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12 recherche sur le mot-clé 'observation'
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Development of a novel observational measure for anxiety in young children: The Anxiety Dimensional Observation Scale / Nicholas D. MIAN in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56-9 (September 2015)
Titre : Development of a novel observational measure for anxiety in young children: The Anxiety Dimensional Observation Scale Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Nicholas D. MIAN, Auteur ; Alice S. CARTER, Auteur ; Daniel S. PINE, Auteur ; Lauren S. WAKSCHLAG, Auteur ; Margaret J. BRIGGS-GOWAN, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.1017-1025 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Anxiety fear preschool observation attention bias assessment Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Background Identifying anxiety disorders in preschool-age children represents an important clinical challenge. Observation is essential to clinical assessment and can help differentiate normative variation from clinically significant anxiety. Yet, most anxiety assessment methods for young children rely on parent-reports. The goal of this article is to present and preliminarily test the reliability and validity of a novel observational paradigm for assessing a range of fearful and anxious behaviors in young children, the Anxiety Dimensional Observation Schedule (Anx-DOS). Methods A diverse sample of 403 children, aged 3 to 6 years, and their mothers was studied. Reliability and validity in relation to parent reports (Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment) and known risk factors, including indicators of behavioral inhibition (latency to touch novel objects) and attention bias to threat (in the dot-probe task) were investigated. Results The Anx-DOS demonstrated good inter-rater reliability and internal consistency. Evidence for convergent validity was demonstrated relative to mother-reported separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobic avoidance, trauma symptoms, and past service use. Finally, fearfulness was associated with observed latency and attention bias toward threat. Conclusions Findings support the Anx-DOS as a method for capturing early manifestations of fearfulness and anxiety in young children. Multimethod assessments incorporating standardized methods for assessing discrete, observable manifestations of anxiety may be beneficial for early identification and clinical intervention efforts. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.12407 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=267
in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry > 56-9 (September 2015) . - p.1017-1025[article] Development of a novel observational measure for anxiety in young children: The Anxiety Dimensional Observation Scale [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Nicholas D. MIAN, Auteur ; Alice S. CARTER, Auteur ; Daniel S. PINE, Auteur ; Lauren S. WAKSCHLAG, Auteur ; Margaret J. BRIGGS-GOWAN, Auteur . - p.1017-1025.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry > 56-9 (September 2015) . - p.1017-1025
Mots-clés : Anxiety fear preschool observation attention bias assessment Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Background Identifying anxiety disorders in preschool-age children represents an important clinical challenge. Observation is essential to clinical assessment and can help differentiate normative variation from clinically significant anxiety. Yet, most anxiety assessment methods for young children rely on parent-reports. The goal of this article is to present and preliminarily test the reliability and validity of a novel observational paradigm for assessing a range of fearful and anxious behaviors in young children, the Anxiety Dimensional Observation Schedule (Anx-DOS). Methods A diverse sample of 403 children, aged 3 to 6 years, and their mothers was studied. Reliability and validity in relation to parent reports (Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment) and known risk factors, including indicators of behavioral inhibition (latency to touch novel objects) and attention bias to threat (in the dot-probe task) were investigated. Results The Anx-DOS demonstrated good inter-rater reliability and internal consistency. Evidence for convergent validity was demonstrated relative to mother-reported separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobic avoidance, trauma symptoms, and past service use. Finally, fearfulness was associated with observed latency and attention bias toward threat. Conclusions Findings support the Anx-DOS as a method for capturing early manifestations of fearfulness and anxiety in young children. Multimethod assessments incorporating standardized methods for assessing discrete, observable manifestations of anxiety may be beneficial for early identification and clinical intervention efforts. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.12407 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=267 Development of the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP): A New Measure of Child and Parenting Behavior for Use with Young Autistic Children / Melanie PALMER in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51-1 (January 2021)
Titre : Development of the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP): A New Measure of Child and Parenting Behavior for Use with Young Autistic Children Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Melanie PALMER, Auteur ; Juan PARIS PEREZ, Auteur ; Joanne TARVER, Auteur ; Thomas CAWTHORNE, Auteur ; Margot FRAYNE, Auteur ; Sophie WEBB, Auteur ; Elena BAKER, Auteur ; Isabel YORKE, Auteur ; Dale F. HAY, Auteur ; Vicky SLONIMS, Auteur ; Andrew PICKLES, Auteur ; Emily SIMONOFF, Auteur ; Stephen SCOTT, Auteur ; Tony CHARMAN, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.1-14 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Autism Child emotional and behavioral problems Measurement Observation Parenting Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Co-occurring emotional and behavioral problems (EBPs) frequently exist in young autistic children. There is evidence based on parental report that parenting interventions reduce child EBPs. More objective measures of child EBPs should supplement parent reported outcomes in trials. We describe the development of a new measure of child and parenting behavior, the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP). Participants were 83 parents/carers and their 4-8-year-old autistic children. The measure demonstrated good variance and potential sensitivity to change. Child and parenting behavior were reliably coded among verbal and minimally verbal children. Associations between reports from other informants and observed behavior showed the measure had sufficient convergent validity. The measure has promise to contribute to research and clinical practice in autism mental health beyond objective measurement in trials. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-020-04506-3 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=437
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 51-1 (January 2021) . - p.1-14[article] Development of the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP): A New Measure of Child and Parenting Behavior for Use with Young Autistic Children [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Melanie PALMER, Auteur ; Juan PARIS PEREZ, Auteur ; Joanne TARVER, Auteur ; Thomas CAWTHORNE, Auteur ; Margot FRAYNE, Auteur ; Sophie WEBB, Auteur ; Elena BAKER, Auteur ; Isabel YORKE, Auteur ; Dale F. HAY, Auteur ; Vicky SLONIMS, Auteur ; Andrew PICKLES, Auteur ; Emily SIMONOFF, Auteur ; Stephen SCOTT, Auteur ; Tony CHARMAN, Auteur . - p.1-14.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders > 51-1 (January 2021) . - p.1-14
Mots-clés : Autism Child emotional and behavioral problems Measurement Observation Parenting Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Co-occurring emotional and behavioral problems (EBPs) frequently exist in young autistic children. There is evidence based on parental report that parenting interventions reduce child EBPs. More objective measures of child EBPs should supplement parent reported outcomes in trials. We describe the development of a new measure of child and parenting behavior, the Observation Schedule for Children with Autism-Anxiety, Behaviour and Parenting (OSCA-ABP). Participants were 83 parents/carers and their 4-8-year-old autistic children. The measure demonstrated good variance and potential sensitivity to change. Child and parenting behavior were reliably coded among verbal and minimally verbal children. Associations between reports from other informants and observed behavior showed the measure had sufficient convergent validity. The measure has promise to contribute to research and clinical practice in autism mental health beyond objective measurement in trials. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10803-020-04506-3 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=437 Un groupe d’observation en CMPP: la complémentarité des regards d’une orthophoniste et d’une psychomotricienne / Catherine ROMAN in Thérapie psychomotrice et recherches, 178 (2014)
Titre : Un groupe d’observation en CMPP: la complémentarité des regards d’une orthophoniste et d’une psychomotricienne Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Catherine ROMAN, Auteur ; Cécile BRESSOLETTE, Auteur ; Françoise SANCHEZ, Auteur Année de publication : 2014 Article en page(s) : p.162-174 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Enfants Groupe Observation Elaboration clinique Pluridisciplinarité Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Le groupe d’observation du CMPP d’Aubervilliers (93) est un dispositif installé Li depuis une dizaine d’années. Son objectif, au travers d’une observation individuelle d’un enfant dans un groupe de pairs, est de fournir des informations supplémentaires par rapport aux données récoltées lors de la consultation, notamment autour du mode d’organisation et du mode de relation à l’autre et aux autres. Il implique deux animatrices-observatrices et trois rédactrices dans un processus plusieurs étapes (observation — synthèse de l’observation — élaboration clinique) qui permet de transformer les éléments bruts de l’observation en hypothèses cliniques. Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=261
in Thérapie psychomotrice et recherches > 178 (2014) . - p.162-174[article] Un groupe d’observation en CMPP: la complémentarité des regards d’une orthophoniste et d’une psychomotricienne [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Catherine ROMAN, Auteur ; Cécile BRESSOLETTE, Auteur ; Françoise SANCHEZ, Auteur . - 2014 . - p.162-174.
Langues : Français (fre)
in Thérapie psychomotrice et recherches > 178 (2014) . - p.162-174
Mots-clés : Enfants Groupe Observation Elaboration clinique Pluridisciplinarité Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : Le groupe d’observation du CMPP d’Aubervilliers (93) est un dispositif installé Li depuis une dizaine d’années. Son objectif, au travers d’une observation individuelle d’un enfant dans un groupe de pairs, est de fournir des informations supplémentaires par rapport aux données récoltées lors de la consultation, notamment autour du mode d’organisation et du mode de relation à l’autre et aux autres. Il implique deux animatrices-observatrices et trois rédactrices dans un processus plusieurs étapes (observation — synthèse de l’observation — élaboration clinique) qui permet de transformer les éléments bruts de l’observation en hypothèses cliniques. Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=261 Three-item Direct Observation Screen (TIDOS) for autism spectrum disorder / Pinar ONER in Autism, 18-6 (August 2014)
Titre : Three-item Direct Observation Screen (TIDOS) for autism spectrum disorder Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Pinar ONER, Auteur ; Ozgur ONER, Auteur ; Kerim M. MUNIR, Auteur Article en page(s) : p.733-742 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : autism observation screening Social Communication Questionnaire Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : We compared ratings on the Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test for autism spectrum disorders completed by pediatric residents with the Social Communication Questionnaire parent reports as an augmentative tool for improving autism spectrum disorder screening performance. We examined three groups of children (18–60 months) comparable in age (18–24 month, 24–36 month, 36–60 preschool subgroups) and gender distribution: n = 86 with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.) autism spectrum disorders; n = 76 with developmental delay without autism spectrum disorders; and n = 97 with typical development. The Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test included the following (a) Joint Attention, (b) Eye Contact, and (c) Responsiveness to Name. The parent Social Communication Questionnaire ratings had a sensitivity of .73 and specificity of .70 for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. The Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test item Joint Attention had a sensitivity of .82 and specificity of .90, Eye Contact had a sensitivity of .89 and specificity of .91, and Responsiveness to Name had a sensitivity of .67 and specificity of .87. In the Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test, having at least one of the three items positive had a sensitivity of .95 and specificity of .85. Age, diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and developmental level were important factors affecting sensitivity and specificity. The results indicate that augmentation of autism spectrum disorder screening by observational items completed by trained pediatric-oriented professionals can be a highly effective tool in improving screening performance. If supported by future population studies, the results suggest that primary care practitioners will be able to be trained to use this direct procedure to augment screening for autism spectrum disorders in the community. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362361313487028 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=237
in Autism > 18-6 (August 2014) . - p.733-742[article] Three-item Direct Observation Screen (TIDOS) for autism spectrum disorder [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Pinar ONER, Auteur ; Ozgur ONER, Auteur ; Kerim M. MUNIR, Auteur . - p.733-742.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in Autism > 18-6 (August 2014) . - p.733-742
Mots-clés : autism observation screening Social Communication Questionnaire Index. décimale : PER Périodiques Résumé : We compared ratings on the Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test for autism spectrum disorders completed by pediatric residents with the Social Communication Questionnaire parent reports as an augmentative tool for improving autism spectrum disorder screening performance. We examined three groups of children (18–60 months) comparable in age (18–24 month, 24–36 month, 36–60 preschool subgroups) and gender distribution: n = 86 with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text rev.) autism spectrum disorders; n = 76 with developmental delay without autism spectrum disorders; and n = 97 with typical development. The Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test included the following (a) Joint Attention, (b) Eye Contact, and (c) Responsiveness to Name. The parent Social Communication Questionnaire ratings had a sensitivity of .73 and specificity of .70 for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. The Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test item Joint Attention had a sensitivity of .82 and specificity of .90, Eye Contact had a sensitivity of .89 and specificity of .91, and Responsiveness to Name had a sensitivity of .67 and specificity of .87. In the Three-Item Direct Observation Screen test, having at least one of the three items positive had a sensitivity of .95 and specificity of .85. Age, diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and developmental level were important factors affecting sensitivity and specificity. The results indicate that augmentation of autism spectrum disorder screening by observational items completed by trained pediatric-oriented professionals can be a highly effective tool in improving screening performance. If supported by future population studies, the results suggest that primary care practitioners will be able to be trained to use this direct procedure to augment screening for autism spectrum disorders in the community. En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1362361313487028 Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=237 L’évaluation psychomotrice de l’enfant TED : difficultés et aménagements / Camille FILLOL
Titre : L’évaluation psychomotrice de l’enfant TED : difficultés et aménagements Type de document : Texte imprimé et/ou numérique Auteurs : Camille FILLOL, Auteur Editeur : Toulouse [France] : Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse 3 Année de publication : 2008 Importance : 96 p. Format : 21cm x 29,7cm x 0,7cm Note générale : Bibliogr. Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Troubles Envahissants du Développement diagnostic bilan psychomoteur observation aménagements Index. décimale : DEV-B DEV-B - Développement - Généralités Résumé : Dans le cadre de l’évaluation diagnostique des Troubles Envahissants du Développement (autisme infantile, Syndrome d’Asperger, etc.) chez de jeunes enfants, le bilan psychomoteur
réalisé aura pour objectifs d’établir un profil de développement de l’enfant, afin d’étayer le diagnostic et d’orienter la prise en charge en psychomotricité éventuelle.
Toutefois, les troubles des interactions, de la communication et du comportement de ces enfants sont à considérer dans le déroulement de ce bilan.
Par l’observation de plusieurs bilans psychomoteurs d’enfants TED âgés de quatre à cinq ans, ce mémoire présente les difficultés rencontrées et les aménagements susceptibles de faciliter la réalisation d’une telle évaluation.Note de contenu : Mémoire de Diplôme d'Etat de Psychomotricien Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=131 L’évaluation psychomotrice de l’enfant TED : difficultés et aménagements [Texte imprimé et/ou numérique] / Camille FILLOL, Auteur . - Toulouse [France] : Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse 3, 2008 . - 96 p. ; 21cm x 29,7cm x 0,7cm.
Langues : Français (fre)
Mots-clés : Troubles Envahissants du Développement diagnostic bilan psychomoteur observation aménagements Index. décimale : DEV-B DEV-B - Développement - Généralités Résumé : Dans le cadre de l’évaluation diagnostique des Troubles Envahissants du Développement (autisme infantile, Syndrome d’Asperger, etc.) chez de jeunes enfants, le bilan psychomoteur
réalisé aura pour objectifs d’établir un profil de développement de l’enfant, afin d’étayer le diagnostic et d’orienter la prise en charge en psychomotricité éventuelle.
Toutefois, les troubles des interactions, de la communication et du comportement de ces enfants sont à considérer dans le déroulement de ce bilan.
Par l’observation de plusieurs bilans psychomoteurs d’enfants TED âgés de quatre à cinq ans, ce mémoire présente les difficultés rencontrées et les aménagements susceptibles de faciliter la réalisation d’une telle évaluation.Note de contenu : Mémoire de Diplôme d'Etat de Psychomotricien Permalink : https://www.cra-rhone-alpes.org/cid/opac_css/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=131 Exemplaires
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Mothers’ Parenting Behaviors in Families of School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Observational and Questionnaire Study / Hannah BOONEN in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45-11 (November 2015)
PermalinkParenting adolescents with ASD: A multimethod study / L. VAN ESCH in Autism Research, 11-7 (July 2018)
PermalinkAccueil du bébé et de sa famille, en groupe, en CMPI / Marie-Pierre DELAYE DELAJOUD in Thérapie psychomotrice et recherches, 178 (2014)
PermalinkContribution de L’équipe du Camsp du pays d’Auge à une réflexion sur la scolarisation à l’école maternelle des enfants à besoins spécifiques in Nouvelle Revue de l'AIS (La), 39 (Novembre 2007)
PermalinkPour une compréhension psychocorporelle de la médiation / Claire BERTIN in Thérapie psychomotrice et recherches, 186 (2020)