Prise de décision chez les adultes avec TSA (Decision-making in a changing world : a study in autism spectrum disorders)


Le Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders propose dans son numéro de juin 2015 un article de S. Robic, S. Sonie, P. Fonlupt, M.A. Henaff, N. Touil, G. Coricelli, J. Mattout, et C. Schmitz sur les tâches de prise de décision chez les personnes adultes avec TSA.

1. Robic S, Sonie S, Fonlupt P, Henaff MA, Touil N, Coricelli G, Mattout J, Schmitz C. Decision-making in a changing world : a study in autism spectrum disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2015 ; 45(6) : 1603-13.

To learn to deal with the unexpected is essential to adaptation to a social, therefore often unpredictable environment. Fourteen adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and 15 controls underwent a decision-making task aimed at investigating the influence of either a social or a non-social environment, and its interaction with either a stable (with constant probabilities) or an unstable (with changing probabilities) context on their performance. Participants with ASD presented with difficulties in accessing underlying statistical rules in an unstable context, a deficit especially enhanced in the social environment. These results point out that the difficulties people with ASD encounter in their social life might be caused by impaired social cues processing and by the unpredictability associated with the social world.

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