Pubmed du 01/09/22

Pubmed du jour

1. Abubakar A, Kipkemoi P. Early intervention in autism spectrum disorder: The need for an international approach. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Sep);64(9):1051-1058.

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2. Adams KL, Murphy J, Catmur C, Bird G. The role of interoception in the overlap between eating disorders and autism: Methodological considerations. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):501-509.

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3. Adamson J, Brede J, Babb C, Serpell L, Jones CRG, Fox J, Mandy W. Towards identifying a method of screening for autism amongst women with restrictive eating disorders. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):592-603.

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4. Agarwal R, Wuyke G, Sharma U, Burke SL, Howard M, Li T, Sanchez M, Bastida E. Stress and Anxiety Among Parents of Transition-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Systematic Review of Interventions and Scales. Rev J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep 1):1-23.

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5. Ahmad Fauzi A, Ahmad Adlan AS, Jayanath S, Yamamoto T, Yoshizaki A, Tachibana M, Muhamad NA, Hamzah N. Challenges Faced by Children With Developmental Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia. Asia Pac J Public Health;2022 (Sep);34(6-7):716-718.

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6. Aishworiya R, Protic D, Hagerman R. Autism spectrum disorder in the fragile X premutation state: possible mechanisms and implications. J Neurol;2022 (Sep);269(9):4676-4683.

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7. Alexander L, Farrelly N. A case of mistaken diagnoses: diagnostic and management challenges in a case of adult autism spectrum disorder. Ir J Psychol Med;2022 (Sep);39(3):301-304.

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8. Alhusaini A, Sarawi W, Mattar D, Abo-Hamad A, Almogren R, Alhumaidan S, Alsultan E, Alsaif S, Hasan I, Hassanein E, Mahmoud A. Acetyl-L-carnitine and/or liposomal co-enzyme Q10 prevent propionic acid-induced neurotoxicity by modulating oxidative tissue injury, inflammation, and ALDH1A1-RA-RARα signaling in rats. Biomed Pharmacother;2022 (Sep);153:113360.

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9. Almalky HA, Alqahtani SS. School and Business Partnerships to Support Job Training for Students with Developmental and Other Disabilities: Employers’ Perspectives. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3949-3957.

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10. Al-Soleiti M, Balaj K, Thom RP, McDougle CJ, Keary CJ. Brief Report: Suspected Cannabis-Induced Mania and Psychosis in Young Adult Males with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4164-4171.

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11. Amadi CJ, Brock ME, Barczak MA, Anderson EJ. Improving Social and Play Outcomes for Students With Significant Disabilities During Recess. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil;2022 (Sep 1);127(5):400-416.

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12. Anglim M, Conway EV, Barry M, Kashif M, Ackermann P, Moran A, O’Connell AS, Guerin S. An initial examination of the psychometric properties of the Diagnostic Instrument for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO-11) in a clinical sample of children with a diagnosis of Autism spectrum disorder. Ir J Psychol Med;2022 (Sep);39(3):251-260.

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13. Anthony N, Bobzien J. Using Two Formats of a Social Story to Increase the Verbal Initiations and On-Topic Responses of Two Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4138-4149.

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14. Aranki J, Wright P, Pompa-Craven P, Lotfizadeh AD. Acceptance of Telehealth Therapy to Replace In-Person Therapy for Autism Treatment During COVID-19 Pandemic: An Assessment of Patient Variables. Telemed J E Health;2022 (Sep);28(9):1342-1349.

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15. Ardalan M, Chumak T, Quist A, Hermans E, Hoseinpoor Rafati A, Gravina G, Jabbari Shiadeh SM, Svedin P, Alabaf S, Hansen B, Wegener G, Westberg L, Mallard C. Reelin cells and sex-dependent synaptopathology in autism following postnatal immune activation. Br J Pharmacol;2022 (Sep);179(17):4400-4422.

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16. Arora V, Takkar A, Mehta A, Malleda N, Kumar P. Fragile X Syndrome Due to a Frameshift Deletion: A Rare Mechanism. Indian J Pediatr;2022 (Sep);89(9):945.

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17. Babb C, Brede J, Jones CRG, Serpell L, Mandy W, Fox J. A comparison of the eating disorder service experiences of autistic and non-autistic women in the UK. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):616-627.

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18. Bast N, Gaigg SB, Bowler DM, Roessner V, Freitag CM, Ring M. Arousal-modulated memory encoding and retrieval in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res;2022 (Sep);15(9):1609-1620.

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19. Beaudoin MJ, Poirier N, Nader-Grosbois N. Relationships Between Mother-Child Conversations About Emotion and Socioemotional Development of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4022-4034.

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20. Begum-Ali J, Goodwin A, Mason L, Pasco G, Charman T, Johnson MH, Jones EJH. Altered theta-beta ratio in infancy associates with family history of ADHD and later ADHD-relevant temperamental traits. J Child Psychol Psychiatry;2022 (Sep);63(9):1057-1067.

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21. Bejerot S, Nylander L. An overestimation of the prevalence of ASD among psychiatric patients. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4204-4205.

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22. Bejnö H, Bölte S, Linder N, Långh U, Odom SL, Roll-Pettersson L. From Someone Who May Cause Trouble to Someone You Can Play With: Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Preschool Program Quality for Autistic Children. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3890-3908.

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23. Bell B. Using Video Modeling to Teach Abduction-Prevention Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3909-3918.

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24. Belli A, Breda M, Di Maggio C, Esposito D, Marcucci L, Bruni O. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders: how do they sleep?. Curr Opin Psychiatry;2022 (Sep 1);35(5):345-351.

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25. Belmonte MK. Motor symptoms in the ASD diagnostic criteria: A conservative perspective. Autism Res;2022 (Sep);15(9):1582-1584.

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26. Bemanalizadeh M, Khoshhali M, Goli P, Abdollahpour I, Kelishadi R. Parental Occupational Exposure and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Offspring: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Curr Environ Health Rep;2022 (Sep);9(3):406-422.

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27. Bentz M, Pedersen SH, Moslet U. Case series of family-based treatment for restrictive-type eating disorders and comorbid autism: What can we learn? A brief report. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):641-647.

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28. Bernier A, Ratcliff K, Hilton C, Fingerhut P, Li CY. Art Interventions for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review. Am J Occup Ther;2022 (Sep 1);76(5)

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29. Bhakta BB, Coleman KJ, Choi KR. Randomized Study of Survey Recruitment Strategies for Parents of Autistic Children. J Pediatr Health Care;2022 (Sep-Oct);36(5):470-473.

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30. Bin Eid W, Lim M, Halstead E, Esposito G, Dimitriou D. A cross-cultural comparison of sleep patterns between typically developing children and children with ASD living in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Res Dev Disabil;2022 (Sep);128:104290.

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31. Bolat H, Derin H, Ünsel-Bolat G. Phenotypic and Brain Imaging Findings Associated With a 10p Proximal Deletion Including the WAC Gene: Case Report and Literature Review. Cogn Behav Neurol;2022 (Sep 1);35(3):221-226.

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32. Bolourian Y, Losh A, Hamsho N, Eisenhower A, Blacher J. General Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Autism, Inclusive Practices, and Relationship Building Strategies. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3977-3990.

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33. Bourke-Taylor HM, Joyce KS, Grzegorczyn S, Tirlea L. Profile of Mothers of Children with a Disability Who Seek Support for Mental Health and Wellbeing. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3800-3813.

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34. Bragg M, Chavarro JE, Hamra GB, Hart JE, Tabb LP, Weisskopf MG, Volk HE, Lyall K. Correction to: Prenatal Diet as a Modifier of Environmental Risk Factors for Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. Curr Environ Health Rep;2022 (Sep);9(3):513-515.

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35. Brasher S, Stapel-Wax JL, Muirhead L. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Implications for Care. Nurs Clin North Am;2022 (Sep);57(3):489-499.

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36. Buranova N, Dampf M, Stevenson B, Sohl K. ECHO Autism: Early Intervention Connecting Community Professionals to Increase Access to Best Practice Autism Intervention. Clin Pediatr (Phila);2022 (Sep);61(8):518-522.

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37. Buro AW, Gray HL, Kirby RS, Marshall J, Strange M, Hasan S, Holloway J. Pilot Study of a Virtual Nutrition Intervention for Adolescents and Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Nutr Educ Behav;2022 (Sep);54(9):853-862.

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38. Byiers B. Integrated biopsychosocial pain research in intellectual and developmental disability. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Sep);64(9):1052-1053.

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39. Byrne G, Longphuirt EN. The psychological impact of quarantine on children with autism spectrum disorder. Ir J Psychol Med;2022 (Sep);39(3):319-320.

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40. Cai Y, Zhao J, Wang L, Xie Y, Fan X. Altered topological properties of white matter structural network in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Asian J Psychiatr;2022 (Sep);75:103211.

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41. Caldwell ALM, Sancho L, Deng J, Bosworth A, Miglietta A, Diedrich JK, Shokhirev MN, Allen NJ. Aberrant astrocyte protein secretion contributes to altered neuronal development in multiple models of neurodevelopmental disorders. Nat Neurosci;2022 (Sep);25(9):1163-1178.

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42. Calub CA, Benyakorn S, Sun S, Iosif AM, Boyle LH, Solomon M, Hessl D, Schweitzer JB. Working Memory Training in Youth With Autism, Fragile X, and Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil;2022 (Sep 1);127(5):369-389.

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43. Cameron KL. Low rates of motor-related healthcare for 5-year children born extremely preterm with movement difficulty: Where to next?. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Sep);64(9):1055-1056.

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44. Carter Leno V, Micali N, Bryant-Waugh R, Herle M. Associations between childhood autistic traits and adolescent eating disorder behaviours are partially mediated by fussy eating. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):604-615.

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45. Carvalho LML, D’Angelo CS, Villela D, da Costa SS, de Lima Jorge AA, da Silva IT, de Oliveira Scliar M, Chaves LD, Krepischi ACV, Koiffmann CP, Rosenberg C. Genetic investigation of syndromic forms of obesity. Int J Obes (Lond);2022 (Sep);46(9):1582-1586.

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46. Casey S, Carter M, Looney AM, Livingstone V, Moloney G, O’Keeffe GW, Taylor RS, Kenny LC, McCarthy FP, McCowan LME, Thompson JMD, Murray DM. Maternal Mid-Gestation Cytokine Dysregulation in Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3919-3932.

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47. Çelen Yoldaş T, Şenkon OG, Karakaya J, Özmert EN. Elucidating the level of developmental risk in a busy paediatric practice clinic from a middle-income country. Child Care Health Dev;2022 (Sep);48(5):781-787.

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48. Chan N, Fenning RM, Neece CL. Prevalence and Phenomenology of Anxiety in Preschool-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol;2022 (Sep 1)

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49. Chee ZJ, de Vries M. Language Matters: The Autism-Spectrum Quotient in English, Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3814-3824.

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50. Chen L, An S, Dai H, He X. Use of Aspect Markers by Mandarin-speaking Children with High-Functioning Autism Plus Language Impairment and Children with Developmental Language Disorder. J Commun Disord;2022 (Sep-Oct);99:106245.

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51. Chen N, Watanabe K, Kobayakawa T, Wada M. Relationships between autistic traits, taste preference, taste perception, and eating behaviour. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):628-640.

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52. Chen YY, Uljarevic M, Neal J, Greening S, Yim H, Lee TH. Excessive Functional Coupling With Less Variability Between Salience and Default Mode Networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging;2022 (Sep);7(9):876-884.

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53. Chua B, Neoh M, Jeon M, Joyce A, Iandolo G, Hayton J, Esposito G, Dimitriou D. Impact of sleep on attention in primary school-aged autistic children: Exploratory cross-cultural comparison between Singapore and UK children. Res Dev Disabil;2022 (Sep);128:104271.

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54. Cleary M, West S, McLean L. From ‘Refrigerator Mothers’ to Empowered Advocates: The Evolution of the Autism Parent. Issues Ment Health Nurs;2022 (Sep 1):1-7.

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55. Colvin S, Lea N, Zhang Q, Wienisch M, Kaiser T, Aida T, Feng G. 341 Repeats Is Not Enough for Methylation in a New Fragile X Mouse Model. eNeuro;2022 (Sep-Oct);9(5)

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56. Conson M, Siciliano M, Trojano L, Zoccolotti P, Zappullo I, Baiano C, Caputo G, Russo A, Santangelo G. Figure Disembedding: The Gottschaldt’s Hidden Figure Test in Children with Typical Development and Autism. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3790-3799.

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57. Conte L, Lupo R, Mazzarella C, Calabrò A, Vaglio L, Chirizzi S, Donadio C, Carvello M, Marsella A, Artioli G, Vitale E. Autism Spectrum Disorders and inclusion attitudes in the Italian school environments: teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and their necessity to consult a healthcare multidisciplinary team. Acta Biomed;2022 (Aug 31);93(4):e2022284.

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58. Costa R, Aubert AM, Seppänen AV, Ådén U, Sarrechia L, Zemlin M, Cuttini M, Männamaa M, Pierrat V, van Heijst A, Barros H, Johnson S, Zeitlin J. Motor-related health care for 5-year-old children born extremely preterm with movement impairments. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Sep);64(9):1131-1144.

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59. Crespo I, Pignatelli J, Kinare V, Méndez-Gómez HR, Esgleas M, Román MJ, Canals JM, Tole S, Vicario C. Tbr1 Misexpression Alters Neuronal Development in the Cerebral Cortex. Mol Neurobiol;2022 (Sep);59(9):5750-5765.

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60. Cross L, Piovesan A, Atherton G. Autistic people outperform neurotypicals in a cartoon version of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes. Autism Res;2022 (Sep);15(9):1603-1608.

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61. Crowley N, O’Connell H, Gervin M. Autistic spectrum disorder without intellectual impairment in adult mental health services – fostering new perspectives and enhancing existing services. Ir J Psychol Med;2022 (Sep);39(3):312-318.

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62. Curatolo P, Specchio N, Aronica E. Advances in the genetics and neuropathology of tuberous sclerosis complex: edging closer to targeted therapy. Lancet Neurol;2022 (Sep);21(9):843-856.

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63. Curtis L. Commentary: Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder populations. J Child Psychol Psychiatry;2022 (Sep);63(9):1089-1091.

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64. Cybulski L, Ashcroft DM, Carr MJ, Garg S, Chew-Graham CA, Kapur N, Webb RT. Risk factors for nonfatal self-harm and suicide among adolescents: two nested case-control studies conducted in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. J Child Psychol Psychiatry;2022 (Sep);63(9):1078-1088.

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65. Davidson CJJ, Carpenter P, Mohan R. Autistic psychiatrists: Royal College of Psychiatrists response. Br J Psychiatry;2022 (Sep);221(3):582.

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66. DaWalt LS, Fielding-Gebhardt H, Fleming KK, Warren SF, Brady N. Change in Behavior Problems from Childhood Through Adolescence for Children with Fragile X Syndrome. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4056-4066.

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67. Dawson G, Franz L, Brandsen S. At a Crossroads-Reconsidering the Goals of Autism Early Behavioral Intervention From a Neurodiversity Perspective. JAMA Pediatr;2022 (Sep 1);176(9):839-840.

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68. Defrin R, Benromano T, Pick CG. Unique Pain Responses in Different Etiological Subgroups of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil;2022 (Sep 1);127(5):417-430.

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69. Del Casale A, Ferracuti S, Alcibiade A, Simone S, Modesti MN, Pompili M. Neuroanatomical correlates of autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis of structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging;2022 (Sep);325:111516.

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70. Desarkar P, Rajji TK, Ameis SH, Blumberger DM, Lai MC, Lunsky Y, Daskalakis ZJ. Assessing and stabilizing atypical plasticity in autism spectrum disorder using rTMS: Results from a proof-of-principle study. Clin Neurophysiol;2022 (Sep);141:109-118.

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71. Desebrock C, Barutchu A, Spence C. The influence of empathy and perceived closeness on self- and friend-biases in arm movements. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform;2022 (Sep);48(9):953-971.

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72. Dick CC, Ibañez LV, DesChamps TD, Attar SM, Stone WL. Brief Report: Perceptions of Family-Centered Care Across Service Delivery Systems and Types of Caregiver Concerns About Their Toddlers’ Development. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4181-4190.

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73. Dubbs H, Ortiz-Gonzalez X, Marsh ED. Pathogenic variants in CASK: Expanding the genotype-phenotype correlations. Am J Med Genet A;2022 (Sep);188(9):2617-2626.

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74. Dwyer P, Ferrer E, Saron CD, Rivera SM. Exploring Sensory Subgroups in Typical Development and Autism Spectrum Development Using Factor Mixture Modelling. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):3840-3860.

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75. Elias R, Lord C. Diagnostic stability in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: insights from a longitudinal follow-up study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry;2022 (Sep);63(9):973-983.

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76. Elnaiem W, Benmelouka AY, Elgendy AMN, Abdelgalil MS, Brimo Alsaman MZ, Mogheeth A, Ali MM, Yousof SM. Evaluation of memantine’s efficacy and safety in the treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hum Psychopharmacol;2022 (Sep);37(5):e2841.

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77. Engal E, Baker M, Salton M. The chromatin roots of abnormal splicing in autism. Trends Genet;2022 (Sep);38(9):892-894.

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78. Ertel HM, Wilder DA, Hodges AC. Evaluation of a Graduated Exposure Procedure to Teach Extended Mask Wearing in Various Settings to Children With Autism. Behav Modif;2022 (Sep);46(5):1218-1235.

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79. Faizo NL. A narrative review of MRI changes correlated to signs and symptoms of autism. Medicine (Baltimore);2022 (Aug 26);101(34):e30059.

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80. Franz L, Goodwin CD, Rieder A, Matheis M, Damiano DL. Early intervention for very young children with or at high likelihood for autism spectrum disorder: An overview of reviews. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Sep);64(9):1063-1076.

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81. Gallagher L, McGrath J. Autism spectrum disorders: current issues and future directions. Ir J Psychol Med;2022 (Sep);39(3):237-239.

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82. Gao Y, Sun J, Cheng L, Yang Q, Li J, Hao Z, Zhan L, Shi Y, Li M, Jia X, Li H. Altered resting state dynamic functional connectivity of amygdala subregions in patients with autism spectrum disorder: A multi-site fMRI study. J Affect Disord;2022 (Sep 1);312:69-77.

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83. Garcia Y, Keller-Collins A, Andrews M, Kurumiya Y, Imlay K, Umphrey B, Foster E. Systematic Review of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Caregivers, and Staff. Behav Modif;2022 (Sep);46(5):1236-1274.

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84. Garg P, Reid N, Lai T, Kent A, Crewes S, Roberts K. Supported COVID-19 Vaccination Pathways for Adolescents and Young Adults With Significant Challenging Behaviours and Developmental Disability. J Paediatr Child Health;2022 (Sep);58(9):1707-1709.

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85. Garon N, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson SE, Smith IM, Brian J, Roncadin C, Vaillancourt T, Armstrong VL, Sacrey LR, Roberts W. Precursors of self-regulation in infants at elevated likelihood for autism spectrum disorder. Dev Sci;2022 (Sep);25(5):e13247.

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86. Georén L, Jansson-Fröjmark M, Nordenstam L, Andersson G, Olsson NC. Internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia in youth with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study. Internet Interv;2022 (Sep);29:100548.

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87. Georgopoulos MA, Brewer N, Lucas CA, Young RL. Speed and accuracy of emotion recognition in autistic adults: The role of stimulus type, response format, and emotion. Autism Res;2022 (Sep);15(9):1686-1697.

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88. Ghiotto C, Silva C, Charvin I, Atzori P, Givaudan M, Da Fonseca D, Bat-Pitault F. Comparing executive functions profiles in anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorder in adolescence. Eur Eat Disord Rev;2022 (Sep);30(5):474-485.

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89. Gilmore DG, Longo A, Hand BN. The Association Between Obesity and Key Health or Psychosocial Outcomes Among Autistic Adults: A Systematic Review. J Autism Dev Disord;2022 (Sep);52(9):4035-4043.

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90. Gliga T, Skolnick A, Liersch U, Charman T, Johnson MH, Bedford R. Investigating the Mechanisms Driving Referent Selection and Retention in Toddlers at Typical and Elevated Likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Child Lang;2022 (Sep);49(5):1024-1036.

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91. Gómez LE. Quality of life in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Dev Med Child Neurol;2022 (Sep);64(9):1056-1057.

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