5459 Résultats de recherche pour Pubmed


Pubmed du 01/11/22

1. Drugs to Treat Various Neurodevelopmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services. 2022; 60(11):…


Pubmed du 07/11/22

1. Bamgboye MA, Herold KG, Vieira DCO, Traficante MK, Rogers PJ, Ben-Johny M, Dick IE. CaV1.2 channelopathic mutations evoke diverse…


Pubmed du 15/10/22

1. Barros F, Figueiredo C, Soares SC. Autism traits dimensionality and multivariate relationship with alexithymia and anxiety in the general…


Pubmed du 01/02/23

1. Abbas SQ, Chi L, Chen YP. DeepMNF: Deep Multimodal Neuroimaging Framework for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder. Artif Intell Med;2023…


Pubmed du 09/01/23

1. Anderson-Chavarria M, Turner J. Searching for the ‘Trigger’: An ethnographic analysis of parental beliefs regarding autism causation and vaccination…