Pubmed du jour

Ceci une extraction quotidienne des publications sur le TSA à partir de la base de données bibliographique Pubmed.

22 Fév 2010

Pubmed du 19/02/10

1. Fombonne E. {{Estimated prevalence of autism spectrum conditions in Cambridgeshire is over 1%}}. {Evid Based Ment Health} (Feb);13(1):32. 2.…

18 Fév 2010

Pubmed du 18/02/10

1. Andari E, Duhamel JR, Zalla T, Herbrecht E, Leboyer M, Sirigu A. {{Promoting social behavior with oxytocin in high-functioning…

Pubmed du 17/02/10

1. Mitka M. {{Rising autism rates still pose a mystery}}. {Jama} (Feb 17);303(7):602. 2. Stichter JP, Herzog MJ, Visovsky K,…

16 Fév 2010

Pubmed du 16/02/10

1. Brieber S, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Fink GR, Kamp-Becker I, Remschmidt H, Konrad K. {{Coherent motion processing in autism spectrum disorder…

15 Fév 2010

Pubmed du 15/02/10

1. Carbone PS, Farley M, Davis T. {{Primary care for children with autism}}. {Am Fam Physician} (Feb 15);81(4):453-460.

Pubmed du 13/02/10

1. {{Increased dopamine DRD4 receptor mRNA expression in lymphocytes of musicians and autistic individuals: bridging the music-autism connection}}. {Neuro Endocrinol…

Pubmed du 12/02/10

1. Dabrowska A, Pisula E. {{Parenting stress and coping styles in mothers and fathers of pre-school children with autism and…

11 Fév 2010

Pubmed du 11/02/10

1. Kasari C, Gulsrud AC, Wong C, Kwon S, Locke J. {{Randomized Controlled Caregiver Mediated Joint Engagement Intervention for Toddlers…

10 Fév 2010

Pubmed du 10/02/10

1. {{[The role of ZF5 and CGGBP-20 transcription factors in expression regulation of human FMR1 gene responsible for X-fragile syndrome]}}.…