Pubmed du 25/06/12

Pubmed du jour

2012-06-25 12:03:50

1. Chebuhar A, McCarthy AM, Bosch J, Baker S. {{Using picture schedules in medical settings for patients with an autism spectrum disorder}}. {J Pediatr Nurs}. 2012.

Autism is a neurobiological disorder that compromises ability to communicate and can be accompanied by anxiety, particularly for those in unfamiliar settings with unknown people. To improve communication, children with autism often relate well to pictures; however the literature describes no studies of picture schedules for patients with autism in medical settings. Our pilot project demonstrates how picture schedules for medical settings can relieve anxiety in children with autism and suggests that this approach should be employed as an innovative way to interact with patients with autism.

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2. Mazzone L, Ruta L, Reale L. {{Psychiatric comorbidities in asperger syndrome and high functioning autism: diagnostic challenges}}. {Ann Gen Psychiatry}. 2012; 11(1): 16.

ABSTRACT: Several psychiatric conditions, both internalizing and externalizing, have been documented in comorbidity with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA). In this review we examine the interplay between psychiatric comorbidities and AS/HFA. In particular, we will focus our attention on three main issues. First, we examine which psychiatric disorders are more frequently associated with AS/HFA. Second, we review which diagnostic tools are currently available for clinicians to investigate and diagnose the associated psychiatric disorders in individuals with AS/HFA. Third, we discuss the challenges that clinicians and researchers face in trying to determine whether the psychiatric symptoms are phenotypic manifestations of AS/HFA or rather they are the expression of a distinct, though comorbid, disorder. We will also consider the role played by the environment in the manifestation and interpretation of these symptoms. Finally, we will propose some strategies to try to address these issues, and we will discuss therapeutic implications.

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