, Hollander E, McCracken JT, Shic F, Noeldeke J, Boak L, Khwaja O, Sadikhov S, Fontoura P, Umbricht D. Correction to : Exploring Social Biomarkers in High‑Functioning Adults with Autism and Asperger’s Versus Healthy Controls : A Cross‑Sectional Analysis. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 4) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Fung LK, Flores RE, Gu M, Sun KL, James D, Schuck RK, Jo B, Park JH, Lee BC, Jung JH, Kim SE, Saggar M, Sacchet MD, Warnock G, Khalighi MM, Spielman D, Chin FT, Hardan AY. Thalamic and prefrontal GABA concentrations but not GABA(A) receptor densities are altered in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. Mol Psychiatry ;2020 (May 6) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Hosseini SA, Molla M. Asperger Syndrome.2020 (Jan) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Nilsson M, Handest P, Carlsson J, Nylander L, Pedersen L, Mortensen EL, Arnfred S. Well-Being and Self-Disorders in Schizotypal Disorder and Asperger Syndrome/Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Nerv Ment Dis ;2020 (May) ;208(5):418-423. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Øie MG, Andersen PN, Hovik KT, Skogli EW, Rund BR. Similar impairments shown on a neuropsychological test battery in adolescents with high-functioning autism and early onset schizophrenia : a two-year follow-up study. Cogn Neuropsychiatry ;2020 (May) ;25(3):163-178. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Sturrock A, Yau N, Freed J, Adams C. Speaking the Same Language ? A Preliminary Investigation, Comparing the Language and Communication Skills of Females and Males with High-Functioning Autism. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1639-1656. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Vyshedskiy A, Radi K, DuBois MC, Mugford E, Maslova V, Braverman J, Piryatinsky I. Novel linguistic evaluation of prefrontal synthesis (LEPS) test measures prefrontal synthesis acquisition in neurotypical children and predicts high-functioning versus low-functioning class assignment in individuals with autism. Appl Neuropsychol Child ;2020 (May 18):1-16. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Yeung MK, Lee TL, Chan AS. Impaired Recognition of Negative Facial Expressions is Partly Related to Facial Perception Deficits in Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1596-1606. Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome de Rett

1. Bernardo P, Cobb S, Coppola A, Tomasevic L, Di Lazzaro V, Bravaccio C, Manganelli F, Dubbioso R. Neurophysiological Signatures of Motor Impairment in Patients with Rett Syndrome. Ann Neurol ;2020 (May) ;87(5):763-773. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Cicaloni V, Pecorelli A, Tinti L, Rossi M, Benedusi M, Cervellati C, Spiga O, Santucci A, Hayek J, Salvini L, Tinti C, Valacchi G. Proteomic profiling reveals mitochondrial alterations in Rett syndrome. Free Radic Biol Med ;2020 (Aug 1) ;155:37-48. Lien vers Pubmed

3. Cutri-French C, Armstrong D, Saby J, Gorman C, Lane J, Fu C, Peters SU, Percy A, Neul JL, Marsh ED. Comparison of Core Features in Four Developmental Encephalopathies in the Rett Natural History Study. Ann Neurol ;2020 (May 30) Lien vers Pubmed

4. Fabio RA, Gangemi A, Semino M, Vignoli A, Canevini MP, Priori A, Rosa GD, Caprì T. Effects of Combined Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation with Cognitive Training in Girls with Rett Syndrome. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 2) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

5. Frasca A, Spiombi E, Palmieri M, Albizzati E, Valente MM, Bergo A, Leva B, Kilstrup-Nielsen C, Bianchi F, Di Carlo V, Di Cunto F, Landsberger N. MECP2 mutations affect ciliogenesis : a novel perspective for Rett syndrome and related disorders. EMBO Mol Med ;2020 (Jun 8) ;12(6):e10270. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Gulisano M, Barone R, Alaimo S, Ferro A, Pulvirenti A, Cirnigliaro L, Di Silvestre S, Martellino S, Maugeri N, Milana MC, Scerbo M, Rizzo R. Disentangling Restrictive and Repetitive Behaviors and Social Impairments in Children and Adolescents with Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Sci ;2020 (May 18) ;10(5) Lien vers Pubmed

7. Haidar Z, Jalkh N, Corbani S, Abou-Ghoch J, Fawaz A, Mehawej C, Chouery E. A Homozygous Splicing Mutation in PDE2A in a Family With Atypical Rett Syndrome. Mov Disord ;2020 (May) ;35(5):896-899. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Jdila MB, Triki CC, Ghorbel R, Bouchalla W, Ncir SB, Kamoun F, Fakhfakh F. Unusual double mutation in MECP2 and CDKL5 genes in Rett-like syndrome : Correlation with phenotype and genes expression. Clin Chim Acta ;2020 (May 20) ;508:287-294. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Lim J, Greenspoon D, Hunt A, McAdam L. Rehabilitation interventions in Rett syndrome : a scoping review. Dev Med Child Neurol ;2020 (May 30) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Merritt JK, Collins BE, Erickson KR, Dong H, Neul JL. Pharmacological readthrough of R294X Mecp2 in a novel mouse model of Rett Syndrome. Hum Mol Genet ;2020 (May 29) Lien vers Pubmed

11. Pecorelli A, Cervellati C, Cordone V, Hayek J, Valacchi G. Compromised immune/inflammatory responses in Rett syndrome. Free Radic Biol Med ;2020 (May 20) ;152:100-106. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Ribeiro MC, Moore SM, Kishi N, Macklis JD, MacDonald JL. Vitamin D Supplementation Rescues Aberrant NF-κB Pathway Activation and Partially Ameliorates Rett Syndrome Phenotypes in Mecp2 Mutant Mice. eNeuro ;2020 (May/Jun) ;7(3) Lien vers Pubmed

13. Saby JN, Peters SU, Roberts TPL, Nelson CA, Marsh ED. Evoked Potentials and EEG Analysis in Rett Syndrome and Related Developmental Encephalopathies : Towards a Biomarker for Translational Research. Front Integr Neurosci ;2020 ;14:30. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Singh J, Lanzarini E, Santosh P. Autonomic dysfunction and sudden death in patients with Rett syndrome : a systematic review. J Psychiatry Neurosci ;2020 (May 1) ;45(3):150-181. Lien vers Pubmed

15. Varderidou-Minasian S, Hinz L, Hagemans D, Posthuma D, Altelaar M, Heine VM. Quantitative proteomic analysis of Rett iPSC-derived neuronal progenitors. Mol Autism ;2020 (May 27) ;11(1):38. Lien vers Pubmed

16. Wang L, Hu M, Zuo MQ, Zhao J, Wu D, Huang L, Wen Y, Li Y, Chen P, Bao X, Dong MQ, Li G, Li P. Rett syndrome-causing mutations compromise MeCP2-mediated liquid-liquid phase separation of chromatin. Cell Res ;2020 (May) ;30(5):393-407. Lien vers Pubmed

Syndrome X-Fragile

1. Barnhill K, Devlin M, Moreno HT, Potts A, Richardson W, Schutte C, Hewitson L. Brief Report : Implementation of a Specific Carbohydrate Diet for a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1800-1808. Lien vers Pubmed

2. Brandalise F, Kalmbach BE, Mehta P, Thornton O, Johnston D, Zemelman BV, Brager DH. Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein bidirectionally controls dendritic I(h) in a cell-type specific manner between mouse hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. J Neurosci ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

3. Cabal-Herrera AM, Saldarriaga-Gil W, Salcedo-Arellano MJ, Hagerman RJ. Fragile X associated neuropsychiatric disorders in a male without FXTAS. Intractable Rare Dis Res ;2020 (May) ;9(2):113-118. Lien vers Pubmed

4. Doherty BR, Longhi E, Cole V, Karmiloff-Smith A, Cornish K, Scerif G. Disentangling autism spectrum and attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms over development in fragile X syndrome. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 13) ;104:103692. Lien vers Pubmed

5. Dueck A, Reis O, Bastian M, van Treeck L, Weirich S, Haessler F, Fiedler A, Koelch M, Berger C. Feasibility of a Complex Setting for Assessing Sleep and Circadian Rhythmicity in a Fragile X Cohort. Front Psychiatry ;2020 ;11:361. Lien vers Pubmed

6. Friedman L, Lorang E, Hilvert E, Sterling A. « Are We Done Yet ? » Question-Asking in Boys With Fragile X Syndrome and Idiopathic Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Speech Lang Hear Res ;2020 (Jun 22) ;63(6):1822-1834. Lien vers Pubmed

7. Graef JD, Wu H, Ng C, Sun C, Villegas V, Qadir D, Jesseman K, Warren ST, Jaenisch R, Cacace A, Wallace O. Partial FMRP expression is sufficient to normalize neuronal hyperactivity in Fragile X neurons. Eur J Neurosci ;2020 (May) ;51(10):2143-2157. Lien vers Pubmed

8. Guy J, Ng-Cordell E, Doherty BR, Duta M, Scerif G. Understanding attention, memory and social biases in fragile X syndrome : Going below the surface with a multi-method approach. Res Dev Disabil ;2020 (May 16) ;104:103693. Lien vers Pubmed

9. Hall DA, Nag S, Ouyang B, Bennett DA, Liu Y, Ali A, Zhou L, Berry-Kravis E. Fragile X Gray Zone Alleles Are Associated With Signs of Parkinsonism and Earlier Death. Mov Disord ;2020 (May 28) Lien vers Pubmed

10. Johnson K, Herring J, Richstein J. Fragile X Premutation Associated Conditions (FXPAC). Front Pediatr ;2020 ;8:266. Lien vers Pubmed

11. Jonak CR, Lovelace JW, Ethell IM, Razak KA, Binder DK. Multielectrode array analysis of EEG biomarkers in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome. Neurobiol Dis ;2020 (May) ;138:104794. Lien vers Pubmed

12. Kramvis I, van Westen R, Lammertse HCA, Riga D, Heistek TS, Loebel A, Spijker S, Mansvelder HD, Meredith RM. Dysregulated Prefrontal Cortex Inhibition in Prepubescent and Adolescent Fragile X Mouse Model. Front Mol Neurosci ;2020 ;13:88. Lien vers Pubmed

13. Lacivita E, Niso M, Stama ML, Arzuaga A, Altamura C, Costa L, Desaphy JF, Ragozzino ME, Ciranna L, Leopoldo M. Privileged scaffold-based design to identify a novel drug-like 5-HT(7) receptor-preferring agonist to target Fragile X syndrome. Eur J Med Chem ;2020 (Aug 1) ;199:112395. Lien vers Pubmed

14. Lim SY, Ishiura H, Ramli N, Shibata S, Almansour MA, Tan AH, Houlden H, Lang AE, Tsuji S. Adult-onset neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease mimicking Fragile X-associated tremor-ataxia syndrome in ethnic Chinese patients. Parkinsonism Relat Disord ;2020 (May) ;74:25-27. Lien vers Pubmed

15. McCamphill PK, Stoppel LJ, Senter RK, Lewis MC, Heynen AJ, Stoppel DC, Sridhar V, Collins KA, Shi X, Pan JQ, Madison J, Cottrell JR, Huber KM, Scolnick EM, Holson EB, Wagner FF, Bear MF. Selective inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3α corrects pathophysiology in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome. Sci Transl Med ;2020 (May 20) ;12(544) Lien vers Pubmed

16. McKechanie AG, Lawrie SM, Stanfield AC. The never-changing face of fragile X ?. Lancet Psychiatry ;2020 (May) ;7(5):e26. Lien vers Pubmed

17. Razak KA, Dominick KC, Erickson CA. Developmental studies in fragile X syndrome. J Neurodev Disord ;2020 (May 2) ;12(1):13. Lien vers Pubmed

18. Rose BI, Brown SE. An explanation of the mechanisms underlying fragile X-associated premature ovarian insufficiency. J Assist Reprod Genet ;2020 (Jun) ;37(6):1313-1322. Lien vers Pubmed

19. Salcedo-Arellano MJ, Cabal-Herrera AM, Tassanakijpanich N, McLennan YA, Hagerman RJ. Ataxia as the Major Manifestation of Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) : Case Series. Biomedicines ;2020 (May 25) ;8(5) Lien vers Pubmed

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Théorie de l’esprit

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Troubles associés / Autres pathologies / Comorbidités

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3. Carta A, Fucà E, Guerrera S, Napoli E, Valeri G, Vicari S. Characterization of Clinical Manifestations in the Co-occurring Phenotype of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychol ;2020 ;11:861. Lien vers Pubmed

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13. Meyer AT, Moody EJ, Keefer A, O’Kelley S, Duncan A, Blakeley-Smith A, Reaven J. Effect of Co-occurring Psychiatric Disorders on Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May 27) Lien vers Pubmed

14. Montazeri F, de Bildt A, Dekker V, Anderson GM. Network Analysis of Behaviors in the Depression and Autism Realms : Inter-Relationships and Clinical Implications. J Autism Dev Disord ;2020 (May) ;50(5):1580-1595. Lien vers Pubmed

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20. Santore LA, Gerber A, Gioia AN, Bianchi R, Talledo F, Peris TS, Lerner MD. Felt but not seen : Observed restricted repetitive behaviors are associated with self-report-but not parent-report-obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms in youth with autism spectrum disorder. Autism ;2020 (May) ;24(4):983-994. Lien vers Pubmed

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