Pubmed du jour

Ceci une extraction quotidienne des publications sur le TSA à partir de la base de données bibliographique Pubmed.

08 Sep 2010

Pubmed du 04/09/10

1. Fehr S, Downs J, Bebbington A, Leonard H. {{Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in…

Pubmed du 03/09/10

1. Al-Farsi YM, Al-Sharbati MM, Al-Farsi OA, Al-Shafaee MS, Brooks DR, Waly MI. {{Brief Report: Prevalence of Autistic Spectrum Disorders…

03 Sep 2010

Pubmed du 02/09/10

1. Bertoglio K, Jill James S, Deprey L, Brule N, Hendren RL. {{Pilot study of the effect of methyl B12…

Pubmed du 01/09/10

1. Bhat AN, Galloway JC, Landa RJ. {{Social and non-social visual attention patterns and associative learning in infants at risk…

31 Août 2010

Pubmed du 31/08/10

1. {{International society for autism research news}}. {Autism Res} (Aug);3(4):201. 2. Burke RV, Andersen MN, Bowen SL, Howard MR, Allen…

Pubmed du 30/08/10

1. Croonenberghs J, Grieken SV, Wauters A, West DV, Brouw L, Maes M. {{Serum testosterone concentration in male autistic youngsters}}.…

Pubmed du 28/08/10

1. Awadalla P, Gauthier J, Myers RA, Casals F, Hamdan FF, Griffing AR, Cote M, Henrion E, Spiegelman D, Tarabeux…

Pubmed du 27/08/10

1. Damarla SR, Keller TA, Kana RK, Cherkassky VL, Williams DL, Minshew NJ, Just MA. {{Cortical underconnectivity coupled with preserved…

27 Août 2010

Pubmed du 26/08/10

1. Kuhaneck HM, Burroughs T, Wright J, Lemanczyk T, Darragh AR. {{A Qualitative Study of Coping in Mothers of Children…