Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – 7-4 – December 2020

Revues de sommaires

1. Brady R, Maccarrone A, Holloway J, Gunning C, Pacia C. Exploring Interventions Used to Teach Friendship Skills to Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism : a Systematic Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2020 (2020/12/01) ;7(4):295-305.

Social skill deficits prevalent in individuals with high-functioning autism (HFA) often lead to challenges in forming friendships with peers. The present study reviews the research base to evaluate interventions which focus on teaching friendship-related social skills to children and adolescents with HFA. Twelve studies were identified for inclusion. Studies were summarized in terms of participant characteristics, study design, target friendship social skills, intervention characteristics, intervention outcomes, generalisation and maintenance outcomes, and social validity. Research quality was also systematically assessed. All included studies reported positive outcomes. However, generalisation data were limited ; only three studies measured social validity. The literature review offers some considerations for use within educational practice to teach these skills.

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2. Hull L, Petrides KV, Mandy W. The Female Autism Phenotype and Camouflaging : a Narrative Review. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2020 (2020/12/01) ;7(4):306-317.

Autism is more commonly diagnosed in males than females. One explanation is the ‘female protective effect’ : there is something inherent in being female which reduces the likelihood of developing autism. However, evidence suggests that the condition is underdiagnosed in females, perhaps because females express their autism in ways which do not meet current diagnostic criteria. This review explores evidence for a female-typical autism presentation, the Female Autism Phenotype (FAP) and the component of camouflaging (compensating for and masking autistic characteristics) in particular. The evidence so far supports the existence of a female-typical autism presentation, although further examination of the characteristics and their impact across all genders and ages is needed.

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3. Coleman H, Sutherland KS, Xu Y, Mason H. Verbal Mand Interventions for Young Children with Autism : a Review of the Literature. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2020 (2020/12/01) ;7(4):318-332.

When educating young children with autism, it is imperative to use a teaching practice that is supported by evidence-based research. This review examined and synthesized the results of studies targeting the acquisition of verbal requests (mands) by young children with autism. Results indicated that verbal mand interventions are effective at increasing communication for young children with autism. These interventions were primarily implemented in clinical or private school settings by highly trained professionals. There are also several methodological limitations in the articles reviewed. Given the limitations, the researchers discuss implications for practice and future research.

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4. Liao Y, Dillenburger K, He W, Xu Y, Cai H. A Systematic Review of Applied Behavior Analytic Interventions for Children with Autism in Mainland China. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2020 (2020/12/01) ;7(4):333-351.

Applied behavior analysis (ABA)-based intervention is typically utilized to support children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which has been widely used across the world. However, little is known about the current extent of the utilization of applied behavior analysis for children with autism in China. This paper provides a systematic review on the ABA-based intervention studies conducted in Mainland China. Studies published in Chinese and English journals were included, and 35 empirical studies qualified for the selection criteria were analyzed. The results suggest that the Chinese ABA-based programs are generally effective. Among the overall publications on the ABA-based intervention, there is a limited number of empirical studies, but this type of studies increases in recent years. In addition, one characteristic of the Chinese programs is that parental involvement is emphasized. The review also reveals the wide use of non-behavioral eclectic methods and the limit in the experimental design in some Chinese studies. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed.

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5. Liu J, Chen LL, Shen S, Mao J, Lopes M, Liu S, Kong X. Challenges in the Diagnosis and Management of Pain in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2020 (2020/12/01) ;7(4):352-363.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with many systemic comorbidities, including sensory dysfunctions. A growing body of literature explored patients’ unusually intense reactions to innocuous sensory stimuli but very little is known about ASD patients’ response to noxious stimuli such as pain. Patients with ASD are thought to have low sensitivity to pain, but currently, there is no clear consensus on pain responsivity/sensitivity/expression in patients with ASD. Pain is likely a significant source of suffering for patients with ASD, but limited literature suggest that it may be underdiagnosed and undertreated, due to patients’ potentially abnormal reaction to pain/pain expression, and their limited social communication skills. In this article, we first discuss the abnormalities in pain sensitivity and expression, two key obstacles in pain management for patients with autism. Next, we explore currently available tools in pain diagnosis for patients with autism. The third, we discuss pain management in autism patient with an emphasis on the perioperative setting where literature is most abundant. Last, we call for further research and offer suggestions for implementing better pain assessment and management protocols based on our understanding of this unique population.

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6. Alallawi B, Hastings RP, Gray G. A Systematic Scoping Review of Social, Educational, and Psychological Research on Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Family Members in Arab Countries and Cultures. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders ;2020 (2020/12/01) ;7(4):364-382.

Cultural dimensions of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are relatively unexplored in the research literature. The current study is a systematic scoping review describing social, educational, and psychological research focused on individuals with ASD and their family members in Arab countries and cultures. Seventy studies met eligibility criteria. Most of the studies were from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon. Most of the identified research addressed three major domains : the prevalence of ASD and diagnosis issues, the experiences and outcomes for Arab caregivers of individuals with ASD, and social and communication behaviour of Arab individuals with ASD. There were significant gaps in research evidence base, including research on interventions and on ASD services. Overall, the included research was appraised as being of weak quality.

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