Pubmed du 22/02/09

Pubmed du jour

2009-02-22 12:03:50

1. Shah S, Shah S, Apuya J, Gopalakrishnan S, Martin T. {{Combination of oral ketamine and midazolam as a premedication for a severely autistic and combative patient}}. {J Anesth};2009;23(1):126-128.

Patients with impaired ability to understand and communicate can be difficult to manage perioperatively. They frequently require lateral thinking on the part of the anesthesiologists to make the induction process as smooth as possible. We present a case of a severely autistic and violent patient scheduled for dental rehabilitation under general anesthesia. A combination of oral ketamine and midazolam was mixed in the beverage Dr Pepper to mask the taste and the appearance of the drugs. The unique flavor of Dr Pepper is well suited to increase the palatibility and the acceptability of medications in children and patients with developmental delay.