Pubmed du 01/12/22

Pubmed du jour

1. Abouelseoud MO, Saini P, Almuraisi MJ, Khan YS. Short Report. An innovative training programme for families of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Qatar: Parents as interventionists. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104368.

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2. Absoud M. Social determinants, inequality, and autism. The Lancet Child & adolescent health. 2022; 6(12): 832-3.

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3. Adler EJ, Schiltz HK, Glad DM, Lehman SA, Pardej SK, Stanley RE, Van Hecke AV. Brief Report: A Pilot Study Examining the Effects of PEERS® for Adolescents Telehealth for Autistic Adolescents. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5491-9.

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4. Akemoğlu Y, Laroue D, Kudesey C, Stahlman M. A Module-Based Telepractice Intervention for Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5177-90.

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5. Almansour A, Ishiura H, Mitsui J, Matsukawa T, Matsukawa MK, Shimizu H, Sugiyama A, Toda T, Tsuji S. Frequency of FMR1 Premutation Alleles in Patients with Undiagnosed Cerebellar Ataxia and Multiple System Atrophy in the Japanese Population. Cerebellum (London, England). 2022; 21(6): 954-62.

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6. Andoni L, Hamsho N, Blacher J, Eisenhower A. Psychometric properties of a parent- and teacher-report measure for autistic children: Parent-Teacher Relationship Quality Scale (PTRQS). Journal of school psychology. 2022; 95: 25-42.

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7. Andreou M, Konstantopoulos K, Peristeri E. Cognitive flexibility in autism: Evidence from young autistic children. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2296-309.

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8. Arpone M, Bretherton L, Amor DJ, Hearps SJC, Rogers C, Field MJ, Hunter MF, Santa Maria L, Alliende AM, Slee J, Godler DE, Baker EK. Agreement between parents’ and clinical researchers’ ratings of behavioral problems in children with fragile X syndrome and chromosome 15 imprinting disorders. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104338.

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9. Azmerin M, Hussain MS, Aziz MA, Barek MA, Begum M, Sen N, Rahman MA, Shahriar M, Baeesa SS, Ashraf GM, Islam MS. TF and TCF4 gene polymorphisms are linked to autism spectrum disorder: a case-control study. The Journal of international medical research. 2022; 50(11): 3000605221138492.

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10. Bahado-Singh RO, Vishweswaraiah S, Aydas B, Radhakrishna U. Artificial intelligence and placental DNA methylation: newborn prediction and molecular mechanisms of autism in preterm children. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstet. 2022; 35(25): 8150-9.

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11. Baroud E, Bond JB, Luccarelli J, Olusunmade M, Henry ME, Abrams AN. Safe Administration of Electroconvulsive Therapy in a Patient With Catatonia and Neuropsychiatric Lupus Comorbid With Fragile X Syndrome. The journal of ECT. 2022; 38(4): 258-60.

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12. Barros F, Figueiredo C, Soares SC. Autism traits dimensionality and multivariate relationship with alexithymia and anxiety in the general population. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104361.

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13. Berens JC, Tsami L, Lerman DC, Matteucci M, Fray DF, Warner BF, Keehan LA, Staggers KA, Peacock C. Preliminary Results of an Interdisciplinary Behavioral Program to Improve Access to Preventative Dental Care for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Intellectual and developmental disabilities. 2022; 60(6): 504-19.

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14. Berent I, Theodore RM, Valencia E. Autism attenuates the perception of the mind-body divide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2022; 119(49): e2211628119.

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15. Bhalla S, Mehan S. 4-hydroxyisoleucine mediated IGF-1/GLP-1 signalling activation prevents propionic acid-induced autism-like behavioural phenotypes and neurochemical defects in experimental rats. Neuropeptides. 2022; 96: 102296.

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16. Bloor D, Ballantyne C, Gillespie-Smith K, Wilson C, Hendry G. Investigating the challenges of teaching sex education to autistic learners: A qualitative exploration of teachers’ experiences. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104344.

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17. Bo J, Acluche F, Lasutschinkow PC, Augustiniak A, Ditchfield N, Lajiness-O’Neill R. Motor networks in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review on EEG studies. Experimental brain research. 2022; 240(12): 3073-87.

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18. Bolbocean C, Rhidenour KB, McCormack M, Suter B, Holder JL. Resilience, and positive parenting in parents of children with syndromic autism and intellectual disability. Evidence from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family’s quality of life and parent-child relationships. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2381-98.

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19. Bonuck K, Iadarola S, Gao Q, Siegel JF. COVID-19 Vaccines for Children with Developmental Disabilities: Survey of New York State Parents’ Willingness and Concerns. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. 2022; 43(9): 521-8.

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20. Brian J, Solish A, Dowds E, Roth I, Bernardi K, Perry K, Daoud S, Jilderda S, MacWilliam S, Smith IM, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S. « Going Mobile »-increasing the reach of parent-mediated intervention for toddlers with ASD via group-based and virtual delivery. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5207-20.

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21. Brian J, Solish A, Dowds E, Roth I, Bernardi K, Perry K, Daoud S, Jilderda S, MacWilliam S, Smith IM, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S. Correction to: « Going Mobile »-increasing the reach of parent-mediated intervention for toddlers with ASD via group-based and virtual delivery. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5221.

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22. Bruce L, Peter B. Three children with different de novo BCL11A variants and diverse developmental phenotypes, but shared global motor discoordination and apraxic speech: Evidence for a functional gene network influencing the developing cerebellum and motor and auditory cortices. American journal of medical genetics Part A. 2022; 188(12): 3401-15.

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23. Buckley E, Pellicano E, Remington A. « Knowing That I’m Not Necessarily Alone in My Struggles »: UK Autistic Performing Arts Professionals’ Experiences of a Mentoring Programme. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5451-70.

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24. Bulgarelli D, Testa S, Molina P. Theory of Mind Development in Italian Children with Specific Language Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Delay, Deficit, or Neither?. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5356-66.

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25. Calabretta BT, Schneider JL, Iverson JM. Bidding on the go: Links between walking, social actions, and caregiver responses in infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2324-35.

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26. Carter Leno V, Hollocks MJ, Chandler S, White P, Yorke I, Charman T, Pickles A, Baird G, Simonoff E. Homotypic and Heterotypic Continuity in Psychiatric Symptoms From Childhood to Adolescence in Autistic Youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2022; 61(12): 1445-54.

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27. Cartwright JE, Mount KB. Adjunctive Parental Support Within Manualized Parent Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child psychiatry and human development. 2022; 53(6): 1293-308.

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28. Casten LG, Thomas TR, Doobay AF, Foley-Nicpon M, Kramer S, Nickl-Jockschat T, Abel T, Assouline S, Michaelson JJ. The combination of autism and exceptional cognitive ability is associated with suicidal ideation. Neurobiology of learning and memory. 2022: 107698.

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29. Charidza CA, Gillmeister H. Differential beta desynchronisation responses to dynamic emotional facial expressions are attenuated in higher trait anxiety and autism. Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience. 2022; 22(6): 1404-20.

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30. Chawarska K, Lewkowicz D, Feiner H, Macari S, Vernetti A. Attention to audiovisual speech does not facilitate language acquisition in infants with familial history of autism. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. 2022; 63(12): 1466-76.

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31. Chen GT, Geschwind DH. Challenges and opportunities for precision medicine in neurodevelopmental disorders. Advanced drug delivery reviews. 2022; 191: 114564.

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32. Chen Y, Tang E, Ding H, Zhang Y. Auditory Pitch Perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR. 2022: 1-21.

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33. Cheng L, Zhan L, Huang L, Zhang H, Sun J, Huang G, Wang Y, Li M, Li H, Gao Y, Jia X. The atypical functional connectivity of Broca’s area at multiple frequency bands in autism spectrum disorder. Brain imaging and behavior. 2022; 16(6): 2627-36.

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34. Chien YL, Wu CS, Chang YC, Cheong ML, Yao TC, Tsai HJ. Associations between parental psychiatric disorders and autism spectrum disorder in the offspring. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2409-19.

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35. Chinawa JM, Chinawa AT, Ossai EN, Duru CO. Predictors of pulmonary hypertension among children with atrial septal defects (ASD). The Libyan journal of medicine. 2022; 17(1): 2007603.

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36. Couto RR, Kubaski F, Siebert M, Félix TM, Brusius-Facchin AC, Leistner-Segal S. Increased Serum Levels of miR-125b and miR-132 in Fragile X Syndrome: A Preliminary Study. Neurology Genetics. 2022; 8(6): e200024.

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37. Cristiano C, Hoxha E, Lippiello P, Balbo I, Russo R, Tempia F, Miniaci MC. Maternal treatment with sodium butyrate reduces the development of autism-like traits in mice offspring. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie. 2022; 156: 113870.

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38. de Korte MWP, Kaijadoe SPT, Buitelaar JK, Staal WG, van Dongen-Boomsma M. Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) – Parent Group Training for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study on Perspectives of Parents. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5414-27.

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39. Del Bianco T, Mason L, Lai MC, Loth E, Tillmann J, Charman T, Hayward H, Gleissl T, Buitelaar JK, Murphy DGM, Baron-Cohen S, Bölte S, Johnson MH, Jones EJH. Unique dynamic profiles of social attention in autistic females. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. 2022; 63(12): 1602-14.

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40. DelRosso LM, Reuter-Yuill LM, Cho Y, Ferri R, Mogavero MP, Picchietti DL. Clinical efficacy and safety of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose treatment for restless legs symptoms and low serum ferritin in children with autism spectrum disorder. Sleep medicine. 2022; 100: 488-93.

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41. Di Rezze B, Gentles SJ, Hidecker MJC, Zwaigenbaum L, Rosenbaum P, Duku E, Georgiades S, Roncadin C, Fang H, Tajik-Parvinchi D, Viveiros H. Adaptation, Content Validity and Reliability of the Autism Classification System of Functioning for Social Communication: From Toddlerhood to Adolescent-Aged Children with Autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5150-61.

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42. Dimitropoulos A, Doernberg EA, Russ SW, Zyga O. Intervention Response by Genetic Subtype: PRETEND-Preschool Program for Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome via Remote Parent Training. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5191-206.

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43. Dow D, Holbrook A, Toolan C, McDonald N, Sterrett K, Rosen N, Kim SH, Lord C. The Brief Observation of Symptoms of Autism (BOSA): Development of a New Adapted Assessment Measure for Remote Telehealth Administration Through COVID-19 and Beyond. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5383-94.

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44. Drosos E, Maye H, Youshani AS, Ehsan S, Burnand C, D’Urso PI. Awake brain surgery for autistic patients: Is it possible?. Surgical neurology international. 2022; 13: 543.

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45. D’Souza MN, Ramakrishna S, Radhakrishna BK, Jhaveri V, Ravindran S, Yeramala L, Nair D, Palakodeti D, Muddashetty RS. Function of FMRP Domains in Regulating Distinct Roles of Neuronal Protein Synthesis. Molecular neurobiology. 2022; 59(12): 7370-92.

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46. Eroğlu Y, Baykara M, Perçinel Yazici İ, Utku Yazici K, Kürşad Poyraz A. Evaluation of the corpus callosum using magnetic resonance imaging histogram analysis in autism spectrum disorder. The neuroradiology journal. 2022; 35(6): 751-7.

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47. Espiritu EW, Michaels NN, Schmidt K, Gegen M, King HR, Miller C, Munro H, Uzzell-Baggett K. Comparing self-reported vs. parent/caregiver reported levels of social participation for young adults with intellectual disabilities: A pilot study. Journal of intellectual disabilities : JOID. 2022; 26(4): 885-99.

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48. Estabillo JA, Moody CT, Poulhazan SJ, Adery LH, Denluck EM, Laugeson EA. Efficacy of PEERS® for Adolescents via Telehealth Delivery. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5232-42.

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49. Etyemez S, Esler A, Kini A, Tsai PC, DiRienzo M, Maenner M, Lee LC. The role of intellectual disability with autism spectrum disorder and the documented cooccurring conditions: A population-based study. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2399-408.

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50. Faustmann LL, Kretschmer-Trendowicz A, Altgassen M. Do emotionally salient cues improve prospective memory performance in children and adolescents with autism?. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104375.

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51. Fell L, Goshe B, Traeger L, Perez G, Iannuzzi D, Park E, Kuhlthau K, Luberto C. Acceptability of A Virtual Mind-Body Group Intervention for Teen Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5243-52.

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52. Fisher MH, Kammes RR, Black RS, Houck K, Cwiakala K. A Distance-Delivered Social Skills Program for Young Adults with Williams Syndrome: Evaluating Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5162-76.

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53. Fisher N, Patel H, van Diest C, Spain D. Using eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) with autistic individuals: A qualitative interview study with EMDR therapists. Psychology and psychotherapy. 2022; 95(4): 1071-89.

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54. Freeman M, Crawford A, Gough L, Rianto M, Yakubov R, Rampton G, FitzGerald E, Fang H, Di Rezze B. Examining the development and utilization of infection control policies to safely support adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in congregate living settings during COVID-19. Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique. 2022; 113(6): 918-29.

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55. Gagnon D, Zeribi A, Douard É, Courchesne V, Huguet G, Jacquemont S, Loum MA, Mottron L. Using developmental regression to reorganize the clinical importance of autistic atypicalities. Translational psychiatry. 2022; 12(1): 498.

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56. Gardner L, Cederberg C, Hangauer J, Campbell JM. Law enforcement officers’ interactions with autistic individuals: Commonly reported incidents and use of force. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104371.

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57. Gentile M, Messineo L, La Guardia D, Arrigo M, Città G, Ayala A, Cusimano G, Martines P, Mendolia G, Allegra M. A Parent-Mediated Telehealth Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Promoting Parents’ Ability to Stimulate the Children’s Learning, Reduce Parenting Stress, and Boost Their Sense of Parenting Empowerment. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5285-300.

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58. Gordillo ML, Chu A, Long K. Differences in Processes Underlying Autism Service Engagement Among Latina and Non-Latina Mothers. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5440-50.

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59. Graucher T, Sinai-Gavrilov Y, Mor Y, Netzer S, Cohen EY, Levi L, Avtalion TB, Koller J. From Clinic Room to Zoom: Delivery of an Evidence-Based, Parent-mediated Intervention in the Community Before and During the Pandemic. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5222-31.

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60. Greer JMH, Sood SSM, Metcalfe DR. Perceptions of autism spectrum disorder among the Swahili community on the Kenyan coast. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104370.

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61. Guo M, Li R, Wang Y, Ma S, Zhang Y, Li S, Zhang H, Liu Z, You C, Zheng H. Lactobacillus plantarum ST-III modulates abnormal behavior and gut microbiota in a mouse model of autism spectrum disorder. Physiology & behavior. 2022; 257: 113965.

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62. Haartsen R, Charman T, Pasco G, Johnson MH, Jones EJH. Modulation of EEG theta by naturalistic social content is not altered in infants with family history of autism. Scientific reports. 2022; 12(1): 20758.

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63. Haskins AJ, Mentch J, Botch TL, Garcia BD, Burrows AL, Robertson CE. Reduced social attention in autism is magnified by perceptual load in naturalistic environments. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2310-23.

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64. Havercamp SM, Bonardi A. Special Issue Introduction: Addressing Healthcare Inequities in Intellectual Disability and Developmental Disabilities. Intellectual and developmental disabilities. 2022; 60(6): 449-52.

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65. Hayashi W, Hanawa Y, Saga N, Nakamura D, Iwanami A. ASD symptoms in adults with ADHD: a comparative study using ADOS-2. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. 2022; 272(8): 1481-94.

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66. Heselton GA, Rempel GR, Nicholas DB. « Realizing the problem wasn’t necessarily me »: the meaning of childhood adversity and resilience in the lives of autistic adults. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being. 2022; 17(1): 2051237.

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67. Hessl D, Rosselot H, Miller R, Espinal G, Famula J, Sherman SL, Todd PK, Cabal Herrera AM, Lipworth K, Cohen J, Hall DA, Leehey M, Grigsby J, Weber JD, Alusi S, Wheeler A, Raspa M, Hudson T, Sobrian SK. The International Fragile X Premutation Registry: building a resource for research and clinical trial readiness. Journal of medical genetics. 2022; 59(12): 1165-70.

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68. Hidalgo PM, Martínez MM, González AG, Petisco LG, Forcadell CA, D’Agostino CI, de la Varga LP. Self-Perceived Quality of Life in Spanish-Speaking Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5428-39.

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69. Holtman SJ, Winans KS, Hoch JD. Utility of Diagnostic Classification for Children 0-5 to Assess Features of Autism: Comparing In-person and COVID-19 Telehealth Evaluations. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5114-25.

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70. Huang Y, Hwang YIJ, Arnold SRC, Lawson LP, Richdale AL, Trollor JN. Autistic Adults’ Experiences of Diagnosis Disclosure. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5301-7.

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71. Hung KC, Chen JY, Hsing CH, Hsu CW, Liu PH, Chang YJ, Chen JY, Chiu SF, Sun CK. Association of labor epidural analgesia exposure with long-term risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Autism : the international journal of research and practice. 2022: 13623613221138690.

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72. Hwang IS, Hong SB. Association between body mass index and subcortical volume in pre-adolescent children with autism spectrum disorder: An exploratory study. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2238-49.

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73. Iwasa M, Shimizu Y, Sasayama D, Imai M, Ohzono H, Ueda M, Hara I, Honda H. Twenty-year longitudinal birth cohort study of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder before seven years of age. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. 2022; 63(12): 1563-73.

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74. Jarrige D, Haridas S, Bleykasten-Grosshans C, Joly M, Nadalig T, Sancelme M, Vuilleumier S, Grigoriev IV, Amato P, Bringel F. High-quality genome of the basidiomycete yeast Dioszegia hungarica PDD-24b-2 isolated from cloud water. G3 (Bethesda, Md). 2022; 12(12).

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75. Kang J, Li X, Casanova MF, Sokhadze EM, Geng X. Impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on the directed connectivity of autism EEG signals: a pilot study. Medical & biological engineering & computing. 2022; 60(12): 3655-64.

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76. Keim SA, Jude A, Smith K, Khan AQ, Coury DL, Rausch J, Udaipuria S, Norris M, Bartram LR, Narayanan AR, Rogers LK. Randomized Controlled Trial of Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acid Supplementation to Reduce Inflammatory Markers in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5342-55.

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77. Kim Y, Kadlaskar G, Keehn RM, Keehn B. Measures of tonic and phasic activity of the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system in children with autism spectrum disorder: An event-related potential and pupillometry study. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2250-64.

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78. Kirst S, Bögl K, Gross VL, Diehm R, Poustka L, Dziobek I. Subtypes of Aggressive Behavior in Children with Autism in the Context of Emotion Recognition, Hostile Attribution Bias, and Dysfunctional Emotion Regulation. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5367-82.

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79. Krakowski AD, Cost KT, Szatmari P, Anagnostou E, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Duku E, Georgiades S, Ayub M, Kelley E, Nicolson R, Pullenayegum E, Barnett-Tapia C. Characterizing the ASD-ADHD phenotype: measurement structure and invariance in a clinical sample. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. 2022; 63(12): 1534-43.

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80. Kryszak EM, Albright CM, Fell LA, Butter EM, Kuhlthau KA. Clinician Perspectives on Telehealth Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5083-98.

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81. Kryszak EM, Albright CM, Stephenson KG, Nevill RE, Hedley D, Burns CO, Young RL, Butter EM, Vargo K, Mulick JA. Preliminary Validation and Feasibility of the Autism Detection in Early Childhood-Virtual (ADEC-V) for Autism Telehealth Evaluations in a Hospital Setting. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5139-49.

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82. Kulasinghe K, Whittingham K, Mitchell AE. Emotional availability in the mother-child relationship for families of young children with autism spectrum disorder in Australia: A cross-sectional survey. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022; 131: 104365.

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83. Kumar NS, Malhi P, Bharti B, Saini L. Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors and Interests in Young Children with Autism: A Comparative Study. Indian journal of pediatrics. 2022; 89(12): 1216-21.

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84. Lee GT, Hu X, Liu S. Teaching Metaphorical Generation via Tact and Match-to-Sample Instructions: A Brief Report. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 52(12): 5515-22.

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85. Lei J, Charman T, Leigh E, Russell A, Mohamed Z, Hollocks MJ. Examining the relationship between cognitive inflexibility and internalizing and externalizing symptoms in autistic children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Autism research : official journal of the International Society for Autism Research. 2022; 15(12): 2265-95.

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