Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders – 9-3 – September 2022

Revues de sommaires

1. Munsell EGS, Schwartz AE. Youth Experiences of the IDEA-Mandated Transition Planning Process: a Metasynthesis of Youth Voices. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 438-51.

Many youth are not meaningfully engaged in their school-based transition process. Understanding youth’s perceptions of their engagement and factors influencing engagement is important to increase engagement.

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2. Forde J, Bonilla PM, Mannion A, Coyne R, Haverty R, Leader G. Health Status of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 427-37.

Individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have a higher probability of developing co-occurring mental or physical health conditions. However, little is known about how these health conditions develop and impact the lives of the adult ASD population. This paper reviewed existing studies concerning factors affecting the health status of adults with ASD and described their outcomes and prevalence. A systematic search of electronic databases yielded 21 studies eligible to be included. The most common physical problems affecting health were epilepsy and immune, gastrointestinal, and sleep disorders. Mental health disorders, most prominently mood and anxiety disorders and OCD, were also strong factors for determining health in adults. Future research should focus on measuring the overall health status of the adult ASD population.

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3. Shaw A, Do TNT, Harrison L, Marczak M, Dimitriou D, Joyce A. Sleep and Cognition in People with Autism Spectrum Condition: A Systematic Literature Review. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 416-26.

Sleep disturbances have been found to increase severity of core autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms such as social and communication difficulties and repetitive behaviours. However, very little is known about the impact of sleep on cognitive functioning in ASD. A systematic literature search identified fifteen original studies meeting inclusion and quality assessment criteria. Inter-rater reliability was strong (kappa=0.73). Multiple cognitive functions were negatively affected by sleep disturbances in ASD. This had a significant impact on daily functioning, as well as impacting families/carers. Possible sleep interventions include behavioural/cognitive training, pharmacological treatment, and sensory interventions. Combining objective and subjective sleep measures would help in early diagnosis, which may contribute towards developing interventions to help those with ASD as well as carers and families.

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4. Al-Rashaida M, Amayra I, López-Paz JF, Martínez O, Lázaro E, Berrocoso S, García M, Pérez M, Rodríguez AA, Luna PM, Pérez-Núñez P, Caballero P. Studying the Effects of Mobile Devices on Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Systematic Literature Review. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 400-15.

We conducted a systematic review of studies on mobile devices, including tablets, iPads, and smartphones, in teaching programs for young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We conducted a search of the electronic databases (period 2002–2019) supplemented by a search for additional relevant articles by means of cross-referencing. In total, 24 studies were selected, reporting outcomes for 60 participants who ranged from 2 to 5 years old. The study findings were largely positive, suggesting that mobile devices are viable technological aids for preschool children with ASD. The studies reviewed suggest that mobile devices can be successfully utilized in educational programs targeting communication, academic, and social skills. Implications for practice and suggestions for future research are provided.

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5. Corden K, Brewer R, Cage E. A Systematic Review of Healthcare Professionals’ Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Towards Working with Autistic People. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 386-99.

Healthcare professionals play a vital role in identifying and supporting autistic people. This study systematically reviewed empirical research examining healthcare professionals’ knowledge, self-efficacy and attitudes towards working with autistic people. Thirty-five studies were included. The included studies sampled a range of countries and professional backgrounds. A modified quality assessment tool found the quality of the included studies was moderately good. Narrative synthesis indicated that healthcare professionals report only moderate levels of autism knowledge and self-efficacy, and often lack training. Variation within and between countries and professional background was not explained by demographic factors. The reviewed evidence suggests health professionals’ limited knowledge and self-efficacy in working with autistic people is a challenge to the provision of healthcare for autistic individuals.

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6. Topuz C, Ulke-Kurkcuoglu B. Script Fading Procedure: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 366-85.

The purpose of the study is to systematically review studies investigating the script fading procedure on individuals with autism and also determine the quality of the studies and the effect size related to the calculations of the percentage of nonoverlapping data (PND) and the percentage of data exceeding the median (PEM) in the studies. The systematic review identified 32 articles reporting on the script fading procedure in individuals with autism aged between 3 and 19 years. Furthermore, a meta-analysis was conducted for 15 studies meeting the acceptability criteria within the scope of the Qualitative Indicators of Single-Subject Research indicated by Horner et al. (2005). The results of PND and PEM calculations showed that the SFP was highly effective in eight studies but moderately effective in four studies. The findings were discussed along with recommendations for future research.

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7. Vacas J, Antolí A, Sánchez-Raya A, Pérez-Dueñas C. Eye Tracking Methodology for Studying Emotional Competence in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Specific Language Impairment (SLI): a Comparative Research Review. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 351-65.

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and specific language impairment (SLI) exhibit serious social-emotional difficulties from early infancy which hamper the differential diagnosis of these two conditions. This review aims at analysing differences between ASD and SLI disorders in children from 0 to 12 years regarding emotional competence abilities using eye tracking methodology. The findings show specific markers in the ASD population (e.g. difficulties in facial emotion recognition, atypical visual scanning patterns, or non-social attentional orientation) and a notable scarcity of studies involving SLI children. Comparative research points at potential differences in visual scanning patterns. The conclusions support the use of this methodology for comparative studies between clinical populations.

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8. Mosher MA, Carreon AC, Craig SL, Ruhter LC. Immersive Technology to Teach Social Skills to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a Literature Review. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 334-50.

This study presents the findings of a systematic review of empirical research on the use of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), and extended reality (XR) to present social skill instruction to school-age students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Forty-one articles met the inclusion criteria. Studies targeted relationship skills, emotion recognition, social awareness, cooperation, and executive functioning. The intervention caused statistical improvement in 15 of the 41 studies (37%). Practitioners, parents, and researchers reported significant improvement of social skills in 32 studies (83%). We suggest modifications to the technology and interventions within the technology which may increase statistical gains for students. We conclude with recommendations for researchers and practitioners implementing AR and VR delivered social skill interventions.

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9. Bernier AS, McCrimmon AW. Attitudes and Perceptions of Muslim Parents Toward Their Children with Autism: a Systematic Review. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 320-33.

This review aimed to synthesize existing information on Muslim parent perceptions and attitudes toward their child(ren) with autism based on their religious beliefs. Eleven peer-reviewed articles were included. Several religious beliefs guided parental perceptions and were subsequently categorized as either positive or mixed attitudes toward their children with autism, which rendered common themes. The results allow for an exploratory examination of cross-cultural similarities and differences as well as common coping approaches engaged in by Muslim parents. Practical implications include enhancing diversity research, practitioner cultural competence, cultural sensitivity, responsive practice, and efficacious practice within the bounds of social justice.

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10. Sáez-Suanes GP, Álvarez-Couto M. Factors Associated with Quality of Life in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022; 9(3): 307-19.

In order to update the status of the research on quality of life (QoL) of adults with ASD, a systematic review was carried out following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-Analyses’ (PRISMA) protocol. Eleven articles were selected from different databases. Results show lower levels of QoL in people with ASD than in the general population, informing of the need to adapt the concept of QoL to the reality of ASD and to question the measures used to date to assess this variable. Recent research has been found inconclusive and methodologically weak. Variables such as comorbid psychopathologies, limitations in self-determination, or executive dysfunction were highlighted as factors that negatively affect QoL, and they must be considered and introduced in daily interventions in order to ensure an adequate QoL.

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