5459 Résultats de recherche pour Pubmed


Pubmed du 24/05/24

1. Westover AN. The Future of General Psychiatry Must Include Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability. Acad Psychiatry;2024 (May 23)…


Pubmed du 27/05/24

1. Coughlan M, Lynch H. « Can I Play Too? » A Qualitative Study of Outdoor Play and Participation Among Autistic Preschoolers.…


Pubmed du 26/05/24

1. Choi EA, Kover ST. Social and Linguistic Correlates of Vocabulary Size in Autism: Overlapping Vocalization and Phonological Memory. J…


Pubmed du 25/05/24

1. Anderson JT, Roth JD, Rosenau KA, Dwyer PS, Kuo AA, Martinez-Agosto JA. Enhancing multi-site autism research through the development…