Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – 6-1 – Mars 2019

Revues de sommaires

1. Baisa A, Mevorach C, Shalev L. Can Performance in Navon Letters among People with Autism be Affected by Saliency ? Reexamination of the Literature. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):1-12.

Findings from Navon letters paradigm studies among individuals with autism spectrum disorder are inconsistent. The different results are often being interpreted in terms of “local bias” and/or “global weakness,” according to the predictions of leading theories such as the “weak central coherence” or the “enhanced perceptual functioning.” We suggest that some of the inconsistencies may be a result of differences between these studies in the stimuli’s physical characteristics and/or the task’s attentional demands which are known to affect the relative saliency of the global and local levels. In this paper, we systematically discuss the parameters that may affect global and local perception in autism and suggest future experimental designs and potential clinical implications of the paradigm.

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2. Gunning C, Breathnach Ó, Holloway J, McTiernan A, Malone B. A Systematic Review of Peer-Mediated Interventions for Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Settings. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):40-62.

Peer-mediated interventions (PMI) are implemented for skills teaching for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), particularly within the context of early learning environments. PMI have several potential advantages in comparison to adult-led intervention ; however, there is a lack of research evaluating the use of PMI with younger populations. This review aims to synthesize the literature regarding the use of PMI in skills teaching for children with ASD in preschool settings. A systematic search of the literature spanning 1980–2018 was conducted, and 31 articles were identified for inclusion. Results are discussed in relation to participant and peer characteristics, PMI procedures, target skills, intervention outcomes, and research strength. The effectiveness of PMI is discussed along with directions for future research.

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3. Hill J, Ziviani J, Driscoll C, Cawdell-Smith J. Can Canine-Assisted Interventions Affect the Social Behaviours of Children on the Autism Spectrum ? A Systematic Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):13-25.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition impacting individuals’ social communication and interactions. Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) have been identified as practice modalities for children with ASD. A systematic review of the literature was completed identifying 13 articles addressing the impact AAI has on the social behaviours of children with ASD. Participant numbers were small with ages ranging from 3 to 18 years. Outcomes comprised verbal communication, non-verbal communication, identified desired and undesired behaviours. Findings suggested that AAI can have a positive impact on the social behaviours of children on the autism spectrum ; however, studies were characterised by methodological weaknesses. More rigorous research methods are required to determine the effectiveness of AAI for children with ASD.

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4. Howell M, Dounavi K, Storey C. To Choose or Not to Choose ? : a Systematic Literature Review Considering the Effects of Antecedent and Consequence Choice upon On-Task and Problem Behaviour. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):63-84.

Antecedent choice and consequence choice procedures are often used as interventions to increase on-task behaviour and reduce problem behaviour. This systematic literature review considers the conditions under which individuals show a preference for choice. Results suggest that preference for choice is variable, with some individuals preferring choice which allows access to more highly preferred stimuli and others preferring choice regardless of the outcome’s preference value. It is recommended that choice be used as a non-invasive intervention which may positively affect some individuals’ behaviour by either allowing them access to more highly preferred items or by accommodating their preference for choice. Trends across different samples and procedures are considered and recommendations are made for future research.

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5. Leaf JB, Aljohani WA, Milne CM, Ferguson JL, Cihon JH, Oppenheim-Leaf ML, McEachin J, Leaf R. Training Behavior Change Agents and Parents to Implement Discrete Trial Teaching : a Literature Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):26-39.

Discrete trial teaching (DTT) is a commonly implemented and evaluated teaching procedure for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As such, DTT is often a procedure that behavior analytic practitioners are required to learn how to impliment. Additionally, parents are often encouraged to learn how to implement DTT to supplement intervention for their child(ren) diagnosed with ASD. This review of the literature included 51 studies (57 experiments) that involved training behavior change agents and/or parents on the implementation of DTT. Each of the studies was evaluated and quantified along several dimensions including participant demographics, experimental design, outcome, DTT task analysis, training procedures, training time, and the mastery conditions for the implementation of DTT. The results of the review indicated that there is a robust literature on training individuals to implement DTT. However, results also revealed there are several areas that should be addressed by future studies as well as implications for practitioners and certification standards.

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6. Mazumder R, Thompson-Hodgetts S. Stigmatization of Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Families : a Scoping Study. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):96-107.

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families may experience high rates of stigmatization, including self-stigma, public stigma, stigma through association, and structural stigma.

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7. O’Donovan KL, Armitage S, Featherstone J, McQuillin L, Longley S, Pollard N. Group-Based Parent Training Interventions for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders : a Literature Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2019 (March 01) ;6(1):85-95.

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders should have access to interventions to help them understand and support their child. This literature review examines the existing evidence for group-based parent training interventions that support parents of children with autism. From the literature, core intervention processes and outcomes are identified and include parenting and parent behaviour, parent health, child behaviour and peer and social support. Results show a positive trend for intervention effectiveness, but findings are limited by low-quality studies and heterogeneity of intervention content, outcomes and outcome measurement. Future research should focus on specifying effective intervention ingredients and modes of delivery, consistent and reliable outcome measurement, and improving methodological rigour to build a more robust evidence base.

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