Pubmed du 01/11/14

Pubmed du jour

2014-11-01 12:03:50

1. {{Common genetic variants linked with large percentage of autism risk: Study finds spontaneous mutations are less-significant risk factors}}. {Am J Med Genet A};2014 (Nov);164(11):vii-viii. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

2. Aoki Y, Yahata N, Watanabe T, Takano Y, Kawakubo Y, Kuwabara H, Iwashiro N, Natsubori T, Inoue H, Suga M, Takao H, Sasaki H, Gonoi W, Kunimatsu A, Kasai K, Yamasue H. {{Oxytocin improves behavioural and neural deficits in inferring others’ social emotions in autism}}. {Brain};2014 (Nov);137(Pt 11):3073-3086. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

3. Babbs C, Lloyd D, Pagnamenta AT, Twigg SR, Green J, McGowan SJ, Mirza G, Naples R, Sharma VP, Volpi EV, Buckle VJ, Wall SA, Knight SJ, Parr JR, Wilkie AO. {{De novo and rare inherited mutations implicate the transcriptional coregulator TCF20/SPBP in autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Med Genet};2014 (Nov);51(11):737-747. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

4. Bader SH, Barry TD. {{A longitudinal examination of the relation between parental expressed emotion and externalizing behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2820-2831. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

5. Barbalat G, Leboyer M, Zalla T. {{A specific impairment in cognitive control in individuals with high-functioning autism}}. {J Psychiatr Res};2014 (Nov);58:26-35. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

6. Begeer S. {{Theory of mind interventions can be effective in treating autism, although long-term success remains unproven}}. {Evid Based Ment Health};2014 (Nov);17(4):120. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

7. Begeer S, Wierda M, Scheeren AM, Teunisse JP, Koot HM, Geurts HM. {{Verbal fluency in children with autism spectrum disorders: Clustering and switching strategies}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):1014-1018. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

8. Benjamin DP, Mastergeorge AM, McDuffie AS, Kover ST, Hagerman RJ, Abbeduto L. {{Effects of labeling and pointing on object gaze in boys with fragile X syndrome: an eye-tracking study}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2658-2672. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

9. Bennett TA, Szatmari P, Georgiades K, Hanna S, Janus M, Georgiades S, Duku E, Bryson S, Fombonne E, Smith IM, Mirenda P, Volden J, Waddell C, Roberts W, Vaillancourt T, Zwaigenbaum L, Elsabbagh M, Thompson A. {{Language Impairment and Early Social Competence in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comparison of DSM-5 Profiles}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2797-2808. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

10. Bodner KE, Williams DL, Engelhardt CR, Minshew NJ. {{A Comparison of Measures for Assessing the Level and Nature of Intelligence in Verbal Children and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder}}. {Res Autism Spectr Disord};2014 (Nov 1);8(11):1434-1442. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

11. Brick DJ, Nethercott HE, Montesano S, Banuelos MG, Stover AE, Schutte SS, O’Dowd DK, Hagerman RJ, Ono M, Hessl DR, Tassone F, Schwartz PH. {{The Autism Spectrum Disorders Stem Cell Resource at Children’s Hospital of Orange County: Implications for Disease Modeling and Drug Discovery}}. {Stem Cells Transl Med};2014 (Nov);3(11):1275-1286. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

12. Bryson SA, Ostmeyer KF. {{Increasing the effectiveness of community mental health center social skills groups for children with autism spectrum disorder: a training and consultation example}}. {Adm Policy Ment Health};2014 (Nov);41(6):808-821. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

13. Butrimaviciute R, Grieve A. {{Carers’ experiences of being exposed to challenging behaviour in services for autism spectrum disorders}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):882-890. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

14. Caku A, Pellerin D, Bouvier P, Riou E, Corbin F. {{Effect of lovastatin on behavior in children and adults with fragile X syndrome: An open-label study}}. {Am J Med Genet A};2014 (Nov);164(11):2834-2842. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

15. Carr J, Xu D, Yoshinaga-Itano C. {{Language ENvironment Analysis Language and Autism Screen and the Child Development Inventory Social Subscale as a Possible Autism Screen for Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing}}. {Semin Speech Lang};2014 (Nov);35(4):266-275. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

16. Cleary L, Looney K, Brady N, Fitzgerald M. {{Inversion effects in the perception of the moving human form: A comparison of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing adolescents}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):943-952. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

17. Connolly JJ, Hakonarson H. {{Etiology of autism spectrum disorder: a genomics perspective}}. {Curr Psychiatry Rep};2014 (Nov);16(11):501. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

18. Cooper M, Thapar A, Jones DK. {{Erratum to: White Matter Microstructure Predicts Autistic Traits in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2755. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

19. Cooper M, Thapar A, Jones DK. {{White matter microstructure predicts autistic traits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2742-2754. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

20. Davis EP, Pfaff D. {{Sexually dimorphic responses to early adversity: implications for affective problems and autism spectrum disorder}}. {Psychoneuroendocrinology};2014 (Nov);49:11-25. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

21. Dean M, Kasari C, Shih W, Frankel F, Whitney R, Landa R, Lord C, Orlich F, King B, Harwood R. {{The peer relationships of girls with ASD at school: comparison to boys and girls with and without ASD}}. {J Child Psychol Psychiatry};2014 (Nov);55(11):1218-1225. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

22. Dickinson A, Jones M, Milne E. {{Oblique orientation discrimination thresholds are superior in those with a high level of autistic traits}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2844-2850. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

23. Eom S, Fisher B, Dezort C, Berg AT. {{Routine developmental, autism, behavioral, and psychological screening in epilepsy care settings}}. {Dev Med Child Neurol};2014 (Nov);56(11):1100-1105. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

24. Fabio RA, Colombo B, Russo S, Cogliati F, Masciadri M, Foglia S, Antonietti A, Tavian D. {{Recent insights into genotype-phenotype relationships in patients with Rett syndrome using a fine grain scale}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2976-2986. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

25. Fodstad JC, Dunn DW. {{Screening for autism spectrum disorders in children with epilepsy: where to begin … and where to go?}}. {Dev Med Child Neurol};2014 (Nov);56(11):1038-1039. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

26. Fuertes-Gonzalez MC, Silvestre FJ. {{Oral health in a group of patients with Rett syndrome in the regions of Valencia and Murcia (Spain): A case-control study}}. {Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal};2014;19(6):e598-604. Lien vers Pubmed

27. Fung LK, Libove RA, Phillips J, Haddad F, Hardan AY. {{Brief report: an open-label study of the neurosteroid pregnenolone in adults with autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2971-2977. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

28. Ganz JB, Mason RA, Goodwyn FD, Boles MB, Heath AK, Davis JL. {{Interaction of Participant Characteristics and Type of AAC With Individuals With ASD: A Meta-Analysis}}. {Am J Intellect Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);119(6):516-535. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

29. George B, Padmam MS, Nair MK, Leena ML, Russell PS. {{CDC Kerala 14: Early Child Care Practices at Home Among Children (2-6 y) with Autism-A Case Control Study}}. {Indian J Pediatr};2014 (Nov 1)Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

30. Hall DA, Bennett DA, Filley CM, Shah RC, Kluger B, Ouyang B, Berry-Kravis E. {{Fragile X gene expansions are not associated with dementia}}. {Neurobiol Aging};2014 (Nov);35(11):2637-2638. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

31. Hall L, Kelley E. {{The contribution of epigenetics to understanding genetic factors in autism}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):872-881. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

32. Hansen BD, Wadsworth JP, Roberts MR, Poole TN. {{Effects of naturalistic instruction on phonological awareness skills of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2790-2801. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

33. Hastings RP, Petalas MA. {{Self-reported behaviour problems and sibling relationship quality by siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder}}. {Child Care Health Dev};2014 (Nov);40(6):833-839. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

34. Hauser-Cram P, Woodman AC, Heyman M. {{Early mastery motivation as a predictor of executive function in young adults with developmental disabilities}}. {Am J Intellect Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);119(6):536-551. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

35. Henderson L, Powell A, Gareth Gaskell M, Norbury C. {{Learning and consolidation of new spoken words in autism spectrum disorder}}. {Dev Sci};2014 (Nov);17(6):858-871. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

36. Henry JD, Terrett G, Altgassen M, Raponi-Saunders S, Ballhausen N, Schnitzspahn KM, Rendell PG. {{A Virtual Week study of prospective memory function in autism spectrum disorders}}. {J Exp Child Psychol};2014 (Nov);127:110-125. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

37. Hiller RM, Young RL, Weber N. {{Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder based on DSM-5 Criteria: Evidence from Clinician and Teacher Reporting}}. {J Abnorm Child Psychol};2014 (Nov);42(8):1381-1393. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

38. Holmes LG, Himle MB. {{Brief report: parent-child sexuality communication and autism spectrum disorders}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2964-2970. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

39. Holt RJ, Chura LR, Lai MC, Suckling J, von dem Hagen E, Calder AJ, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S, Spencer MD. {{‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’: an fMRI study of adolescents with autism and their siblings}}. {Psychol Med};2014 (Nov);44(15):3215-3227. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

40. Hubbard KL, Bandini LG, Folta SC, Wansink B, Must A. {{The Adaptation of a School-based Health Promotion Programme for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Community-Engaged Research Process}}. {J Appl Res Intellect Disabil};2014 (Nov);27(6):576-590. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

41. Hustyi KM, Hall SS, Jo B, Lightbody AA, Reiss AL. {{Longitudinal trajectories of aberrant behavior in fragile X syndrome}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2691-2701. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

42. Juneja M, Jain R, Chakrabarty B, Mishra D, Saboo P. {{Indian Children with Developmental Disabilities: Early versus Late Referral for Intervention}}. {Indian J Pediatr};2014 (Nov);81(11):1177-1181. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

43. Kasari C, Shire S, Factor R, McCracken C. {{Psychosocial treatments for individuals with autism spectrum disorder across the lifespan: new developments and underlying mechanisms}}. {Curr Psychiatry Rep};2014 (Nov);16(11):512. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

44. Kaye L, Kurtz M, Tierney C, Soni A, Augustyn M. {{Gaze maintenance and autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Dev Behav Pediatr};2014 (Nov-Dec);35(9):610-612. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

45. Kellogg EC, Thrasher A, Yoshinaga-Itano C. {{Early predictors of autism in young children who are deaf or hard of hearing: three longitudinal case studies}}. {Semin Speech Lang};2014 (Nov);35(4):276-287. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

46. Kerns CM, Kendall PC, Berry L, Souders MC, Franklin ME, Schultz RT, Miller J, Herrington J. {{Traditional and atypical presentations of anxiety in youth with autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2851-2861. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

47. Kidd SA, Lachiewicz A, Barbouth D, Blitz RK, Delahunty C, McBrien D, Visootsak J, Berry-Kravis E. {{Fragile X Syndrome: A Review of Associated Medical Problems}}. {Pediatrics};2014 (Nov);134(5):995-1005. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

48. King C, Murphy GH. {{A systematic review of people with autism spectrum disorder and the criminal justice system}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2717-2733. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

49. Koehler AD, Fagnano M, Montes G, Halterman JS. {{Elevated burden for caregivers of children with persistent asthma and a developmental disability}}. {Matern Child Health J};2014 (Nov);18(9):2080-2088. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

50. Kretschmer A, Altgassen M, Rendell PG, Bolte S. {{Prospective memory in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders: exploring effects of implementation intentions and retrospective memory load}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):3108-3118. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

51. Kuo MH, Orsmond GI, Coster WJ, Cohn ES. {{Media use among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):914-923. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

52. Lartseva A, Dijkstra T, Kan CC, Buitelaar JK. {{Processing of emotion words by patients with autism spectrum disorders: evidence from reaction times and EEG}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2882-2894. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

53. Lau WY, Gau SS, Chiu YN, Wu YY. {{Autistic traits in couple dyads as a predictor of anxiety spectrum symptoms}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2949-2963. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

54. Liao ST, Hwang YS, Chen YJ, Lee P, Chen SJ, Lin LY. {{Home-based DIR/Floortime Intervention Program for Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Preliminary Findings}}. {Phys Occup Ther Pediatr};2014 (Nov);34(4):356-367. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

55. Logan SL, Carpenter L, Leslie RS, Hunt KS, Garrett-Mayer E, Charles J, Nicholas JS. {{Rates and predictors of adherence to psychotropic medications in children with autism spectrum disorders}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2931-2948. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

56. Lovell B, Elliot H, Liu CC, Wetherell MA. {{Memory failures for everyday tasks in caregivers of children with autism}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):3057-3061. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

57. Lozier LM, Vanmeter JW, Marsh AA. {{Impairments in facial affect recognition associated with autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis}}. {Dev Psychopathol};2014 (Nov);26(4 Pt 1):933-945. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

58. Lucas R, Norbury CF. {{Levels of Text Comprehension in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): The Influence of Language Phenotype}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2756-2768. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

59. Maccari L, Pasini A, Caroli E, Rosa C, Marotta A, Martella D, Fuentes LJ, Casagrande M. {{Visual search and emotion: how children with autism spectrum disorders scan emotional scenes}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2871-2881. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

60. Maras KL, Bowler DM. {{Eyewitness testimony in autism spectrum disorder: a review}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2682-2697. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

61. Mari-Bauset S, Zazpe I, Mari-Sanchis A, Llopis-Gonzalez A, Morales-Suarez-Varela M. {{Food selectivity in autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review}}. {J Child Neurol};2014 (Nov);29(11):1554-1561. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

62. Matlock ST, Aman MG. {{Psychometric characteristics of the adult scale of hostility and aggression: reactive/proactive (A-SHARP) and relation to psychiatric features of adults with developmental disabilities}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):3199-3207. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

63. Mavranezouli I, Megnin-Viggars O, Cheema N, Howlin P, Baron-Cohen S, Pilling S. {{The cost-effectiveness of supported employment for adults with autism in the United Kingdom}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):975-984. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

64. Mazurek MO, Handen BL, Wodka EL, Nowinski L, Butter E, Engelhardt CR. {{Age at first autism spectrum disorder diagnosis: the role of birth cohort, demographic factors, and clinical features}}. {J Dev Behav Pediatr};2014 (Nov-Dec);35(9):561-569. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

65. McStay RL, Trembath D, Dissanayake C. {{Maternal stress and family quality of life in response to raising a child with autism: from preschool to adolescence}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):3119-3130. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

66. Metsu S, Rainger JK, Debacker K, Bernhard B, Rooms L, Grafodatskaya D, Weksberg R, Fombonne E, Taylor MS, Scherer SW, Kooy RF, FitzPatrick DR. {{A CGG-Repeat Expansion Mutation in ZNF713 Causes FRA7A: Association with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Two Families}}. {Hum Mutat};2014 (Nov);35(11):1295-1300. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

67. Mire SS, Nowell KP, Kubiszyn T, Goin-Kochel RP. {{Psychotropic medication use among children with autism spectrum disorders within the Simons Simplex Collection: Are core features of autism spectrum disorder related?}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):933-942. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

68. Mohammadzaheri F, Koegel LK, Rezaee M, Rafiee SM. {{A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparison Between Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) and Structured Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Intervention for Children with Autism}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2769-2777. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

69. Mood D, Shield A. {{Clinical use of the autism diagnostic observation schedule-second edition with children who are deaf}}. {Semin Speech Lang};2014 (Nov);35(4):288-300. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

70. Murray AL, McKenzie K, Kuenssberg R, O’Donnell M. {{Are we under-estimating the association between autism symptoms?: the importance of considering simultaneous selection when using samples of individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for an autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2921-2930. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

71. Nair MK, Russell PS, George B, Prasanna GL, Mini AO, Leena ML, Russell S, Minju KA. {{CDC Kerala 8: Effectiveness of a Clinic Based, Low Intensity, Early Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in India: A Naturalistic Observational Study}}. {Indian J Pediatr};2014 (Nov 1)Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

72. Nakako T, Murai T, Ikejiri M, Hashimoto T, Kotani M, Matsumoto K, Manabe S, Ogi Y, Konoike N, Nakamura K, Ikeda K. {{Effects of lurasidone on ketamine-induced joint visual attention dysfunction as a possible disease model of autism spectrum disorders in common marmosets}}. {Behav Brain Res};2014 (Nov 1);274:349-354. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

73. Nishijo M, Pham TT, Nguyen AT, Tran NN, Nakagawa H, Hoang LV, Tran AH, Morikawa Y, Ho MD, Kido T, Nguyen MN, Nguyen HM, Nishijo H. {{2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in breast milk increases autistic traits of 3-year-old children in Vietnam}}. {Mol Psychiatry};2014 (Nov);19(11):1220-1226. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

74. Pahnke J, Lundgren T, Hursti T, Hirvikoski T. {{Outcomes of an acceptance and commitment therapy-based skills training group for students with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: A quasi-experimental pilot study}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):953-964. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

75. Pietropaolo S, Goubran MG, Joffre C, Aubert A, Lemaire-Mayo V, Crusio WE, Laye S. {{Dietary supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids rescues fragile X phenotypes in Fmr1-Ko mice}}. {Psychoneuroendocrinology};2014 (Nov);49:119-129. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

76. Post M, Haymes L, Storey K, Loughrey T, Campbell C. {{Understanding stalking behaviors by individuals with autism spectrum disorders and recommended prevention strategies for school settings}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2698-2706. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

77. Ranjbar A, Rashedi V, Rezaei M. {{Comparison of urinary oxidative biomarkers in Iranian children with autism}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2751-2755. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

78. Ranson NJ, Byrne MK. {{Promoting Peer Acceptance of Females with Higher-functioning Autism in a Mainstream Education Setting: A Replication and Extension of the Effects of an Autism Anti-Stigma Program}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2778-2796. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

79. Richling SM, Rapp JT, Funk JA, D’Agostini J, Garrido N, Moreno V. {{Low publication rate of 2005 conference presentations: implications for practitioners serving individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2744-2750. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

80. Romero-Martinez A, Moya-Albiol L. {{Prenatal testosterone of progenitors could be involved in the etiology of both anorexia nervosa and autism spectrum disorders of their offspring}}. {Am J Hum Biol};2014 (Nov);26(6):863-866. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

81. Schmidt RJ, Tancredi DJ, Krakowiak P, Hansen RL, Ozonoff S. {{Maternal intake of supplemental iron and risk of autism spectrum disorder}}. {Am J Epidemiol};2014 (Nov 1);180(9):890-900. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

82. Seol KI, Song SH, Kim KL, Oh ST, Kim YT, Im WY, Song DH, Cheon KA. {{A Comparison of Receptive-Expressive Language Profiles between Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Delay}}. {Yonsei Med J};2014 (Nov 1);55(6):1721-1728. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

83. Shield A. {{Preliminary findings of similarities and differences in the signed and spoken language of children with autism}}. {Semin Speech Lang};2014 (Nov);35(4):309-320. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

84. Speirs SJ, Rinehart NJ, Robinson SR, Tonge BJ, Yelland GW. {{Efficacy of cognitive processes in young people with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder using a novel visual information-processing task}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2809-2819. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

85. Stacy ME, Zablotsky B, Yarger HA, Zimmerman A, Makia B, Lee LC. {{Sex differences in co-occurring conditions of children with autism spectrum disorders}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):965-974. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

86. Stasolla F, Damiani R, Perilli V, Di Leone A, Albano V, Stella A, Damato C. {{Technological supports to promote choice opportunities by two children with fragile X syndrome and severe to profound developmental disabilities}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2993-3000. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

87. Strang JF, Kenworthy L, Dominska A, Sokoloff J, Kenealy LE, Berl M, Walsh K, Menvielle E, Slesaransky-Poe G, Kim KE, Luong-Tran C, Meagher H, Wallace GL. {{Increased gender variance in autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder}}. {Arch Sex Behav};2014 (Nov);43(8):1525-1533. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

88. Suarez MA, Nelson NW, Curtis AB. {{Longitudinal follow-up of factors associated with food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders}}. {Autism};2014 (Nov);18(8):924-932. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

89. Sullivan K, Stone WL, Dawson G. {{Potential neural mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder}}. {Res Dev Disabil};2014 (Nov);35(11):2921-2932. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

90. Szarkowski A, Flynn S, Clark T. {{Dually diagnosed: a retrospective study of the process of diagnosing autism spectrum disorders in children who are deaf and hard of hearing}}. {Semin Speech Lang};2014 (Nov);35(4):301-308. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

91. Szarkowski A, Mood D, Shield A, Wiley S, Yoshinaga-Itano C. {{A summary of current understanding regarding children with autism spectrum disorder who are deaf or hard of hearing}}. {Semin Speech Lang};2014 (Nov);35(4):241-259. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

92. Szczesna K, de la Caridad O, Petazzi P, Soler M, Roa L, Saez MA, Fourcade S, Pujol A, Artuch-Iriberri R, Molero-Luis M, Vidal A, Huertas D, Esteller M. {{Improvement of the rett syndrome phenotype in a mecp2 mouse model upon treatment with levodopa and a dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor}}. {Neuropsychopharmacology};2014 (Nov);39(12):2846-2856. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

93. Takahashi J, Yasunaga D, Gyoba J. {{Differences in the efficiency of pattern encoding in relation to autistic-like traits: an event-related potential study}}. {J Autism Dev Disord};2014 (Nov);44(11):2895-2907. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

94. Taylor JL, Corbett BA. {{A review of rhythm and responsiveness of cortisol in individuals with autism spectrum disorders}}. {Psychoneuroendocrinology};2014 (Nov);49:207-228. Lien vers le texte intégral (Open Access ou abonnement)

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