Rapport Autisme Europe : Protecting the rights of people with autism in the fields of education and employment

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Autisme-Europe vient de publier un nouveau rapport d’une analyse approfondie de la législation et des pratiques dans le domaine de l’éducation et l’emploi pour les personnes avec autisme à travers les Etats membres.

Le rapport, intitulé « Protecting the rights of people with autism in the fields of education and employment – International and European perspectives” présente des bonnes pratiques dans le domaine de l’éducation et de l’emploi qui répondent aux principes et obligations définis par la Convention des Nations Unies relative aux Droits des personnes handicapées (articles 14 et 27).

Le rapport est publié en Open Access chez Springer :

1. Friedel E. Introductory Remarks on the Rights of People with Autism to Education and Employment : The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities & the European and National Perspectives. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 1-9.

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2. Palmisano G. The Protection of People with Autism in the Framework of the Council of Europe and the European Union. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 11-23.

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3. Della Fina V. Domestic Laws and National Plans or Strategies for the Protection of the Rights of People with Autism : An Appraisal. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 25-77.

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4. Cera R. National Legislations on Inclusive Education and Special Educational Needs of People with Autism in the Perspective of Article 24 of the CRPD. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 79-108.

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5. Chiappetta Cajola L. Tertiary Education, Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning for Adults with Autism : Comparing Domestic Laws and Best Practices. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 109-143.

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6. Fasciglione M. Article 27 of the CRPD and the Right of Inclusive Employment of People with Autism. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 145-170.

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7. Fasciglione M. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Right to Employment of Persons with Disabilities. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 171-193.

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8. Della Fina V, Cera R. Conclusions. In : Della Fina V, Cera R, eds. Protecting the Rights of People with Autism in the Fields of Education and Employment : Springer International Publishing, 2015 : 195-197.

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