Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – 5-1 – Mars 2018

Revues de sommaires

1. Drysdale BM, Moore DW, Furlonger BE, Anderson A. Gaze Patterns of Individuals with ASD During Active Task Engagement : a Systematic Literature Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018 ; 5(1) : 1-14.

Despite the increasing number of studies investigating eye gaze patterns in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during passive viewing of stimuli, few studies have focused on gaze behaviour of people with ASD during active task engagement. Active engagement may cue these individuals to allocate gaze to task-related information and display typical eye gaze patterns, whereas in the absence of cues, they demonstrate weak central coherence and tend to allocate attention to specific, yet irrelevant, visual detail in the environment. If individuals with ASD are exhibiting typical eye gaze patterns when engaged in everyday tasks, then interventions targeting gaze remediation may be misguided. The present review, therefore, aimed to investigate whether (1) individuals with ASD consistently exhibited atypical eye gaze patterns when actively engaged in tasks and (2) atypical eye gaze was associated with skill deficits in regard to task performance. Typical gaze patterns were found during reading, following instructions, and memory tasks, while atypical gaze patterns were evident in driving, word learning, and imitation tasks. Atypical gaze patterns were only associated with impairments in imitation performance, whereas individuals with ASD and typically developing controls performed equally on word learning and driving tasks, suggesting that atypical gaze patterns were not associated with a general performance deficit.

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2. Ninci J, Rispoli M, Burke MD, Neely LC. Embedding Interests of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder : a Quality Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018 ; 5(1) : 15-28.

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) characteristically demonstrate interest in a restricted range of activities. Embedding interests into the learning environment is a strategy used to establish motivation and promote participation in alternative activities. This review includes an evaluation of the quality of single-case and group-based research on embedding interests for individuals with ASD. Twenty studies with 79 participants were appraised according to two quality rubrics. Evidence was analyzed overall and within categories of dependent variables. Primary outcomes included social/communication skills and task-engagement/accuracy/productivity. Results show insufficient support for use of this intervention according to one rubric and mixed but sufficient support overall according to an alternative rubric. Most research support targets social or communication skills. Implications for practice are identified.

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3. Abdullahi I, Leonard H, Cherian S, Mutch R, Glasson EJ, de Klerk N, Downs J. The Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in Children of Immigrant and Refugee Parents : Current Knowledge and Directions for Future Research. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018 ; 5(1) : 29-42.

This paper systematically reviewed the literature from 2002 to 2016 describing the risks of autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children of immigrant and refugee backgrounds. Compared to children of non-immigrant mothers, 10 studies found increased risk of autism and intellectual disability and four studies found increased risk of autism without identifying concomitant intellectual disability. Very high risks were observed if the mother’s country of birth was a developing country or region. One study found higher risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a sample of children who were refugees. Children of immigrant and refugee backgrounds from developing countries had greater risks of a neurodevelopmental disorder compared to their peers whose mother was locally born.

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4. Muharib R, Alzrayer NM. The Use of High-Tech Speech-Generating Devices as an Evidence-Based Practice for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Meta-analysis. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018 ; 5(1) : 43-57.

This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate single-case studies that used high-tech speech-generating devices (SGDs) for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) ages 0-8. The focus of this review was to measure the effect size of high-tech SGD intervention on verbal behavior. The review included 20 studies with 54 participants with ASD. The results suggest that high-tech SGDs are strongly effective to teach manding, intraverbal, and multistep tacting to children with ASD. Another aim was to evaluate the quality of the studies based on Horner et al.’s (2005) quality indicators. The results suggest a moderate level of evidence for high-tech SGD intervention in children with ASD. Directions for future research and implications for practice are discussed.

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5. Frantz R, Hansen SG, Machalicek W. Interventions to Promote Well-Being in Parents of Children with Autism : a Systematic Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018 ; 5(1) : 58-77.

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience unique challenges in performing their caregiving roles, often experiencing greater levels of parental stress than other parents. A systematic review of the literature on interventions to improve parental well-being among parents of children with ASD was conducted using three electronic databases (ERIC, PSYCHINFO, Medline) and a combination of key terms. Forty-one of the included studies were coded according to participant characteristics, intervention characteristics, outcome measures, and study quality. The following research questions were examined : (1) What type and format of interventions have been used to improve parental outcomes among parents of children with ASD ? (2) What interventions have been most effective in improving parental outcomes ? (3) How strong is the evidence base for interventions aimed at improving parental outcomes ? Gaps in the literature, future directions for research, and implications for practice will be considered.

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6. Lory C, Rispoli M, Gregori E. Play Interventions Involving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Peers : a Review of Research Quality. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2018 ; 5(1) : 78-89.

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often struggle to acquire appropriate play behaviors, which may hinder their integration within natural settings. Individuals with ASD require more systematic instruction and supports to learn to play with their peers. Among interventions that teach play skills to children with ASD, some have involved typically developing peers as interventionists or play partners, which promotes the generalization of play behaviors in natural environments. The purpose of this review was to systematically review and summarize the quality of play intervention studies that involved both children with ASD and their typically developing peers. Sixteen studies were included and evaluated based on quality indicators recommended by the Council for Exceptional Children. Implications for future research were discussed.

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